Motorcyclist Critically Injured In Byrneville Crash

April 13, 2012

A 24-year old male was critically injured in a motorcycle wreck this afternoon in Byrneville.

The accident happened about 2:10 p.m on West Highway 4 just east of Byrneville Road. The male apparently lost control while eastbound on Highway 4 and ran off onto the shoulder. The rider was thrown from the motorcycle, which traveled a considerable distance after leaving the roadway, leaving debris scattered over hundreds of feet of a ditch.

The motorcyclist, who was wearing a helmet, was reported to be found unconscious by a witness. He was airlifted as a “trauma alert” to a Pensacola hospital.

Further details have not been released; the accident is under investigation by the Florida Highway Patrol.

Escambia County EMS, Escambia County Fire-Rescue and the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office also responded to the crash.

Pictured top: A motorcyclist was airlifted to a Pensacola hospital following a wreck in Byrneville Friday afternoon. Pictured below: The motorcycle broke apart in the crash. Pictured below: Debris was scattered over a long stretch of the roadway. The motorcycle can be seen behind and to the right of the ambulance in this photo. photos, click to enlarge.


24 Responses to “Motorcyclist Critically Injured In Byrneville Crash”

  1. the rider and his family on April 17th, 2012 8:27 pm

    thank u so much to all of our family and friends those that we know and the ones that we dont know for your prayers and help when we needed them and a very special thanks to all who were there at the time that it happened

  2. Thom on April 17th, 2012 7:35 pm

    I believe that all of us can be more than pretty sure the helmet helped to save his life. I’m all about riding…just can’t understand WHY anyone would ride without a helmet. To me, that’s just insane! Sure, it feels good, the wind and freedom and all that, but that one time…wow…if only I (he, she, they) had been wearing that dad-gone pestky helmet. Riders…please be safe for your own selves. Those bumper stickers that say “Look twice, Motorcycles are every where” don’t help when the bike goes down for whatever reason. It doesn’t matter who is at fault…that head hits that asphalt, tree, concrete…whatever it hits, it’s gonna hurt….you, me, you and everybody else that cares about you.

    Ride free…ride safe…stay alive

  3. rn northend on April 16th, 2012 10:18 pm

    @AB- Do you realize how far the nearest trauma center is from this part of the county. Obviously NOT. When someone is considered a trauma, they need the quickest and most help possible. Have you ever heard of the “Golden Hour?” I am very proud of the service the Bird provides to this end. I would hate to know that my loved one died because they couldn’t get to a trauma center fast enough. Your comment showed your ignorance. I will pray for you. A life is more precious than money will ever be. Thanks to all who volunteer and are paid to provide service to the North Escambia. From an ER RN who does not care how the bill is paid as long as the patient in need is taken care of and the number one priority.

    Prayers to the victims family

  4. C>P on April 16th, 2012 4:35 pm

    I am glad hes gonna be okay i seen him and was sitting on the crotch rocket jus a few hours before he wrecked :/ Life sure can change in the blink of an eye….Praying for you boy

  5. sissy on April 15th, 2012 8:07 pm

    thank you guys for the support my brother is fine 2 broke ribs and staples in his shoulder he was very lucky to have survived and been with this little damage to his self although he is in pain he still alive and there is a reason for this.. i have never been so scared in my life… but so happy god had my brother in his hands cause it couldve been so muchh worse considering had bad the bike is and the little damge he got i am thankful he is still here…

    ab i had another comment for you but it wouldnt let me post now is a time for us to be thankful for these men and women who help save my brother and i wish this upon no one.. but id rather my tax dollars goin to saving lives instead of these wars and killing people but with money grubbers like you out there this would will never change for the better when a person used to help a person just to be nice now these people think they have to get somthing in return wheres your heart or do you have one this world needs more kind people maybe it would be a better place because this man is a brother a son a grandson and an uncle he has family who love him and would do anything for him so before speak next time remember before you speak next we are all people who could live with out this sorry selfish attitude but thank you for caring some after you did take an interest in this post and you did give attention so thank you and have a good day :)

  6. stacey on April 14th, 2012 5:42 pm

    Ab, god forbid you or your family need assistance in a medical emergency. How shallow minded can you be. Prayer goes out to the victim and his family.

  7. David Huie Green on April 14th, 2012 9:50 am

    By the way William, very good picture

  8. just saying on April 14th, 2012 9:39 am

    I don’t know who this was but I hope he is ok! Such a scary time for the family involved! Especially to find out via the internet that their loved one was injured! But good job William in notifiying everyone!

    And— AB. I would like to visit where you live, it must be a grand place where no one ever needed any assistance, no one was ever down on their luck, and there must not be any crime, or drugs, child abuse, single parents struggling, or heck even honest working 2 income families just trying to get by on their incomes because the price of living keeps going up and raises aren’t being given, oh and not to mention the magical unicorns that must graze under gilded suns while pixies dance on rainbows!

