Photos: Santa Rosa Spice, Bath Salt Crackdown

April 4, 2012

Authorities in Santa Rosa County executed two search warrants at businesses that were allegedly selling controlled substances commonly known as “spice” and “bath salts”.

The Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s Office, the Milton Police Department and the State Attorney’s Office executed the search warrants at Showcase Tobacco and Stackhouse Wholesale DVD’s Etc. on Dogwood Drive.

For a photo gallery of items seized, click here.

Santa Rosa County investigators said that numerous undercover purchases of controlled substances were made from both businesses over the past nine months. The substances were confirmed as being illegal “spice” and “bath salts” by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement.

No arrests have been made to date, but the Sheriff’s Office said the State Attorney’s Office will soon make a decision regarding any criminal charges.

The following items were seized, according to the Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s Office:

From Stackhouse Wholesale DVD’s, Etc. – 22 one gallon zip lock baggies (between 400 and 500 grams each) containing an herbal compound. The herbal compound, if sprayed with the synthetic cannabinoid compounds, would have a street value in excess of $1,000,000.00. The owner stated that the herbal compound had not yet been sprayed, however it will be sent to FDLE for testing. A small baggie of alleged Spice was also located, along with numerous containers that used to store Spice (still containing residue).

From Showcase Tobacco – When investigators arrived on scene, the owner stated that they no longer had any illegal substances present on the premises. The search revealed hundreds of packages of Spice (numerous brand names) located in a back room, which are known to be controlled substances per Florida statute. Hundreds of drug paraphernalia items were also seized that were for sale in the establishment. The estimated value of the seized property is approximately $50,000.


18 Responses to “Photos: Santa Rosa Spice, Bath Salt Crackdown”

  1. das on April 13th, 2012 9:01 am

    See the results of Salt and Spice first hand maybe you’ll change your mind. These drugs cause permanent brain damage, paranoia, aggression and heart failure,it is worse than METH. We are importing these drugs from India and Pakistain, these are extremely dangerous and change the personalities of those that use. Our tax $$’s are having to pay scientist to come up with additional strains of the chemicals to keep changing the laws. Florida currently has a law making 42 strains of the chemicals illegal, then the makers just change one component in chemical to fly under the radar. As of October 2012 new law will be passed changing to 142 strains of the chemical. If you have children (adult children as well) or grandchildren you need to know everything you can on this subject this is no laughing matter. Thank you Law Enforcement for these raids we need and will be seeing more of them.

  2. someguy on April 5th, 2012 3:12 pm

    What do the effects of spice have to do with legalizing marijuana? I have been an avid proponent of legalized marijuana for medical, industrial, and recreational uses LONG before this horrid abomination called ’spice’ ever hit the shelves. If you want to keep with the status quo I recommend you keep watching your Reefer Madness, FOX news, and taking every U.S. Government funded study for the 100% God’s honest truth instead of doing your own research and thinking for yourself. I bet if the Bible said marijuana was to be made use of there would be an uproar to make it legal again.

  3. Jimmy Williams on April 5th, 2012 11:26 am

    Until our younger generation sees for themselves the effects of things such as spice they will never quit barking the words “leagalize marijuana”. They will have to first see cardiovascular bombs that the medical community has been talking about for years. The only arguement I always hear is “you have never seen a guy high go rob somebody or kill people with his car” That is probabaly true, but I guess sleeping all day, missing work and killing a buffet one plate at a time is somehow a good thing?

    When your chest looks like you swallowed an m-80 right before it exploded maybe then they will speak from education not from addiction.

  4. uhhhhh on April 5th, 2012 10:48 am

    “somebody needs to inform these pigs that NOT ALL SPICE COMPOUNDS ARE ILLEGAL”

    Ever heard of such a thing as the Federal Analogue Act? The wording of the law is a little funny, but chances are with the addition of JWH-018, and CP-47,497, and HU-210 to the schedule 1 roster; almost every synthetic cannabinoid would fall under that act due to being both similar in effect and chemical make-up to a schedule 1 narcotic.

