County Wants Casino, Poarch Creeks To Pay Up

April 15, 2012

An Alabama county is looking to force the Poarch Band of Creek Indians to start paying property and other other taxes on tribal lands in Atmore — including the Wind Creek Casino — because they don’t legally qualify to operate tax free.

We are now posturing ourselves to no longer ignore,” “We are going to fish or cut bait.”

Their actions stem from a 2009 Supreme Court ruling that said essentially that under the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934, the federal government had no right to create land trusts with tribes that were not recognized by 1934.  Federal recognition for the Poach Creeks did not come until 1984.

That’s 50 years too late, according to David Stokes, chairman of the Escambia County (Ala.) Commission.  The commission is demanding that U.S. Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar determine if the Tribe has protective status. If not, the county will begin the process of assessing and billing property and other taxes to the Poarch Creeks.

“Does the tribe want to cooperate with the tax assessor and have property be assessed and valued,” asked  Bryan Taylor, attorney for  Escambia County and an Alabama state senator.  “Or does the tribe maintain the position that the Supreme Court decision doesn’t apply to them?”


157 Responses to “County Wants Casino, Poarch Creeks To Pay Up”

  1. Picaso on August 4th, 2012 12:45 pm

    Why doesn’t an indian opponent run for county commissioner place 4&5.It would be better representation than we have now and P.C.I. could be informed on the real issues on the TAX issue.I thought all issues were open to the public.I don’t want to cause problems!Freedom Of Speech/ones opinion of District 5 voter.

  2. ndn on May 1st, 2012 3:37 pm

    Time to cut bait….

  3. Wawbash on April 21st, 2012 8:16 am

    GREED? Really? What’s greedier? Asking a billion dollar a year business to pay the same taxes as everybody else, or Running a billion dollar a year business and refusing to simply pay taxes? Seems like our perspective may be a little out of whack, here folks. The question is, if PCI is so darn sure they don’t legally owe taxes, why are they so worried?

  4. NDNCHICK2012 on April 20th, 2012 9:33 am

    “If we ever owned the land we own it still, for we never sold it. In the treaty councils the commissioners have claimed that our country had been sold to the government. Suppose a white man should come to me and say, Joseph, I like your horses, and I want to buy them. Then he goes to my neighbor and says to him; Joseph’s horses. I want to buy them, but he refuses to sell. My neighbor answers, Pay me the money and I will sell you Joseph’s horses. The white man returns to me, and says, Joseph, I have bought your horses and you must let me have them. If we sold our lands to the government, this is the way they were bought.” –Chief Joseph-Nez Perce

  5. PCIandproud on April 19th, 2012 11:28 pm

    “Despite the forced removal of Creek Indians from Georgia and Alabama in 1836, some Creeks in the Tensaw district of Alabama maintained a distinct community around the small town of Poarch. The federal government held a tract of land at Poarch in trust for the Indians until 1924. In the 1940s the community began to organize politically in its own interest, and from 1950 to 1970 tribal leader Calvin McGhee spearheaded a campaign for recognition of Creek land claims in the southeastern states”
    Referring back to the original news headline, “An Alabama county is looking to FORCE the Poarch Band of Creek Indians to start paying property and other other taxes on TRIBALlands in Atmore, I’ve capitalized two KEY words!!
    If only Chief Calvin was still living to tell the REAL story and if only some of our tribal elders could go to Washington and teach the U.S. Government how to handle/invest my tax dollars!
    Our land was in a trust prior to 1934 (which in the end, the date of 1934 is nothing more than just a date). We, the PCIs, can’t help how long it took the Government to give us back OUR land!!

  6. Marion on April 19th, 2012 10:58 pm

    One thing they could be trying is getting gaming out of Alabama, which isn’t a good plan since the state would have to help families who have no job.

    My opinion is when money is being made and someone who wants to get a part of that money they have two ways to go, robbery (then you go to jail) or go through the courts wanting the PCI be taxed which is stil robbery.

    Leave things like they are and the county benefits from all the contributions the PCI help out with. Their land was stolen from the ones who came over and decided they wanted it, now the same type of people are wanting more. In my book it’s called GREED.

  7. roll # 0455 on April 19th, 2012 8:54 pm

    If casinos close…..everybody looses……hundreds and hundreds of jobs gone….multiple thousands of dollars in “would be” taxes vanish…..Donations from PCI cease to exist .Would the commissioners consider this venture to be a success?….Would it be worth it in the end ? I think not .

  8. james frm NC on April 19th, 2012 8:00 pm

    To Whom it may concern ( the voting public)
    Please read a book, titled ” A Century Of Dishonor”. written by Helen Jackson. Whether this is about RACE or GREED,( This Book is not in the History Class’s) it is about us (the voting Public) letting Elected officials make bad decesions and the voting public doing nothing.. whether it is low income area’s ( Black or White) or an Indian tribe( pushed onto uninhabital land at the time), big business comes in and wants the land/property ( for profit) and force us out. I ask all to stand up for what is right!!. Due to county comissioners I have a Relative that lives in a town in NC and if her house is destroyed beyound repair, she can not rebuild she will have to sell to the county( this is family land owned by deed since the 1870’s). knowledge is Wisdom. Native from NC.

  9. CAB on April 19th, 2012 7:35 pm

    @ JRD The comment “There aren’t no indians anymore just people who take advantage of our dumb government.” Do you live in a hole or something? And have you ever been to MY reservation? I think not!

  10. Jennifer on April 19th, 2012 6:18 pm

    Wow! I guess I didn’t realize how much racism is still in this community and surrounding areas. I would love for my tribe to stop donating money for a couple of years just to let everyone see how much of a blessing the tribe is to this county!

  11. ENOUGH on April 19th, 2012 4:35 pm

    ENOUGH : This is not about taxes, it is about our ex-governor BOB RILEY wanting to shut down all casino’s in the state of Alabama. He is just using Our county commissioners to get the ball rolling. Do not allow him to turn our community against one another, it’s NOT about what race you are or what class you consider yourself to be in, the truth is everybody has a dog in this fight cause it will make Alabama in one of the highest percentage rates of unemployment. Once all casinos are closed it will mean thousands of jobs lost. We will watch out children grow up and be forced to move away, so come on people let’s discuss what this is really about and stop playing the race or status game!!

  12. Max on April 19th, 2012 12:48 pm

    So much fighting among neighbors. Perhaps it would be better if gambling was illegal? Oh wait…

  13. JRD on April 19th, 2012 11:49 am

    There aren’t no indians anymore just people who take advantage of our dumb government. Americans and Indians fought, Americans won, get over it. This is our country. It’s illegal anyway for casinos in Alabama so Wind Creek should pay something. It is good to be proud of your ancestors, everybody has ancestors that were wronged in some sort or fashion. But my ancestor beat everyone elses!!!

  14. David Huie Green on April 19th, 2012 10:58 am

    “If it were not for Great Men of many races, men like Christopher Columbus (Italian), Francisco Corronado (Hispanic or Latino?) and General Jackson ((White) this land would be nothing but a wilderness.”

    Actually, it wasn’t all wilderness and simply conquering and enslaving people, stealing their lands, forcing them to move from home isn’t balanced by urbanization.

    Further, there are other ways to interact with people without conquering them. It is possible to trade with them as the French did, respect them as Jefferson did, join them as many blacks and whites did. Many Scots were welcomed by the Creeks and other tribes, hence the surnames. For them being a member of a tribe wasn’t a matter of race but of culture and acceptance or rejection of theirs. (I had a great-great grandmother who was scalped as a white woman by Seminoles during the Second Seminole Indian War despite the fact that she was Seminole by birth. They figured if she joined white man culture, she was white, skin notwithstanding. It’s a culture thing.)

    David for getting along without conquest

  15. Bob Taxer on April 19th, 2012 10:56 am

    Dave, do you honestly think any of this money will end up in Wawbeek??? C’mon man…

  16. Taylor boy on April 19th, 2012 10:05 am

    Your right its not about race but some are making it that way. Im not full blooded but I claim indian. Some people need to stop talking about the past and except it is what it is. And by the way christopher columbus was not a great man

  17. Wondering on April 19th, 2012 9:47 am

    One of the county commissioners causing this trouble for both the tribe and the county has a brother who still has an ongoing lawsuit against the tribe.

