Pickup Rear-ends School Bus

April 5, 2012

One student was injured when a school bus was rear-ended by a pickup Wednesday afternoon on Pine Forest Road.

According to the Florida Highway Patrol, Hildred B. Harrelson, age 70, skidded 38 feet in her 1999 Ford pickup into the back of the bus, which was stopped to allow students to exit near Mandeville Lane.

There were 22 students on the bus at the time of the crash. One suffered a minor injury and was released to their parents.

Harrelson was transported to Sacred Heart Hospital by ambulance with minor injuries. A 15-year old passenger in her truck was not injured.

Harrelson was cited for careless driving by the FHP.


13 Responses to “Pickup Rear-ends School Bus”

  1. Michelle on April 9th, 2012 10:42 pm

    It’s not about anyones freedom of the open roads, Driving is not A RIGHT it is a previledge, and when you start to be irrisponsible then it should be taken away from you.

    I think re-testing evey 5 years or when you have to renue your licence. All drivers have their bad habits over time. And a refresher would help people see how far from driving laws they have gone. How many of you know the safe stopping distance in the rain?

    We just get complacent over time and all guilty of it.

  2. hmmmmmm on April 9th, 2012 7:42 pm

    And FYI they have to do this Yearly :)

  3. hmmmmmm on April 9th, 2012 7:41 pm

    My grandmother is 80 years old and still drives and has never had an accident. I have worked in the eye field for the past 11 years you have to take a test and have your VISION checked by an Optometrist or Opthamologist. They then sign the form or dont for the DMV… People of alll ages get distracted and cause wrecks. Not just senior citizens!!!!!!

  4. DC on April 7th, 2012 9:17 am

    seriously thinkin …….. I do agree maby starting at a certain age you have to go yearly to be re-tested to be able to drive…..things at age can change in a year

  5. seriously thinkin on April 7th, 2012 5:30 am

    ok, maybe it is wrong to demand people lose their driving licenses after a certain age. but i do believe they should have to take a driving test after a certain age, and then maybe yearly. because as age hits sometimes their instincts tend to fail them rather quickly. same as young people have to take a drivers test to get theirs. i recently had my car totaled by a sweet 84 year old woman, one month later she totaled sumone elses car. she was very easy to take a liking to, and had the best of intentions, but it still stands their needs to be precautions, what if she killed a child? dont take their independence away, but maybe test their ability to keep it.

  6. JM on April 6th, 2012 11:23 am

    How many innocent people do the elderly have to kill or injure before we take their driving privilege away.

    How many accidents have happened already this year total?
    How many were elderly and how many were not?

    Better Get your facts before you say all elderly need to lose their licenses,
    If the facts are checked and we take away the license of the group who
    have the worst driving records, it very well may be YOURS.

  7. Dallasmommy on April 6th, 2012 12:03 am

    OK if you think that people over the age of 65 should have their licenses taken away what about people under the age of 21 or 25….I mean come on people seriously quit being ignorant…my grandparents are almost 80 and still drive excellent as a matter of fact they drive better than us younger folks….so therefore if anyone needs their licenses taken away it should be the younger people!!!!!!

  8. DC on April 5th, 2012 4:03 pm

    first of all thank god noone was hurt bad..But my father is 77 years old and still drives better than most people on the road…..A lot of people are saying take their driving privelege away when you get to a (__) age but when you get to that age and yours is taken away you will say it is not fair and get mad if they wont let you keep driving. EVERY DRIVER IS DIFFERENT!

  9. EMD on April 5th, 2012 3:15 pm

    Tunes will change when the singers turn 65.

  10. Janice on April 5th, 2012 2:46 pm

    My parents are well into their 60s and have NOT had an accident! It could happen to ANYONE of ANY AGE who is distracted! I could see having our senior citizens retake a driving test at a certain age….but taking their keys is taking their life away, sheesh! Lighten up!

  11. Safebear on April 5th, 2012 1:22 pm

    Let’s ban everyone 65 and older from driving – when you get 65 and have to rely on someone to come get you and take you everywhere you will be complaining that you’re still able to drive. You will never look back at this post and blame yourself.

    Young people do the same as this lady did. My mom and dad are both in their 70’s and still driving and doing very well. We can all get distracted, no matter the age or the laws put in place to keep us from it.

  12. safe driver on April 5th, 2012 11:48 am

    How many innocent people do the elderly have to kill or injure before we take their driving privelege away? I was almost ran over by a senior citizen in a crown victoria recently. The elderly driver didn’t even seem to care that he almost killed me.

  13. Jimmy Hancock on April 5th, 2012 9:20 am

    Here we go again. A bright yellow bus aka rolling road hazard which has flashing red lights and is subject to stop anywhere. A 70 year old distracted driver or vision impaired. A bad combination, hope everyone involved is ok. Only two more months for those buses to be on the road.