Deputies: Boyfriend Attacks Daughter; Daddy Pulls A Gun On Boyfriend

April 18, 2012

A 66-year old Century man is accused of pulling a gun on his daughter’s boyfriend while he was changing a tire that she slashed.

Deputies responded to the 7600 block of Pleasant Hill Road where they found Tyrone Webb, 52, changing a flat tire. He told deputies that his former live-in girlfriend had slashed the tire on his 2006 Chevrolet pickup with a large butcher knife. He told deputies that he had not physically touched the victim, but he did slash the rear tire on her 1996 Ford Mustang in retaliation, according to an Escambia County Sheriff’s Office report.

As deputies were interviewing the victim, her father arrived on Pleasant Hill Road. Willie Dortch stepped out of his pickup with a .45 caliber handgun and confronted Webb, according a Sheriff’s Office report. The deputy that witnessed the incident called for backup and took Dortch into custody.

The victim told deputies that Webb arrived, accused her having an affair and demanded her cell phone. When she refused, he physically attacked her and removed the cell phone from her hands, the report states.

Webb was charged with battery and released on $1,000 bond from the Escambia County Jail.  The father of his former live-in girlfriend, Willie Dortch, was charged with improper exhibit of firearm.


18 Responses to “Deputies: Boyfriend Attacks Daughter; Daddy Pulls A Gun On Boyfriend”

  1. CD on April 19th, 2012 9:23 pm

    From statements by those who know Mr Dortch, He seems to be a man of integrity and a man who will protect his family. However, with law enforcement already on the scene it would have been best to leave the gun in his pocket and offer information that the LEO’s could have used.

  2. Gmc on April 19th, 2012 6:30 am


  3. 429SCJ on April 19th, 2012 4:05 am

    He is lucky Mr Dortch did not pop him with that .45, he would be walking with the saints.

  4. jp on April 18th, 2012 11:44 pm

    ‘Boy just drop the tire ern right there and back away from the automobile”….’Sherrif, aint no use for you being here i reckon…ill handle this”

  5. respectful on April 18th, 2012 11:13 pm

    I worked with mr willie for awhile and he was the nicest man. He’d just talk and talk..he was country as a turnip green with the best of manners.. No wonder he did the country thing and protected “his own”. I hope everything passes over for you mr willie

  6. srosaman on April 18th, 2012 9:45 pm

    sounds to me like these to need to cut this relationship off before someone gets hurt bad. It is not worth it to either one. They are probably good people just aint meant for each other. Yall go your seperate ways theres more fish in the pond as they say.

  7. dick tracy on April 18th, 2012 9:28 pm

    Mr. Dortch, it all sounded proper to me, but a boot in the hind end would have worked out best.

  8. roert lee on April 18th, 2012 9:19 pm

    i’m 68 and my daugther is 40. i would do the same thing to straigthen things out. look into his eyes

  9. well on April 18th, 2012 9:09 pm

    I used to work with Mr Willie, good guy but was not going to be wronged.

  10. Buddy on April 18th, 2012 7:42 pm

    There is something about a daddy standing up for his daughter, with a gun, in the presence of deputies that just reeks of good old fashioned manhood. My hat is off to you Mr Dortch, and should I ever meet you I would consider it an honor to shake your hand. If more men had those standards today it would be a better world.

  11. David Huie Green on April 18th, 2012 6:01 pm

    “There’s something to be said about the overalls too. I’m not sure what should be said, but there’s got to be something!”

    whatever is said should be said politely, for certain.

    David for reasonable politeness
    and survival

  12. Ole Goat on April 18th, 2012 5:52 pm

    I went to school with a Dortch but I don’t think that he is that old. Go Mr. Dortch.

    Come to think of it, he wore overalls also

  13. Doug on April 18th, 2012 4:38 pm

    I’m 6′5″, 240 lbs, and in pretty good shape. With that said, despite being over 25 years younger I can look at Mr Dortch and tell I do not want to cross him. Just look into his eyes… he is not to be tested. Theres something to be said about the overalls too. I’m not sure what should be said, but there’s got to be something!

  14. EscCitizen on April 18th, 2012 12:27 pm

    It’s Papa to the rescue.

  15. Thinker on April 18th, 2012 11:48 am

    This sounds like true love, if it’s a case of I’ll slash yours if you slash mine.

    Women often do this sort of thing to garner respect and equal status between the sexes in a relationship…it’s a fork in the road. Take the right fork, Mr. Webb, she’s a keeper (maybe).

  16. mc on April 18th, 2012 10:20 am

    Stand your ground, daddy.

  17. David Huie Green on April 18th, 2012 9:20 am

    “charged with improper exhibit of firearm.”

    ?? Looks proper

    David for avoiding those who misuse knives
    and abuse ladies

  18. Jane on April 18th, 2012 7:19 am

    Somebody done somebody wrong song!