Lawyer: Century Can’t De-Annex Resident Claiming Slavery, Discrimination

April 3, 2012

The Town of Century can’t de-annex the property of a woman that claims she is the victim of slavery and discrimination based upon the town limits drawn 33 years ago.

Leola Robinson, a resident of of 350 West Highway 4, claimed at a late March Century Town Council meeting that her nearby “farm” was wrongly annexed into the town back in 1979 when other farmland belonging to white property owners was not.

“It is slavery and discrimination,” Robinson told the council on March 19.  “It must be because I am black.”

Matt Dannheisser, the town’s attorney, said Monday night that Robinson’s property cannot be removed from the town limits because it would leave other parcels of property non-contiguous — essentially cut off from the town.

Robinson alleged discrimination again at Monday’s night meeting of the Century Town Council.

“I don’t think they were fair,” Robinson said of the town limits drawn in 1979. “They were discrimination to me.” Robinson is continuing to ask Century to remove her property from the town limits.

“Right now, it’s not legal,” council President Ann Brooks said Monday night.

The council has taken no action on Robinson’s request.

Pictured: Leola Robinson claims that her property was wrongly annexed into the Town of Century 33 years ago. photo, click to enlarge.


26 Responses to “Lawyer: Century Can’t De-Annex Resident Claiming Slavery, Discrimination”

  1. H Kearney on April 4th, 2012 10:26 pm

    This is nothing new to the town council. Mrs Robinson brought attention to this issue in 1979. When it was brought to the town council’s attention in 1979, Mrs. Robinson was told it would be looked into at a later time. The council never looked into the matter or took it seriously. They didn’t listen to her in 1979 and they are not listening to her now. The only thing Mrs. Robinson wants is for her property to be treated the same as others. Whatever happened to fairness where everyone is treated equally? Mrs. Robinson continues to bring up the issue at town council meetings and has been frustrated for years.

    Furthermore, Mrs. Robinson doesn’t need any coaching as this matter has been ongoing for years. This definitely needs to be fully investigated. If you don’t stand for something, then you’ll fall for anything. Mrs. Robinson, please keep standing.

  2. Panhandlepix on April 4th, 2012 6:12 pm

    Why did this person wait THIRTY THREE years to protest. I’ll bet she had some coaching.

  3. Panhandlepix on April 4th, 2012 6:10 pm

    I suppose this citizen will have to find something else to cry discrimination and racist about. If certain individuals don,t get their way it’s always racist or discrimination on other individuals part. Garbage!

  4. David Huie Green on April 4th, 2012 10:02 am

    “a person cannot be considered racist because of his color,”

    It isn’t the color of the person, it’s the attitude of the person. Those who see everything in terms of race are racists, by definition. Quite often race WAS the primary factor, but until that is proven, it is an assumption based on race, again racism on the part of the assumer.

    David for truth

  5. Democratevoter on April 4th, 2012 9:35 am

    The President of these Unite States of America has declared that “racial profiling” is not to be in this nation. Therefore, a person cannot be considered racist because of his color, whether white, black, red, yellow, green, pink, or purple. Stand behind our President, racism is dead in this country!

  6. JM on April 4th, 2012 8:50 am

    This issue should have been looked at for her years ago, or maybe she should
    have screamed years ago but…….maybe she wasn’t as strong a woman as she
    is now. I don’t know anything about town annexations, but I would think if they
    just annexed a few people at that time and this woman was against the annexation
    then why was she not left out of it. OH that’s right because others who wanted the
    annexation for their land are on the other side of her. SO it would seem WHAT
    that they annexed this black woman’s land so they could annex the whites that
    wanted annexed, if that is the case then she sounds right to me. If everyone
    who was annexed and voted to be annexed was black then she just got caught
    in the cross fire.

    All I have always known about anything IS life is just about choices and negotiations.
    You all know what negotiations are don’t you? That’s where you tell someone what
    YOU need and they tell you what THEY need and you meet in the MIDDLE NOT out
    in LEFT FIELD.

    Somebody ask this Senior Citizen if there is some compromise that could make
    her happy and then see if you can do that for her, or DID you all just try to RUN
    RIGHT OVER THE OLD GAL. I would like know if you did…. was that because
    she was to late, to old or ……to BLACK as the old gal claims.

    Somebody get in there and figure this out, all this fuss and talk about
    slavery over this one little old woman, bringing up all these old hatred issues is just
    terrible We look like a bunch a bigoted schmucks to the outside world you know
    that don’t you? So much for the Bible Belt theory, we don’t have the vaguest idea
    what JESUS would do!

  7. David Huie Green on April 4th, 2012 5:35 am

    “I guess it wasn’t racism when Mrs. Robinson’s property was zoned residential while white property owners with the same type property in the same locality obtained a classification of “farmland” for their property. This seems like racism, discrimination, and unfairness to me. ”

    You’re right. If the only explanation you can imagine for everything not being exactly identical is racism, then THAT is definitely racism.

    David for open minds

  8. Darius on April 3rd, 2012 9:23 pm

    You just proved that there is racism. It comes in all colors.Don’t it?
    Mrs. Robinson is not standing for right or wrong, she just doesn’t like the zoning. There are ways to have properties re-zoned legally without making it a slavery issue. Developers all over the country do it all the time.
    If she had not said what she said, would we know whether she was black or white?

  9. Nate Smith on April 3rd, 2012 8:30 pm

    This has everything to do with race. I am so tired of people saying there is no racism in this country. You must be kidding me! You just continue to bury your head in the sand as if there was no racism around you. I guess it wasn’t racism when unarmed Trayvon Martin was killed in 2012.

