Group Offers Ideas For Langley Bell 4-H Center Sale, Purchase Of Molino Bayer Property

April 16, 2012

A group called the “Friends of 4-H” has been formed to represent Escambia County 4-H as a group as they vote later this month on the sale of their Langley Bell 4-H Center to Navy Federal, the largest credit union in the world.

The concerned citizens, parents, 4-H alumni and supporters are in favor of the sale of the Langley Bell 4-H Center to Navy Federal, but not as currently being proposed.

“We feel that economic development in Pensacola is a top priority for our growing county. We want the 4-H youth to vote yes to sell the Langley Bell 4-H Center as long as their needs are being met properly,” according to a proposal authored by the Friends of 4-H.

The current offer on the table is $3.6 million from Navy Federal along with 23 acres near the Extension Office on Stefani Road. A small portion of the sale proceeds would complete the Extension Office site, while the remainder, likely about $3 million, would go into an endowment trust fund, supporting 4-H off the interest. The building would not be for the exclusive use of 4-H.

But the Friends of 4-H have other ideas.

“We are trying to bring a win-win-win to the table. A win for Navy Federal Credit Union and Escambia County Economic Development, a win for the Extension Service and a win for the Escambia County 4-H program,” the group says in their plan.

The group’s big idea is for Escambia County 4-H to receive comparable land acreage to the Langley Bell 4-H Center, which is 240 acres adjacent to Navy Federal in Beulah. And the group believes they may have found the perfect location in Molino.

They are proposing the purchase of the the former Bayer Crop Science Facility on Crabtree Church Road in Molino. The 250 acres stretches from Crabtree Church Road north to Highway 97 near Molino Park Elementary School.

The Bayer property is ready-made for 4-H use, according to Whitney Vaughan Fike, a member of the Friends of 4-H and a 4-H alumnus. It includes 4,100 square feet of greenhouses, three irrigation ponds, three buildings, three storage barns, a weather station and complete fencing with a security gate.

“We feel the facility is already set up for hands on demonstrations and the property and functioning of the land are in line with the core reasons Dr. M. Langley Bell donated the original 400 acres. The facility will come with a complete environmental study to insure there are no environmental issues, as a phase one environmental study is currently in process,” according to the Friends of 4-H.

The Bayer property would lead to economic development, Fike said. The facility could also be used for events such as a revival of the Blueberry Jamboree, farming, agricultural projects, gardening, horse trails and rides, livestock shows, fishing, education camps and more. The facility would also allow greenhouses for the Escambia County Master Gardeners and provide a location for GCA/NRA livestock programs, held for 19 years at Langley Bell, to continue.

The estimated cost of the Bayer facility would $1.3 to $2.1 million, paid for out of the $3.6 million sale of the Langley Bell 4-H Center.

“While the Friends of 4-H strongly support the economic growth and development of Escambia County through the expansion of Navy Federal Credit Union we also firmly believe that other options should be placed before the Escambia County 4-H youth for consideration,” the group states. “Friends of 4-H want to continue forward with the 4-H program, rather than taking steps backwards. We seek a compromise that allows growth for Navy Federal Credit Union, potential businesses, growth in Pensacola and for Escambia County 4-H.”

If Escambia County won’t agree to the purchase of the Bayer property or similarly sized property  for 4-H, the Friends of 4-H are asking for $1.5 million in Local Option Sales Tax monies for an additional building at the Extension office plus 23 acres and a voice in the use of the new building on Stefani Road.

“Above all, this compromise will meet the needs of current and future 4-H youth by providing a  place to continue personal growth, leadership and citizenship development through 4-H clubs using this facility for generations to come,” the Friends of 4-H stated.

The 4-H County Council, comprised of members age 8 to 18 that represent each of the individual 4-H clubs in the county, will meet this week to talk about their options. They will vote on the sale of the Langley Bell 4-H Center next week.

Pictured: The Langley Bell 4-H Center in Beulah. photos, click to enlarge.


45 Responses to “Group Offers Ideas For Langley Bell 4-H Center Sale, Purchase Of Molino Bayer Property”

  1. Well on April 20th, 2012 9:39 pm

    I belive the kids vote monday?
    Good luck to them on having a place to continue their learning activities whether at the current location or a comparable new one.