    Get over yourself AB – while I too hate that my tax dollars go to some very questionable things sometimes (yes I work full time, and my husband has a full time job as well just in case you were wondering. We are not now or have we ever been on assistance) I also know that there are some very very ligitimate people who need assistanace, God help you if you every have a tragedy in your life and need some help. It must be nice to be independantly wealthy or whatever you are so that you know you will never have to be a “unfed medicaid” person! Or maybe just need some help oneday. I wish I was psychic and could tell that nothing bad would ever happen in my life. Maybe you will never have to be on any assistance, but you should think twice about posting ignorant comments on the internet and avoid sounding like a ………. (I’m sure you are educated enough to finish that sentence)

  9. Rhonda on April 14th, 2012 9:09 am

    Shame on you. That helicopter is to save lives any lives including yours.

  10. courtney nicole on April 14th, 2012 6:27 am

    i am so glad he is ok. This is my cousin. I would appreciate it if people had more respect for him. I am praying for him. N i hope he gets better soon. Yall keep me updated since i cant be there. I love yall.

  11. sissy on April 13th, 2012 11:50 pm

    and thank you all for your support and prayers i was so scared my brother was goin to die today my 3yr old sone asked me if his uncle was dead i was so scared he was n i wouldnt have knew how to explain it to him his uncle has died but i am so thankful for the life flight the ambulance the woman who called it in and the police who got there and thank you god for not letting it be any worse and letting my kids see there uncle my brothers my sister my parents grand parents friends and family see him to live another thank you all

  12. just me on April 13th, 2012 11:26 pm

    I get it a.b. But as you see a lot of people don’t.they seem to think that $5000.00 plus dollar ride is free.its worth every penny of it but the $’s do get spread out to every one who works in one way or the other.I like you am glad its available and hope this guy will get well soon,but with the way things are going this kind of service will half to end along with a lot of other entitlements. Bankrupt gov, state and county.soon to get worse.

  13. S.L.B on April 13th, 2012 10:15 pm

    I am very thankful that this young man will be okay…this could’ve ended up way much worse.

    I live on West Hwy. 4 in Bratt and almost everyday there is a young man that flies by at a very high rate of speed on his crotch rocket motorcycle and I have often thought to myself, one day I’m going to be reading about him on Not saying this is the young man that I have seen, but then again, he very well may be?

    To AB: Your comment was very rude!

  14. Willene on April 13th, 2012 10:11 pm

    Prayer’s for this young man and his family. I also agree with Kim. You can’t replace a life but you can help someone when they are down and not worry about how a bill is going to be paid are by who.

  15. #ohplease# on April 13th, 2012 8:18 pm

    Praying for a speedy and full recovery!

    May God be with all the families who have experienced tragedy this week.

  16. Grave digger by trade on April 13th, 2012 8:17 pm

    I see motorcyclist weaving in and out of traffic and passing folks all the time and wonder what in the world they are thinking.

    I am starting to think all those “look twice for motorcycles” bumper stickers are meant to keep those of us on four-wheels safe.

  17. Kim on April 13th, 2012 7:52 pm

    I am so outraged by AB’s comment. Just to let you know just because we live on the Northend does not mean we are “medicaid”!!! I guarantee if you get to digging for information from wherever you are from there would be as many. I think your comment should have been a little more compassionate. This is someones son and this is not the time to make your negative comments about the Northend. I am for one proud to be from this area and I’m so thankful this boy was blessed and will be o.k.

  18. David Huie Green on April 13th, 2012 7:30 pm

    glad he made it

    David for living motorcyclists

  19. joe on April 13th, 2012 6:53 pm

    i talked to my cousin his aunt she said he got 2 broke ribs and some road rash they gona keep him 2 to 3 days and send him home

  20. AB on April 13th, 2012 6:53 pm

    North end of the of the county really keeps that helicopter working. I just hope it not a bunch of unfunded medicaid bills the tax payers will have to pick up..

  21. Safebear on April 13th, 2012 5:34 pm

    Seems like they need to base the chopper in Century.

  22. Daphne on April 13th, 2012 5:09 pm

    Please pray for him he is my nephew!!! Thanks William for posting this, this is how my brother found were he son was !!! they was looking for him!!!But didnt know he had got into a wreak until they was looking on here about the train wreak today!! He is 24!!! I will not give a name right now but we are praying he will be okay.

  23. people-r-crazy on April 13th, 2012 4:42 pm

    Praying!! Life flight has visited the north end way to much this past week, drive safe everyone!!

  24. JH on April 13th, 2012 4:07 pm

    WOW, William, you are all over the place this week. Be careful and I hope the driver will be OK.