Supreme Court Begins Hearings On Health Care Mandate

March 26, 2012

The U.S. Supreme Court will begin three days of landmark hearings in a Florida-led challenge to the 2010 federal health care law.

The first day will center on what is known as the “anti-injunction act,” which is designed to prevent legal challenges to taxes until they take effect. While this might sound like an obscure legal concept, justices need to determine whether it blocks them from ruling on the constitutionality of the “individual mandate” in the federal health law.

People who do not comply with the mandate to have health coverage in 2014 would be hit with financial penalties, which could be considered taxes.

If the anti-injunction act applies, that could prevent justices from ruling on the constitutionality of the mandate until after the penalties start taking effect.


12 Responses to “Supreme Court Begins Hearings On Health Care Mandate”

  1. Constitutionalist on March 26th, 2012 7:09 pm

    Bottom line is this folks, if the Supremes uphold this bill, it basically give the gov the right to mandate our lives. This is a very slippery slope we’re on; lets look at all the movements afoot to ban smoking…now don’t get me wrong, I myself don’t smoke, but people that do have that right..for now. So what do you think will happen if this bill passes, the govt will use it as a tool to ban it, basically by saying since we’re paying for your health care, we’re not gonna cover you if you smoke. Then it will go from there to alcohol, or dare I even say coffee…but I think you get the jest of my rant here. We have to consider what we may loose by what we gain, and is it worth it.

  2. Sara on March 26th, 2012 6:30 pm

    In my opinion I think the wonderful healthcare coverage the Congress people and Senators enjoy.. (which is covered by tax payers’ money) should cease & desist until all Americans have basic healthcare coverage. Dick Cheney just got a heart transplant that I’m certain tax payer money helped buy…Of course, he probably had to kick in his oil money to pay for it to be shipped by private jet to his hospital. I hope he got the heart of a liberal Democrat…

  3. David Huie Green on March 26th, 2012 10:02 am

    “I know there is a lot of people that can not afford it”

    No problem. For those who can’t afford insurance at any cost, the Federal Government intends to borrow over a trillion dollars per year extra FOREVER to give it to them.

    All’s well that ends well, and the end is in sight.

    David still grateful to China
    for financing our largess

  4. bob hudson on March 26th, 2012 9:43 am

    No one read the bill no one knows what is in it, of course they need to kill it. But one thing is for sure, Obama has to go.

  5. Big B little ill on March 26th, 2012 9:06 am

    @ JimD, I hope I never gave the impression that I wanted to keep Obama in office. My moto is OMG..Obama must go. The sooner the better.

  6. JimD on March 26th, 2012 7:20 am

    Big B…One of the problems with this law is the fact that it is mandated. you will either have heath insurance, or you will be fined. I agree, people want what they want, and yes sometimes their priorities are messed up. But it is their right to do so.
    There are some parts of the law that I like, being able keep your kids on your policy until they are 26 years old. In today’s economy, there is no guarantee of work, so if your children can be covered then it is a good think.
    Socialized Medicine will lead to quota’s, lines and delays. I lived for 13 years in England, and although I cannot knock the National Heath Service (NHS) there. There is still a quota system. Also, about 45% of their income is taken out in taxes, which I think would be the killer for any politician to suggest that, the system does work for medication. All medication is the same price (about $10.00) and if you are on something for the rest of your life, then all medication is free. There is a HUGE economic issue there of giving out everything for free. As we see on the news, the “Nanny State” in the UK is falling apart.
    I hope the Supreme Court does find the Law Unconstitutional, and it can be review and debated in the light of day, verse passed in the middle of the night like the Democratic Party seemed to like do thinks during the first years of the Obama presidency.
    We can only hope he gets voted out, not sure the country can afford what he want to do if he has another four years, and not trying to get elected again.

  7. Molino-Anon on March 26th, 2012 6:50 am

    @Big B, I don’t own any of those things you just mentioned but internet and I still wouldn’t be able to afford 250-300+ a month for Bluecross or any other decent health insurance and that is just for 1 person… what would a family of 4 do?

    I don’t think dropping internet for 39.95 a month will come close to covering health insurance so I’ll keep my internet on thanks.

    Tired of people putting everyone in the same boat… Most on here are delusional, or just hate because they are bitter people.

  8. Big B little ill on March 26th, 2012 6:12 am

    @ Charlie, David and John..I agree with you all but John there will still be people that can’t afford it. But lots of those people that can’t afford it manage to carry a very expensive cell phone, drive an expensive car, have cable TV, Internet and much more. Our priorities are messed up don’t you think.

  9. Big B little ill on March 26th, 2012 6:03 am

    Not really sure how this will help people, from what I’ve read you buy insurance for $14.95 a month and your allowed to use it twice a year. I have little doubt that it will pass after all they were and still are blind to the fact that Obama is not a true American citizen. I know this will up set you Obama lovers, so just your the record. No matter who you elect the corruiton will still be there and one world order will come. Just like the Bible says it will. Bill just waiting on Jesus, he will do things right.

  10. charlie w. on March 26th, 2012 5:36 am

    Maybe this mandate will be killed in the supreme court. Then obama will take another vacation before we vote this idiot out.

  11. john on March 26th, 2012 5:23 am

    Yall have lost yall mines I know there is a lot of people that can not afford it

  12. David Huie Green on March 26th, 2012 5:20 am

    “- – - known as the “anti-injunction act,” ”

    During Reconstruction the federal government led by the northern states proceeded to take property from southerners who had not been paying federal taxes during The War Between the States (AKA The Civil War). Southerners appealed to the courts and the federal government under the Radical Republicans wrote a law in 1867 forbidding courts from ruling on the matters.

    It was so useful in seizing people’s property that they have kept the law in place to this day. This is why they can declare you owe taxes and take everything you own without having to bother convincing a court they are right.

    David thinking the effects
    of old wars never goes away