4-H Council Gets First Look At Navy Federal Sale Agreement, County Offer

April 18, 2012

The 4-H County Council, a group aged 8 to 18, got their first look at a memorandum of understanding Tuesday that spells out what exactly might happen if they approved the sale of the Langley Bell 4-H Center to Navy Federal.

Navy Federal has offered $3.6 million for the the 4-H property, which is 240 acres adjacent to the Pensacola complex of the largest credit union in the world.

Under the memorandum presented to the 4-H Council Tuesday, the 4-H foundation will receive the full $3.6 million. Up to $1.6 million will be available to 4-H for facilities construction, projects or purchases, while $2 million will be placed in an endowment fund with the interest supporting 4-H.

Escambia County has committed $1.5 million in Local Option Sales Tax funds towards the construction of a 4-H building and facilities at the Escambia County Extension Service on Stefani Road. It is estimated that it will take up to two years to construct the facilities, with the plans subject to the approval of the Extension Service.

Two other options are also included in the memorandum; one will be selected by a 4-H Extension Task Force. The final decision will be made by the Escambia County Extension Service.

The first option would provide for 20-30 acres next to the Roy Hyatt Environmental Center in cooperation with the Escambia County School Board for animal-related programs and other appropriate 4-H activities.  This property will be in addition to the facility to be located at the Extension Service on Stefani Road.

The second option would allow for the purchase of acreage with the Navy Federal sale proceeds to be donated to Escambia County for the use of the 4-H program.

The 4-H County Council will vote on the memorandum of understanding and sale of the Langley Bell 4-H Center next Monday. If they should vote against the plan, the Escambia County Commission could override their decision as trustees of the property.

Pictured top: Pamela Allen, director of the Escambia County Extension Service, addresses member of the 4-H County Council Tuesday. Pictured inset: Dave Timberlake of the Escambia County 4-H Foundation discusses the sale of 4-H property to Navy Federal Credit Union during a meeting late Tuesday afternoon at the Escambia County Extension Office. Photos for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.


32 Responses to “4-H Council Gets First Look At Navy Federal Sale Agreement, County Offer”

  1. gulf Coast on April 19th, 2012 12:26 pm

    Here is where you are wrong..
    The 4H is not being allowed the choice of where to move. The first meeting people were told that the kids would have a voice. That has definitely NOT been the case. All it would have taken is a bunch of post-it notes and a posterboard, a brainstorming exercis where the kids list what they would want to replace LBC. Instead they got “4H cant own land ” Of course that changed last week.

    If you attended the meetings you would have seen that only the “experts” at extension have been the ones with a voice. Kinda like the caretaker making the deal to sell the landowners land. That choice is being withheld from them by Extension.
    Extension is not 4H, they are the people that are paid by the taxpayers to run the program, but extension dont not get a vote in the sale. If extension were to lay all its cards out on the table say 6 months ago, instead of last week then the decision would not have to be made in haste.

    example: the parents and volunteers were told extension would not sign off on any land purchase, but last week the 4H could now purchase land with a portion of the money from the sale.

    Extension has lost all respect from the parents of the 4H kids involved in this sale. The only difference between this deal and the soccer field is the turnip pot.

  2. 429SCJ on April 19th, 2012 8:49 am

    Children of 4H, if this sale goes through ensure that whatever land and financial trust
    you end up with, that nowhere on the deed or trust documents appears the words
    Escambia County Commission. Avoid this a second time, give them no authority
    over you.

    I would suggest adding Agrilaw to your disciplines.

