Suspended Flomaton Police Chief Arrested On Florida Kidnapping Charge
March 9, 2012
The suspended Flomaton police chief has been arrested on a kidnapping charge for allegedly making an unauthorized arrest across the state line in Century.
Geoffrey Ashley McGraw, 30, turned himself in at the Escambia County (Fla.) Jail Thursday afternoon on a third degree felony charge of kidnapping/false imprisonment. He was released on a $5,000 bond.
McGraw’s arrest stemmed from a joint operation by the Florida 1st Judicial Circuit State Attorney’s Office and the Florida Department of Law Enforcement.
FDLE obtained the warrant for McGraw’s arrest for an August 14, 2011, incident in which Ronald Adam Barrow was arrested by McGraw at a home on Old Flomaton Road in Century. McGraw, without jurisdiction, allegedly took Barrow into custody in Florida on an outstanding Escambia County (Ala.) failure to appear warrant in misdemeanor case, Keith Cameg, spokesperson for FDLE, told Barrow was then transported back across the state line into Alabama.
McGraw was placed on an indefinite paid leave February 27 by the Flomaton Town Council. The council is expected to once again consider his employment status at an upcoming meeting on March 12.
At that late February Town Council meeting, a Century couple made multiple allegations against McGraw and his supposed actions in Florida. Cameg said he was unaware that some of the allegations were or were not involved in the FDLE and State Attorney’s investigation into McGraw.
The couple, Tracy Tedder and his wife Tabitha Tedder, told the Flomaton council that then-Police Chief McGraw pulled his weapon and illegally searched their Century home on Old Flomaton Road.
As they spoke about their claims involving McGraw, they referred to him as “McGruff”.
“Chief McGruff drawed his gun on Florida property without Florida police department being involved and goes through our home,” Tabitha Tedder said. “He illegally arrested our son-in-law and transported him back to Alabama.”
“It’s a Florida matter; we can’t comment,” Flomaton Mayor Dewey Bondurant said about the allegations at the February meeting. To read more about the Tedder’s allegations, click here for an earlier story.
Pictured top: The mugshot taken of suspended Flomaton Police Chief Geoff McGraw after his arrest Thursday afternoon. Pictured inset: Tracy and Tabitha Tedder address the Flomaton Town Council February 27 with their allegations against McGraw. file photo, click to enlarge.
83 Responses to “Suspended Flomaton Police Chief Arrested On Florida Kidnapping Charge”
“2009″ wrote “May 25, 2009 Atmore cops did the same thing crossed Florida state line, so what has been done abouth that??”
State Attorney Finds Atmore Officer Involved Shooting In Walnut Hill Was Justified
May 25, 2009 Atmore cops did the same thing crossed Florida state line, so what has been done abouth that?? I think that needs investigated as well. And this is what our tax dollars are paying for, I surely feel safe!!
Just like Atmore’s finest cops has nothing better to do than follow and harrass teenage girl, should be so proud, I am sure Atmore citizens like knowing there tax dollars are paying their salaries to those who think they are above the law because they have a badge
Anytime someone is taken by force across a state line, it is a federal offense. An illegal arrest is not an arrest, but kidnapping. FDLE will handle that.
Many folks here can’t seem to understand that McGraw is not a law enforcement officer in Florida. He has the same status as a tourist and nothing more.
You can buy a badge with your name on it at the gift shop. But you can’t make an arrest.
Likely, a federal procecuter will look into this case and decide if any additional action should be taken.The FBI assist in cases where local law enforcment have juridiction problems. There was really nothing for the FBI to do. But that does mean that it hasn’t got thier attention. You may hear from them yet.
“the Chief merely did not go thru proper channels”
Also known as broke the law? If the charges are true, he broke several laws most of which would also have been illegal if broken in Alabama.
David wishing all charges are false
and all police worthy of their responsibilities
In this instance, the Chief merely did not go thru proper channels, i.e. having Florida police make the arrest.
Second, if what the Chief did is considered kidnapping, why is the FBI not involved and a federal kidnapping charge for crossing state lines in doing so ?
@praying for u
Think of it this way.
What would Flomaton be like if we had a dozen “GREAT COPS” like McGraw?