  18. Anna on April 19th, 2012 9:12 am

    I wish our county commissioners had this must consideration and agressiveness when it comes to fixing our dirt roads and pot holes, our road has been dirt for the last 50 plus year and everyone give you the same spill at voting time, when it rains the road is a slip & slide, haven’t seen him since voting time, but yet you’re looking out for the residents!

  19. Duke of Wawbeek on April 19th, 2012 9:12 am

    If it were not for Great Men of many races, men like Christoper Columbus (Italian),
    Francisco Corronado (Hispanic or Latino?) and General Jackson ((White) this land would be nothing but a wilderness..

    Lets not make this about race. We came here and only wanted to share this land
    and all our Commissioners ask for now is our fair share of the bounty.

  20. Taylor boy on April 19th, 2012 6:43 am

    I read this stuff and one thing jumps out at me and thats people calling someone a so called indian. So what your saying is if you dont live on the reservation you aint imdian. My family was one of the first on that land but I dont live there and alot of my family doesnt but we are proud to see we are indian.So dont think theres not others out there

  21. missysmom on April 19th, 2012 4:26 am

    Thanks for posting the positions of our commissioners. We will remember you when you run for office again.
    Won’t happen in my lifetime,but I would love to see Porch buy Atmore.

  22. ATMO on April 18th, 2012 7:55 pm

    These morons have cut their own throats and the City of Atmore’s too. Don’t they realize that if PCI isn’t gambling, which is bringing people and businesses to Escambia County and Atmore (more jobs and people spending money, and paying taxes), many people will be unemployed, the Rivercane project will die, and businesses won’t come. Then what do these commissioners have planned for the vacant buildings that will be there, and for the people without jobs? Idiots; guess they didn’t think this through. Greed, jealousy, hate, and political agendas. Commissioners, are those frosted flakes tasting kind of salty now?

  23. River Mel on April 18th, 2012 7:35 pm

    When the white man fought the Indians and won, it
    is called a great victory, but when they lost, it
    is called a massacre.! WE DON’T FORGET !! PROUD CREEK INDIAN !!

  24. River Mel on April 18th, 2012 7:19 pm

    To the GREEDY county commissions of Escambia County, Al. Go ahead with your greedy worthless self! and to the one in Flomaton! You just lost 7 policies!!

  25. River Mel on April 18th, 2012 7:00 pm

    The White man.
    They made us many promises, more than I can remember, but they kept only one; they promised to take our land, and they did.

  26. NDN on April 18th, 2012 4:26 pm

    Can’t you people see that this has nothig to do with taxes. This is Bob Rileys lawer still trying to shut down the casino. The state could not do it so now he has talked the county comissioners in to trying.

  27. CAB on April 18th, 2012 3:07 pm

    Charm and Southern Hospitality = Sucking Up, and backwards thinking of life. Oh, and btw, I am not a gentleman. Have a nice day!! :)
    P.S. YOU will be the one eating out of our hands when the commission gets laughed out of court :)

  28. Duke of Wawbeek on April 18th, 2012 1:44 pm

    Gentllemen I anticipate no problems with Secretary Salazar, after he meets the commission and is exposed to Gov Bentley’s charm and southern hospitality
    he will be eating from their hands. It is certainly a brighter day for we may all look’
    to share in the wealth.

  29. Devils backbone on April 18th, 2012 1:19 pm

    You can’t get a road paved in smiths district now zombo…u right will just get worse

  30. Zombo on April 18th, 2012 1:11 pm

    If this action goes through I hope no one in Escambia County needs a road paved in the next 10 years because all of the counties money will be going into lawyers pockets. But I guess they could rase property taxes.

  31. CAB on April 18th, 2012 12:55 pm

    @ Duke Of Wawbeek. It is not YOUR money. Check yourself.

  32. xyz on April 18th, 2012 11:37 am

    @Duke of Wawbeek…you still fail to see this is not about taxes. This will shut down the casino. Stop being ignorant and learn about the situation before you comment on it.

  33. ABC on April 18th, 2012 11:36 am

    Brandon Smith was not originally opposed to the lawsuit…he flipped flopped when he saw the outcry. Some local papers may be the mouth piece for local politicians but don’t get fooled again people.

  34. cj on April 18th, 2012 9:46 am

    With the money you are paying the lawyer could be working on opening more business to Atmore. Ride down main street and most of them buildings are empty, I don’t see how the ones that are open staying open.
    Atmore will not let new business come in to help and now you want to take control of PCI and make them move. Then what are you going to do or who would you pick on then.
    PCI hasn’t take anything alway from any white or black you see them standing on the road with a gun and say “come in here with your money or we will shoot you” no I don’t think so. We make that choice to spend our money in the PCI if we want to no one make us.
    I think Atmore is jealous because they are helping Pensacola Airport…..

  35. PCI Member on April 18th, 2012 9:10 am

    To all who are in favor of taxing The Poarch Creek Indians, well all I can say is don’t bite the hand that feeds you. To the citizens who only think that the tribe only donates the amount of money that is publicized, well news flash: The Tribe donates far more money to Escambia County and surrounding counties than you would ever imagine they just don’t feel the need to announce it. Maybe we should stop donating so much money and just distribute it to our members and prove to all the non-believers just how much it REALLY is, so tax us county commissioners and prove to the citizens of escambia county what your really fighting for, it’s not to help the county it’s to fatten your own pockets, and while your pockets are getting fatten maybe ours will to. Then the citizens of escambia county who are not tribal members will understand what this is all about.

  36. Duke of Wawbeek on April 18th, 2012 8:13 am

    To the 80% of our County Commission that is going after our money I salute you.
    As for the other 20%, there will always be chaff with the wheat. We will seperate
    that in the next election.

    I am feeling good today inspite of the weather and thinking of golf. Perhaps one day
    soon gentlemen I will see you at the country club. I have not been there in a while and
    look forward to our return.

  37. Angel Struble on April 17th, 2012 8:54 pm

    Amen PCIandproud! That’s like saying that “I moved into your house and now you owe me for sleeping on your couch”. I live in escambia county florida but I’m Poarch Creek and proud. I find this totally shameful and very very sad.

  38. CAB on April 17th, 2012 8:45 pm

    @ PCIandproud…RIGHT ON!!! :)

  39. PCIandproud on April 17th, 2012 8:19 pm

    To Escambiacountygirl…”we all have a little indian in us” ?? explain that please. “not you so called Indians” …you don’t have to explain that one, Your inference speaks volumes about what you think of a Native American. The same type of reasoning that caused tribal land to be taken away to begin with. “White” man is better than you “so called Indians” so, we will take from you what we want. Explain why Native American land rightfully returned to a Native American tribe should be taxed.

  40. Mitch on April 17th, 2012 8:01 pm

    Well said Mick!

