George Zimmerman Charged With Trayvon Martin Murder

April 12, 2012

The state on Wednesday charged George Zimmerman with second degree murder in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, and the special prosecutor promised to not only get justice but to find the truth in the case that has rocked Florida and captured the nation’s attention.

Zimmerman was in custody Wednesday after a warrant was issued for his arrest, State Attorney Angela Corey said at a news conference in Jacksonville. She declined to say where Zimmerman was being held, but said he turned himself in.

“We’ve got a long way to go, and we have faith,” said Tracy Martin, the father of the 17-year-old shot Feb. 26 in Sanford, near Orlando.

Zimmerman, a neighborhood watch volunteer, shot Martin under disputed circumstances. Police have said Martin was unarmed, but other than that, the facts haven’t fully emerged. Lawyers who represented Zimmerman in the case until the last couple of days have said he acted in self defense when attacked by Martin.

Corey, who works in the circuit around Jacksonville but was assigned to take over the case by Gov. Rick Scott, promised to get to the bottom of those facts.

“We are not only ministers of justice, we are also seekers of the truth,” Corey said. “We will continue to seek the truth throughout this case.”

She declined, however, to specifically discuss any facts of the case.

The case has drawn protests nationwide, and a new look at Florida’s stand your ground law, the self defense statute that says those who feel threatened have no duty to retreat even out in the street – but can fight force with force. It’s also drawn politicians, celebrities and ordinary people nationwide to declare they believe that Martin was the victim in the case. The teen’s family also pushed hard for some sort of law enforcement action.

Corey, however, said facts were what drove the decision to charge.

“We do not prosecute by public pressure, or by petition,” Corey said.

She did, however, make it clear she was sympathetic to Martin’s family, calling him by his first name Trayvon on a number of occasions, and at one point, calling his parents “sweet.”

Corey said prosecutors haven’t decided what penalty to pursue. Technically, a life sentence is possible in a second degree murder case.

“We don’t make that determination at this time,” Corey said. “Once there is a decision then we would concern ourselves with the sentence.”

When – and if – the case comes to trial, it would default to Seminole County, where the shooting occurred, she said. But, she declined to speculate on whether a fair jury could be found there.

National media reported Wednesday that Zimmerman, whose original attorneys dropped him as a client in the last couple of days, had hired a new lawyer, Mark O’Mara of Orlando.

Scott issued a statement urging people to let the case go through the judicial process.

“This matter is now in the hands of the judicial system and I am confident justice will prevail,” Scott said. “As the process continues, it is critical that we be patient and allow the proceedings to move forward in a fair and transparent manner. …. We will all continue to look for answers to the Trayvon Martin tragedy.”

Rev. Al Sharpton appeared at a news conference in Washington with Martin’s parents after Corey’s announcement. Sharpton said he initially didn’t trust Scott, but praised the governor for appointing a special prosecutor in the case and for Corey’s ultimate decision to file charges.

Sharpton said he didn’t think state officials decided to file charges based on public pressure but said that public pressure made it more likely the case would be reviewed, leading to the ultimate decision.

“There is no victory here, there is no winner here – they lost their son,” Sharpton said. “This is about pursuing justice.”

By The News Service of Florida


36 Responses to “George Zimmerman Charged With Trayvon Martin Murder”

  1. David Huie Green on April 13th, 2012 11:39 pm

    “Look, Zimmerman should have never had a hand gun, no matter what neighborhood he was in“

    True. No law abiding American citizen should ever be allowed to carry weapons. Only those who disdain the law should be allowed to do so.

    “it doesn’t matter WHAT Zimmerman says at this point, it’s been over 45 days since the killing. This has gotten out of control and all people want now is him in jail for life.”

    Jail nothing, let’s lynch him, after all we’ve already decided to sacrifice him for our personal safety.

    “If he doesn’t get convicted of killing Trayvon Martin, it’s going to be BAD! And you thought Rodney King was bad. Remember Reginald Denny? He was the white guy that beat almost to death after that.”