    I guess it wasn’t racism when Mrs. Robinson’s property was zoned residential while white property owners with the same type property in the same locality obtained a classification of “farmland” for their property. This seems like racism, discrimination, and unfairness to me. Mrs. Robinson’s property should have been dealt with in the same manner as the other properties. Every time someone black stands up for what is right, someone has to criticize and call it wrong. Mrs. Robinson is calling it just what it is.

    Mrs. Robinson, please continue to stand up for what is right. You are definitely right on this issue.

  10. Barack Reagan on April 3rd, 2012 7:18 pm

    This has nothing to do with slavery, but I’ll bet it has everything to do with senility.

  11. David Huie Green on April 3rd, 2012 6:46 pm

    “What this does is trivialize legitimate racial issues.”

    Such as?

    David wondering

  12. Mike on April 3rd, 2012 5:04 pm

    Hmm…I’m confused. This can only be about increased property tax or service taxes because the property is considered within city limits, correct? I’m just guessing here, but it seems no one begins complaining unless something costs them extra. This has got to be at the root of this.

  13. Just looking on April 3rd, 2012 4:48 pm

    Good grief, always the race card. Never fails to try to get out of something.

  14. Sandra on April 3rd, 2012 2:21 pm

    Using “the race card” has now become the cop out of minorities to pass the blame of their shortcomings onto others. Clearly Mrs. Robinson should have taken up this issue 33 years ago when her grievances would have had some semblance of merit, instead, she procrastinated and has now choosen to come forward to voice her distaste by claiming slavery,racism and by using all of the key words that have come to be the new age “yelling fire in a crowded theatre”. Anytime someone uses these words now it is the tornado siren and all non minorities must put aside all normal business or face the likes of the Rev (lol) Al Sharpton , Jesse Jackson, and a host of other bottom feeders who make their living by creating, yes creating, racial divides. Makes me sick to my stomach.

  15. Jessica on April 3rd, 2012 11:37 am

    People do still suffer for their race, that is a fact. I look forward to a day when that is no longer true. Racial injustices are not to be taken lightly. If a person is truly discriminated against because of their race (whatever race that may be), they should be allowed to come forward and have their concerns addressed. Unfortunately, situations like this just ensure that legitimate concerns are scoffed at and labeled as “playing the race card”.

  16. Darius on April 3rd, 2012 9:45 am

    Mrs. Robinson’s stupid comments stir racial tensions and I have had enough of it. When things don’t go your way, just say “it cause I black” , and everyone who is affraid of being called a racist will treat you special.
    The “race card” pushes back the progress that we have made so far toward equallity. And look who’s pushing it.

  17. CW on April 3rd, 2012 9:29 am

    There was an article here where someone complained that “white people don’t come to the town meetings”, well it’s probably because they don’t want to listen to silly stuff like this.

  18. jack on April 3rd, 2012 8:48 am

    What this does is trivialize legitimate racial issues.

  19. SICKOFMORONS on April 3rd, 2012 7:27 am

    First of all, I agree with all the comments made on this article, I am also so sick and tired of the race thing being thrown, and better yet, where in the heck did slavery come into this…..and why if this was unfair and not right in her eyes why did she wait until 2012 to address it? Everything I have I worked my butt off for it, and when I didn’t get something, say unable to finance a house or car due to my income, I didn’t say it was because I am white that I didn’t get it, it was because my income and credit SUCKED!!!!! So I worked harder and saved and now own a home and a car……noone in this country should be discriminated against for any reason, race, sex, religion, etc…WE ALL have the same opportunities for work and education…take those opportunities and make something of yourself and quit whining!!!!! Thanks..

  20. Be Fair on April 3rd, 2012 7:20 am

    If Mrs Robinson was treated unfairly then it should be made right. But I am getting tired of everything being racial. I work with a lady that makes everything you say to her racist. Someone told her she couldn’t do something, its racial. Please just the facts

  21. Be fair on April 3rd, 2012 6:21 am

    WHY is it always “Racial” when things don’t go the way people want them to go?
    No matter what the deal is, and if it doesn’t go the way a person thinks it should then blame it on the race card.
    Can’t get a job…….blame it on race.
    Can’t get a house…..blame it on race.
    I am so sick and tired of the race card.
    Try school, try education, try getting something fair, try working hard for what you want.
    I, myself have struggled and saved so I could become a small business owner, and never ONCE felt like the government owed me anything.
    Never once asked for anything FREE! Never once thought anything was OWED to me. And once I do get off the ground you can believe that I won’t forget how I got there and will give back to my community. We are ALL Gods children, we need to start acting like it :) God Bless everyone!

  22. Avis on April 3rd, 2012 6:19 am

    “Leola Robinson claims that her property was wrongly annexed into the Town of Century 33 years ago”

    That would have been the time to raise concerns. Why do people think they can bring nonsense issues before the town council? Expecting some kind of “settlement?”

  23. Jane on April 3rd, 2012 6:15 am

    Annexation has nothing to do with being black or white or any other race! This is based on votes taken and on the way the law reads. I am tired of the “race card” being played everytime someone doesn’t like the law. If you don’t like the law, work to make changes in it!

  24. matt on April 3rd, 2012 6:05 am

    I can’t believe that her plea of “they were discrimination to me” feel on deaf hears … I guess good old fashion linguistics are not what they use to be…

  25. local resident on April 3rd, 2012 5:49 am

    Really lady? If that was the issue, wouldn’t have made since to say something 33 years ago?? You’re just pulling black card because you have nothing to stand on.

  26. M on April 3rd, 2012 4:13 am

    Should have said something in “79.This race thing where you claim everything that happens to you because your black is getting reeeeeaal boring. It’s old and wore out.