Identities Released: Clerk, Robber Both Dead After Store Shootout

April 24, 2012

The identities have been released of a  clerk and a robber both killed in a shootout at an Escambia County store Monday evening.

Shortly after 5 p.m., 33-year-old Joshua Levi Hilton of Pensacola entered the AC Grocery at the intersection of Pace Boulevard and Godfrey Street and robbed store clerk Terra Denise Fountain, age 41, at gunpoint, according to investigators.

During the robbery, Fountain retrieved a firearm, and both exchanged gunfire inside the store. Hilton managed to flee the store on foot, but collapsed a short distance away. Hilton was still clutching the gun and money he had taken, according to the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office. He died a short time later at a local hospital.

Fountain was pronounced dead at the scene.

There were no other suspects in the robbery, the Sheriff’s Office said.

Nearly two hours after the shooting, dozens of onlookers were still at the scene, watching as crime scene technicians processed evidence. Deputies stood watch, keeping the onlookers back from crime scene tape surrounding the parking lot of the small store.  One of the glass windows of the store was shattered.

For a photo gallery from the scene, click here.

Pictured top: Both a robber and store clerk died in a shootout at the AC Grocery on Pace Boulevard Monday evening. Pictured inset: An Escambia County Sheriff’s Office investigator works inside the store following the shootings. Pictured below: A crime scene technician (left) gathers evidence near a shattered window in the small grocery store. photos, click to enlarge.


40 Responses to “Identities Released: Clerk, Robber Both Dead After Store Shootout”

  1. Ginia Haney on October 13th, 2018 12:02 pm

    I knew Josh very well, I lived with him for several years. I loved him with all my heart. He was my dad. I would have never thought of him to do this. I was only 7 at the time and only knew that my dad was gone. I’m 13 now and am very curious (as all teens) As i’m reading some of these other comments, they are calling him a “thug” Joshua Hilton was no thug, he wasn’t close to a thug. He was a loving dad, friend, husband, son and all of the above. I would go to work with him sometimes and I always remember listing to “no weapon”. i used to love that song so he would play it over and over and over again. He was a wonderful singer as i remember. I’m still very confused on why he made this decision that would harm himself and another. My heart goes out to her family to. I remember hearing a lot of rumors but i’m not gonna bring those up. Just to all the people that are hating on my dad, he was a wonderful person that just made a horrible, horrible mistake. I love you so much,
    your daughter,

  2. Chris on August 13th, 2017 1:25 am

    I went to Warrington Middle with Josh. He was a nice guy and a good friend. I googled his name after all these years and I’m in disbelief at what I just read. I just cannot believe he did this. It had to have been drugs. There’s no way he was lucid. RIP

  3. ron davis on December 20th, 2016 8:18 am

    I knew Terra well!!! We met back in 1990 we O was stationed in Pensacola n remained friends through the years. There was not and will not be a more beautiful and kind person. U r truly missed!!!

  4. Kathy Norwood on April 22nd, 2014 1:20 pm

    Joshua Hilton was my son. He wasn’t a thug. Josh was raised in church and went to church most of his life. He sung in church, he would pray for people on the street, and he would help anybody he could if he was able. I myself as his mother never believed that he would ever do anything like this and he wouldn’t have, if he wasn’t hanging with the wrong person. From what his wife told me Josh had been up for 3 days running with the wrong person. Josh loved his wife, his kids, me and his 2 sisters. I had just lost my husband, 3 yrs prior, and my mom the same yr. Josh got killed. Josh spoke at moms funeral and done a wonderful job. I have met the victims family and my heart goes out to them all, It’s sad to loose either of these two. They both loved the Lord, and I hope and pray that Josh was able to say something to the Lord before he left us. I know the clerk was close to God also. I know it was all about not being able to make it in the cruel world. Josh had also tried to commit suicide a couple of times before in his lifetime, I love you son, and I’m so sorry that your life had to end this way. MOM!

  5. Jane D. on April 29th, 2012 3:11 am

    I knew Josh and it breaks my heart that he chose to make this tragic decision. I’ve read so much about what a wonderful person Ms. Fountain was. My prayers are with her family. I pray that they are comforted, as well as Josh’s family. Josh was a kind person and I’ve tried a million times to wrap my mind around what brought him to this. I’ve seen the word “thug” used several times to describe Josh but that’s not who he was at all. He obviously had his faults, especially one final fault that would claim the life of himself as well as another. I just wish you all could have learned about Josh under different circumstances. It’s clear who’s at fault but that doesn’t change our hurt. Prayers for both families are in order.