This man committed a major crime. IT AIN’T NO LITTLE THING.
Would you come to the defence of a man who just raped one child,or just shot one spouse?
Would you say” he just made a mistake”?
As for as all the good things he done as a cop,if any, he got paid for it. My concience is clear.
In this case one of the options apply:
a. This man is stupid beyond all human comprehension. or
b. This man has placed himself above any law, athority or jusidiction with no reguard for civil rights,and did what was right in his own eyes.
c. all of the above
Ok, enough is enough! This guy did something illegal. Period! Doesn’t matter if he intended to or not. Anybody that does something illegal…intended or not (speeding, for example) has to deal with the consequences when called to task. All of us have to, period. It does Not matter that he holds a position of high trust (higher standard, is what we in law enforcement call it) or just a junkie on drugs caught with a bunch of drugs. We have to answer to society. Period. That’s what we call law enforcement.
It’s sad that one would pray for a fellow man downfall, Chief McGraw made a mistake and by now he’s very well knowledgeable of his mistake so why keep throwing stones at this man. Oh I forgot, we don’t make mistakes,give it a rest, it’s funny when you slip down how people would just keep kicking you in the side. You know, I see people have so much negative to say about this man on what he did wrong but nothing of what he did right, well as for as I can see, I hear people in surrounding towns and county say all the time ” flomation is a friendly town but the police WILL get you if you messing up” well I think the town should be proud they can sleep a little better knowing this man is protecting their family property. I worked with man before and he’s a GREAT COP!! Last but not least, what happened to the time when the community stuck together, ALL FOR ONE AND ONE FOR ALL.
Its funny that people even try to defend people on here like this guy. Sure he was a cop, but cops are no different than anybody else and are capable of the same bad actions and choices of anybody that wants to do something Wrong. The town messed up in the first place when they bought him the new Tahoe to drive around! I guess the impala wasn’t good enough for a “chief of police”. Anyway, glad to see he is on the other side of the “book in camera”. Maybe he will make better choices next time.
No no no. Only one party was wrong. From a legal standpoint, Mr. Barrow was perfectly right and just to be where he was.
That is because the laws of Florida apply.
Misdemeanor offenders are not often extradited. It is just not worth the paperwork.
If we say that Mr. Barrow should pay for his crime in Alabama (and we do), then Mr. McGraw should pay for his crime in Florida.
Unless Mr. McGraw just stays in Alabama where he is not a criminal,but an upstanding pillar of the community , fine law enforcement officer,devout christian and and good family man.(Because the laws of Alabama apply)
Then he would see how extradition really works.
His crime was a felony.(In Florida)
BOTH PARTIES WERE & ARE WRONG! Let’s just keep moving!!
As a Flomaton resident, I am concerned about all of the trash, the drama not the people, involved in our PD. Thety act like a bunch of high schoolers. One minute they act like the “it” girls, “you’re not part of our crowd & we don’t like you, so we are gonna get rid of you”. Then they turn around and act like a bunch of teeage high school boys, doing anything that will let them. I thought that when the video store closed down, we’d be ok., now the Tom Thumb has replaced it. If Flo
aton doesn’t start hiring ADULT, GROWN UP PEOPLE we don’t stand a chance.
For people who have never had a job or worked an honest job in their entire life, their job is knowing when, where, &how to spot the next “golen opportunity”
The Bible says “Judged not for you may be judged accordingly”. Everyone makes mistakes no one on this earth has never not made the wrong decision in your life , the difference between yours and his is his is played out in the media and yours wasn’t. Think of some mistake you have made hoping people never find out about and think of how people would judge you? If GOD can forgive any person of anything, NO MATTER what they do then why as human beings we cant and we always ready to crucify someone just like they did Jesus so long ago..I am praying for the McGraw family and praying Gods mercy on all the people who want to sit on the judgement sit cause one day you will sit on a Judgement sit and you will be judged before GOD ALMIGHTY!