    Same with the MPDV, mephedrone, and methylone, aka bath salts.

    Also, if anyone thinks marijuana was made illegal because of it ‘being unsafe,’ research what William Randolph Hearst, the DuPont Company, and Andrew Mellon had to do with the legislation and how much money was at stake because of the hemp industry. Realize that marijuana has other uses than just being an intoxicant, and those specific reasons are why it is illegal; not the welfare of the people. Note that ‘hemp’ had been grown in the US long before these laws, and that ‘marihuana’ is what became illegal. They had to use a Spanish word not in the English vocabulary to demonize hemp because the general populace knew what hemp was. That would be like trying to make something we all know and love illegal by saying “Have you heard of this demon called KA’HAWA? (arabic for coffee) The terrorists drink it and it makes them go mad. BAN IT!”

  5. 429SCJ on April 5th, 2012 5:59 am

    As long as alcohol is legal, people will scoff at the absurdity of pot being illegal. The justice department is trying to walk both sides of the street. I suggest you research key players in the liquor industry and see where the money and power are connected, who benefits? I am sure men such as Edgar Broffmann, Time Warner/Segrams Liquors, would have no objection to making alcohol illegal, for a better society. The truth may not set you free, but you should know it anyway.

  6. Jacob Thompson on April 4th, 2012 9:46 pm

    OMG… somebody needs to inform these pigs that NOT ALL SPICE COMPOUNDS ARE ILLEGAL. i’m almost certain that this i just a political stunt performed by the FDLE. knowing how police work, they likely don’t care if the products are illegal or not. nor do they care whether or not they confiscating thousands of dollars worht of glassware unfairly.

  7. Rick on April 4th, 2012 3:17 pm

    I am in a panic…………..I see they are cracking down on spice, but PLEASE, for the love of all that is good, leave the Lemon Pepper and the Lawry’s Seasoning Salt alone………MY GRILLED CHICKEN WOULD NEVER BE THE SAME!!!!!!!

  8. paul on April 4th, 2012 2:29 pm

    I gotta a kick how they made this sound like such an evil drug but they left the cigarettes and alcohol on the shelf.. I guess they don’t have a good enough lobbyist to get their drug approved like the other companies do..

  9. century on April 4th, 2012 1:35 pm

    question/??? is it against the law in escambia county fl?? if it is they need to check the stores here..

  10. me!! on April 4th, 2012 12:34 pm

    i hope they get rid of it all i have a 6 year old that is elem school i get on my facebook and i read a message that some kids were passing out crystal meth that looked and was packaged like pop rocks srawberry and chocolate flavor wth i just dont know what this world is coming down to i have an opinion about this spice and bath salts this crapt is making these people crazy i had a close friend and relative on this spice and whenever theyre out of it theyre acting like a crack feen ciesars this is ridulous for u people to agree with it!!!!!!BAN IT!!!it is just as bad as illegal just in a cute bag or jar!!

  11. EMS MEDIC on April 4th, 2012 12:14 pm

    As a Paramedic in the area I have seen the results of ingesting these unknown substances. At least once a week I am transporting someone to the ER from the use of “bath salts” and “spice” , so much so that we are now developing a medical protocol for these designer drugs. Here is just a piece of a article taken from (Journal of Emergency Medicine) on the effects of “bath salts”.

    “In a recent multi-agency study conducted in Michigan over a four-month period, patients were found to have a median age of 28-years old, had almost all abused other drugs in tandem with bath salts, and most commonly presented with agitation and tachycardia (1). Alarmingly, approximately half of these ED visits resulted in the need for hospital admission, including several to the intensive care unit for various cardiovascular symptomology and rhabdomyolysis, generally defined as the uncontrolled breakdown of striated muscle causing a release of myoglobin.”

    “In addition to the dangerous psychological side effects, users will likely present with diaphoresis, hyperthermia, tachycardia and hypertension. It’s important to note that the cardiovascular status of these patients is fragile and can be misleading. In addition to the risk of arrhythmia and infarction, these patients can have orthostatic hypotension or complete cardiovascular collapse. Aggressive monitoring is necessary to keep up with any changes that may occur.”