  6. Candy on April 29th, 2012 1:34 am

    My prayers are with both familes i do not know the clerk but i knew Joshua very well. The man that did this is not the person i knew. Like someone had said he was a precher and would give you the shirt off his back if you needed it. He helped me through a bad time in my life. He wouldnt judge anyone like he is being judge now. It is a tragedy that this happened n inocent lives where taken too soon but he was not a thug or raceist in no means. He was a kind loving person that made a very bad decesion that endly badly. He had a family as well and my heart goes out to both his and the clerks family as this is truly goin to be hard on both. It realy shows how bad times are getting when good people are takin from us like this. My prayers go out to both families and freinds.

  7. Sarah on April 28th, 2012 10:00 am

    I knew Josh Hilton and when I knew him he wasn’t this kind of man. Josh used to be a preacher and would always try to be a helping hand. I did not know the Josh Hilton who so selfishly took this innocent woman’s life and my prayers go out to that family. I can say for a fact that this was not a racial incident by any means because Josh’s wife is in fact a very confused and distrought black woman
    No one knows what circumstances brought him to this horrible act and it doesn’t justify either way. I will say that both families need and deserve prayers the clerk was a mother and the robber was a father. There are innocent lives hanging in the balance on both sides of this turmoil.

  8. Michelle on April 26th, 2012 10:34 pm

    To the family of Ms. Fountain. I’m sorry that something like this fallen on you.
    GOD Bless and bring peace to your heart. RIP

  9. Patriot on April 25th, 2012 12:35 pm

    Let’s not mince words, it doesn’t matter who “drew” first, or who fired the first shot, Joshua was in the process of committing armed robbery, which justifies deadly force. There is only one victim here, the other is a deceased suspect.

  10. One Of The Few on April 25th, 2012 11:06 am

    To Chris:
    Your post was very heartfelt. We do not always know what our family or friends are capable of. You stated this act was done out of desperation. I do not doubt this at all, with the economic situation we all find ourselves in today. But, thank goodness the majority of us choose to deal with the situation in a different manner. We will probably never know who drew on who first or who fired the first shot. All we know is, he was wrong for what he done and now 2 people are dead because of it. My heart goes out to you and the clerks family and friends. It is a TRUE tragedy for everyone involved.
    I found your post to be very noble and honest. Not only were you concerned for your friend (or family member), but you also expressed sympathy for the victim and her son. It shows what a kindhearted person you are. May God be with you, your family and friends as well as with the victims.

  11. Chris on April 25th, 2012 8:28 am

    I’m just wanting to say that my heart goes out to the family of the clerk. I didn’t know her family, but from what I’ve heard, she didn’t deserve this. I am, however very close to the criminal in this incident. While I don’t disagree with any of the viewpoints many has had, I do know that this was out of desperation. I can say that we (robber and myself) did not grow up this way or was taught to do these kind of things. I would have never imagined that he would have done this. I do know that he leaves behind a wonderful wife, two kids, and other family that are just as confused as to why this has happened. If you had known him like we did you wouldn’t have considered him a thug, just someone trying to cope for his family in this economy. This being said, this family has lost a son, father, uncle, and brother and it is unfortunate. Even more so, this community has lost what some would call an angel. To Mr. Green ( the clerk’s son), I don’t even have the words to contend or console you in this most tragic lost to you and yours. I hope that one day you may find peace in your heart to forgive him for taking away your world and love, and that this undeserved nightmare doesn’t make your heart bitter or full of hate. May your mothers’ love and angelic qualities continue in you.

  12. dee from the b.p on April 24th, 2012 8:13 pm

    this is so terrible despite age, race or religion, what matters is that this is right at home, our small towns are becoming more tragic then big cities. please people, stop all of this. lets go back to being proud of our home, and our people. geesh, and it makes the tragedy even worse when people always have to make things about something that its not, it seems selfish and like grasping for attention. grow the heck up!

    *shakes head*

  13. baebae on April 24th, 2012 8:02 pm

    And the moral of the story is….dont take whats rightfully not yours…..and dont fight for something that belongs rightfully to someone else

  14. Cantonment on April 24th, 2012 6:36 pm

    Sign of the times?? I guess “The times” have been near for a very long time. No one deserved to die in this situation. The “thug” deserved time behind bars.