This particular event of …have I lost my mind or is it just that I need to feel important …his ego and need to get that rush went way out of line…. because of an arrest of a person I knew….I watched the law officers use from strong , to plain out cursing this person.The person arrested was not confrontational and tried to comply…the only thing he said to them was…. I am not the person you are looking for…they say…well you don’t say!…we say you are and he was pushed into the squad car and almost had his hand caught in the door , when they closed it….he was released from jail the next day…and they did arrest the wrong man….there were no apologies to this gentleman and later we were told by a very good friend, who is a good cop….the deputies that made the arrest were making jokes about it.
I know all law enforcement officers are not bad but there is a lot of young ,power hungry ,still wet behind the ears, as my Dad would say….officers that have egos the size of Texas and a brain the size of a pea….well I’m just saying…not all officers of the law are worthy of praise…..Mr. McGraw seems to have that ego….I’m just saying.
Don’t get wrong, but one bad apple don’t spoil the whole bunch. I am afraid that they are all we got and we should not discourage the good ones with some of the talk we’ve seen here.
P.S. Anybody who can quote from Andy Griffrith and Barney is okay with me.
for all that states he is a fine man, and a christian, boy your brian must be fried.. this man did alot of wrong to people{they have families also}if he did not like them he fired, he even had a police watch on an employee’s house to make sure former employee’s did not come over-this is wrong.. he fired 13 people, there was a problem within that department and it was the cheif- I’m so glad he got arrested and I hope nothing but the worst comes to this man,,, fine christian indeed LOL…
Hey Mr. LEO Guy.
I am real. You need to wake up. I have seen too much and I am not the only one that has. It ain’t the paycheck that makes guys like this want to be cops. Anyway, I cannot imagine a situation where I would need him. And you don’t have to go to any academy to know not to drag someone across the state line. He forced his way into an occupied house. Is this the thin blue line that is protecting our children?
@LEO GUY, these people on here that “need to sign up at their local police academy” probably wouldn’t mind going to the police academy, but not to work in Flomaton. Flomaton has a new police officer every other week, or they loose one every other week, either, or…….apparently that job is NOT for everyone
Good to see you back. Glad to hear you’ve never been in trouble with the law, wish I could say the same. Harassed while stopping to get coffee? Really?! Come on man, keep it real. I haven’t been all over the south, but I’ve been to more than a few small towns myself. It’s been said,” the cops are a thin blue line”, they are all we got. I think a lot of other people commenting here need to go down and sign up at their local police acdemy and give it a shot. My 2 cents again.
Hey LEO Guy. I have never been in trouble with the law. I have been harrassed while stopping to get coffee more than once. Most small town cops are bullies. I avoid them.
This guy must be God’s little helper.
David I would contact the ACLU, but I do not think my Father would approve. I do not believe he likes their daddy, though he once loved him. I just say thanks for the wise Centurion that watchs over our county.
This is funny stuff! I don’t live anywhere NEAR Flomation and have never even SEEN this guy but I already know this much about him……”he’s a fine christian man with strong morals who will go above and beyond for the call of duty”…….and ” he’s a crroked cop who uses intimidation and bullies his way around the law to give those he don’t like a hard time”………..So what we are dealing with here is clearly a case of a CRAZY COP WITH MULTIPLE PERSONALITIES!!!!!!!
Thank you Flomation for providing a laugh for the rest of us this fine morning
“The Flomaton PD is a Government Agency, that was headed by the former Chief McGraw, at the time these civil liberty violations were committed. I would say that being kidnapped and transported across state lines by an agency of law enforcement would qualify for a big YES”
The actions of an individual do not necessarily become the actions of his department. A president had close intimate contact with interns; that does not mean federal policy favored sexual harassment. Supreme Court Justice Abe Fortas made money based on knowledge of upcoming rulings; that does not mean insider trading was the official policy of the Supreme court.
If it were the police department official policy to go outside permitted boundaries, then yes, the police department would be intentionally and institutionally violating people’s civil rights. I’m just guessing there was no official policy saying they would break into homes in any state, and commit felonies to apprehend misdemeanor offenders.
Even if it were, there’s the “- – -that was headed by the former – - -” aspect of it. The ACLU strives to stop the violation of civil liberties. If the violator is stopped, they already have what they wanted.
