Friends Of 4-H: Sell Langley Bell To Navy Federal

April 22, 2012

The Friends of 4-H –  a newly formed group of 4-H supporters — announced late Friday afternoon that they are officially supporting the sale of the 240 acre Langley Bell 4-H Center in Beulah to Nave Federal Credit Union.

The group’s official position favors a Memorandum of Understanding presented to the members of the 4- H County Council, who will vote Monday night on the $3.6 million deal.

“It’s is our position, after reviewing the MOU, that the sale is the best thing for the 4-H program,” Friends of 4-H member Whitney Pike said.

The following is the official statement issued by the Friends of 4-H:

“The Friends of 4-H, a group of concerned citizens, parents, 4-H alumni and friends of Escambia County 4-H, have reviewed the signed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) concerning the sale of the Langley Bell 4-H Center. The Friends of 4-H publicly support the signed MOU and are encouraging the Escambia County 4-H voting delegates to vote yes in favor of the land sale.

“We are eager to see Escambia County 4-H County Council support of the MOU and the steps that follow the vote on Monday, April 23. We realize the importance of this issue and what it means to Escambia County, Navy Federal Credit Union, and the future economic development in Pensacola. We hope to see the 4-H’ers in favor of the MOU and we plan to follow the process of the MOU being implemented to ensure the 4-H’ers voices continued to be heard.”

Pictured top: A portion of the neighboring Navy Federal complex in Beulah can be seen in the background of this photograph of the  Langley Bell Building at the Langley Bell 4-H Center. photo, click to enlarge.


16 Responses to “Friends Of 4-H: Sell Langley Bell To Navy Federal”

  1. Sandra on April 24th, 2012 7:46 pm

    Mick, I like your logic. Can I sel you my house for what it will bring in twenty years.

  2. mick on April 23rd, 2012 5:24 pm

    The price is way too low… forget about appraisals of the property and todays real estate market NFCU is taking advantage of the situation…the powers that be are ripping the kids and future users of the property off. Hindsight is going to be too late…as everything moves north toward the rural areas, the value is going to skyrocket .

  3. 429SCJ on April 23rd, 2012 4:04 pm

    Good luck 4H.

  4. Hilda Malone on April 23rd, 2012 1:46 pm

    I agree with Walnut Hill Roy, the kids need a country setting for their 4H outings,sure the Extension Center would love to have it close to them, but we are talking about the kids here not convenience for others. I am in the FCE,(some know it as Homemakers Club) in McDavid and we have had many good times at the Langley Bell Center,but if it has to be a move lets do something good for the kids that they can grow here in a big wide open country setting.The city bunch wound’t like our smelly old cows anyway.

  5. Linda F. (Shell) Tolliver on April 23rd, 2012 12:01 pm

    I have many wonderful memories of going to the camp on 9 Mile Rd. with my friends and staying in the old wood cabins–a couple of the leaders I remember was Mrs.Watson & Mrs.Nowak—–Hey Thanks for the memories—Hope the youth of today get to enjoy the same—-the property in Molino would be great!

  6. jeeperman on April 23rd, 2012 10:11 am

    The Memorandum of Understanding does not include anything that allows the local 4H youth to do anything but vote to sell. They will have no vote on what is done with the proceeds of the sale after it is done.
    The final decision—to accept the existing offer or pursue other alternatives—would be determined by the UF/IFAS Extension.
    The 4-H Council makes only a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ vote on weather to sell.

  7. CD on April 22nd, 2012 10:04 pm

    It was a ‘done deal’ between NFCU and the county back when NFCU made the first purchase and the county still wants to push the 4-H’ers onto that small parcel because it is convenient for the county. I hope the Bayer property can be throughly tested and that it can be purchased by 4-H. If not, there should be another suitable large parcel available somewhere in the county.

  8. Jane on April 22nd, 2012 8:25 pm

    Please go for the larger piece of property…some much more can be done for the 4H groups and the extention office would be in a more useful place!

  9. JSCS on April 22nd, 2012 4:39 pm

    I totally agree with Gerald Lamb on every item he mentioned. The BIG thing to do first is to ensure that the land is environmentally safe so all will be protected. Bayer should pay for this study since it needs to be done for any buyer. This is a great opportunity for 4-H and for extension office also. Hopefully sanity will prevail and what is done will be for the kids and not some people who have their own agenda.

  10. Gerald Lamb on April 22nd, 2012 3:42 pm

    to c.w. The kids(4Hers ) will not be shafted as long as they stay united and concerned x-4Hers,parents and those that support them hang together and push for Bayer property. Jacob Gilmore and “Friends of 4H” are on the right track and need all the support they can get to counter IFAS and Escambia Extension Office who only want a small area and seem to have no vision of the future. If they do it is different than mine!
    250 acres on Crabtree Church Road has so much more potential than the LBC, which was mostly timber and wetlands. Even with that ,the Extension office could have been pro- active with LBC and sold trimber, replanted and had some income/revenue from LBC all these years. They chose not to do so.
    AT Bayer (one example of many) the tillable farmland not currently needed could be cash rented for 100.00 per acre, for yearly income. The timber could also be harvested/managed for more income. Ponds could produce catfish/talipia for aquaculture. Vegetable/sweet corn for sale andmany other fund rasing activities. I intend to make a full list and send to certain individuals. Bayer property can/should be self supporting with little funds from county or endownment funds!. Just need a good leader! PUSH FOR BAYER>MOVE EXTENSION OFFICE TO BAYER PROPERTY>

  11. c.w. on April 22nd, 2012 10:54 am

    Get ready 4-H club members. Here comes the shaft, and the kids lose big time!

  12. people-r-crazy on April 22nd, 2012 9:01 am

    Great now lets get the yes vote for the Molino property!!

  13. jacob on April 22nd, 2012 8:15 am

    There is 1.6 million set aside for land purchase in the MOU and another 200,000 for a livestock facility. If it does sale we will push for the bayer property I hope we can get the community support. I would like to see the entire extension office move to the bayer facility. The main thing is we have to pressure them to use it on land and not gold counter tops at a new building.

  14. IMHO on April 22nd, 2012 7:45 am

    Like I said before, “What Navy Federal wants, Navy Federal gets!” – always!

  15. Walnut Hill Roy on April 22nd, 2012 7:44 am

    The small piece of land on Stefani Road is convenient for the Extension Agents, but is not the wide open spaces that the Bayer property offers. I have no dog in this fight, but it seems to me that 4H property should be away from the city, not right on the outskirts. Once upon a time their property in Bealuh was in the country with no corporate neighbors and the population closed in on it, why start with one hand tied behind your back and hostile neighbors on every side.

  16. Jane on April 22nd, 2012 6:18 am

    Where will the 4H kids go now? To some small piece of land?? I hope they take the one out off of 97…it seems like a good site for 4H groups.