    Yep, people were so interested in justice that they dragged a truck driver out of his truck and bashed his head in. Avoiding that is well worth the life on one half Peruvian.

    David for expedience and satire

  2. White guy on April 13th, 2012 3:34 pm

    Look, Zimmerman should have never had a hand gun, no matter what neighborhood he was in…performing neighnorhood watch duties?!?!? Secondly he should have backed off as he was told by the dispatcher and not become a vigilante and finally, he should have been arrested on the spot, if they didn’t have anything to hold him on (remember he claimed self defense) then they should have released him.

    Honestly, it doesn’t matter WHAT Zimmerman says at this point, it’s been over 45 days since the killing. This has gotten out of control and all people want now is him in jail for life. If he doesn’t get convicted of killing Trayvon Martin, it’s going to be BAD! And you thought Rodney King was bad. Remember Reginald Denny? He was the white guy that beat almost to death after that.

  3. David Huie Green on April 13th, 2012 10:37 am

    “Racism has been with us since Adam and Eve.”

    Adam and Eve were racists? That’s a neat trick since there was just the two of ‘em.

    David considering marital difficulties
    for all people’s first ancestors

  4. bob hudson on April 13th, 2012 9:20 am

    Yes the shooting is bad.But the worst part of all this is how it was reported by the media. The race card has been played nicely. And used to inflame a act that happens every day. By interviewing the black panthers, who call, for putting, a bounty on his head for his death.Does that seem right? What if the KKK did that?(Both groups are extreme idiots) Now Rev. Jesse and Big AL never waste a chance to keep their name in the public eye.. This is Racism played to its finest. But of course this is great for the news media who care not for the truth, its now about ratings..But I will say, again, Let lady justice rule, But to those on both sides of the fence, once the ruling is made, it is done. NO riots,no protest,no messing with the stand your ground law.( a law that makes perfect sense). Now the anti-gunners are all over this because they think their point is being made.We can not be trusted with weapons.Now what I think of this cannot be printed on this web site. So it seems that the facts are, It was a shooting, blown out of control to make it racist , and attempt to take away our right to stand our ground.Very simply, Liberal media blew it up, and liberal media loathes guns,and those who us who use them. Wow a double wammy.(Never waste a good crisis)P.S .If some one put a PUBLIC BOUNTY on my head, I would not want to make bail either.Seems to me that should be illegal.

  5. darryl on April 13th, 2012 9:15 am

    I see we don’t need the idol worshipers, communists or left wing media for it seems judgement has been done and Zimmerman is innocent?

    Lets wait till the trail shall we?

    Oh, those who see evil and conspiracies everywhere in the world need to chill.

  6. get real on April 13th, 2012 9:00 am


  7. Impossible Justice Here on April 13th, 2012 8:16 am

    Personally, I believe this was inevitable due to the amount of media hype and pot stirring by individuals who all had an agenda of their own to advance. It’s unfortunate that a person’s death has become political gold and there are a lot of greedy people out there (including his parents who couldnt wait to secure money making opportunities).

    Who knows how this will play out. None (not me, you, jesse jackson, al sharpton, his parents, my parents) of us know what really happened that night and there certainly isnt enough evidence to convict. So what happens when a jury that has representation from all races,genders, ages, etc finds not guilty?

  8. AbsolutelyDisgusting on April 13th, 2012 8:08 am

    It’s amazing how everyone knows what happened that night. It’s amazing how people know Trayvon is innocent, etc.

    Neither you nor me or anyone else that you know was present that night. To say this is racially motivated is ignorant as well. The 911 tape (the full tape) shows the only time race was mentioned is when the dispatcher asks for the race.

    It’s also ironic to hear the portion of society who has a “dont talk to the police” mentality so up in arms about police arresting someone. Talking about a double standard.

    And for those of you still carrying on about ice tea and skittles…what does that have to do with this at all? Just another ignorant deflection from the issues. You have let the media brainwash you and if you cant realize that you are worse off than I thought.