If I’m wrong, I imagine the ACLU has a phone number you could call. They DO seem to love publicity.
David for flawless human institutions
Hello David. The Flomaton PD is a Government Agency, that was headed by the former Chief McGraw, at the time these civil liberty violations were committed. I would say that being kidnapped and transported across state lines by an agency of law enforcement would qualify for a big YES. There are far worst civil liberty violations than a child pledging allegiance to it’s nation, or a prayer to our Lord.
he has done alot wrong but this man has a kid on the way and they dont deserve for all you ppl to bash there dad jus remember he is human and yeah PEOPLE do make mistakes we are far from perfect and half of u ppl tht tht think you kno the law you dont really you jus think you do
Seems that being 30 years old is awfully young to be the Chief of Police. Not that there are 30 years old that are smart enough, at 30, I thought I was a genius!
Two wrongs don’t make a right. Both sides will answer to the law and one may learn from it.
Thats alabama statue this is thru florida not. 13a5-6 sentence guidlines
“I wonder why the ACLU has been so quiet on all this?”
They are not interested in crimes by individuals but rather crimes by government institutions against individuals.
David for reduced crime
Just because they wear a uniform and carry a gun doesn’t mean they are the law, and it doesn’t mean they can break the law…but they sure think they are above it. You not big and bad just because you are a cop
There are christians then there or real christians. I pray he gets closer to Jesus .The tedder famly is not perfect but no one in town.No one any where else is either.So many will be praying for both familys but with one reason in mind.
That they have a change of heart and the chief stop hating.He can not use his job to punish others for not doing things his way.The mayor should not have to pay for the chief sins and alabama should not be sued for his wrong.
If you knew ever thing this offcer has done to Tab and her family you pray he gets another job ,So he will not be temped to sin like that again. Pray Tab’s family can have a life now. This has been going on a few years now.God loves Tab’s family too1
Well, in my opinion, this picture did him no justice! He looks guilty. Just because he works for the Town of Flomaton Police Department, does not give him the right to do the things he has done. He is the law, not above the law. Christian or not, he did wrong. Good Luck to the Town of Flomaton, in finding your 237th police chief in 3 years. WOW, what is really going on up there? Apparently nothing is going on, or he wouldn’t have had to cross the state line to make an arrest.
I wonder why the ACLU has been so quite on all this? When I think of all the therapy The Tedder family will require, to somehow try and forget that horrible night, I cannot help but wonder if their HMO will cover the requirment. I doubt if the Flomaton City Coffers have enough to cover such a lawsuit. I wonder if they had liability insurance on the staff, or if Mr McGraw was bonded? I think they are going to need a good attorney. All of them.
Florida law states that a third degree felony is 5,000 fine and/or up to 5 year’s pen…
It’s really sad that a 30 year old man has a felony record and got it from not thinking things through. HE will remember this for the rest of his life and it will follow him for the rest of his life.
It looks like harboring a crook should have some kind of penalty…….this too will follow the Tedders for the rest of their lives.
The Mayor will also be faced with paying this man when he was on suspension, and knowing the financial shape the town is in. This too will follow the Mayor.
alabama law 13a-5-6 look it up..
im family of mcgraw..what does being a christian have to do with being a rude and terrible LEO. NOT A DANG THING. HE KNEW HE DID WRONG… DO THE TIME. oh if any is givin you know the good ole boy system
@leo need to call ghostbusters..just call a cop who knows the laws they’re supposed to enforce..the FDLE got their Criminal the legal way.
On another note. No one is saying he is evil.. They are just saying he was not a good officer of the law and had a hot head. Also even a Christian person sins. If you do not know that fellow Christians than you need to remember why you are a Christian in the first place. Because all men/women are sinners in the eyes of the Lord… that is what makes being a Christian so great. Jesus died for our sins that we commit on a daily basis and saves us. Please keep this in mind. Just because you are a Christian does not mean that you are living your life perfectly. It just means you have a greater power to fall back on when you fail!
law abiding citizen…. you are right it was JUST a misdemeanor so why in turn would he commit a felony.. If the man would have been wanted for murder then all McGraw would have to do is call Florida up and give them the tip of where he was staying but that was not the case. He only had a failure to appear. I don’t know the whole story on why the kid had to go to court in the first place but you can get a failure to appear for not showing up to pay a traffic ticket. There is a long range of things that it could be and if I had to bet McGraw was the one who arrested him in the first place sending him to court.
