Flag Flying Again For The First Time Since Hurricane Ivan

April 25, 2012

Old Glory is once again flying over the Byrneville Community Center, the first time since the county-owned facility’s previous flagpole was destroyed by Hurricane Ivan.

Walt Porz, president of the Byrneville Community Center’s board of directors, said a replacement had been requested numerous times since 2004. He said the newly installed flagpole is not actually new; it was moved from a county facility were it was no longer being used.

“It’s good enough,” Porz said. “We are very grateful for what we can get from out tax dollars at work.”


2 Responses to “Flag Flying Again For The First Time Since Hurricane Ivan”

  1. Betty Porz on April 25th, 2012 9:57 pm

    Byrneville Community Center is a great place for most any event…you will see baby showers, birthdays, weddings & receptions, reunions and just your old fashion get togethers to fry fish and play horseshoes…..our calendar fills up quickly. we are booked solid for some months with family reunions and have been that way for many years…I have a waiting list for an opening for reunions….some people are surprised when they call a week before their event and I have nothing open..so call early for your booking….we will do all we can to accommodate your needs if we are able….from the beginning of the birth of the center…..I have loved what it stands for in our community and we have it all because a very giving and kind lady had a dream…thank you Mrs.Polly for your beautiful dream that became a reality….you may call me for information on the calendar…call 256-3795 and I will be happy to help you…but remember call early….and a big “YES”, to our new flag. When I first saw it waving in the wind…I said to myself…our center is complete again.

  2. Tammy on April 25th, 2012 4:29 pm

    If you wanted to rent this building how much is for a day