  41. Beth on April 17th, 2012 7:12 pm

    Wow. I see people saying that the PCI should be subject to all laws, just the same as the rest of “America”. Hello??? Why should they??? Indians didn’t ask to be part of this nation…it was theirs first. Remember??? Our ancestors kind of moved in and claimed it? Laws were put in place to pay retribution to the Indians for the lands and way of life that our ancestors took from them. I see some of you saying that the PCI is obviously making money hand over fist and it wouldn’t hurt them to pay the taxes. So, based on this….can I come up to you in a parking lot…say, “Hey your car is nicer than mine….I think you should give me money…just because you have more.” No, you pay the taxes you’re REQUIRED by law to pay. I’m not going to pay more just because I have more money….I’m going to pay what I’m required to. I say…..let it go through the courts….and let’s all hope and pray that the people who make the decisions follow the law. That should be the issue…the law. I don’t think that everything set in place to pay retribution should change now because it’s been a long time. Are we a nation of liers? No, we should stand behind what we promised to the Indian people. It wasn’t “too much” to give then and it isn’t now. So, if the PCI are protected by the law…then they shouldn’t have to pay taxes. And, if some people on here are correct in saying that this isn’t about the taxes…that it’s being used as a backdoor to stop a casino. Wow, that’s just shameful. And, yes the casino being there brings a lot more business to the rest of the area, not to mention the money the casino has given to help the community. FTR-I am not Indian…well maybe a drop or two of Cherokee.
    Let every man remember that to violate the law is to trample on the blood of his father, and to tear that charter of his own and his children’s liberty.
    Abraham Lincoln

  42. mick on April 17th, 2012 6:44 pm

    The bigger picture is the powers that be are still trying to keep Casino Gaming out of Alabama…still trying to keep Alabama in the stone age…The county sure has no problem spendng those generous contrbutions…County Comissioners you are the bait and you all have been duped…the country bumpkins that you are into doing the states feeble attempt to keep Alabama from prospering in so many ways. Constituents, time to get rid of the asinine backward thinking bumpkins you have in office right now…

  43. Randall on April 17th, 2012 6:00 pm

    Got the news today when i returned to work of what the county is tiring to do to PCI. I have been with the company for three years now. PCI is one of the best places i have worked i make a great living with the company its hard to believe that people are out there tring to destroy our jobs and the well being of our family members. The county will be using our tax money to fight this in court for many many years. If Wind Creek ever closes due to this no one wins no money for the county the employment rate will go up in the county and a big empty building does no one any good. People this not about taxes its about GAMING in Alabama that some of our politicians are against. WE ALL need to get out and vote when the times comes,but in the meantime write to you commissioners to let them know how you feel. I need my job and a lot of other people do to. We all need to stand behind the tribe weather you are a Indian or not they do a lot of good for our county and other surrounding counties. ITS OUR JOBS AT STAKE!!!!

  44. Mitch on April 17th, 2012 5:02 pm

    “If the county is allowed to tax PCI, then the casino is subject to state law, and state law doesn’t allow gaming.”

    XYZ your statement proved my point. If the county could somehow tax PCI thin some think that would open the door to state litigation. The truth is the state will not sign an agreement of taxation with PCI, not the other way around. Like I said before, this is a backhanded foolish attempt to stop gaming and it’s not going to work. A lot of taxpayer money (your money) is going to go down the drain for no good reason. If the state of Alabama failed to stop gaming I don’t give Escambia Co. any chance at all. Judge Roy Moore cost the state of Alabama 5 million dollars to defend a lawsuit against putting the Ten Commandments in the court house in Montgomery. Personally it doesn’t bother me that The Ten Commandments where displayed in the court house but what does bother me is the price tag that came with that enormous absurd lawsuit. I’m tired of paying for politicians personal agendas. Make no mistake, stopping gaming is what this is all about!

  45. CAB on April 17th, 2012 4:40 pm

    @ Janet…I noticed that too!! HAHA Hey if you cant beat em join em right! :)

  46. Janet on April 17th, 2012 3:56 pm

    Oh! And for the sake of argument– not all postings here are from Native Americans. I’m German from tip to toe. Let’s not confuse the issues with our ancestors!

  47. Janet on April 17th, 2012 3:52 pm

    This is for the “writer” ME. I’m truly amazed. Around 7 a.m. you were very verbal that PCI should pay those taxes and they were ignored for too long. By 2 p.m. you had jumped on board with the rest of PCI’s supporters (myself included). WOW! Talk about the power of persuasion! :0)

  48. CAB on April 17th, 2012 2:28 pm

    Let me ask you all something who say things like “You should have to pay taxes to this county like the rest of us” What exactly has this County done for the Tribe? That’s right…NOTHING!! PCI has freely GIVEN this county more than they deserve! You all will eat your words one day! And maybe they wont be too sour :)

  49. xyz on April 17th, 2012 12:18 pm

    I preface my comments by saying that I believe that all Indian tribes should have to pay taxes and should not receive federal money once they can support themselves by way of casinos.

    As two posters below just said, this is not about taxes. Do not be fooled. Most people aren’t seeing the big picture here. If the county is allowed to tax PCI, then the casino is subject to state law, and state law doesn’t allow gaming. The casino would be shut down and no more tax money. This is about anti-gambling folks trying to shutdown the casino, causing thousands to lose their job.

    Here are the 5 county commisioners of Escambia county:
    Commissioner David M. Stokes, Chairman
    Commissioner Raymond Wiggins
    Commissioner Larry White
    Commissioner David Quarker
    Commissioner Brandon Smith
    Brandon Smith (Atmore) is against this action while the other 4 are in support of it.

    This is from the county meeting regarding the issue:

    So you know, Commissioner Brandon Smith from Atmore strongly objected to this effort by the other four Commissioners. He noted the thousands of jobs that are at stake, the generosity of the Tribe, and the large and positive economic impact that Wind Creek has on the County’s economic wellbeing, particularly in “the worst economic times our country has seen since the great depression.” He challenged Mr. Taylor to explain what will happen to the thousands of us employed by the tribe who will be unemployed if the Commission succeeds with its challenge. Mr. Taylor blankly stared back. Commissioner Smith also spoke out against the back-room and secretive efforts to launch this attack. Know that based on actions taken yesterday by the County Commissioners, Commissioner Smith is the only voice at the table who is concerned about our jobs and our ability to take care of our families.

  50. get real on April 17th, 2012 11:32 am

    The problem is not money………if the land isn’t trust land, there won’t be any gaming…… casino. Try collecting taxes on a big empty building. This isn’t about taxes people……the county’s new attorney handling this matter is opposed to gambling in Alabama. When he worked for Riley, he tried to shut the casino down. Don’t be fooled by the smokescreen…………this isn’t a tax issue……its a fight for survival. No trust land……no gambling………no jobs for thousands.

  51. Mitch on April 17th, 2012 11:20 am

    This is not about taxes. This is just another thinly veiled attempt by right-wingers to stop gaming. I’ve got news for you, life itself is based on chance. Have you ever heard of the US Stock Market? The whole United States economy is based on chance. We take a chance on the car we buy, the person we marry, and the schools we attend. Lord knows we take a chance every time we get out on the road.

    The commissioners need to stop this ridiculous attack on a group of people who have tried so very heard to be good neighbors to this community. Tax payers are tired of politicians using our money to fund frivolous and foolish lawsuits based on their own personal backward belief systems.

    This is a time in our country when people need jobs and these commissioners are trying to take those jobs away. Do the commissioners have a plan to replace the thousands of jobs and millions of dollars in lost revenue if the casino closes down? The answer to that question is no!

  52. escambiacountygirl on April 17th, 2012 10:06 am

    you know guys,, you have donated so much money what is the big deal about paying taxes!!!! you are no better than the rest of us and when it comes down to it we all have a little indian in us. Keep fighting David and the rest of the commissioners. We, the county, not you so called indians, stand behind you!!

  53. 429SCJ on April 17th, 2012 9:51 am

    Native American Warriors, the real Homeland Security. Fighting Terrorism on this soil since 1492.

    The fight continues

  54. Dixie Chick on April 17th, 2012 9:36 am

    This is a no win situation. Yes PCI has been generous in helping Atmore schools and some businesses with a couple million. I think the comissioners are thinking of the tens of millions they could be getting to help the county. I hate what our ancestors did to the Indians because no one should ever be treated like that. What about the black people and what was done to them. You can’t expect to be paid for what happened years ago. You were not here then and neither were we. There is a time to stop saying woe to me cause the white man was mean to our people. Everyone has reaped to benefits now so lets just go on with life and stop expecting handouts for how people years ago were treated. When the commission started this not all of them were in favor of how it was handled. Yes Brandon Smith is in Atmore district. He was in favor of everyone sitting down together and discussing this like good neighbors but that is not what happened. Maybe they could have worked it out and asked PCI to contribute more instead of going to court but guess we won’t know now. Commissioners, you may have screwed yourselves up.

  55. Duke of Wawbeek on April 17th, 2012 9:08 am

    The window of opportunity, to preclude todays problems, was missed long ago.

    The genie is now, out of the bottle, I fear that setting things correct, is going to be a
    daunting task at best. Mr Stokes, Mr Taylor, I do not envey you, but make no
    mistake, this is not a fools errand, that you have been called upon to perform.