  3. Daniel Eddins on April 18th, 2012 10:37 pm

    To: me, I attended a portion of the meeting last night. The children were all given mantilla envelopes and instructed on the voting process. I do not know what was in the envelopes but I would suspect it was the ballot they would be casting on Monday evening. I for one have been to the lbc and my children former members. A lot of the accusations made against the county, state and our local representatives smack of the truth. Judge Bell was present last night and spoke to the children from his heart. Although the other legal Rep tried to sound neutral about the proposal it was obvious she was pushing the Stefanie rd option. I know I have been negative about the Bayer site. I did get some peace about it from a longtime acquaintance who assured me that Bayer would not chance the millions in fines from federal and local authorities. He has been to the site and as previous comments have indicated, is a great location and everything for 4 H ers would be able to be done on-site.My only hope for there to be no funny business is the fact that Judge Bell was taking his time out to be present. For those who don’t know, he sat on the FL. Supreme court. His grandfather donated the land and he is of good reputation and his children are some of the most respectful and impressive as any I have ever met. I really don’t believe that he or his firm would allow the children’s rights or wishes to be abused.I was very uncomfortable about the whole scene until I saw him present. Let’s hope the children take the other option vs. Stefanie rd. Where 4 h would probably see it’s demise.

  4. me on April 18th, 2012 9:56 pm

    Monday, April 23rd the 4-H delegates will vote on the Sale of the Langley Bell 4-H Center. There will be two voting locations manned by the Supervisor of Elections personnel.
    Since much adue has been made by the Extension Office about the voting procedures being conducted by our Supervisor of Elections so that everything would be fair, honest and above board, shouldn’t the 4-H youth have an opportunity to view a sample voting ballot prior to going to the voting polls? After all, in all official elections, David Stafford’s office prints them in the paper as well as mails out Sample Ballots to each registered voter. All fair and square, with no surprises.
    Can anyone tell me if the voting delegates are going to be furnished a copy ahead of time or are they going to be able to get a copy if they request one from Mr. Stafford’s Office?

  5. RobH on April 18th, 2012 9:50 pm

    How many of you have been to the 4H site in let’s say the last 5 years? How many of you nay sayers have any actual knowledge of the specifics of the deal that is proposed?

    Some of you start running your mouths about conspiracy theories and making claims that you have no knowledge to speak on.

    The sides are looking for a winning proposal for all sides including our local economy. NavFed would get the land they desire to add hundreds of stable, sought after jobs that include above avg pay and great benefits. The 4H moves to a location of their choice (not your’s or mine, but their’s) so that 4H can continue to offer services and even grow. The local economy benefits from the increased revenue that is funneled through the new jobs and into our local economy.

    It’s no wonder companies look elsewhere to expand or open shops….with hypocrites like you all trying to call shots about stuff your are ignorant to I’d look elsewhere too.

  6. Math Class on April 18th, 2012 9:21 pm

    Citizens of Escambia County, Help me out with something! I am just an old country girl. Help me out with these Math equations.

    I never took “TRICKONOMETRY”.

    How does 240 acres = a 4H building + a yard on Stephani Rd.

    How does 240 acres = 20 to 30 acres next to Roy Hyatt Center

    When does 240 = 240?

    Is “Trickonometry” an aquired Math or is this special Math taught only at the Extension Services by the Director!

  7. molino jim on April 18th, 2012 8:17 pm

    @Interesting— If you are out of work and have been for a while $10.00 per hour sounds like “big money”. I was told by an employee that they make a better wage than that and can quality for insurance. I do not work there, but the people I know who do think it’s a good place to work. The job is not easy — but there are rewards in working there, namely a job. After watching two neighbors suffer the loss of their homes I can understand why 600 people hoping to go to work matters. There is a lot of open property here in the north end of the county and there would be more 4H member who could go to events and meetings. When the property was given to 4H it was way out in the country—not any more.

  8. Jane on April 18th, 2012 5:26 pm

    ANY LAWYERS OUT THERE LOOKING FOR A HIGH PROFILE PRO BONO CASE? This could make your career! Get the County Commissioners out of this…they have a proven track record, and it is not a good one!!! An election is coming up…get ALL the commissioners out!!!

  9. Michelle on April 18th, 2012 3:17 pm

    I have a really bad feeling about this one. I hope 4H doesn’t go through with the sale. If you sell, you wil have to answer to the County for any of the freedoms you have now.

