10-Year Old Charged With Breaking Into School

April 4, 2012

A 10-year old boy has been charged with breaking into an Escambia County elementary school.

Witnesses reported seeing the boy lurking around West Pensacola Elementary just after 7 p.m. Tuesday night. A short time later, a witness heard a window break.

As Escambia County Sheriff’s Office deputies arrived and surrounded the school, the boy called his mother to say he was inside the school and about to exit. The mother in turn called the Sheriff’s Office.

As the boy exited the school, he refused verbal commands to put his hands behind his back and took off running. Deputies were able to catch up and place him under arrest.

Deputies found a broken window at the school, but they were unable to locate any missing property.

The boy was charged as a juvenile with burglary, possession of burglary tools, criminal mischief, trespassing on school grounds and resisting arrest without violence.


21 Responses to “10-Year Old Charged With Breaking Into School”

  1. Mat on April 22nd, 2012 8:25 am

    I think Stokes comment concerns me more than this article. Kids will be kids and do stupid things. They need punished for it so as to not have the urge to do it again. But Stokes, I assume you’re an adult, but your message is indecipherable in places.


  2. David Huie Green on April 6th, 2012 12:21 pm

    “what kid in their right mind runs from the cops!!!!”

    THAT part wasn’t unreasonable.

    Legally they aren’t allowed to shoot children in the back while fleeing unless believed to present a danger to others and if he escaped, he could have avoided the reasonable trouble he was in.

    David for fast police

  3. joe on April 6th, 2012 3:38 am

    what kid in their right mind runs from the cops!!!! I would have been scared but then again it was different when we were coming up….

  4. David Huie Green on April 5th, 2012 10:27 am

    “when a child goes to jail the whole family eventhough they are not in jail you do realy go to jail but you are not in jail do yall under stand the whole thing i am saying?”

    Nope, not a clue. Can’t decipher it.

    “it is not impossible to watch children all the time. Millions of people do it everyday”

    Nope, they don’t. Every day, those millions go to sleep at some point; their eyes close. The children are not watched 24 hours per day, seven days per week.

    David for understanding and reality

  5. Football Mom of 3 on April 5th, 2012 9:52 am

    Ok, the kid did wrong. Yes, he should be punished. HOWEVER, I dont agree with bashing the MOM (I guess the dad shouldnt be held accountable at all) if you dont know the circumstances. I personally do not know this child, the mother or THE FATHER but I can see where this can happen even under the most watchful of eyes, best of parents. Someone once said to me “Everyone is a perfect parent when it’s not their child”.

  6. Jessica on April 5th, 2012 9:41 am

    Worried resident, you need not worry so much. Rebellious youth is nothing new, and has been around since the dawn of time. Thanks to the invent of the internet, we just get to hear about it much more now. There are still plenty of parents raising good kids that will grow into find adults.

  7. Lifendason on April 5th, 2012 8:16 am

    I agree with what Bill said,
    “Children obey your parents in the Lord for this is right. All children should be taught to obey parents and authorities, This boy would not listen or obey the law when the were right in front of him, but he took off running from the law. Nothing but dark clouds will loom over his head the rest of his life if changes are not made very soon.”

    I know everyone is not perfect, but it should be taught. I just pray this child learns now and puts a halt to his mischief.

    @mom, step up and be a mom and instill those values that are in the Bible and pray your son does God’s will, not man’s will before he’s either dead or behind bars for life.

  8. Patriot on April 5th, 2012 8:07 am

    In response to “Hey Now!”:
    When the future felon breaks a window and enters the building, it becomes burglary, which is a felony. Cops don’t Have discretion with felonies.
    Don’t blame the Cops or the Courts for “teaching him to be a number in the system”, he’s obviously learned that skill at home or elsewhere.

  9. mike nelson on April 5th, 2012 8:03 am

    when a child goes to jail the whole family eventhough they are not in jail you do realy go to jail but you are not in jail do yall under stand the whole thing i am saying?

  10. Grandmaof7 on April 5th, 2012 7:13 am

    David, giving the parents a pass, it is not impossible to watch children all the time. Millions of people do it everyday, and their children are not being charged with anything. I think too many parents are being given a provisional pass, and the children are the ones suffering for it. Sure, they will do as they please when they are grown, but 10 years old is a little early to start a criminal record.

  11. Hey now! on April 5th, 2012 12:19 am

    I realize this kid did wrong but did he really need to be charged with all that mess. Back in the day if a kid broke a window and trespassed, the cop would have brought him home, his parents would have handled the situation and the kid would have to pay for the window (probably with hard labor). All this is going to teach the kid is how to be a number in a system

  12. WORRIED RESIDENT on April 4th, 2012 11:06 pm

    These are some terrible times.There seems to be quite a few disobedient 10 year olds. This boy, the lying girl, then there’s the lewd 13 year old. Lord help the future generation!!! Let us ALL PRAY!!!!!

  13. bill l on April 4th, 2012 10:57 pm

    Children obey your parents in the Lord for this is right. All children should be taught to obey parents and authorities, This boy would not listen or obey the law when the were right in front of him, but he took off running from the law. Nothing but dark clouds will loom over his head the rest of his life if changes are not made very soon.

  14. Oh well on April 4th, 2012 10:02 pm

    Well it says nothing was taken and only a broken window as the result of it. Atleast he did call his mother and tell her it was him in the school so she could contact the police! If he hadnt and the police entered with their guns out expecting to catch an older possible armed suspect things could have turned out bad especially since he was too scared to even talk to the police when he exited the school. But i do agree that “Mom” there should know where her 10 yr old is BUT he could have been out playing with the neighborhood kids and got bored and wanted to try and educate himself! :) and it looks like you could use a little more education yourself there “stokes”…..The proper procedures were followed and he was charged appropriately.

  15. David Huie Green on April 4th, 2012 9:49 pm

    “- – - why didn’t his mother know where he was? ”

    Children wander and if he would sneak into a school, he might sneak out of the house. It is absolutely impossible to watch all children all the time. That’s why it’s good to build some sort of values into them but even that fails since ultimately we all decide how to act.

    David giving the parents
    a provisional pass

  16. stokes on April 4th, 2012 9:23 pm


  17. paul on April 4th, 2012 5:40 pm

    I got a feelin that this isn’t his first or last run in with the law..

  18. Grandmaof7 on April 4th, 2012 5:27 pm

    At 10 years old, why didn’t his mother know where he was? He had to call her? 10 years old is too young to be lurking anywhere. So sad how some people ignore their children.

  19. dwayne marrero on April 4th, 2012 5:06 pm

    The parent should know were the 10 yr old child is at all times and the parent is responcible for that child 24/7 . I say make the parent pay for the damages. Even if she did call the police what is a ten year old child doing roaming that far from home anyway?

  20. T2 on April 4th, 2012 4:04 pm

    Shake my head……wow

  21. Knucklehead on April 4th, 2012 3:38 pm

    Maybe he forgot his lunchbox….