    I am sure Governor Bentley, being the Noble Republican he is, will not hesitate to
    deploy State Police, even State National Guard asetts, if you require them, to
    suppress this uprising, and blatant civil disobedience.

    We will not stand for this!

  56. williet on April 17th, 2012 8:14 am

    I was hoping one of the indians woudl run for mayor of Atmore…it could only help this dying town. Let the people of Escambia County vote on this issue..we will see who wins then, Mr. Stokes…and I feel sure after this, your days in office are numbered

  57. missysmom on April 17th, 2012 5:37 am

    Shame on Escambia County. Can’t you be satisfied with the “gifts” you are given? Greed, shame on the commissioners behind this.

  58. Lord help the all on April 16th, 2012 11:20 pm

    Alot of people need to seek God and fall on their faces to ask forgiveness for the hate and greed they have in their hearts’. The bible says we are to love one another and help our fellow man. Yes in our history people were mistreated by the color of their skin. The ones who commited the acts have or will answer for their actions’ when they come face to face with Jesus. I believe in EVERYONE being equal and working doing their own fair share.

  59. Amy352 on April 16th, 2012 11:03 pm

    you people are stupid! I work for the tribe and they have been more than generous! I say Poarch cut them off! Then tie this up in court for 20 years! Atmore will be Poarch the metropolis then! Go ahead gov officials! Try to line your pockets! PCI all the way! None of you in Atmore gave me a job that paid well! I am not an Indian either! Good old Dutch Irish Creole! Brewton is nothing but old money! Hope you lose it all you morons! Buford and Arthur will take care of all our jobs and their people!

  60. Melly Rolin on April 16th, 2012 10:50 pm

    to: escambiacountygirl, I work on the casino floor 5 days a week and it’s ACTUALLY TRUE we aren’t issued guns to force people to play and we have plenty of reading material for persons with a gambling problem, if they feel they have one……and why should WE build a homeless shelter, our people are doing fine…maybe someone (shhhhhhh, no names mentioned) should have picked one up and then they wouldn’t be so bitter…….hmmmmm

  61. avalon on April 16th, 2012 10:44 pm

    I have read alot of the comments.

    My only thought is how much money is the Esc County AL commission going to spend fighting this in court. That would be tax payers dollars. The case mentioned, 2009 Carcieri v. Salazar has not even been worked out at the federal level.
    If I was PCI I would not loose any sleep over this one. Thank you PCI for the over 2000 people that you provide employment for. Thank you comm. Brandon for showing some common sense and concern for your constituents.

  62. Just Saying on April 16th, 2012 10:36 pm

    Ha ha….
    Let’s see how many of you have negative comments when the county commissioners find out there is nothing they can do.
    We will see who has the last life. Hope PCIs generous donations effects someone you know and then I want to hear your comments.

  63. Melly Rolin on April 16th, 2012 10:33 pm

    GFB your a completely ignorant person and obviously completely clueless as to where the city limits of Atmore even are. It’s not just about getting gas or staying in a hotel that are by the way within the city limits. It’s about the jobs and revenue the Poarch Creek Indians provide for not only THIS county but all over the state. Also, we are always helping out with generous donations. Did you happen to read the paper awhile back stating the amount of money that was given to ALL of our local schools??? And my mother rode in the back of a bus when she was finally ALLOWED to ride a bus to school many moons ago, and the things that were done to our people are still shameful, we after all we are called NATIVE Americans for a reason, WE are the founding fathers of this great country, it may have been stripped away many moons ago but we’re alot stronger now and our leaders are stronger than ever, we’ve paid our dues and in reality we do not owe anyone anything!!!

  64. RB on April 16th, 2012 9:54 pm

    Let the lawyers have at it. Let’s see if Escambia County can match dollar for dollar in the legal fight. This is one battle the PCI’s will win against the American greed machine without firing one shot. Fork Tongue David Stokes may lose his political scalp. Why don’t you run gambling by the Escambia County Voters and get your own casino.

  65. baebae on April 16th, 2012 8:23 pm

    AMERICAN OUTLAW…very well said….you have my vote..good honest statement there brother !!!!

  66. Just Saying on April 16th, 2012 8:01 pm

    Jealousy and greed will get you nowhere.
    PCI tribal members have suffered enough, now that they are bettering their people there are those of you who seem jealous. You would be amazed at the number of donation request that the tribe gets daily and how many are approved.
    Why is it such a big deal now? I can tell you why, because all you negative people are jealous of what PCI is doing for their people.
    It would be a different story if all the money given out in donations could be taken back.
    I guess when people loose their jobs you will fuss about the unemployment in this county.

  67. americanoutlaw on April 16th, 2012 7:58 pm

    No one mentions that “native” americans receive money from the government just for being “native” americans. Where do they think that money comes from? It comes from the the taxes the rest of us pay. If the “native” americans want to be a sovreign nation, then let them. Stop all the federal money they get, put a border fence around them and require a visa to go to their nation and for them to come to the USA. Furthermore, the “native” americans can vote in all elections, but the rest of us cannot vote in their elections. The double standard must stop!!! You are either part of the USA, and receive all the benefits and sacrifices that come with it, or be your own nation and have all the responsibilities that come with it. The past is over and people must live in the here and now. Get over yourselves already. Everyone is proud of their heritage, but most people don’t try to use it as a crutch to get by in life.

  68. just askin on April 16th, 2012 6:46 pm

    does anyone remember all the donations wind creek has made to all the local schools. they seem to get the money to where its needed better than the government does.

  69. pay your taxes on April 16th, 2012 5:39 pm

    I live close to the casino and i say pay the taxes.

  70. Not quite White on April 16th, 2012 5:30 pm

    One of my Ancestors is William Weatherford His mother was of Creek, French and possibly Scottish decent. His father a scotts trader.After the war, he rebuilt his wealth as a slaveholding planter in lower Monroe County, Alabama. So I am “indian-Scottish-and whatever else is thrown into the mix. People when you run it all down we are all kin. I am not on the roll and have never begrudged my family that are. Get a grip people. Some of you make me sick.

  71. Seriously on April 16th, 2012 4:29 pm

    Seriously ? I Dont Think It Will Hurt Them One Bit to pay more taxes…. Look At How Far The American People Have GottenThem Being As Some Want to make this Racial ….Dont see any of them willing to go back to the old ways and live in Tee Pee’s Without Technology , cars , cell phones…. really ?

  72. Duke of Wawbeek on April 16th, 2012 4:28 pm

    In Atmore there was once, an order to things. Now there is disorder. It seems
    that today, there is no regard for station or propriety. I only see things getting
    worse, as time goes by.

    Mr Stokes, Mr Taylor, I wish you luck gentlemen, in quelling these upstarts.

  73. Michelle on April 16th, 2012 4:14 pm

    Why now? They (Co. Com) are really grasping at straw now. Why give them more money, when they can’t take care of what they are given?
    PCI good for you, since you kindly keep bailing out Esc Co. I think they relied on you to long and expect it. Now they think they have a right to demand it.
    Little ingrates. No more casting pearl before swines.

  74. Atmore Citizens Watch on April 16th, 2012 4:14 pm

    Brandon Smith is the commissioner for that district…not sure about David Quarker…

  75. bigR on April 16th, 2012 3:55 pm

    i think the crooks in brewton are just trying to get their filthy hands on some money they are jealous because the west end finally have something good going on and they cant stand it i dont feel that they should have to pay anything , they alreadydonate a good bit (in the millions) to education, which is more than i can say about brewton they take care of brewton schools and roads , just drive around in brewton all their streets are paved recently while our end of the county has to drive on bad roads, if you check you will see that poarch paid to pave the last road re-surfacing in our end of the county not the brewton crooks, i hope poarch sues the crap out of them especially this stokes clown. it was their land to begin with you freeakin idiot it was taken from them by greedy people and they had to live and get treated like trash now they finally got something good going not only for them but our end of the county and the brewton clowns are trying to screw them over again. mabe we should draw the line at big escambia creek and start our own county because if those guys in brewton get their hands on any money it goes for their good and screw the rest of the county.