  9. 429SCJ on April 13th, 2012 2:14 am

    When I continously hear the words, Justice for Trevon, on the national news, I
    think of young Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom Jr., a young couple who were carjacked, raped and tortured back on January 7 2007, in Knoxville Tenn.

    I saw no outpouring of cries of justice for this young white couple who were killed,
    murdered after days of torture and rape. Where was CNN, Fox,all the major news
    networks. ignored the story, because the 5 convicted perpertrators were black?

    I suggest you go to wikipedia and search the names of the victims.

    Racism has been wih us since Adam and Eve. Genisis 3:15 And I will put emity between you, (satan), and her (Eve), and between your children and hers, they shall crush your head and you will strike their heel.

    I just try to live by the golden rule, and to be ready when others don’t.

  10. coot on April 12th, 2012 11:32 pm

    It’s not “just so simple” and when one wants to assume to know someone’s education, or standing in their community. Remember to double check your on spelling or gramma, before using that as platform. Anytime people come together for a cause, then there’s undoubtly something to stand for. If you don’t believe in something that’s been placed in your human space, you have a right to enlighten people of distaste. And unless you’ve never been racially taunted, you don’t really see it, or know how it affects a way of life. If you’re allowed to drink from a glass in a restaurant and I am giving a styrofoam cup, should I say “I am not worthy of the same service. Make your skin dark, put on a hoody and go for a walk in the dark. Try this a couple of times and every man you see will soon become ZIMMERMAN. Open your eyes, RACISM IS REAL AND SCARRY. Next, go to your local grocery store, look around, try to describe the people you see without using their race as a description. You may even describe me as BLACK, NEGRO, GIRL, BUT, actually I’m just a beautiful young woman with a nice smile.

  11. Jyst sad on April 12th, 2012 11:09 pm

    I find it so amusing that every time a white person does something wrong to someone outside of their race the first thing you hear is “the race card is being pulled out.” WRONG is WRONG no matter how you slice it… Things are not swept into the cow pastures anymore. People are standing up for what is right and with no fear. May justice be served!!!!

  12. blue boy on April 12th, 2012 11:04 pm

    Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson for justice and equality for all people. It took all of this and 43 days of standing together for fairness. If it was not for guys like them it would of been another dead innocent black man.

    I wish they would have came to Pensacola when the cop ran over the boy on the bike in Brownville.

  13. Just That Simple on April 12th, 2012 9:00 pm

    A jury will convict this man whether he killed the boy in self-defense or not. No one cares if justice prevails in this case. They just want someone to blame, and they’re going to blame Zimmerman, whether he’s innocent or guilty, all because someone wanted to throw down the race card. And even if the jury DOES find him innocent, he’s life is tarnished forever by his accusers. And it will no doubt be biased, uneducated people like JusticeForTrayvonMartin who can’t even use proper grammar and spelling who will be convicting Zimmerman. My heart goes out to the family of this teenager, but that doesn’t mean a man should be condemned before he even goes to trial.

  14. jj on April 12th, 2012 7:09 pm

    Where are the pictures of Zimmerman’s face after he was supposedly beaten up and had his head smashed in the sidewalk??? surely this would have been documented as well as photographed. & why is everyone so outraged about Zimmerman’s arrest? he brought this upon himself…bottom line is had he listened to the operator’s instructions, the kid would still be alive & Zimmerman would still be @ home with his family in his gated community…people go to jail all day everyday for disobedience, all the man had to do was follow directions instead of trying to be a hero, serves him right…

  15. David Huie Green on April 12th, 2012 6:04 pm

    “When future historians write the epithet for the American republic – - – ”

    Nah, they would write about something which distinguished us from all the other nations of the world. We’re actually better than most of them.

    David who’s been there

  16. JusticeForTrayvonMartin on April 12th, 2012 5:32 pm

    I kno Zimmerman is Guilty. He approached Trayvon and trying to claim self defense.. How is that self defense when u approached this kid. And a Neighborhood watch shouldn’t be tryna be super cop. He should of tried to b a cop and try to take matters in his own had.. He should of listened to the 911 dispatcher and stayed in his vehicle. My Justice be served.. I hope he get the maximum Sentence.