  15. God bless you on April 24th, 2012 5:59 pm

    Thank you for standing up for yourself. Thank you for defending what is yours and not allowing someone else to take it from you. Only if more individuals in this community stood up for themselves and refused to hand over what they worked so hard for. This community has sat back too long and allowed thugs to take what is ours away from us. Soft hearted individuals in this community have allowed these criminals who are lucky enough to walk away from the crime they committed to enter into a life of ease. Currently in this community there is a culture that glorifies the life of crime. When are we in this community going to hold those accountable for keeping us safe. When these thugs are sent to jail, they re-enter into an environment where they are given more rights than the victims. Make jail tougher and make it a deterrent for people thinking of committing a crime. If we do not start taking this seriously and go on the offense, we are going to be held hostage by thoughtless thugs.

  16. Terri Sanders on April 24th, 2012 5:47 pm

    I guess he wanted to make sure he took the money with him out into eternity.

  17. David Huie Green on April 24th, 2012 5:41 pm

    “This writer fears that blacks are now committing crimes against those other than black”

    While you are fearing that, please consider the fact that the robber in this case was white and the store clerk was black. (based on arrest records)

    With that out of the way, perhaps we can just oppose armed robbery of ANYONE by ANYONE.

    David for avoiding assumptions
    when possible

  18. SW on April 24th, 2012 5:16 pm

    Just where exactly was this young black female assaulted by a mob of white men?

    Assaults are wrong regardless of what race, gender, etc. is victim or violator.

  19. molino jim on April 24th, 2012 4:14 pm

    Sorry for the clerk and the family. All clerks should take a training class from the owner of the small store at 9th & Barrs. He has shot and killed several robbers and can give good pointers on how to end the robbers career.

  20. northend voter on April 24th, 2012 4:07 pm

    And our Sheriff keeps saying violent crime is down. Who does he think he is fooling!

  21. Jane on April 24th, 2012 3:25 pm

    So sorry anyone had to die. We make our choices and have to live or die by them. As for the right to have a weapon, I think everyone should take a course in how to use one and when not to. Then they can make up their own minds as to whether or not they want one. Thank God we have the right to make choices…some countries do not give their citizens the right to bear arms or the right of free speech. Your ancestors (and mine) fought and died for those rights. Protect them!

  22. common sense on April 24th, 2012 2:56 pm

    Jimbo’s comment and way of thinking is further proof that this world that we live in is light years away from looking past race in everything that happens and that racism still exists, especially here in the deep southernmost parts of Alabama…. by the way a mob of white men sexually assaulted and beat a young black girl a couple weeks ago, but you don’t hear about that in the news do you ?

    Thank God for the clerk who obviously stood her ground. Glad this thug is no longer on the streets!!!! Praying for the families of both the clerk and the alleged robber.

  23. The North End Votes Republican! on April 24th, 2012 1:53 pm

    Sad, but the wife just said i can go down to Mikes and buy another gun for her! Glad we do not have that problem up here!

  24. JIM W on April 24th, 2012 1:21 pm

    Every robber has the potential to kill someone. Some cross that threshhold others do not. If robbers knew someone was apt to have a gun then there would be less robbing. Because the potential of be killed is much more probable. Just saying as some of the others did you people who are anti gun should stop and think about what you are asking for as your 2nd amendment rights are on the line and quickly erroding!
    I have a carry permit and have never had to use it and I pray I never have to as most responsible people feel. However, if endangered or my family to the point that I thought one of us including me was going to get killed you can bet your botton dollar I would use it without hesitation.
    Before you jump on me for expressing my feelings let me remind you of the fact we do have a 1st amendment which allows us the freedom of speech and of expression. And by the way I do know what it is like to have to use a weapon I spent many years in the military and am a Veteran. So I truly understand what it means to use a gun or weapon as I refer to it as. It is a heavy burden to live with after the fact and therefore a heavy responsibility when you have one. Which is why most of the population who has one will never use it.
    Just saying careful what you ask for because you may get what you want and then there will be no rights!

  25. mick on April 24th, 2012 12:48 pm

    A sign of the times…no respect for life from that sorry excuse for a human being who robbed and killed that clerk…think things are bad now?… we haven’t seen anything yet.