  76. Chris Rolin on April 16th, 2012 2:00 pm

    I am truly amazed at the hate that is still brewing in some white americans about NATIVE Americans. Native meaning this is our original home not esc countys or the goverments or yours. It was stole from my ancestors and handed out to the whites while our people were murdered and hunted to near extinction. Herded up like a bunch of cattles and forces to walk not ride a horse or a wagon but walk to oklahoma, really and you think you have paid enough for that. Suddam Hussein was hanged for commiting genocide, well the united states should be treated the same right. If a man walks into a store and buys a coke thats his right and whos business is it to tell him he shouldnt have bought that coke. Then blame the store for selling him a coke. Wind Creek provides a service and people who play there should not be criticised for doing so. They just wanted a coke. In the white mans bible it says let him without sin cast the first stone, is esc county without sin. Do you really believe that the commisioners care about this county, how many of them took salary deductions when esc was broke and you really think they care. Lets see how long it takes them to give there self a raise if we are forced to pay them taxes.

  77. CW on April 16th, 2012 1:57 pm

    Is this Stokes guy from the Atmore area, or from over towards Brewton? I notice people in the eastern end of the county are a little less sympathetic towards PCI since they don’t reap the benefits of the casino (and maybe a little jealous). People in Atmore are grateful.

  78. buck on April 16th, 2012 1:26 pm

    Who is the county commissioner for the poarch district? I want to make sure I don’t vote for him.

  79. DJC on April 16th, 2012 1:01 pm

    Did the county go after Poarch when it was just a Bingo Palace for taxes?

  80. thumper1990 on April 16th, 2012 12:49 pm


    Nobody twists anybody’s arm to go in there. You talk about building a homeless shelter. Why don’t your awesome county build one? If it shut down today alot of non tribal members would be put of jobs and that would give y’all something else to gripe about

  81. just-a-concerned citizen on April 16th, 2012 12:40 pm

    @ white guy
    “Granted the white man did ALL indians wrong back 300 years ago”
    Okay have you been like in a comma or something? 300 years ago? REALLY. Do you realize it took the Civil Rights movement to even get the Tribal Children into public schools?

    In a court of law, a signed contract stands, correct? Then why are we evehaving a discussion about all of this? EVERY signed treaty between the Native Americans and the US Government was broken by, guess who, yep the Government. So shouldn’t the tribe be the one screaming and hollaring about what was ILLEGALLY taken from them over the past “300 years” my friend. Read the history of the Tribes and then have an intlligent conversation later.

  82. white guy on April 16th, 2012 12:18 pm

    Granted the white man did ALL indians wrong back 300 years ago, but at what point in time, time being the key word here, do they become apart of the United States of America? nothing wrong with having indian heritage, I do, but we all are Americans.

  83. Jessica on April 16th, 2012 11:26 am

    “Jessica….Mcdonalds pays there taxes, and people have to eat.”

    No, they pay “their” taxes. And it seems you completely missed the point. People don’t have to eat that processed crap that is barely legitimate to be called food. But, that’s a whole other topic.

    The tribe greatly benefits the Atmore area. I’d rather see them donate the money than have it line politicians pockets. Lord knows the community won’t see a dime of it if it has to go through the government.

  84. nudo on April 16th, 2012 11:16 am

    Jessica….Mcdonalds pays there taxes, and people have to eat.

  85. $0.02 on April 16th, 2012 11:13 am

    1. The tribe is abiding by the rules. PERIOD. 2. People feeding a couple hundred to a slot machine is no different than folks charging $200 on junk at Walmart when their kids are wearing worn out shoes. You can’t possibly police who should and shouldn’t be gambling. 3. The tribe are GENEROUS supporters of and contributors to Escambia County. I personally don’t care if it’s for PR, politics, whatever. Once it is fed into that machine it is theirs, what they do with it after that is up to them. Fortunately, they choose to give back to a community who desperately needs it.
    The reality here folks is that poor leadership has left Atmore riding the tribe’s coattail. Our future depends on the success of “the Indians” and it sounds like that’s a bitter pill for some of you.

  86. just-a-concerned citizen on April 16th, 2012 10:53 am

    @ Duke of Wawbeek
    “I knew it would come to this, when they built that little school in Poarch, so very
    many years ago.”

    What, that the Tribe would become more educated than the average Joe and really care about their people and prosper the Tribe as a whole, rather than, like many we know, holding all the cards in Atmore and keeping a cap on anything coming into the area that might hurt the “club”.

    BOOOO Commissioners!!!!!

  87. GFB on April 16th, 2012 10:51 am

    I think it is high time they have to pay someone other than themselves. And as far as Rivercane comments, I do not believe that the traffic flow is helping the city of Atmore. Do they come in and buy groceries to stay at the hotels? Do they fill up with gasoline in Atmore itself, or fill up at the interstate? Again, high freaking time!!

  88. just-a-concerned citizen on April 16th, 2012 10:47 am

    @escambiacountygirl and nudo

    No one holds a gun to any ADULT who walks through those doors. If someone is STUPID enough to lose their whole pay check it is not PCI’s fault. There are thousands of employees who want the commisioners to BACK OFF.

    I know who I’m not voting for next election. The “Good Old Boys Club” get out of office!!!!!

    I’m not a Tribal Member but even I can see what the Poarch Band of Creek Indians have down for Atmore, surrounding communities and even surrounding counties.

  89. Jessica on April 16th, 2012 10:39 am

    Nudo, no one is forced to gamble. If they are putting money they can’t afford into a slor machine, that is their fault. No one is taking money from them, they are freely giving it. Can’t blame the casino for the stupidity of others no more than you can blame McDonalds for an expanding waist.

  90. Duke of Wawbeek on April 16th, 2012 10:31 am

    I knew it would come to this, when they built that little school in Poarch, so very
    many years ago.

  91. nudo on April 16th, 2012 9:38 am

    The comments of “we and they” have given and done so much for the community bothers me a little. You took money someone who gambled it, they probably didn’t have it to gamble, and then want to be recognized for it. Now its a big deal when taxes are involved. Not going to get any pitty from me.

  92. escambiacountygirl on April 16th, 2012 8:50 am

    The indians are no different than all the other paying tax citizens of this county!!!
    If you cant see what is going on then you guys are blind. They come in and build this so called help the world casino with all the revenue it brings in. Well what about all the revenue it takes away. The poor citizens who think ” well i will just go send a few dollars” and end up loosing a whole pay check. There are more homeless people in this county and more children who go to bed hungry every night so instead of building a casino why didnt they build a homeless shelter. Yes they need to pay taxes!!!!!! Our county commissioners is doing the right thing!
    and we should stand behind them. They are fighting for our county! Which is more than i can say for the indians!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  93. pay your taxes on April 16th, 2012 8:01 am

    Think about this!!! That old Bingo hall and the pow-wows did not come up with all the funds for that casino and everything else.We (US) the goverment,gave them the $$$$.We dont owe them anything .What was done was done long ago.What they owe us is the taxes.And it just might be more than what they have been given out in the first place.

  94. 429SCJ on April 16th, 2012 6:45 am

    Stokes and Taylor have proved themselves, a Clear and Present Danger, to the
    Soveriegnty and Health of the Creek Nation, and Native Americans as a whole.

    It is difficult to believe, that this it what it has come down to..

    Chief Rolan and Council, our prayers and support are with you.


  95. Molino-Anon on April 16th, 2012 6:18 am

    If the county goes through with this and taxes PCI (which is greedy and under-handed at this point), I say let PCI pay the taxes and cut off ALL funds going out into the community and put it back into their land. Eventually building their own city that puts Atmore to shame. I would not give another thin dime to the community with this going on… let them drown in their own greed.

    It was all good when PCI was struggling for years, holding their Pow-Wow to generate some revenue for their community. Now that PCI has made good for themselves EVERYONE wants a piece of the pie.

    This truly disgusts me and I for one will never buy 1 item or even a gallon of gas in Atmore if this goes through, for the rest of my life.