    Rip Trayvon Martin
    PS. I got my Arizona Tea and Skittles
    Century, FL we stand up for u Trayvon.

  17. friction against the machine on April 12th, 2012 3:30 pm

    When future historians write the epithet for the American republic it will read “A nation which was obsessed with race.”

  18. bob hudson on April 12th, 2012 1:29 pm

    Seems the left wing media is doing a fine job of lynching him all ready. So much for innocent till proven guilt. You would think AG Eric Holder would be more worried about how that boarder agent was killed, while he was in charge of running guns to Mexico? Guess not.

  19. JIM W on April 12th, 2012 1:23 pm

    Our media at it’s finest. Tried and convicted off speculation not facts. Let the facts prevail. It is already sad enough to have a death but it would be just as sad to not let the truth prevail.

    The media has gotten to be to powerful! I’m not saying that the guy is not guilty but what I am saying is bring all the facts out without the twised reporting that has occured.

  20. bob hudson on April 12th, 2012 11:38 am

    Well every law is flawed, and is subject to abuse. But this should not,affect the stand your ground law.The MAJORITY of us want this law. And we should not and shall not be pushed by out side forces to change it. It does more good than it does harm. So to all of you who are not from my state. MINE YOUR OWN BUSINESS ! It shall be handle as WE see fit. I know one thing every one had better, and I mean everyone had better accept the verdict . If you do not and think you should invoke civil unrest , you know like L.A. Well you will find your self in jail. And I hope , punished to the full extent off the law. Remember, according to the New (News Media) you hurt ANYONE that is not of your race , it is a hate crime!!!! May lady Justice prevail.

  21. David Huie Green on April 12th, 2012 10:36 am

    “I never understood why he followed the young man in the first place.”

    He said he followed him because TM ran. He said he was watching him in the first place because he was wandering around, looking into houses. If that is true, that is suspicious behavior such as might be done by someone looking for things to steal.

    Maybe he was telling the truth, maybe he was lying.

    “And why did he continue to follow after he was told by the 911 operator not to follow Trayvon Martin.”

    Now, that’s a good question other than the fact that it makes an assumption not proven. How do we know he continued to follow after the operator said, “We don’t need you to do that,” and after he said, “Okay,” and continued to talk to the 911 operator? Was he still following or was he headed either back to his vehicle or to the rendezvous point the operator suggested he wait for the police?

    I have hopes these questions will be answered along with many more. I don’t have any hope that all will accept the answers when given, if given.

    Probably safer just to lynch him and be done with it.

    David wondering

  22. Name (required) on April 12th, 2012 10:06 am

    It will be interesting to learn what ‘new evidence’ has surfaced.

    I note they continue to show the pictures of Travon when he was 8yo… hard to imagine an 8yo pounding anyone’s head into the pavement…

    I hope Zimmerman gets a fair trial, I fear the outcome will have as much to do with jury selection as anything else.

  23. b2 on April 12th, 2012 9:57 am

    People keep saying he was told not to follow the tape I heard said we don’t need you to do that it didn’t say do not do they ,I too pray justice is done and that everybody respects the verdict

  24. Devastating Dave on April 12th, 2012 9:36 am

    When the communists and the idol worshippers get done with this there won’t be a “Stand Your Ground”. We’ll be right back to the real crime victims being prosecuted and criminals being cast as the “victims”. God have mercy on us.

  25. just sad on April 12th, 2012 9:29 am

    I prayed that justice would be served. Both families will be forever damaged by this. I never understood why he followed the young man in the first place. And why did he continue to follow after he was told by the 911 operator not to follow Trayvon Martin. Maybe after her was arrested a few times he felt as though he had the right to become a law enforcer. But wait walking in a neighborhood don’t give anyone the right to harass someone and then kill them. I will continue to pray for justice. I will continue to pray for peace for both families. Because both families need it. I don’t know why George would even send his family through more hurt and pain. I was raised to know when you are wrong you own up to your wrong doings when the time come. Something he is clearly not doing. This is my opinion that I am entitled to…

  26. darryl on April 12th, 2012 9:10 am

    I think some should slow down on final judgement until the case but it does seem Zimmerman had a hero mentality that was not right and he seems to have chased down the teen, so if the teen fought back wouldn’t he be the one the law was designed for? We’ll just have to wait to see the evidence.

