Sex Offender Released From Century Correctional Back Behind Bars

March 28, 2012

A convicted sex offender released from Century Correctional Institution has been arrested for failing to register with the state.

Kenneth Lamar Cobb, 36, was released from Century Correctional on February 27 with a GPS ankle monitor. According to an Escambia County Sheriff’s Office report, he visited the Escambia County Main Jail on that day to register as required as a sex offender, listing the Executive Inn on Pensacola Boulevard as his permanent address.

But the following day, he cut off his required GPS monitor and was listed as absconded by his probation officer. An address verification conducted by the Sheriff’s Office found that Cobb had spent only one night at the Executive Inn before checking out.

Cobb was arrested Monday on charges of failing to report a change in his address and failing to report vacating a permanent residence. He was booked into the Escambia County Jail with bond set at $30,000.

Cobb was sentenced to prison in 2009 as sexual offender for  battery and false imprisonment of a minor.


8 Responses to “Sex Offender Released From Century Correctional Back Behind Bars”

  1. Lee on March 30th, 2012 7:01 pm

    This is what makes people so disgusted with the legal system. This man didn’t learn his lesson the first time and he’s eligible to post bond and be free again. Where is the logic in that kind of law?

  2. David Huie Green on March 30th, 2012 10:49 am

    “He shouldn’t have been let out in the first place…”

    02/27/2009 WITH CREDIT FOR 156 DAYS “

    45.5×30=1365 days
    1365-156=1209 days
    1209/365=3.31 years
    Call it three years and 6 months

    February 27, 2009 + 3 years and 6 months = August 27 2012

    It does look like they jumped the gun a wee bit releasing this gentleman.
    Poor thing.

    David for non criminals

  3. mick on March 29th, 2012 6:21 pm

    He shouldn’t have been let out in the first place…

  4. Michelle on March 29th, 2012 3:52 pm

    If sex offenders are up for parole or early release for “good behaviour”. Then to make sure they are no longer a threat to the community. I suggest chemically castrating them. It will take away their sex drive.
    There are so many extreme sex offenders out there, that before they are released (and before they have a chanced to re-offend) this should be a part of their parole agreement.. Especially those up for early release.
    Since the law inforcement can not keep track of them at all times. It will defenately take away the urges that are out of control.
    Yes I can hear the Human Rights people about to pounce on this one, but what about our Humans Rights? When women and especially children can not walk around in daylight and still be in fear.
    If they want their freedom back, it would be a small price to pay. That goes for women sex offenders as well.

  5. come one on March 28th, 2012 2:48 pm

    “Cobb was arrested Monday on charges of failing to report a change in his address and failing to report vacating a permanent residence.”

    What about charges for cutting off the leg band fleeing? He should never have been released to begin with. Though, I am quite tired of paying for scum like this to sit in jail and/or prison not having to worry if they will have a meal or a hot shower or somewhere to sleep! Makes me sick!

  6. David Huie Green on March 28th, 2012 1:12 pm

    “he cut off his required GPS monitor ”

    It was cramping his style

    David for overseas travel

  7. JM on March 28th, 2012 9:40 am

    Well anyone who had a hand in EVER letting out a sexual offender should
    be very very ashamed of themselves. Everyone talkes about religion but…..

  8. matt w on March 28th, 2012 6:39 am

    That is just the definition of stupidity! Everything that he could have done wrong after being release he did in one day! … I wonder if he really thought he could get away with it … probably.