  96. Beverly on April 16th, 2012 6:00 am

    If Escambia County wants to tax – let the PCI decide that ONLY the people on role play at the Casino, work there and buy from the Smoke Shop! Let’s see how that will hurt Escambia Co.! Lots of people would be on welfare and food stamps. What would they do then? Woulnd’t hurt PCI- they have enough to live on for yearsssssss.
    Esc. Co sure didn’t want the casino in but they all sure use it !!!!!!!!!! Very religious, huh? Esc Co doesn’t have enough money to beat PCI’s attorneys anyway! Go for you idiots!

  97. CAB on April 15th, 2012 9:45 pm

    All this amounts to is greed, and jealousy. Plain and simple. Give someone an inch and they take a mile. I guess some people don’t understand the meaning “Sovereign Nation”.

  98. Millard Peacock on April 15th, 2012 9:32 pm

    Poarch and part of Huxford, is land considered to be near the “Head Waters of Perdido Creek”,
    was given durning the “War of 1812-13 as payment for services of one of the “three Friendly Creek Indians” which were used as guides for Andrew Jackson.
    The treaty, should trump any claims the county has as to taxes. The land is
    considered as Federal land and not subject to any tax, it is not county or state land.
    It is land of a Sovereign Nation all the way back to the Treaty of War of 12-13.
    Poarch has done a lot for the county and other counties as well. People have jobs now where there wasn’t any. The county will continue to grow, with hotels, businesses, surely if there is a need for extra tax, it can be from the growth that will come.
    It seem to me, this move is a bad mistake to tax.
    Whoever thought this up, I suggest you reconsider.

  99. nudo on April 15th, 2012 8:49 pm

    Exactly my point Judy….They tried to shut it down. Then it just goes away. You don’t think politicians aren’t bought off? Keep living in your glass bubble.

  100. RB on April 15th, 2012 8:24 pm

    8% of $10,000,000.00 a week. Wonder what that would be in ole David Stokes, chairman of the Escambia County (Ala.) Commissions greasy hands.

  101. mick on April 15th, 2012 7:12 pm

    For years and years my elders have endured the mistreatment of the Federal Government and all of their cronies…the tables have turned and now we are prosperous…county comissioners you’re days are numbered and once you’re constituents realize what lazy idiots you all are…you are all gone, then we will see who hopes the generosity of the Poarch Band of Creek Indians continues…

  102. huh on April 15th, 2012 7:09 pm

    Alabama hates the fact that gambling exists , due to religious blue laws. They try to shut down gambling constantly rather than just letting adults make decisions for themselves with their own money.

    They shouldn’t pay anything for taxes, they are their own nation.

    They should legalize marijuana on their own lands and start their own military to defend themselves.

  103. mick on April 15th, 2012 6:59 pm

    First and foremost Federal Government had no right to steal land that did not belong to them in the first place. Poarch Creek Indians have been more than generous with their contributions to the county… Cut off the generous contributions…County comissioners are scrambling to look for revenue to cover up for their horrible mismanagement in the first place ..they should all be in the unemployment line…oh and lets not forget the 30+ percent the lawyers are going to get…the old saying lawyers aren’t worth anything until you need one…and 500 of them on the ocean floor is a good start! Money and greed… Poarch Creek Indians dont owe any of you anything… you all owe us… whether you like it or not

  104. PCIandproud on April 15th, 2012 6:47 pm

    To: “PCI should pay taxes just like all of us. Why is it that my federal tax funds go to them and they can discriminate and say who can or cannot have lunch at the SAIL center and they can build a Wellness Center and other things getting federal funds and only those on the tribe list can use them. Just saying…. things should be open to everyone.”
    As a PCI, I DO pay my taxes just like everyone else. To understand why the PCIs can do things for their own people, you would need to read a lot of history books and then perhaps you would understand. The PCIs are a tribe which basically translates to FAMILY! I think most families do things for their other family members. The PCIs are not taking anything from anyone, only reclaimed what was theirs to begin with. Now that we as a tribe have started to see the benefits of building and investing (and share with the community by means of contributing some of our tribal dollars), it would appear it is once again coming down to “let’s take it away again, they’re doing too good on their own”

  105. doc. on April 15th, 2012 6:37 pm

    Everybody need to think about all the support they give the schools in Escambia Al. and Escambia FL. They donate buses for the teams of the schools to go on trips and to go to games…. So remember that….

  106. Judy on April 15th, 2012 6:20 pm

    SHECC: Go to your local YMCA, which by the way, PCI bailed out with hundreds of thousands of dollars.

  107. Judy on April 15th, 2012 6:17 pm

    NUDO: You are 50% correct in your comment . ….”You think they give the millions to the schools and help the city because they want to? Its public image and because they don’t pay taxes. Money talks, politicians are bought, and you the public are suppose to keep drinking the coolaide” . …. NUDO: DO YOU not remember the actions against PCI and other casino owners by former Governor Bob Riley? With that in mind, how did PCI, in your words, “buy politicians”? YES, PCI does try to be AND has been a good neighbor to the surrounding area. PCI does NOT have to be a good neighbor to Escambia County, AL they CHOOSE to be such. Obviously, it is not appreciated and now I think the time has come to be a good neighbor to other surrounding counties.

  108. PCIandproud on April 15th, 2012 6:14 pm

    In response to “(People in Poarch need to consider this when voting for county commissioner) is one response I read. While I don’t pretend to know the rules, it would seem odd to me that if PCI residents are allowed to vote in Escambia County, then they should have all the other benefits, like paying taxes as well. If however they are a sovereign nation, as it is bandied about, then how are they able to vote?”
    I don’t think you understand the meaning of sovereign nation. As a PCI, I abide by the rules and law of my tribe, but I’m still an American (more American by heritage than most) and abide by the laws of the U.S. government as well; hence the right to vote. And for the record, I’m in the process of finishing my taxes for 2011. As a result, I will be writing a check for another $3,549 in ADDITION to what I’ve already paid during the past year. Each individual tribal role member is still required to pay their taxes just like any other American.

  109. shecc on April 15th, 2012 6:13 pm

    This is property tax which they should pay like all of us. Why is it that our federal funds go to PCI for senior food at the SAIL center and they dictate who can go there to eat? Why can PCI build a wellness center and only tribe members atttend? ON AND ON I could go. Then limit who can go to the Casino and gamble being only PCI tribe. Atmore should sell the whole Rivercane failure to PCI, sure it will not be successful without the Casino, but PCI should not discriminate. All things equal and open to public. They do not pay business or operating tax, but the property tax should be paid.

  110. shecc on April 15th, 2012 5:57 pm

    PCI should pay taxes just like all of us. Why is it that my federal tax funds go to them and they can discriminate and say who can or cannot have lunch at the SAIL center and they can build a Wellness Center and other things getting federal funds and only those on the tribe list can use them. Just saying…. things should be open to everyone.

  111. Chris Rolin on April 15th, 2012 5:50 pm

    I am a proud member of the poarch band of creek indians. I am also an employee of Wind Creek Casino. I can not believe after everything my tribe has done for this county, the jobs we bring( not just at the casinos but also our tribal offices and health deparment and so forth) our schools would not be able to teach your children Escambia County if not for the tribe. We are tired of being oppressed and will not stand for it. Our leaders will not bow to you anymore. We will hold our head and smile when its all said and done but we should also continue our support of the community afterwards no matter the outcome. We must provide a bright future for our community and our childrens future. To me you should do a little research on the plight of esc. before the creeks in.

  112. Flomatoncitizen on April 15th, 2012 5:36 pm

    There is a thought. I wonder if the commissioners realize how many people are related to tribal members either by blood or marriage. Maybe we should boycott all businesses in Escambia county if they continue this crusade and see how much revenue they receive then.. The business owners probably would stand up to them then.