  2. camdenrenee on April 18th, 2012 12:06 pm

    The Bayer Crop Science Facility is behind our 21acres and would be the perfect place for the 4H club! Oh and Jane, yes there are two bald eagles around the house, but I think they won’t mind. The kids I am sure would like watching them too!

  3. You Hypocrites Amaze Me on April 17th, 2012 11:46 pm

    It’s amazing how folks with little to know knowledge form an opinion and spew disapproval over something that is being negotiated so that everyone is a winner. Besides, how many of you have set foot on 4H land in hmmm let’s say the last 10 years? exactly.

    NFCU offers $500k more than the appraised value so that they can provide hundreds and hundreds of well paying jobs and the extra boost to our local economy.

    The 4H has the opportunity to relocate to a piece of property that allows more room and opportunity to grow. Also, they will have a large sum of money left over for additions or operating expenses.

    However, some of you want to sit around and throw rocks and share conspiracy theories with each other. Thanks goodness everyone (outside of your circle anyways) sees how ignorant and naive your rants are and pays them no mind!

  4. the facts on April 17th, 2012 6:22 pm

    Get the facts!

    I love to see the people comment on an article that have not been keeping up with this story.

    1. The property was valued at $3.1 million and NFCU offered $500,000 more than it was appraised. Sounds less like a “steal’ and more like a reasonable offer.

    2. Correct me if I am wrong, but I am pretty sure that city sewer doesn’t stretch out that far in the county. Large businesses can’t develop property on septic service. Unless we all pay extra taxes for ECUA to add to their existing services, then I am pretty sure that NFCU will not be considering to develop the Bayer property for themselves.

    3. Currently, 4H in this county operates solely on the interest from its current funds. The Bayer property is estimated at least $1.5 million less than the offer on the table. This will provide considerably more finances for which 4H can operate.

    4. NFCU is a not-for-profit organization. Translation, extra money is distributed to employees=local economic boost.

    5. LBC is currently on 240 acres with some 80+ acres deemed as wetlands. I am not sure if any of the Bayer property is also wetlands, but it seems obvious that more property would be available for 4H to use.

    I don’t know about all of the other entities involved with the finances, but I sure hope that 4H gets the full value of what is rightfully theirs. This deal should not happen unless everyone wins. Twenty-three acres at the extension office is a win for everyone except 4H. The Bayer property sounds like a win for everyone involved, but still people hesitate to support?

  5. dantheorthoman on April 17th, 2012 5:01 pm

    thanks cd and molino jim for your kind response. Some folks need to grow up and quit drinking the koolaid and realize the beaurocrats are in it for themselves. If the deal is 3.6 mil now, what is it really worth?, and who is getting the payback when it is shoved through?! The Bayer site may indeed be all that it is said, as we all know BP and other large corporations are looking out for our best interests here in the south. Tabling the matter for a while was a good move so that other options could be evaluated. Who knows? Maybe NFCU would build a new complex for 4H and use it as a tax write off . When the sale is final there will be no going back . Get the full value for the property now and ask for what would seem improbable, otherwise when the deal is done, everyone will realize, what a sham, that has taken place!

  6. vannah on April 17th, 2012 4:06 pm

    429SCJ – Commas are not your friend, don’t use them so much.

    I think this is a good proposal. NFCU has very good paying jobs for this area as well as excellent benefits for employees. I am not saying that their want to purchase the property is justified by those things, but 4H needs somewhere more rural that it can grow and really begin to blossom in this area. I was in 4H all through middle and high school but there wasn’t much in the Molino area to keep our interests really rooted to 4H. I think that this facility, if proven to be safe, would be wonderful for the 4H community. Since it is a turn key operation, there would not be immense amounts of work to be done to get another facility ready to use. The 250 acres would much more suitable for all the offices, gardeners, and kids to grow and honestly begin to serve the community better. The Stefani Rd property is not equivalent to what they have now, let alone what the Bayer property has to offer. I think that the woman who wants to limit the 4H group to Stefani Rd wants to have ultimate control over what the children do and who gets access to the property and that is not fair or right. Mr. Bell left the Langley Bell property to the 4H association in the good faith that they would utilize and enjoy the property to its fullest potential. I believe that the 4H center has served a wonderful purpose, but it is time to let Pensacola grow a little and allow the economy here to change and allow the youth of 4H to have a chance to serve the community.

