Escambia Joins Suit Over $6.2 Million Medicaid Billing

April 18, 2012

The Escambia County Commission voted Tuesday night to join other counties in the state in a lawsuit challenging the Legislature’s decision to recoup tens of millions of dollars in disputed Medicaid costs from counties.

Under the law, Escambia County owes about $6.2 million to the state for disputed Medicaid bills that have been adding up for about a decade. The shortfall has the commission scrambling for replacement revenue, with discussions centering around library closures, other departmental cutbacks and layoffs, a sales tax increase or a property tax increase.

Escambia County will join the suit being brought by the Florida Association of Counties.

The Legislature last month approved recouping the money, with leaders contending that counties have not fully made required Medicaid payments. The counties, however, argue that the state’s billing system has major flaws.

Escambia County, for instance, has found that it is being billed for residents of Santa Rosa County and even Alabama residents  that used medical facilities in Pensacola.


3 Responses to “Escambia Joins Suit Over $6.2 Million Medicaid Billing”

  1. Richard Terrell on February 20th, 2013 3:43 pm

    no no tax increase it is bad

  2. Kathy on April 19th, 2012 7:19 am

    Medicaid had three different administrators during that period, who knows what was really owed or if Medicaid can even prove whats owed. Scott is a real winner

  3. EMD on April 18th, 2012 12:35 pm

    Our government in this country is a disaster at all levels. Where is our Constitution? Where is our Republic? Where is our common sense? Have we all been totally “dumbed down?”