    The (sale) money goes into an account, and the (children) 4H will exsist on the interest. You can just feel Pensacola Co. just salivating over how they can use that money for themselves. I’d be surprised if they haven’t spent it (in their heads) already.

    The south end of the county, is very good at ignoring our needs in general. Maybe throw us a bone every now and then. But in the long run and the future of the next genration of farmers. What and where will they be able to go in the next 5-20 years from now when this is gone for good?

    Please think very carefully before you decide. As far as it goes, you might as well be trading in beads. All the best for your futures whatever the outcome may be.

  10. where's the love on April 18th, 2012 3:13 pm

    To interesting: The 4H currently operates off of the interest made on the first land deal. This deal will add to that income and might even open up opportunities to expand its use of their property and events. I can also assure you that your idea of a “high paying salary” might be less than the lowest guy on the totem pole at NFCU. I don’t remember the exact figure, but the average starting wages at this campus is around $3 an hour higher than local averages.

  11. me on April 18th, 2012 2:05 pm

    To Jeeperman – the very nice gentleman that is the caretaker for Langley Bell Center does a great job, but his responsibilities have been limited by the Director of Extension. Currently, I believe his hours have been cut and he only resides there part time. When he is available, he can unlock the building and lock it when you leave, but the requirement for using the building is that an Extension Agent or Staff Member has to be with you the entire time of your meeting. It has become accepted practice that 4-h club volunteer leaders may arrange meetings and be responsible for children at any location other than LB property. But, when on that property, everyone must be overseen by an official member of the extension staff. Just another example of more hurdles to jump to discourage use of the building.
    In your comment you mentioned “northwest of the I-10 rest area”, just to be clear, all of the 4-H Land including the caretaker residence is south or southwest of
    I-10 and the rest area.

  12. Interesting on April 18th, 2012 1:42 pm

    How much did Navy federal Pay for the first property and where did that money go W.D.???? What is a high paying salary? Do we really need more $10.00 an hour jobs?

  13. jeeperman on April 18th, 2012 12:40 pm

    For “Cat”,
    So who is it that gets to live on the LCB (northwest of the I-10 rest area) ?
    If that is the full time, live aboard caretaker, why the heck is it not their job to open the property when a 4H Club wants to use the facilities?
    Or is that just a perk of knowing a good ol boy in county government ?

  14. AL on April 18th, 2012 10:15 am

    It continues to amaze me the comments being spewed at the credit union. 4h does not have a problem with Navy Fed, they don’t mind the sale, Navy Fed isn’t the one trying to get them to take the 23acres…. the credit union offered over the appraised value and is now taking a back seat.
    The COUNTY (Pam Allen) is trying to shove the extension office down the kids throat, the STATE 4h (UF) is trying to take the money.

    Navy Fed can’t build up – there is a helicopter training next door and building height is restricted (by skyline, by the way, not stories).
    By the way – the credit union is a federally protected credit union (like banks have the insurance for your accounts) not a federally owned credit union – the only reason it is “NAVY” is that was the primary section of the public that made up the membership. They have no ties to the helicopter field.

    I have no dog in this fight – I have friends with kids in 4H, I have a membership at the credit union. I want the best for both, and it appears to me that the kids and NF want the same. Talk to the county if you have issues with the way this is proceeding.

  15. Trish on April 18th, 2012 10:09 am

    I say it is a stacked deck against the kids. Why on earth would we trust the county commissioners with making the right decision for the 4-H kids? It is all set up to make the county look like they really had the best interest of the kids in making this decision (a bunch of hogwash if you ask me). 4-H is all about farming and animals, no one in a neighborhood wants cows and pigs in livestock pens close to their houses. We need to rally around our kids and fight for what is right. What is proposed is not right and I hope the people hound the commissioners until they can’t stand the thought of another email regarding 4-H.