  113. Judy on April 15th, 2012 5:16 pm

    Commission Chairman, David Stokes and the other commissioners that support him did not pursue this on their own. They are being used. The county commissioners are working with and most likely were solicted by Alabama State Senator and attorney, Bryan Taylor. Bryan Taylor was the policy director for former Alabama Governor Bob Riley . Bryan is a close personal friend of Riley’s. According to an article in the Montgomery Advertiser on 6/27/11, Taylor was contacted to comment about Riley’s Alaskan motorcycle accident. Excerpts from that article follow: “State Sen. Bryan Taylor, R-Prattville, a former aide to Riley, said in a statement he was praying for a swift recovery.“There’s never been a governor tougher than Bob Riley,” Taylor said. “If I learned one thing from Gov. Riley, it’s that without risk, there can be no great rewards.” Taylor said in a phone interview Riley had spoken about the trip since Taylor joined the administration in 2006. A similar trip from Alabama to Florida in 1996 inspired Riley’s successful run for Congress that year.” The senator spoke to Riley briefly during the trip. “He loved getting out of Montgomery,” Taylor said. “He had told me before there was no greater sense of freedom than riding a bike on the open road.”

    Bryan Taylor is WASTING taxpayer monies in his attempt to continue the crusade against the Poarch Band of Creek Indians started by former Alabama Governor, Bob Riley . Why shouldn’t he? He lives in the Prattville, Alabama area—out of touch with the economic struggles that Escambia County, AL would endure if PCI stops contributing to the local economy. As a PCI tribal member well informed of the donations the tribe has made to Escambia County, Alabama, I am extremely disappointed and now personally motivated to campaign against contributing additional monies into Escambia County, Alabama’s local economy. I hope Escambia County, Alabama business owners contact their commissioners to VOICE concern about what would happen to their establishments should tribal members decide not to support them. As for me, I will no longer spend my hard-earned money in Escambia County, Alabama AND will make certain to share the FACTS and my opinions with everyone I encounter.

  114. get a clue on April 15th, 2012 5:05 pm

    no trust land = no gambling = no casino = no jobs = lost income for thousands of people.

    and then……….see what a property tax on an empty hotel and Rivercane will be.

  115. Nahoga on April 15th, 2012 4:36 pm

    “Chalk up another victory to the human spirit.” a quote from Planet of the Apes. So appropriate here. The lunatics are running the asylum at the tax office.

  116. get a clue on April 15th, 2012 4:15 pm

    Most vote because they live off the reservation…..and vote they will. Bye bye incumbents.

  117. cygie on April 15th, 2012 3:49 pm

    (People in Poarch need to consider this when voting for county commissioner) is one response I read. While I don’t pretend to know the rules, it would seem odd to me that if PCI residents are allowed to vote in Escambia County, then they should have all the other benefits, like paying taxes as well. If however they are a sovereign nation, as it is bandied about, then how are they able to vote?

  118. Stephen Johnson on April 15th, 2012 3:47 pm

    This is not a white Black or red thing. This is Elected officials wanting more money plain and simple.

  119. Thomas Weaver on April 15th, 2012 3:39 pm

    Oh, so we are now digging into being an attorney-at-law, getting down to the dotting the ‘i’s and crossing the ‘t’s. Which hair brained (lawyer/wannabe attorney) commissioner came up with this idea? The premise, here, is that they have or make a lot of money and I want some to spend…’Cause that is exactly what you will do and probably try to spend on some pet project that will “benefit” the (ha-ha) community [or some other lingo that attempts to justify you silliness].
    Recognition dates aside, they, the tribe, has a lot of money and will take this all the way to the top court. Meanwhile, the resident’s tax dollars are going to be spent on lawyers, lawyers, and lawyers for many, many years. How silly is this?

  120. randy lucas on April 15th, 2012 3:06 pm

    Well,Its an absolute shame For the Escambia County Commissioners to even think of trying to tax the Casino.The Poarch band of Indians do more for the residents of Escambia County than the commissioners ever have. I am a member of the local VFW in Atmore,recently our building was damaged by high winds and because of our insurance we werent able to fix the roof.Guess who stepped up and gave us some of the money to fix it? It wasnt the county commisiion .You,guessed right if you thought Poarch Creek.These Men and Women help everyone…..I am absolutely ashamed of the Commisiion and hope they reconsider this.

  121. jan on April 15th, 2012 3:00 pm

    at melodies4us but, do you have ancestors who date back to when their homes and land were literally taken from them? The PCIs only occupy a small portion of land that was originally theirs to begin with. They have worked hard to provide for their people and how is that wrong? Besides, does the County/State really want to invest tax dollars to fight a battle that is already lost? In order to oust the PCIs, they would have to get the Federal government involved to oust ALL Native American tribes. I don’t think that will happen, so it’s just another waste of dollars to try and fight against something that does not need to be fought against. Enjoy the fact that the PCIs have contributed greatly to redirect the economic plight of Atmore and the surrounding areas. Enjoy the fact that the PCIs desire to be an economic supporter of their communities. Know that the PCIs have what it takes (legally) to prevail if the County/State persues to take away what they have worked too hard for.

  122. molino jim on April 15th, 2012 2:27 pm

    If you go to the casino and you look at where the cars are from, you will know there are many people there who would not have come to Atmore if it was not for the casino. Sad that the county to be spending a lot of money on lawyers that may win and then again may not win. The only winner will be the lawyers. There very well never be the help the county has received since the casino opening plus the relation ship with the casino and county will never be the same.

  123. Jan on April 15th, 2012 1:11 pm

    AND, the county commission may have just bitten off the hand that feeds others in their area because in order to accomplish their greediness, they will have to “shut down” all of the other federally recognized tribes in the U.S. (land that originally belonged to the Native Americans) Don’t think that is going to happen, so County Commissioners, you might want to think again about your greediness and accept the fact that the PCIs have done a lot of good for your county!! and the fact that what they have given already far outweighs your tax dollars amount!!

  124. Jan on April 15th, 2012 12:37 pm

    My 87 year old mom is a full blood Poarch Band of Creek Indians tribal role member. IF you don’t understand what she and her generation went through to get federal recognition, I can tell you!!! If the county commission thinks they are better off to require the tribe pay taxes, then they are in for a rude awakening. Perhaps before they jump on the taxes wagon, they should look at what has ALREADY been invested into the community! Go ahead, PCI, pay the taxes and re-invest your charitable dollars into other communities and school systems!! County Commissioners, you MIGHT want to re-think your actions!!

  125. Thinker on April 15th, 2012 12:26 pm

    This is deep. This is ironic, This is arrogance and borders on racism. But it may be all very legal (for now). This reminds me of the difference pointed out by a black author in the sixties about how the North sees people of color and how the South viewed (or still views) them: Up North they don’t care how big they get, just so they don’t get too close, while in The South they don’t care how close they get, just so they don’t get too big. Hmmm.

  126. Michael H. Thomson on April 15th, 2012 12:24 pm

    When the Neal Trust expired, Escambia County ran of money now they are sueing the Poarch Creeks. Escambia County, Alabama should fire David Stokes and the other commisioners. New elections are needed, NOW!!!

  127. Me on April 15th, 2012 12:16 pm

    I would bet a dollar to a doughnut that the Creek Indians are donating far more money on a voluntary basis than all of the property tax dollars will bring in. Escambia County may be fixing to bite the hand that feeds them.

  128. ME TOO on April 15th, 2012 12:10 pm

    “Dont bite the hand that feeds ya” . This will be a huge mistake for the county if it goes thru.

  129. nudo on April 15th, 2012 11:25 am

    You think they give the millions to the schools and help the city because they want to? Its public image and because they don’t pay taxes. Money talks, politicians are bought, and you the public are suppose to keep drinking the coolaide.

  130. Mike on April 15th, 2012 11:13 am

    White man go against treaty, speaks with forked tongue! Again! :(

  131. Just Saying on April 15th, 2012 11:05 am

    I agree with you Zack. Look at what Wind Ceek has done for the city of Atmore. Do you think for a minute that riercane would have been developed if the city was not trying to cash in on all the traffic flow to and from the casino? NO!!!

  132. zack on April 15th, 2012 10:47 am

    Have any of you thought about the fact that armored and surrounding areas are funded by poarch already, seems to me like the white people are still just as greedy as a hundred years ago. Without the casino atmore would still be a ghost town.

  133. Just Saying on April 15th, 2012 10:23 am

    Really? As much as PCI has done for this city, county and state and now the commissioners want more? PCI should really be careful when deciding to donate money to in the future. It seems that greed is leading the battle Of the commissioners. For all of you who think it Is about time just look around at what Wind Creek has done for this city. I am sure each Of you have friends or relatives who are employed at Wind Creek.

