Bond Set For Zimmerman

April 21, 2012

A Seminole County circuit judge on Friday set bail at $150,000 for George Zimmerman  during a hearing in which the accused shooter of Trayvon Martin told the boy’s family he was sorry for their loss.

Jail officials haven’t said when Zimmerman could be released from custody under the arrangement which includes electronic monitoring.

“I wanted to say I am sorry for the loss of your son,” Zimmerman, 28, said from the stand during the hearing as the family sat in the courtroom. “I did not know how old he was. I thought he was a little bit younger than I am. And I did not know if he was armed or not.”

Zimmerman could face a life sentence on the second degree murder charge.

Martin, who was 17, lived in Miami but had been suspended from school and was spending the time with his father in Sanford. He was unarmed when Zimmerman shot him, telling police he looked suspicious.

Zimmerman has claimed self defense.

By The News Service of Florida


22 Responses to “Bond Set For Zimmerman”

  1. Rick on April 23rd, 2012 1:27 am

    I think Zimmerman is innocent..

  2. Sherrlie P on April 22nd, 2012 5:36 pm

    Maybe Trayvon was standing his ground….But lost.

  3. David Huie Green on April 22nd, 2012 5:13 pm

    “which copy of the tape? The first one that the media doctored and put out like NBC and Fox did–or the whole tape that had not been “redone”.”

    Who really knows? The tape was blanked regarding some phone numbers which are not public domain but they were noted in context. It was not a brief tape like some heard if they listened at all.

    It had a long conversation with the 911 operator following the advise to not pursue. He sounded apologetic for forgetting protocol and leaving his vehicle. He discussed where to meet the police.

    Since it WAS a 911 call, they should have been tracking his position on GPS the entire time if the electronics were in place. If they did, it would show if he stopped, turned back, proceeded or redirected to the point the operator told him to go.

    The last of the conversation (from Mother Jones magazine) included:
    “Dispatcher: Okay do you want to just meet with them right near the mailboxes then?
    Zimmerman: Yeah that’s fine.
    Dispatcher: Alright George, I’ll let them know to meet you around there okay?
    Zimmerman: Actually could you have them call me and I’ll tell them where I’m at?
    [dhg, this could be indicating continuing pursuit, uncertain but possible, dhg]
    Dispatcher: Okay, yeah that’s no problem.
    Zimmerman: Should I give you my number or you got it?
    Dispatcher: Yeah I got it [redacted by Mother Jones]
    Zimmerman: Yeah you got it.
    Dispatcher: Okay no problem, I’ll let them know to call you when you’re in the area.
    Zimmerman: Thanks.
    Dispatcher: You’re welcome.”

    It doesn’t sound like someone with blind rage looking for people to kill, but what do I know?

    David in a world full of convinced people,
    facts unnecessary

  4. David Huie Green on April 22nd, 2012 4:45 pm

    “by a person that takes the law in his hands shut up – - – watch the accused walk around free.,,,,,”

    He MAY have done that.
    The interesting thing is that you KNOW he did it.
    Without being there.
    And nobody else is allowed to express an opinion on the matter.

    All of which leads back to the thought that a trial is unnecessary, just lynch now. After all, we just call him the accused when we’ve already decided his guilt without needing to bother with all the facts. The only fact that matters is that the kid is what we decide matters.

    David for haste

  5. molino jim on April 22nd, 2012 4:43 pm

    @ David— which copy of the tape? The first one that the media doctored and put out like NBC and Fox did–or the whole tape that had not been “redone”.

  6. Jimbo on April 22nd, 2012 3:53 pm

    @Thomas. Sir, did you see the photos of Zimmerman’s head that ABC news released Friday or Saturday? The photo showed Zimmerman’s head bleeding from several cuts consistent with having one’s skull bashed into pavement. The rumor is that Martin was shot in the face while trying to wrestle the gun from Zimmerman. If Martin was atop Zimmerman bashing his head into the concrete, his face would have been about the only place zimmerman could shoot him.

    The fact is that regardless of the evidence or the conclusion of a judge or jury, Zimmerman’s life in the U. S. is finished. He’ll have a bullseye on his back for the rest of his life here. He has the Mainstream Race Baiting media to thank for that. He should sue them for the shirts off their backs.

  7. Todd (Cantonment) on April 22nd, 2012 2:22 pm

    No matter what race you are this should send chills right to your spine. No matter what Trayvon was doing the guy got out of his car which to me is provoking Him. Maybe Trayvon felt threatened his self and acted in self defense..Only GOD know the truth and the guilty will stand in judgement in front of HIM…PRAYERS go otu to both families…More go out to Trayvon’s family!

  8. just saying on April 22nd, 2012 11:28 am

    until u loss a child by a person that takes the law in his hands shut up and walk in the martins shoes see how you fell to bury a child and watch the acussed walk around free.,,,,,

  9. David Huie Green on April 22nd, 2012 9:44 am

    ” when he elected to get out of his car after being told by 911 to back off.”

    According to the 911 tape, he was told they didn’t need him to follow AFTER he had gotten out of his vehicle, not before. His reply was, “Okay.” Whether afterward he followed, stood still, was returning to his vehicle or was walking to the point the 911 operator told him to meet police is unknown.