As for all the people saying that if there is a warrant any officer should be allowed to arrest the person. Why in turn would we have different agencies?? Why not just band them all together?? Oh I know.. because they are all governed by different people. You work in your own district. You can’t just run over in someone elses district and say “Hey I want to play here today” Just like we all live in houses because they are ours but one day we just want to sleep in the prettier house down the street. I don’t think the owners will be to happy with that. I know law enforcement doesn’t compare to houses but I got my point across.
Anytime I’ve had any dealings with McGraw he has always been VERY unprofessional, rude and plain nasty. I believe that what goes around will come back around. It looks like McGraw is finally getting a taste of his own medicine. This is what happens when you have a police officer who thinks he is above the law and has no knowledge of how the law works. Now keep in mind you don’t have to have any kind of law enforcement experience to be Cheif of police. It seems like McGraw has no idea of what he’s doing. 95% of the cheif’s arrests are thrown out of court. This tells me that the cheif truely has no idea of what he’s doing.
I know Geof and know that he is not some evil man that is being portrayed here. To me this is just another example of how the law is for the criminals and not the victims. I don’t care what state the criminal was in, a law enforcement officer should be able to arrest him/her if the law was broken. Flomaton is right on the Florida line and it isn’t like he drove very far to arrest this guy. If the guy was wanted, why hadn’t FLorida picked him up. Oh, that’s right, it was just a “misdeameanor”, so that is not worth their time I guess. I don’t know. Sad when all a police officer was doing was getting bad guys off the streets to make us safer and now he’s getting bashed. P.S. Flomaton has more problems than I have ever seen in such a small town. Ridiculous!!!
“He also might be lucky because of Floridas stand your ground law.”
The Tedders could have shot and killed him and, according to the law, it would have been 100% justified.
“Does anyone remember a few years back when Al police came across the Fl line and shot and killed a guy after his car had come to a stop? Not one thing was done.”
Different situation. Hot pursuit means police may make warrantless searches of fleeing suspects, or cross jurisdictional boundaries for fleeing suspects where they would otherwise not be entitled to make an arrest. ‘McGruff’ was not in “hot pursuit” of Barrow.
Granted, neither side is clean in this situation; but ends do not justify the means. We have these laws for a reason and if we start saying “well, it’s alright THIS time” then what good are those laws in the first place? If it were a rookie who made that mistake there is a chance he didn’t know – not much of a chance, though it would exist; but the Police Chief making that mistake is absolutely inexcusable.
He may be a good Christian man, but aren’t good Christians supposed to obey the laws of man so long as they do not conflict with God’s higher laws? Not saying he should be crucified here, just pointing out the inequity of the “good Christian” argument.
Facts are Facts. I am sure no one sets out to ruin anyone’s career. But him being an officer of the law and on top of that the Chief he should know the law! He knew he could not go across state lines. It doesn’t matter if it was 100 miles or 2 feet across lines. With us being so close to the Florida State line that has always been an issue so it is very well known not only to the Flomaton Police but also the citizens. Why do you back him up when he did wrong? He deserves punishment just as much as any other person when they do wrong. His career would not be in jeopardy if he would have followed the rules. Sometimes people make bad judgment calls and seems like this has happened way to much with Mr. Mcgraw. Maybe this will teach him that laws really aren’t meant to be broken and are not just for citizens but also the ones who are supposed to be ensuring they are not broken.
Next time any of you people like Nippet who has had experience with law enforcement all over the south get in trouble, call ghost busters and see where that gets you. Good luck! :-/
I think if you are wanted for anything…The Law should be able to go anywhere and get whoever whom done what ever…any Law enforcement!! The Florida Officers are just as bad…i called them for help over in Byrneville once and they acted as if i had done a crime!! So there left a criminal from florida now in alabama. .ala. law officers should of been allowed to arrest them!! Now here i was stuck paying for a broken windshield because they decide to spin out at a red light!!! And chipped paint on a new car!!! Being so close to the state line i think it should be LEGAL!!!