  7. 429SCJ on April 17th, 2012 1:39 pm

    There are principles involved here, don’t be so desperate that you let these people
    dictate to you. You are above that, have self respect.

    When you go with the flow, caving into everything that comes down the pike, you
    will soon discover that it has become a lifestyle.

    Hold on to that wich is yours, honor the trust. When this beautiful place is gone, you will never get it back. Tell NFCU to go look at the Bayer property.

    It will take a real idiot, after observing this, to leave anything to the public, in the future.

  8. Whitney Fike on April 17th, 2012 1:26 pm

    For Jeeperman –

    Here is a link to the Frequently Asked Questions about Florida 4-H. There you will find answers to how the Extension Office, IFAS and the University of Florida comes into play with the 4-H program.

  9. CD on April 17th, 2012 12:28 pm

    If the land is not polluted from Bayer’s operations and can be obtained with a clear, undisputable title it sounds like a win-win situation. Much better than the pittance of land offered by our esteemed commissioners and NFCU. Obviously, Navy Federal is more concerned about it’s own operations than it is a bunch of kids or jobs in a community. Don’t be fooled by the sweet comments offered by some “officials”. Yes they will provide much needed jobs here in our county but as someone previously stated “NF Headquarters will remain in Virginia, only the bulk of the business operations will move here”. Sad that all those people in Virginia with those good paying jobs in the “business operations” will be loosing their jobs (said with tongue-in-cheek). It would be wonderful if the Molino land is not just an abandoned maintenance nightmare as one writher put it….and that should be of primary concern.

  10. InTheKnow on April 17th, 2012 11:17 am

    I want to know why George states: “There will be very few (if any) local jobs created by this. Some realtor commissions perhaps.”

    Where are you getting this information? Do you think that every Navy Federal employee in Virginia is going to MOVE to Pensacola? One of the reasons Navy Federal wants to move the majority of their operations here is because there are SO MANY of these types of jobs in Virginia, that all pay great wages. It’s tough to recruit there!

    Sure, you will have SOME people relocate, but the vast majority will find a similiar position in the Virginia area, and their life will go on.

    Meanwhile, here in Pensacola, we will have more good paying jobs with excellent benefits available to the polulation.

  11. curley on April 17th, 2012 11:16 am

    In the know, you must have graduated from UWF and have as much worldly knowledge in economics as a corrections officer graduate. You apparently work at Navy Fed and have a vested interest, apparently management of some sort so you know it all. Must be lower management, the know it all type. Corporations move the bulk of the offices where its cheap and the tax breaks best when they run out so does the company. You might work there doesn’t make you SUPER INTELLIGENT. Let Navy Fed move to the Bayer site.

  12. jeeperman on April 17th, 2012 10:56 am

    For Sandra Dunn….how does the U of Florida come into play on this deal ?

  13. William on April 17th, 2012 10:29 am

    >>> I would still like to know who holds title to the property.

    According the property appraiser, title is held by

    100 BAYER RD
    PITTSBURGH, PA 15205

  14. molino jim on April 17th, 2012 9:56 am

    @dantheortoman— Thanks for your input. I had been concerned about the “bee mites” and the insecticides used by crop dusters and regular farmers. (One less thing to worry about.) I would still like to know who holds title to the property. Covenants and deed restriction most times spell out the “number of years” it is in force. I found this out the hard way. I care a great deal for this area, I also would like to think some of the people needing jobs could be hired by who ever does the building and locals be hired by NFCU after it’s finished I feel there are many more 4H members north of Nine Mile Rd. than south of it.

  15. Sandra Dunn on April 17th, 2012 9:42 am

    Mr. Bell donated that land to the children of 4H of Escambia County. He never intended for the University of Florida to sell that land and keep the money and that is exactly what UF wants to do. The 4H children recognize the importance of selling this land to benefit our economy. Sentiment hasn’t a thing to do with it…these children want the money to buy more land and UF wants to keep the money. It is as simple as that. Escambia County, Florida….these are your children. Would you have UF steal your children’s money?