  12. DAGB on April 4th, 2012 11:41 am

    As Molino-Anon stated you have to stay educated with what’s going on. Almost 99% of this Crap comes from overseas. Bath salts, spice, and now another synthetic drug known as plant food, plant fertili’s’er is out there. This bull of legalize and tax marijuana because its natural makes no sense either. It alters your NATURAL way of thinking like the rest of it so?

  13. Molino-Anon on April 4th, 2012 9:16 am

    @Bobby, sorry to burst any ideas you may have. I’m not a user thanks… I educate myself with what is going on at my back door. I have also studied everything there is to know about America and it’s “war on drugs.”

    The more I know the more my children know, and if you’re a parent that does not keep up with what your children could be exposed to, then well… that’s your prerogative.

  14. JM on April 4th, 2012 8:16 am

    Certainly it is all out of control. This mind set that mom and pop shops don’t
    have a clue what their selling……now that is wrong. My daughter has seen
    them pull things out from under the counters to sell something they are not supposed
    to have on the shelves. Mom and Pop shops that are still around know exactly
    what they are doing, that’s why they are still around when so many others have
    lost their butts… Some of them can barely speak English but they know how to
    make a BUCK.

    Bookem danno -

  15. Bobby on April 4th, 2012 8:14 am

    So huh, You think making something legal will help. Like alcohol??? Yes, we never hear of any problems stemming from alcohol use. And you would be fine with your kids smoking and/or using “legal” drugs? Get real!
    And Molino-anon, you sound like you know alot about this stuff…maybe an upset user??? If you are so concerned, report these sellers to the authorities instead of just whining about. I think alot of this crap comes from overseas so we should invade China over some spice? Let’s take care of our problems at home first.

  16. 429SCJ on April 4th, 2012 6:54 am

    A good point Huh, but what about the people in the production and distribution process. There are persons in this county that have put siblings and children through college, even doctorate programs, through the sale of pot. The pot industry is a machine. Dealers and distributors make money, lawyers make money, Law Enforcement recieves huge funding to fight the war. Yes people go to jail, but the gods require a sacrifice now and then, the machine rolls on. Legalization, would kill the machine.

  17. huh on April 4th, 2012 4:57 am

    Legalize marijuana and tax it, and you won’t have this problem. The formula for this stuff just changes each time they ban it. Its going to be unstoppable.

    But rather than kids be on un-natural chemicals, marijuana is perfectly natural.

    Bottom line is people are going to do whatever they want legal or not. We might as well encourage natural options

  18. Molino-Anon on April 4th, 2012 2:49 am

    “if sprayed with the synthetic cannabinoid compounds, would have a street value in excess of $1,000,000.00.”

    IF sprayed, which it wasn’t, so not worth a mill, worth more like $50,000 or much much less just like the other business. Leave it to the cops to over inflate the issue and throw in a few “if’s” to make it seem like they’ve done something and to make it sound like the seizures are more than it is.

    This stuff is commonly sold in 6-10gram containers valued at $9.95-$10.00, unlike the photo above showing a 10gram bag for $85.00 which is insanely rare and not the proper value for ALL the “brands.”

    There are dozens if not 100’s more mom & pop gas stations, and tobacco shops that carry this stuff in the panhandle… It’s all over the place… and unless it contains the chemicals JWH-018, JWH-073, CP-47,497, JWH-200, and cannabicyclohexanol, then these “herbal incense” are not illegal and only those chemicals listed above was made illegal March 1st, 2011. The cops need to go after the companies manufacturing the product still containing those chemicals NOT the mom & pop stores selling it. I can almost bet my last dollar a vast majority of these mom & pop shops have NO IDEA what the chemical compounds are in these “herbal incense” packages. They only know it’s popular, it sells, and it makes the store money. Yet the people manufacturing this stuff knows what is legal and illegal.

    Why were there no arrests? Because even the cops don’t know which ones were legal or illegal and if the cops don’t know and need it tested/analyzed, then how in the heck are the mom & pop ran shops supposed to know!?