Yep, it’s time for Flomaton town council to break out its checkbook because somebody is about to get PAID $$$$!!!
If anyone else would have done this it would of been first degree!! ill be there on that cd!!to voice my thought on this matter streight from the law book!!!!!!!!!this is bull!!!!!!!
What a mess one cop can make when they think they are above the law. Okay mayor, do your duty!
If Officer McGraw is smart enough to be a Law Officer , Don’t you think he should know where the state line is ? He could of called another Law Officer in Fla. to help, I hope he get’s the MAX. Even if you are a Law Officer you still have to respect the laws , He Did Not, He should be fired ASAP & never should be a Officer before, Chief Stewart was the BEST !!!!!!
We had the best police chief when we had Chief Tolbert, She was fair and upstanding in the community and knew the laws.
Not accusing anyone here of anything, but this makes me wonder what he has got away with in the past. Untethered law enforcement officers do have a “god complex”.I have had experience with it all over the south. I am glad we were able to nip this in the bud.
That’s right, do some bud nipping.
Nip it in the bud!!!!!!!
Look, he should have had more integrity and needed to use proper channels when pursuing this fugitive. Instead of cowboying up the situation.
If anyone is truly a Christian, they should have higher standards, BUT we all fall down, we all fail, no one’s perfect. Even Christians get caught up and make mistakes.
Please don’t Christian bashing, especially if you are not one.
A fugitive in what state?
Which crime is greater, failure to appear or kidnapping?
I feel much safer having misdemeanor offenders around than those that are above the law.
Honest mistake?
I think not.
Some people just feel like they’re above the law.. I wonder why his mugshot is shown in the booking logs? They don’t usually do that.
Seriously…as another LEO….this guy should have never been given a badge and gun in the first place. @Tom…he needs to be held accountable for what he did wrong. Regardless of whether the town was 5 miles up the road or not…any rookie fresh out of the Academy knows you can’t cross state lines and arrest a suspect unless you are in fresh pursuit. Extradition has to take place. This guy violated the Tedders civil rights and made an unlawful arrest. We took an oath as law enforcement officers to uphold the rights of the citizens and protect them…not trample over them as we see fit because of some personal vendetta or just because we can. We have to play by the rules…the criminals don’t. This man is a disgrace to the badge and deserves what he gets.
Having been a misdemeanor, it was most likely a non-extraditable warrant even if FL law enforcement were present. But just like the Crestview officer, his bond was only $5000. Kinda low.
Bottom line is Mr. McGraw took a oath to uphold the law , and he used his authority to break the law. It dosen’t matter if he is a christian or not , he is a law officer first. And christians are human and they fail and they sin, just like anyone else. As for The Tedders….they were breaking the law also , they were harboring a fugitive , the son-in-law broke the law and was wanted. So there are no innocent parties here. McGraw was trying to do his job , he just went to far and he broke the law he took a oath to uphold. Good Luck to the new chief , you have your work cut out for you. Crime does not pay! Hope all involved learns something from this!!
The town of flomaton needs to take a look at there mayor for hiring these individuals, from Tim hardage to this joke of a chief.
Does anyone remember a few years back when Al police came across the Fl line and shot and killed a guy after his car had come to a stop? Not one thing was done. At least this issue is being addressed and this guy won’t be strutting around with a gun on his hip,u
I agree nancy!!you should have seen what they did to my husband!!and he had no record at alll!!!!!!!!!!our case will come out!!!the tedders just open the flud gates!!I do agree some people are not cut out for jobs they take!!Hes one of them!!Mr mayer time to Go! Hope hes not still getting paid(McGraw)!!!!!
no one is to blame for the chiefs actions BUT THE CHEIF he knew better , cops are not above the law if anything they should be held to a higher standard j.m.o.
when you commit a felony and get caught, you get a felony charge.He messed his own career up.Think he might of watched too much cop shows. He also might be lucky because of Floridas stand your ground law. When he entered the home in Florida with gun drawn and no authority ,it could have been alot worse on him.
