FHP Trooper Impersonator Arrested

April 19, 2012

A 20-year old man has been arrested for allegedly impersonating a Florida Highway Patrol trooper and an Auxiliary trooper.

Austin Allen Oldfield of Pace is facing multiple charges of impersonating a law enforcement officer and imitation of the Florida Highway Patrol uniform.

According to the FHP, Oldfield was observed in a Pace restaurant wearing a tan uniform with FHP insignia, emblems and a badge. An off-duty trooper in the restaurant took notice and began to talk to Oldfield who identified himself as a FHP Auxiliary trooper. The off-duty trooper left the restaurant and determined that Oldfield was not being truthful. An on-duty trooper was dispatched to the restaurant to make contact with Oldfield, but he had already departed.

The FHP said their investigation determined that Oldfield had worn the uniform and identified himself as an Auxiliary trooper on two other occasions.

Troopers said they believe all of the impersonating incidents were casual in nature; they do not believe Oldfield had contact with anyone while acting in a law enforcement capacity.

The Florida Highway Patrol is asking that anyone who may have had contact with Oldfield in a law enforcement capacity to contact them at (850) 484-5000.


13 Responses to “FHP Trooper Impersonator Arrested”

  1. local on May 10th, 2012 10:44 am

    Any more on this?

  2. Hannah on April 25th, 2012 10:22 pm

    I know this guy from way back when. He is an idiot for doing this. This is a serious crime. And I’m glad he is getting what he deserved for his actions. .. He needs some serious help. Hope he learned his lesson.

  3. Avis on April 21st, 2012 11:29 pm

    He’s probably just looking for a free hamburger. Let me guess…was it a Whataburger restaurant?

  4. Barack Reagan on April 21st, 2012 12:55 pm

    Look in his eyes. This is not a dangerous person. I’ve seen plenty of mug shots on this website to know an evil, soul-less shell when I see one.

    This young man did something wrong, and he needs intervention and guidance, not condemnation.

    And no, I do not know him.

  5. jack on April 20th, 2012 1:33 am

    I actually know this guy. she doesn’t want to be a state trooper his father is a state trooper. he’s done countless times of right along with real time officers. and also has spent a lot of time with real officers. and I feel really bad because she really is such a good guy. Although decision was very stupid of him if he got out of jail I’m sure this would never happen again. He has never rape anyone and he does not drink or do any drugs. This one big mistake he made will cost him. and I hope to not mess up his dream.

  6. 429SCJ on April 19th, 2012 6:45 pm

    You are in a lot of trouble young man. I wonder what sort of diabolical passtimes this joker has been into?

  7. Kosherdave on April 19th, 2012 12:59 pm

    Yeah, I agree with Safebear.
    This guy was doing it for the discount.

  8. Mike on April 19th, 2012 12:52 pm

    I hope he was just getting the discounted meals & has no mental issues. If he really wants to be a Trooper, maybe it is not too late for this young man, if he doesn’t get a felony rap for this stupid act.

    He doesn’t look like he would make the physical requirements to be a Trooper, but he has time to get in shape.

    It is always sad to hear of one of our young people making a stupid, potentially life ruining mistake, whether something like this, or drugs, or other criminal activity. :(

  9. JIM W on April 19th, 2012 12:36 pm

    If he was looking for attention he now has it! Wow! We citizens who do have contact with LEO’S need to know we can trust them and be confident they are who they say they are. This certainly lends to right the oppisite. It hurts all the way around. LEO’S have a hard enough time doing their jobs they do not need a guy like this soiling the reputation they are trying to build.

  10. Safebear on April 19th, 2012 10:15 am

    This is very serious. Not to stir too many feelings but in addition to the above about the guy raping women, look a lot more recent to a shooting in Sanford, FL. The guy may not have worn a uniform but he wanted to be a cop and he did what he though would make him look good doing it. This kid seems to want to be one too and he’s been stopped before he did something more to get attention.

    He looks like a healthy guy. He was probably doing it more for the discounted meals some places give LEOs.

  11. germ on April 19th, 2012 9:49 am

    So sad. This kid definitely has some psychological issues and truly needs our prayers.

  12. Molino-Anon on April 19th, 2012 5:51 am

    Wow… everyone knows you must go through the training to wear mirror tint aviator shades to be a FHP.

    Such a dumb thing to do.

  13. art on April 19th, 2012 4:44 am

    this is very serious. this young man is in a lot of trouble. remember the guy that was going around the area impersonating an LEO, stopping women in their cars and raping them? one was even on foot when he accosted her. not saying this kid had anything to do with that, but if you lie down with dogs, youre gonna get fleas, i mean did they ever catch that rapist?