  16. Gerald Lamb on April 16th, 2012 11:48 pm

    dantheorthoman. You been smelling roach poison too long.
    You and Al gGore could make a team.
    My God inHIS book says that(paraphrased) He will show us instant Global Warming on His time frame. Until then I have no confidence with this scare tactic or yours. Do not spread scare tactics on assumptions.
    I am confident that those who are working the Bayer proposal are smart enough to insure that it is suitable for4H use.
    As far as building all new facilities somewhere else, Do you have several million to donate? Some does have to be put into reserve for operationan budget and emergencies., cant spent the whole 3.6 million
    Bayer is a turn key operation with few minor modifications.
    Besides it would be nice to have a kitchen that glows in the dark!

  17. Whitney Fike on April 16th, 2012 10:36 pm

    Gerald Lamb is right one track with everything!! We’re trying to bring attention to what the kids AREN’T being offered and WHY. The Memorandum of Understanding (released Tuesday night) will tell the public exactly what options are on the table and what upper level management thinks is a “fair” trade.

    I urge the community to come to the Escambia County Extension Office at 5 p.m. to show your support for the 4-H youth.

  18. dantheorthoman on April 16th, 2012 9:51 pm

    Bayer is the producer of nicotinoids which has been cited as the pesticide possibly responsible for the radical decline of the bee population. This pesticide is the systemic poison on seed and widely used.I hope that they test specifically for this chemical. Bayer may have a good reason to bug out! Chemical companies that make toxins and based internationally need to be checked. Will they do test drills? Will they find out in 20 years that there are barrels of chemicals buried there? How will we know? Sounds almost too good to be true, and I know what my daddy says about those kinda deals. They want the LBC land, let them buy some virgin property and build new facilities for 4-H. Without the best being done for our future generations, we will all suffer . Our society cannot survive without the basic knowledge that future Americans need . In order to ensure that we all thrive we must insist that our children are provided with what Mr. Bell wanted. Top shelf…….NFCU is getting top shelf.The new facility for 4-H doesn’t need to be someone elses maintenance nightmare .

  19. Gerald Lamb on April 16th, 2012 8:03 pm

    George is correct. All monies not used from LBC sale will go to a trust and that trust will be padlocked so tight that it would take an army to get any of it. Extension doesnt want to use any of the proceeds so that they will get a bigger dividend each year to budget off of.
    \You can bet that those that think they are in control will do all they can to sale LBC regardless of the 4Hers desire. Lets do what we can to make the outcome beneficial to Escambia 4Hers and not let the greedy take all the pie!

  20. 429SCJ on April 16th, 2012 7:28 pm

    The Langley Bell 4H Center is the result of a covenant, the wishes of Dr Bell, who
    owned this property. There is an element of history and tradition here.

    I know in this day and age, these are concepts, that are unfamiliar to many of us.
    Many of the transient and transplanted people here, have not developed heart felt
    ties to the area, only a short term hand to mouth focus on things.

    4H allowed NFCU a foot in the door, they sold them the parcel that was requested.
    Now NFCU has decided, this is nice, we want it all for ourselves.

  21. molino jim on April 16th, 2012 4:52 pm

    For what ever—Bayer is moving out of and away from farm chemicals. With a good soil study it should be a good deal. If you check a lot of the farm land here in the north-end you’ll find some chemical residue in most fields, maybe even LBC. As far as Bayer giving the property to 4H the stock holders in Bayer might not be real happy. From what I have read Bayer has made an honest offer and is willing to do what ever is needed. One question–who truly holds title to the property?

  22. jeeperman on April 16th, 2012 3:55 pm

    NFCU may have asked the Navy about buying some of that land to ad to the NCFU property. But they automatically say no.
    Which is what NCFU wanted to hear, I am sure.
    After all, the LBC property is already picturesque as is, the Navy property is as ugly and boring as can be.

  23. George on April 16th, 2012 3:52 pm

    There will be very few (if any) local jobs created by this. Some realtor commissions perhaps.

    Escambia 4H will lose control of any money not immediately used for their benefit.

    The sale will happen or the land will be seized.

    If the Molino property can be obtained it is the best outcome for Escambia 4H. In reality, it’s the only outcome that leaves them with a viable program going forward.