I do not believe Mr McGraw is an evil man and I hope if convicted, he will be sent to a facility like Eglin or Saufley Field, rather than one of the more brutal federal facilities.
This fool CROSSED A STATE LINE entered a private home-and you’re defending him? What’s wrong with you people?
Doesn’t matter if he drove 50 feet into Florida or 500 miles, he still came into a county he had no jurisdiction. Oh and Christians don’t behave like this bully does. It’s a shame some want to make comments about this couple who came forward. Must you be rich and well off to receive justice? I think not, but that’s the mentality of this society. High morals and values? hahaha that is to laugh! Nothing in this mans actions gleam morals and values. Of course “brother” law enforcement are going to stick up for this pile. I’m sure he’s made fine examples for fellow Flomaton cops to follow, NOT!
It always makes me happy to see corrupt cops getting what they deserve, because its cops like this joke for a cop that makes the respectable ones look bad.
Ruin his career? How about the lives he’s ruined himself? Ruined his career, pfft… high time he finds a new career, bounty hunting maybe? McGruff the Bounty Hunter?
There is no excuse for any of them. This man after all was a wanted man.
This law officer should have known better than how he handled this problem.
Now it is just an expensive mess created by both individuals. After this is
over both should have to pay all the fees incured.
I am sorry that Florida has been manipulated by the agenda of these type of people. The Chief was only doing his job by trying to arrest a thug who failed to show up for court and made an honest mistake. How much time and money will Florida spend prosecuting a good man while thieves and drug dealers run the streets, who by the way, are happy because they know now that the Chief is under the spotlight and not them. A downright shame!
The truth shall set you free!!! That fact of the matter-this guy let a little power go to his head. Now, maybe the state of Alabama will look into all the reports and complaints that have been filed on this guy and pull his certification. O’ HAPPY DAY!!!!
Sounds like the complaint was made about Chief McGruff, not Chief McGraw. Should there be an IQ check before you can go before the council? /
As to arresting someone in Fla., It is not like he drove 100’s of miles into Florida. I wonder if he even drove 5 miles. Barrow should have went to court or paid the fine. He should not be allowed to hide behind a state line. Also, any officer NOT pulling a gun in a hostile situation needs investigating.
Tom for tougher penalties on crime so less crime will be committed.
We don’t need this kind of ppl in our town.. Hope McGruff is gone.. Wonder how he likes being on the bad side of the law..
This has got ridiculus. This is a good man with a wife and kids,why humiliate him like this. Sounds to me certain folks are just upset because the law caught up with them. Geoff,u still have supporters.
This is a travesty of justice. I second what “This is sad” said, Geoff is one of the most upstanding people and Christian men that I have ever known. I pray that this is taken to court and suspended quickly.
Really? So Sad? Yea buddy, a fine officer indeed. LOL!!
I hope that couple is happy now! … A Felony charge?!? I just hope you did not mess up this man’s career!
Hopefully Flomaton will heal, and become a place that people want to visit, and conduct commerce, rather than detour around. I hope the Tedder Family can somehow forget the terror of that night. I wish the new Chief smooth operations.
As a Flomaton resident, I feel safer knowing that this scofflaw is off the streets. I honestly don’t understand why the Flomaton council has to meet to decide if they should keep him employed?

Maybe the next police chief they put into power should have some kind of knowledge about the laws that they are paid to uphold?
Having been personally harassed by this chucklehead, I must say… What goes around comes around
I hope that he has to do some time for this infraction. I hope that he gets to go to jail with all of the people that he wrongfully detained and imprisoned. I hope that he is held accountable and he has fun in the clink.
Finally… Mwahahaha!!!
He should have known the law…….and…….obeyed it! Do they have a name for the syndrome some have when they strap on all that leather and a shiny star? Some seem to morph into a power thirsty know it all who think they are above the law.
This guy’s actions are part of why some do not trust cops.
Gues his morals and values are so much better than others,he thought it gave him the right to do whatever he pleased. Glad he found out different.
This is Sad indeed. Mcgraw is not only a fine officer , he is a christian man with high morals and values . Praying for you my brother!
SO SORRY TAB…Maybe some one will reach out and help you now?