Senate Approves New District Maps, Challenges Ahead

March 23, 2012

The Senate approved its second-chance redistricting map by a wide margin Thursday, leaving lawmakers and would-be candidates waiting to see if the House and the Florida Supreme Court will sign off on the change.

The new draft of the boundaries for the upper chamber (SJR 2-B) sailed through on a 31-6 vote, with five Democrats joining all 26 Republicans present in approving the plan.

The plan creates a new District 1 for Escambia and Santa Rosa counties that also encompasses a portion of northern Okaloosa County — including Baker, the home of Sen. Greg Evers.

Senate leaders rebuked by the court for their first draft, which paired no incumbents, praised the new plan for following the anti-gerrymandering Fair Districts amendments approved by voters in a November 2010 referendum.

“There are Republicans pitted against Republicans, there are Republicans pitted against Democrats, and when this Senate convenes again, there will be more minorities on this floor than ever before in Florida history,” said Senate Reapportionment Chairman Don Gaetz, R-Niceville.

But Democrats still slammed the map, saying it ignored the Supreme Court’s 5-2 opinion striking down the first map and still appeared aimed at securing a GOP majority and shielding incumbents. That was particularly galling, Senate Minority Leader Nan Rich said, given that the court spelled out in the first ruling exactly how lawmakers should interpret the new standards.

“We may have had an excuse the first time, but for this go-around there simply is none,” said Rich, D-Weston. “The plans we are voting on I believe seem to ignore much of what the court opinion told us.”

The overall plan still faces potential hurdles before taking effect. The Supreme Court will eventually review the new map, with opponents gearing up to vigorously challenge it in arguments before the justices.

“It has become abundantly clear that the GOP-controlled Legislature lacks the leadership to draw maps that comply with Fair Districts,” Florida Democratic Party Chairman Rod Smith said. “As expected, we now turn to the courts to enforce the people’s will.”

There are rumblings that, even before that, some House lawmakers could try to amend the plan to add a fourth majority-Hispanic seat in Miami-Dade County.

Even though the House plan was approved by the court, Gaetz made it clear he still expects House Redistricting Chairman Will Weatherford, a Wesley Chapel Republican set to become speaker in November, to follow the deal.

“My understanding with the speaker-designate is not that he will take bad work, but that he will take good work and that he will defer to the Senate,” Gaetz said.

House lawmakers return to Tallahassee next week to consider the plan.

By The News Service of Florida


4 Responses to “Senate Approves New District Maps, Challenges Ahead”

  1. Jane on March 23rd, 2012 4:42 pm

    Greg Evers has done more for the north end of Escambia County than the others have done, and frankly, I don’t care who paid for the billboards. I care about the result, which is a person who listens to his constituents and makes an effort to do their wishes. I care that Mr. Evers worked hard to repeal the septic tank law and to listen and keep us informed!

  2. c.w. on March 23rd, 2012 8:57 am

    Janes Hayes, really!!

    I have known evers and his family for years. Did your “checking” find where salter paid for evers re-election by providing free billboards? Evers is bought and paid for. Has been for some time. Vote evers OUY!

  3. Jane Hayes on March 23rd, 2012 7:01 am

    @ C.W.- Really? Just how much do you really know about the “Bill Salter” Deal? Have you sat down and talked to Greg about it? I did.. Well over a year ago.. I was satisfied, with what I was told and yes, I had done a little investigating myself, so I was well informed. Those of us who keep tabs knew that this would blow up, then blow away.
    Have you looked into it other than what the local papers report? And how do I know since you only use a “moniker” and not your real name that you are not a political operative.. since they do use these forums to “spin” public opinion?
    Personally, although Greg and I have our differences on somethings and believe me I let him know when I talk to him on his cell phone or when I see him in town. He has my VOTE and I am not a political operative.. I am just tired of all the whining. By the way, I am not happy with the redistricting.. but that is all Don Gaetz and Blondie Haridopolous going for a power grab.

  4. c.w. on March 23rd, 2012 6:11 am

    If this new district lines rule is approved or if its not approved, vote evers OUT. Remember the salter bill boards that evers helped with and then claimed he didn,t know what he was doing. But he knew how to take campaign money from salter. Evers cost the tax payers million,s of dollars for the trees that he “gave” away.