  26. hawghead on April 24th, 2012 10:08 am

    It’s a sad world we live in….It took a lot of courage to stand up to this criminal…She paid the price with her life…..sometimes I wonder if it is better to just give them the money and let the police handle it…..but then again I wasn’t there and don’t know if this guy was gonna shoot her anyway….If everyone carried a firearm maybe these thugs would think twice before robbing someone or they may just shoot first and rob second……don’t know

  27. bob hudson on April 24th, 2012 9:41 am

    Never have under stood why the anti-gun crowd think that they have the right to tell us that we do not need to protect our selves. It is a personal responsibility,, no one can really do it for you, and no one really should. Since man is the greatest predator that has ever walked this plant, ( there is pretty much nothing we can not kill) It makes perfect sense that we need to defend our selves in case one of us go bad( and we do).Self defense is as natural as every thing else we do. But it seems in this day and age of enlightenment, it has be branded as a bad thing.It all goes back to personal choices. If someone decides to commit crime, you must be willing to accept what comes with that. No excuses, no whining , no blaming others.Ever one has a choice.

  28. David Huie Green on April 24th, 2012 9:27 am

    “Let’s put a gun in everyone’s hand. Let’s just shoot it out, Go NRA”

    Your disagreement with an organization formed to uphold constitutional rights is clear. You think the clerk should not have been allowed under the law to be armed. Yes, the NRA sometimes goes nuts, seeing a prohibitor under every bush, but it’s the continuing desire to disarm the law abiding which drives them.

    You have one person who was already breaking a number of laws and another who was just trying to make a living. If you did away with second amendment rights, you would only have those who ignore laws armed, only the robber.

    There are many who figure the solution is to roll over and let the outlaws have what they want under the assumption they only want a little bit.

    I disagree. Every armed robber is saying he is willing to kill what he wants.

    David for not shooting if possible,
    emptying the gun if needed,
    lamenting the lady’s loss

  29. NRA Supporter on April 24th, 2012 9:26 am

    I am so sorry for the clerk’s family for their loss of a very courageous woman. I am so proud that someone stood up for what was right. More people need to take the initiative to let the hoodlums and thugs know that we are not going to just sit back and let them take what we work for! The thug got what he deserved.

  30. nudo on April 24th, 2012 9:20 am

    Need more people like her…to bad she didn’t make it.

  31. Dan on April 24th, 2012 9:09 am

    @ Jimbo.

    Amen Brother !!!!

  32. Dan on April 24th, 2012 9:05 am

    That brave clerk, “stood her ground” !
    God Bless her!!!

  33. Molino-Anon on April 24th, 2012 8:44 am

    Very sad, I feel bad for the clerk and their family, my prayers and sorrow goes out to you. And with that said:

    Anti-gun people get on your band wagons and start the sermon. First off store clerk 101, the store and its goods are not worth your life, comply, and call the police. Second, I’m glad the store clerk did stand up to this vermin. Lastly for the anti-gun people guns don’t kill people, if the clerk never retrieved the gun the thug may still be alive, if he never fired back the clerk may still be alive. It is that simple.

    Give me a gun so I stand half a chance against the criminals in a life or death situation. Nuff said.

  34. Jimbo on April 24th, 2012 8:12 am

    This writer fears that blacks are now committing crimes against those other than black simply justifying their acts because Trayvon Martin was shot dead after assaulting a neighborhood watch person. A man in Mobile is lying in USA medical center clinging to life after being beaten by a MOB of blacks. I’m glad this clerk rid our community of this thug, Im just sorry she paid with her life. Who’s to say he was’nt going to shoot her anyway.

  35. bob hudson on April 24th, 2012 8:11 am

    I am very sorry for the loss of her life. But he got what he deserved. And if you are going to go down, go down fighting.May God comfort both families.

  36. xpeecee on April 24th, 2012 8:05 am

    Amen, David Huie!!!

  37. Niki on April 24th, 2012 7:39 am

    Lets put a gun im everyone’s hand. Lets just shoot it out,Go NRA

  38. David Huie Green on April 24th, 2012 5:20 am

    sad for the clerk, will eventually work up sorrow for robber going to his eternal destination without repentance.

  39. Mr. Glock on April 24th, 2012 4:29 am

    First of all, I feel really bad for the loss of the store worker and offer my condolences to his or her family.

    With that being said, I am happy the clerk had the courage to stand up to this thug. Now there is one less piece of garbage on the street with a gun.

  40. joe on April 24th, 2012 1:52 am

    this is so very sad!
    there is no reason that these two lives were cut short. My prayers are going out to those families and friends of both parties. desperation will cause a person to do crazy things, sadly this time, it took 2 lives.