  134. Trish on April 15th, 2012 10:18 am

    I agree with Janet. After all of the money the Poarch Creek has put into this community you would think that Atmore and surrounding areas would rally around them. Wish I could say I was proud of our government but I can’t. As Red Cloud of the Lakota said, “They made us many promises, but they kept only one. They promised to take our land – and they did”.

  135. Trish on April 15th, 2012 10:11 am

    I agree with Janet. How dare you after everything the Poarch Creek has done to better this community. Once again our government wrongs the native americans. As Red Cloud of the Lakota said “They made us many promises, but they kept only one. They promised to take our land – and they did.” Way to go government for keeping with tradition. Wish I could say I was proud of you, but I can’t.

  136. NativeAmerican51 on April 15th, 2012 10:09 am

    I will remember this at the election booth this year…whoever running against the encumbant commissioner is who I’m voting for. I don’t appreciate being stabbed in the back by the escambia co commission.

  137. grr on April 15th, 2012 9:49 am

    I think its sad that the county has no money to fix roads, put officers on the road pay nothing to jailers in the jail and not be able to fund the DRUG Task force or animal control. Not to mention the VOL FIRE depts and they are crapping on the only extra income that is here. with out the indians 2000 plus jobs are gone. HOW MUCH IS THIS NO NAME ATTORNEY CHARGING . I hope the Poarch creek says not a dime will be giving until the All current comminsoners are out and the lawsuit is dropped

  138. BOGIAN on April 15th, 2012 9:41 am

    The Supreme Court Ruling did not appear to include the tribe. The county will get some clarification from the secretary of the interior and then they can go from there.

    If the secretary says they don’t qualify, then they will be taxed. If the secretary says they do, then they won’t be taxed. It really is that simple.

    If they had beaten back the Europeans, the tribe would still get to call all the shots. As it turns out, the Europeans won, and here we are.

  139. True Blue on April 15th, 2012 9:38 am

    If PCI were a regular corporation, the county government would be falling all over themselves to hand out tax exceptions for providing so many jobs to Escambia County and the whole region for that matter. The county is fixing to start an Indian war that they probably can’t afford to win. I’m not a gambler but Escambia county’s economy pretty much depends on PCI. You better leave them alone.

  140. 429SCJ on April 15th, 2012 9:17 am

    For those of you who would attempt to make the Creek People, America’s Palestineans, one holocaust is enough for these industrious Native Americans.

  141. flomatoncitizen on April 15th, 2012 9:00 am

    You county commissioners are no different than the government that descriminated against the indian people and took land from them many years ago. I hope that each of you are defeated in election and removed from office. i can’t believe that i live in such a county that you would turn to such extortion tactics. i hope that poarch creek fights this issue and then i guess it will come down to how much money the county can spare to fight this case. you are all morons and should be ashamed of yourself.

  142. 429SCJ on April 15th, 2012 8:59 am

    They should pay their taxes like everyone else? This is a soveriegn nation, we are discussing, a nation under occupation, by any definition of the worrd. These people were assigned to the reservation by federal law. Even the federal government acknowledges this.

    It was ok when the Creek People had not clout, they gave you someone to look down on, the botttom of the deck. Now they hold the cards and you are jealous
    of what they have achieved, pure jealous.

    I am 1/16 on my mothers side, I remember my dad’s mother would tell me as a small boy, not to mention that fact to anyone. I see that attitude toward these
    people is alive and well today.

    People do something for yourselves, taking from the Creeks back then did you no good, this pitiful grab will only poison your soul further. They are not the solution to
    your problems. One Holocaust is enough for the Creek People, Never Again!, let them live in peace, on their land.

  143. Safebear on April 15th, 2012 8:37 am

    If Poarch loses this “protective status”, what is next?

    Will the State say that since they are not protected they are not legal and cannot operate? How many hundreds of people will loose their jobs?

    Then I wonder if there will be enough taxes collected to support all those people until they can find new jobs.

  144. jason cox on April 15th, 2012 8:33 am

    Tribes that can support thenselves with gambling casinos should not recieve federal money. If the creeks can give birthday checks each year in thousands to each member, they have enough money.

  145. baebae on April 15th, 2012 8:32 am

    If its the law…its the right thing to do…does not matter if we agree or not…thats why we vote…if its the law …pay the taxes…if its not the law…then dont pay the taxes..of course thats also why we have the court system… to settle the disagreements that arise in intent of the laws of this great country

  146. Keith Agerton on April 15th, 2012 8:21 am

    Don’t everybody think we have taken enough from the American Indian Tribes in the United States leave them the hell alone . It’s really sad you see a people that’s been stepped on doing well and your still trying keep them under foot sad well that’s my 2 cents

  147. Stephen on April 15th, 2012 8:17 am

    Im so sick of hearing “This land was taking from us” Get over it. There are a million times in history where a nation was wronged. I bet most of us in Atmore have have Native American blood. You get a birthday check Now lets pay all the people who were brought over here as slaves.

  148. creek on April 15th, 2012 8:10 am

    well we do help and donate alot of money.Thats whats wrong with this world >Is money,greed theyre jeolous cause they cant tax anymore.Even look us indians we only get paid once a year .There needs to be aot of changes.

  149. JM on April 15th, 2012 8:00 am

    Well it’s heck if you do and heck if you don’t. Yes as one poster said it will slam
    the door on what the PCI decide to do for Alabama or Florida, but on the other
    hand remember this…..WHO GAMBLES IN THEIR ESTABLISHMENT.
    How many people have become addicted to gambling. It would have been better
    to have stayed off their property and left them alone years ago. Now they
    have figured out how to get rich off of everyone and we certainly deserve what has

    Men have enslaved the Indians, Africans, young women and now children!
    Why am I not surprised that the PCI have in-slaved so many to the machines.

    The whole process of what some have done to others is enough to make
    me sick. Now days we see greed in anything and by anyone.

    God help us all to become better humans.

  150. me on April 15th, 2012 7:16 am

    They should pay their taxes as any one else so what if they pick and choose to donate money maybe if they paid taxes the animal shelter could be supported by the county. They are no better than the rest of us. Good job mr taylor

  151. me on April 15th, 2012 7:10 am

    About time. Who was being paid to ” ignore” this long

  152. Friction against the machine on April 15th, 2012 6:51 am

    People in Poarch need to consider this when voting for county commissioner and put somebody up there that will stand up for them and not be a yes man.

  153. Janet on April 15th, 2012 6:24 am

    I read this article and shake my head. Here we have PCI giving millions to our schools, helping reopen our animal control and countless other ways of being a big part of our county and community of Atmore. Yet, Alabama county wants EVEN more… greedy? I believe it is. I am not a gambler, have never stepped foot in to the casino yet I see what they do to help in this area and feel they should be left alone!

  154. tax payer on April 15th, 2012 6:00 am

    Maybe Escamia county can use some of this tax money to fix the bad roads. I hope so I worry about my parents going home ever day. The road is so bad that when you get near the stop sign you have to go off the road in the dirt and go around or knock the car out of line. i pray that a person that does not know the road will be ablle to stop at the stop sign. I hope that Mr. Taylor will see this thru. Escambia county needs this money and should be able to collect it.

  155. trainman53 on April 15th, 2012 4:42 am

    wow.. who’s shooting themselves in the foot (leg, arm, neck, face)!! David Stokes and the rest of the commission has just closed the door and locked it. Regardless of the outcome! What stupidity.

  156. 429SCJ on April 15th, 2012 4:29 am

    The Creek Nation owned all this property at one time and had it all taken from them.
    Who is some johnny-come-lately like Stokes and Taylor to tell the Creek People

    Escambia County Alabama you have no self respect, to stick your nose up at people, who for decades lived in poverty and now that they are flush, to come
    demanding of them.

    All I can say is I am sure the Creeks will employ professionals, regardless of their course of action.

    Time to set a mark and make examples. God Speed and low crosswinds.

  157. melodies4us on April 15th, 2012 1:47 am

    It’s about time. We all have ancestors who were jipped in some way.