  24. Gerald Lamb on April 16th, 2012 3:17 pm

    Jimbo: Please dont use the phrase’that money belongs to 4H. I n the eyes of some, Florida Extension,UFL, and Escambia Extension they beleive it is theirs. A better term is that the LBC is Escambia County 4H members property and any proceeds belong to ESCAMBIA 4Hers. LAngley Bell did not donate it to Florida 4H, only to Escambia 4Hers.
    To JSCS: I concur, Navy dfederal has only made an offer to purchase. Debbie Caldser has been very open with me when i have called her. She knows what we want. and she may be working behind the scenes but I think she is up front and letting us decide our own fate. Has the US Navy land been pursued hard enough? you tell me. I think that since NFCU bought 65 acres from LBC in the past they are trying the simplest solution first— 4H land.
    That is why the Chamber of Commerce is involved. They want NEEDED economic development= JOBS!
    Dont bash NFCU. They are not the enemy.
    To”The Lawyer”: If in fact you are a Lawyer and an ex-4Her then you need to come foward and assist the 4Hers. This could get to the point that a good lawyer is needed to counter a lawyer, supported and paid by Chamber of Commerce who is vested in the Chambers goals/purpose and is like putting “a fox in the hen house to guard the chicks” Funny the chicks are disappearing!
    Step foward” Mr Lawyer!

  25. Oversight on April 16th, 2012 3:03 pm

    429SCJ must be suffering rejection for a loan from NFCU.

  26. InTheKnow on April 16th, 2012 2:22 pm

    Niki, get your FACTS STRAIGHT before spouting about something you know knowthing about. Navy Federal IS NOT moving their headquarters to Pensacola.. Their headquarters will STAY in Virginia. It’s just the bulk of the “business operations” that will be moving to Pensacola.

    (No, they will NOT turn around and move to Texas in the future!) Do some research before spouting off!

  27. No Excuses on April 16th, 2012 2:09 pm

    To 429SCJ:

    Isn’t a carpetbagger a NORTHERNER who moved South to rape and pillage the decimated Southern States after the Civil War? Navy Federal is from Merrifield, Virginia, which is, the last time I checked, south of the Mason-Dixon line.

    No offense intended to our Norther readers!

    BTW – almost all of us really WANT Navy Federal here. God knows we need the jobs and the economic development. I personally would love to see the new 4-H setup in Molino, especially if the proposed property is not actively being used. Molino needs the economic development too. Maybe it could even double as a riding area for our equestrian fans when not in use by 4-H?

  28. Jimbo on April 16th, 2012 12:55 pm

    I met one of the Navy Federal “higher ups” and he’s certainly a gentleman. He also agreed with me that the 23 acres was’nt enough. He’s also correct that
    the 3.6 million being offered is alot of money. I don’t see why that money could’nt be used to purchase whatever land 4-H needs. That money belongs to 4-H and noone else.

  29. JSCS on April 16th, 2012 12:48 pm

    FINALLY! A solution that is a win, win, one for all involved. Assuming the land on Hwy 97 is environmentally safe this is a perfect location for 4-H groups. The Beulah land has become less rural and the Stephanie Road property is totally unsuitable. Please, quit bashing Navy Federal. We need companies in our area that offer good paying jobs and benefits. Look around the area. How many do you see? NOT MANY! We would like for the younger generation to be able to find jobs locally but understand when they have to leave in order to make a living. Praises for the group that came up with this great solution . Hope it works out for all involved.

  30. THE LAWYER on April 16th, 2012 10:28 am

    Being a former 4H member years ago a lot of good times had their at Langley Bell these kids and us former 4H’er need the room to grow 23 acresnot enough the Bayer facilities sounds more in line with what we had at DR Bells 4H center I hope you make the right choice.

  31. Gerald Lamb on April 16th, 2012 10:23 am

    ToBama54:and Jane. All are aware of the Bayer facility was used for call kinds of research. That is why an enviormental impact study is currently in progress . If purchased, it will be with a clean bill of health.
    As for the bald eagles , I think that we can coexist on 250 acres. Great 4H project there in the making!
    As for who thopught up this idea, I first read a comment on N. a few months ago, Was it Molino Jim? However We have to thank Jacob Gilmore and Friends of 4H for getting the ball rolling. I ha ve discussed this idea with several people and have backed off my aggressiveness a little to let Jacob and others pursue this wonderful option.
    The obstacle appears to be the Escambia Extension Office and Florida 4H Dean and her staff. They want the money! They are the roadblock and will be the opposition.
    Certain county commissioners, GCA/NRA are in dsupport as I am.Much more potential than LBC had! I feel that Matt Langley Bell would support this proposal. 44hers PUSH FOR THIS PROPOSAL> ITS A TRIPPLE PLAY!. I support this proposal.