    David considering how simple things get twisted

  10. Just-a- thought on April 22nd, 2012 7:32 am

    Only God, Mr. Zimmerman, and any eye witnesses know what actually happened to bring about the shooting of young Mr. Martin. Anything else is pure speculation and most of that biast because of race. As the two apparently didn’t know each other, there had to be something to set this terrible incedent in motion. If you remove the race issue from the equation and look at this incedent it can be looked upon in a much different light. Mr. Zimmerman may not have been totally correct in the way he handled matters that came up, but we no nothing about what Mr. Martin did either. Mr. Zimmerman, as far as I know, had no “police” training to perform “neighborhood watch” duties nor was he required by law to have training. I’m reasonabely sure Mr. Zimmerman didn’t leave home that night with the intent to shoot someone just as Mr. Martin didn’t leave home with the intent of getting shot.

    The thought that comes to me is how many times in the past has Zimmerman had his pistol on him on watch, encountered a black person and found no reason to shoot them. Mistakes had to have been made on both sides.

    With a black president in the white house, black people in both houses of congress, the courts, state government, high rank in the military, and ceos’
    of major corporations etc., the “race card” is like beating a dead horse. It will sadly be with us as long as it is profits the few that keeps it alive.

  11. billy on April 22nd, 2012 1:49 am

    I support Zimmerman.

  12. molino jim on April 21st, 2012 9:53 pm

    @srosaman– The” stand your ground law” is fine. But I recall at the time it was passed there were a lot of questions about when and how it could be applied. Zimmerman MAY have been part of the problem when he elected to get out of his car after being told by 911 to back off. The repercussions from his act may well be that the law will be readdressed and picked apart. Because of a mistake on the part of one person we’ll all have a problem. Zimmerman’s lawyer may have a hard time getting a jury to understand why Zimmerman was in danger until he got out of his car. If a person escalates a situation, when and where will ’stand your ground” apply?

  13. Srosaman on April 21st, 2012 8:19 pm

    In th State of Florida we have a law call STAND YOUR GROUND read it, no way he will be convicted. I’m sure he is sorry what nNORMAL person would not be. But inFlorida if you feel serious harm you can kill, so that’s it. People can say what they want but in Florida we have a great law that protects the private law abiding citizens. Everyone on here should join the NRA , because we will be pumping money to the Zimmerman cause as is the ACLU on the other side.

  14. 429SCJ on April 21st, 2012 6:46 pm

    After sitting down and thinking about it, I am surprised at how little I actually know about
    this tragic incident. The emotions and racial polarization seem to be taking on a life of
    their own, overshadowing the actual events..

    I hope all the facts in this matter can be uncovered and justice done, which ever way the scales tilt. I hope all can be fair and impartial and respect the jury’s decision

    I hope there is no violence afterward.

  15. Friction against the machine on April 21st, 2012 6:44 pm

    Freedom for Zimmerman!

  16. David Huie Green on April 21st, 2012 5:20 pm

    “I do not think he meant to kill anyone.”

    Silly if true. If I point a gun at anyone, I intend to kill him.

    That’s why I haven’t pointed a gun at anyone yet.

    David for intentional actions
    and reasonable realization of results

  17. molino jim on April 21st, 2012 3:54 pm

    If you don’t believe the lie that NBC and FOX put out after altering the tape– but hear the entire tape between Zimmerman and 911 you’ll understand better. Zimmerman was told to back off. Martins father lives in the “gated community” with his girlfriend. Martin had been at his fathers unit and went to a near by store and was returning to his fathers. Why Zimmerman took it upon himself to stop Martin only Zimmerman can say. There are “gated communities” that only have a sign to keep out– no guards or any thing else. Of course the photo’s of Martin are now showing a 17 yoa football jock, not the baby faced kid that first showed up. Neighborhood watch groups stress that their member not confront some one–just call 9-11 and back off. I hope the members of the gated community have some good insurance, not only for the community but for there own personal protection.

  18. 429SCJ on April 21st, 2012 11:11 am

    It is my understanding this was a gated which this incident occured.
    It has been my experience that in such communities there is security fencing and an entrance/exit gate and these are staffed by at least one security person, who verifies that each resident or guest arriving has business there. It was never explained how Mr Martin gained access to this neighborhood, where he was not a resident or guest.

    A virtual time line showing how Mr Martin gained access to the neighborhood and
    who he was visiting there, would help more explain how he crossed paths with Mr Zimmerman.

    Mr Zimmerman should have waited for LE to arrive, but my question is what caused Mr] Martin to pass in proximity to Mr Zimmerman. This just seems lthat these two,
    should have never crossed paths in the first place?

    Maybe we can learn from all this and in the future avoid such encounters.

  19. Amber on April 21st, 2012 10:24 am

    Old Goldie Everyone Knows That Zimmerman Tried To Kill Martin ,.Soo Don’t Go There. Who Has Ever Heard Of Something Called Not Meaning To Kill ?

  20. Lucy Lou on April 21st, 2012 9:37 am

    Ok there is so many in prison right now that could have said the same thing as him this is just a story out of control. I wonder how many people in prison right now are going to want new trial because of this case.

  21. Thomas, Edward on April 21st, 2012 6:27 am

    Based on what i have read in print, and on newscast i have listen to,
    Zimmerman did not act in self defense as he reported.

  22. Old Goldie on April 21st, 2012 4:00 am

    We don’t know what we would have done in his situation. I do not think he meant to kill anyone. If I feel threatened by someone, I’m going to do what I can to protect myself. May God be with all who will be and is connected whit this tragedy.