Deputies: No Prior Reason To Suspect Abuse Of Mentally Handicapped Woman

April 24, 2012

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office said Monday that they did not have any reason before Saturday to suspect that a young mentally handicapped woman was being abused.

The Sheriff’s Office had responded to a home in the 2800 block of Christine Street twice in recent months, according to Deputy Matt Baxter, ECSO spokesman.  Nothing about those visits tipped off deputies that the 21-year old was being abused.

Deputies were called to the home Saturday after neighbors reported someone screaming in the backyard. They found the young woman outside, wearing a sandwich-board sign made of plywood and held around her neck with chains. She was crying, bleeding and walking in the rain around a swimming pool. She had worn  a path into the ground she had walked so much. She said she was being punished for taking two pieces of candy.

The signs around her neck read “I am a liar and a theif” (sic) and the other read “I well not” (sic). The chains holding the signs had become sightly embedded in her neck.

Deputies also found that she had a four-inch gash in the back of her head. The victim said the suspects hit her with a bucket. Deputies found that the suspects had used superglue to attempt to close the wound. The next day the wound was still open so the suspect sewed it closed with a needle and thread.

Her adoptive parents — Rondal Floyd Hale, age 59, DeeAnn Marie Hale, age 58 — and a visiting friend — Clinton Michael Carr, age 53 — were charged with aggravated abuse of a disabled adult, a first degree felony. Deputies said additional charges may be filed. All three remained in the Escambia County Jail as of Tuesday morning.  Bond for Rondal Hale and Carr was set at $100,000  each, while DeeAnn Hale was being held on $50,000 bond.

Neighbors told a Pensacola media outlet over the weekend that they had called deputies before to report that the woman was being abused. But that’s not really the case, according to Sheriff’s Office records.

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office responded to the home on March 31 for a reported disturbance, Baxter said. The noise turned about to be from a pool party, with several children playing and screaming in the pool. Baxter said the person that called the Sheriff’s Office refused contact from a deputy.

Last December, an Escambia County Sheriff’s Office deputy went to the home at the request of Florida Department of Children and Families investigator. The deputy was simply on “standby” outside the home, Baxter said, and had no part of any investigation. DCF did not report finding any signs of abuse during the visit.

The 21-year old victim was transported to a local hospital under the custody of DCF. It was not known Monday if she remained in the hospital or her condition.

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10 Responses to “Deputies: No Prior Reason To Suspect Abuse Of Mentally Handicapped Woman”

  1. nick elder/ ex-husband of deeann on May 3rd, 2012 1:59 pm

    I know of more abuse of this young lady before this deeann should be held responsible for all this and will be held in a higher court than man can give she is a truley evil woman

  2. Jennifer on April 27th, 2012 11:22 pm

    if they ever allow legal country justice I would like to be the first in line to hand out punishment to these people. they are sick and disgusting and this is where the legal euthanization of persons should come into play…in my opinion there should be no trial..first country justice punishment should be administered and then euthanization.

  3. Duke of Wawbeek on April 26th, 2012 7:15 pm

    Ms Hale’s expression seems to say, They Never Wanted To Put Those Cuffs On Me!

  4. JM on April 25th, 2012 2:19 pm

    What is wrong with people? When did everyone get so cold hearted?
    I saw a woman at the grocery store yesterday that almost ran a young
    woman and her child over in the parking lot. Are we really to busy and
    self involved to be kind. Try passing on good things all day instead
    of being Mr and Mrs. MEAN or Mr. and Mrs. GET OUT OF MY WAY.

    Above all when you see this kind of thing REPORT IT!
    God bless this young girl and may they take extra time to see that
    she is placed in a good home next time and checked on once a
    week. I’m sure she has had about all she can stand.

  5. Debie Tisdale on April 24th, 2012 12:33 pm

    Oh, come on!!!! She pays for the candy and they do this if she eats any?

  6. Concerned on April 24th, 2012 10:02 am

    This story is sad. How people like this can even look that young lady in the eyes and treat her like that I will NEVER understand. I am thankful to God that someone stepped in before she was hurt more or even died. Hopefully the State of Florida will find her a loving home and not send her back to that Hell on Earth! I will be praying.

  7. Molino-Anon on April 24th, 2012 8:50 am

    Another case of DCF not investigating closely enough or doing follow-ups. I bet if they just dropped in one random day they would have seen signs of abuse.

    These people disgust me and I hope they get what they deserve.

  8. Erin on April 24th, 2012 8:16 am

    people go to jail for years for abusing animals, but I bet these people will be free in a month, tops. I think that is just completely disgusting. she can’t defend herself, and they have no right to treat any human being like that, especially her being their adopted daughter! she only knows to trust and love them, how dare they think that its okay to treat her that way! some people are just pathetic.

  9. baebae on April 24th, 2012 5:12 am

    They look like characters out of a horror movie dont they…lets put signs around their necks…hit them in the head with a bucket…then chain them up…..remember an eye for an eye

  10. 429SCJ on April 24th, 2012 3:44 am

    Parasites. These people are breathing our air.