  32. Niki on April 16th, 2012 10:18 am

    Sorry Navy Federal is moving its headquarters here from Virginia, more than likely because they ran out of the big tax cuts. They will do the same here. They will use up the county,State and federal tax breaks, YOUR TAX DOLLARS, then move on to Texas. Big business is about profit not being the saints that save the day.

  33. Ray Brown on April 16th, 2012 10:18 am

    Please don’t settle on stefani rd location 23 acres and no controll on the building, You will wind up making an appointment for your own meetings, The Bayer Facilities sounds like a winner to me if there is no Environmental problems

  34. jeeperman on April 16th, 2012 9:24 am

    Although the third from last paragraph in the article appears to be a cop-out supporting exactly what has been proposed earlier.

  35. jeeperman on April 16th, 2012 9:20 am

    These two options certainly look better than the “deal” being brokered by the CoC and BOCC. Which only looks like a way for the Extention Service to gain some fancier offices.

    Bayer Crop Sciences LP might want to get out from under thier property here bad enough to consider donating it to the 4H’ers.
    Tax breaks and all.

  36. Laughing@429SJC on April 16th, 2012 9:13 am

    Navy Federal is the bad guys here? Anyone with any common sense realizes this is a Win for 4H, our local economy, and Navy Federal. $3.6 million dollars for some out of the way land so that a stable, reputable company can add hundreds and hundreds of well paying jobs to our community is okay by me. You act as if they are closing down and boarding up the 4H and turning the people away empty handed. I suspect you would complain about anything though.

  37. old 4-Hr on April 16th, 2012 9:01 am

    As a previous 4-H member, I think the proposal of the Bayer property is a GREAT idea. It will provide more acreage and more opportunity for different events than the proposed Stefani option. I say go for it! It is a win-win!

  38. Bama54 on April 16th, 2012 8:29 am

    Was this the farm area used for testing different chemicals for agriculture products? If so then this may not be the location you would want for our children. Just raising a red flag for caution!!

  39. MargieLu1982 on April 16th, 2012 7:37 am

    Wonderful solution to the inadequacy of the Stefani Road proposal! Compared to what they’re leaving behind, 4H deserves the fairness of a nearly turn-key facility. The Navy Fed proceeds should also provide for the modifications to the Bayer facilities, and if inadequate, NFC U should donate the remaining funds to paint, provide signage, and cover the costs of moving to the new facility for 4H also.

  40. xpeecee on April 16th, 2012 6:54 am

    This sounds like a great proposal to me. I don’t know who came up with the Stefani road idea, but it seemes to just give away the 4-H land and leave them high and dry. This new plan would give the 4-H people more room than on Stefani Road and provide Navy Federal what they need. I believe the Stefani Road idea was a hasty decision made by someone whose interest is definately not 4-H. Dumb!!!

  41. carolyn bramblett on April 16th, 2012 6:41 am

    Great idea.

  42. 429SCJ on April 16th, 2012 6:21 am

    Friends of Navy Federal Credit Union, not 4H. I will never deposit a penny, of what little II have with those ruthless carpetbaggers.

    Navy Fedeeral, can use Federal Navy land.

  43. Jane on April 16th, 2012 5:47 am

    Be aware…if I am not mistaken (and I may be regarding the exact location of the pond and property they are considering) there may be a pair of bald eagles that nest near one of the ponds. I have watched them raise their babies there for several years. Don’t know if this is a problem or not. Maybe there is room for everyone including the eagles (which might be really great for the 4H groups to see).

  44. Jane on April 16th, 2012 5:41 am

    This may be a good solution for everyone but let’s make sure there are no environmental issues involved. I am not sure who came up with the plan but if it works out they deserve everyone’s thanks and appreciation! It sounds like a great idea for everyone…I hope it works out!

  45. mspence on April 16th, 2012 5:15 am

    Sounds like a win-win situation for all involved. It is an ideal location.