  16. molino jim on April 18th, 2012 10:05 am

    @ CW- Going up may not be the easy answer some think it is. The navy is still using the field next door and hopefully will for a long time. A higher building would be in the flight approach and I hope no one would want to see an accident between a aircraft and the building. I still like the idea of the Bayer property (with a good soil study) but I do feel some discomfort with the county “managing the excess funds”. The county like so many parts of our government can not stand to see a large amount money in an account and not spend it. “We’ll replace it as needed” will not work. I’m not the smartest person around, but there are a lot of ways to invest the excess money and have it grow.

  17. cat on April 18th, 2012 9:40 am

    Wrenchman, you are totally correct. I think one of her main goals when she became Director 4-5 years ago was to “get rid” of the Langley Bell Center, because it meant a lot of work on any Director’s part. Have heard her complain numerous times about how hard it was to manage such a large place. Maybe because she doesn’t have the agriculture/animal knowledge and expertise. First they got rid of the animals being kept there, then she started restricting who could use the facility (which dramatically affected the “usage statistics” that she so proudly quotes have been in a decline). Individual 4-H clubs and Homemaker clubs are not allowed to even hold monthly meetings there, they have to meet at other locations – such as churches or peoples homes. And at any activity planned there it is required that an Extension Agent must be present. And there are only so many agents available, especially when clubs need to meet in the evenings after school and work. Whatever happened to someone checking out the keys to the large newly renovated auditorium & kitchen at LBC (especially 4-H volunteer leaders) and signing a “User Agreement” covering clean-up, damages, etc. So, I foresee just as many restrictions on the usage of any other new facility. With Extension making ALL the decisions on this deal sounds like a lose-lose.

  18. shiloh on April 18th, 2012 9:21 am

    The county commission has the power to override the 4-H clubs vote? This sucks with a capital stinks. These “elected” officals have a proven and used track record of self service. They are at it again.

    Just my opinion!

  19. c.w. on April 18th, 2012 9:17 am

    Navy credit union has about 60 acres of land. If they won,t to expand, build up as many stories as is allowed by the building codes. The building footprint is already there, so what the problem?
    Could it be that the county commission, along with the university of Fl. and the CU are out to take what was given to the kids in the 4-H club.
    There is more here than has been brought up. I think someone is out to take the kids land and our county commissinors are behind the hole thing!

  20. jeeperman on April 18th, 2012 9:13 am

    oversight is right…… the animal shows conducted by 4H’ers could and should be held at the Equestrian Center.
    Why build yet another one a few miles away ?

    And County Commissioner Marie Young is also not running for re-election.
    So there are two CC’s that have no reason to vote in favor of the 4H’ers.
    They will be voting the way that their handlers want them to vote.

    This “4H Foundation” and who controls the endowment fund needs to be clarified. 4H Foundation and Escambia County 4H Foundation are seperate entities, I believe. One is the statewide 4H Foundation and the other is the local Escambia County 4H Foundation.
    So which one is it that will control the proceeds of this sale?

  21. Oversight on April 18th, 2012 8:52 am

    Northender43… Sorry to disappoint you, but your county commissioner, Kevin White, is not running for re-election which means your concerns are probably no longer his.

    Here’re a few food for thought questions: Of the acres at the current location for 4H, how many are actually used? I doubt that the 240 or so available at the Langley Bell property are fully utilized and 4H can get by on a much smaller parcel of land, which is why only 20 – 30 acres are being proposed as a replacement. The county owns a livestock pavilion that 4H should use because it is under utilized now. Remember the hiring fiasco and Mulligan (that would be a do over for those who don’t know what a Mulligan is)?