  27. bob hudson on April 12th, 2012 8:56 am

    I am fortunate enough to have been raise in a home where when I purchased my weapons, I got the color blind option, with the straight. ( if its a threat, 2 legged , 4 legged, or no legs (snakes)it shall be dealt with as a threat option.) Makes life so much simpler .By the way, notice no one has reported how many lives the (stand your ground law has saved?

  28. bob hudson on April 12th, 2012 8:42 am

    Well now that our our liberal one sided media has forced this to a issue. Lets hope that they are this fair in every killing that happens. So now I guess that a any black on white crime or any crime where the race is not the same is a hate crime. I am sure Obama and Eric holder will have no problem, taking time to weight in on every crime in America . If we use the same logic and method of news reporting then we really have a lot of hate crimes in this country. Just think how this will affect the news reporting, (Today a ——- person was shot and killed by ——– person, he will be charged with murder and a hate crime.I mean if we are going to get the black panthers view, should we not be interviewing the KKK? Fair is fair right? I mean, my democratic party all ready thinks I am a racist because I did not, and will not vote for Obama. This whole problem has brought out how bias and unreliable our news is.It is now (opinion news). We don’t need the truth, we just need to believe what we are told. Just remember, this is the same media that is SUPPOSE to be telling you what is going on in this country .

  29. George on April 12th, 2012 7:58 am

    To 429SCJ: You stated “If a person enters your home, or threatens you on you property, or approaches and
    threatens you in public, hit the charging handle and light em up. ”

    You better wait until they are doing more than just “threatening you” cause getting his head pounded into the sidewalk wasn’t enough to keep Zimmerman out of jail!

  30. jp on April 12th, 2012 7:35 am

    If Zimmerman is NOT convicted of 2nd degree murder with a long sentance, the Federals will charge him with civil rights violation and lock him up anyway. He will stand very little chance of surviving prison, state or federal Remember the Rodney King case in which the California jury found the policemen not guilty so the feds came to the rescue and, in essence, retried them for the same crime,
    and made sure they were guilty.

  31. et on April 12th, 2012 7:23 am

    Does Zimmerman have a attorney fund?

  32. 429SCJ on April 12th, 2012 7:14 am

    I agree Mr Zimmermann is being sacrificed on the alter of race. The alter which he
    placed himself when he failed to follow the 911 dispatcher’s instructions, by not
    allowing the LE officers dispatched to the incident, to deal with Mr Martin.

    If a person enters your home, or threatens you on you property, or approaches and
    threatens you in public, hit the charging handle and light em up. If you see what you
    feel to be suspicous behavior, call the law and let them deal with the matter. Don’t
    insert yourself, into what is sure to be a lopsided equation.

  33. Sara on April 12th, 2012 6:34 am

    There are only 2 people that really know what happened in this awful ordeal and one of them is dead.

  34. Friction against the machine on April 12th, 2012 6:21 am

    Zimmerman has been sacrificed upon the altar of race.

  35. matt on April 12th, 2012 5:43 am

    Regardless of if Zimmerman is guilty or not…good luck finding a jury that will give him a fair trial… there is too much Al Sharpton-esk type media propaganda being pushed for that to happen… It’s turning into another O.J Simpson type trial.

  36. M on April 12th, 2012 5:17 am

    Now maybe we can hear the real facts from all the witnesses,and hear Zimmermans whole story instead of the partial story thats spread across the country and turned this into the racial thing We will know the truth and then form opinions.The way this has spread across the country (this one sided story) is rediculous,with the media helping . Zimmerman will be lucky to get a fair trial.