  22. wrenchman on April 18th, 2012 8:41 am

    thank you jacob.. the problem is the director (PAM ALLEN) she wants everybody to believe in eating food from a computer. the bayer property will benifet everybody. Pam is sarced she will have to move her office up there. there is room for everybody, the master gardners, the bee keepers, and everything else that goes on at the extenison office. but the real problem is PAM ALLEN… intill we get her out of office, it does matter what land or what ever is done, she will not let it anybody use it

  23. JR on April 18th, 2012 8:35 am

    Let’s look at this one paragraph: “The first option would provide for 20-30 acres next to the Roy Hyatt Environmental Center in cooperation with the Escambia County School Board for animal-related programs and other appropriate 4-H activities. This property will be in addition to the facility to be located at the Extension Service on Stefani Road.” First, ask the question, what animals? Steers, pigs, goats? The neighborhood people have voiced opposition to having these animals. More importantly, this property is not zoned for these animals. Where does that leave the 4-H kids?

    Second question. Why is Commissioner Wilson Robertson a member of the Escambia County 4-H Foundation? Isn’t this a conflict of interest?

  24. Jacob Gilmore on April 18th, 2012 8:24 am

    Navy Federal is a great employer in Escambia County and we need them and want them to continue all their growth in the Pensacola area. As a business man and one that has been to every meeting concerning this transaction I firmly believe this can be a win win for everyone involved and that strong pressure from the public needs to be placed directly on the Director of Escambia county Extension and the University of Florida to insure that they Bayer property or another property of equal value stay’s in the mix. I have been in constant contact with the chamber and county commissioners and I see the problem being with the local extension director or this deal would have been done a long time ago. I strongly support Navy Federal and its efforts and if the deal goes through I will ask each and every one that is concerned about the future of the Escambia county extension to get off this discussion board and show up to the meetings to help make things happen and hold their feet to the fire!!!

  25. Concern Citizen on April 18th, 2012 8:18 am

    Why not let Navy Federal buy the Bayer property and then trade the properties and give the left over money to the 4H to put in their own trust and keep the county out of it. We all know if the county gets their hands on it the money will be gone.

  26. ron on April 18th, 2012 8:17 am

    Escambia co in land business again? Too funny

  27. Northender43 on April 18th, 2012 8:06 am

    The Commissioners are up for re-election this year. We need to make it very clear to them that we don’t like this proposal. We all need to “STAND UP FOR OUR FUTURE FARMERS”. I like the idea of the Bayer property but only if the environment study is good. If not, look for a different property that is comparable to what they have now.

  28. xpeecee on April 18th, 2012 8:01 am

    I keep having visions of the soccer complex deal and County Commissioners cleaning their collard pots. It would be pretty low, if they take advantage of the kids. I smell a big fat rat!!!

  29. RobH on April 18th, 2012 8:01 am

    Maybe you all should take the time to read before throwing rocks. Navy federal is paying 3.6 mill and the county is offering sales tax revenue as well. How is this a win just for Navy Fed and The County? If not for NF interest, the 4H land would be worthless anyway. You wanna throw rocks at a legit, stable company that is doing all they can to bring well paying jobs to our local community. What a way to say thanks or a good example for any other employer considering doing the same.

  30. Walnut Hill Roy on April 18th, 2012 7:25 am

    I still like the Bayer property option, but I agree that this thing stinks. Why waste all of the time getting the children to make a decision if they can be overruled? It sounds like the Escambia County Commission is just hoping that the kids will vote in the way that they want to avoid hard feelings; if they don’t vote that way the Commission will override them.

    I too feel that the 4H club needs more or better representation, just to level the playing field.

  31. Jane on April 18th, 2012 7:12 am

    I agree with Charlie! The way this is written up means Escambia County gets the money and the kids get nothing! This WRONG! The County Commissioners are taking advantage of the 4H children and intimidating them! They need to lawyer up and fight this whole thing!

  32. charlie w. on April 18th, 2012 5:26 am

    The winners in this project is navy federal CC and escambia co. The 4-H club loses either way. The Bells gave the property to the kids for their use, not esc, co. and certainly not for the county commission to give away. This thing stinks to high heaven for the kids.