Scott Signs School Prayer Bill

March 24, 2012

Gov. Rick Scott on Friday signed a controversial law cosponsored by Sen. Greg Evers that would allow student prayer at mandatory school events, prompting several groups opposed to the law to warn school districts against implementing it.

The measure signed by Scott would pave the way for local districts to approve policies allowing students to decide whether to have another student deliver an “inspirational message” at school events. Scott signed the bill without comment.

Supporters say the measure would simply reaffirm the right of Florida students under the First Amendment to proclaim their religious beliefs without fear of being restricted by government.

They said the country was in danger of becoming unmoored from the religious traditions that guide the nation.

“When we took school prayer … out of school, it’s clearly documented that school discipline — disciplinary cases went up, that we had a lot more school vandalism, that we had a lot more disrespect for schools, including the physical plant as well as school personnel, teachers and principals,” Rep. Charles Van Zant, a Keystone Heights Republican and House sponsor of the bill, said during a committee hearing in February.

But opponents of the bill said it would lead to potentially offensive messages and could ensnare school districts in costly lawsuits. While supporters are largely viewed as trying to open up a channel for student prayer, both sides in the debate agree it could also allow messages that include Holocaust denial, racially-charged speeches, uncomfortable beliefs of some fringe religions or endorsements of sex and drugs, among many other topics.

On Friday, the ACLU of Florida, the Anti-Defamation League and Americans United for the Separation of Church and State each separately issued warnings to local school districts that going ahead with an inspirational message policy could subject them to costly legal challenges.

“Legislators are clearly inviting Florida school boards to plunge into a legal swamp,” said the Rev. Barry Lynn, executive director of Americans United. “It’s wrong to subject students to coercive prayer and proselytizing. Our public schools should respect diversity, not undermine it.”

By The News Service of Florida


39 Responses to “Scott Signs School Prayer Bill”

  1. Cantonment mom on March 27th, 2012 10:56 am

    I am a practicing Catholic, my child will learn about religion at home and at church, not public schools. I have no doubt this law will be repealed by the time my child is school age. I do not feel public prayer at mandatory events is needed in public schools. If I want my child exposed to prayer at school, I will send her to catholic school. If they allow one prayer at public schools they MUST allow all prayer. There will be Jewish, Islamic, Wiccan, Discordianism, Neo-Druidism, Occultism, Hindu, Shinto, Buddhist, Mormon, Unitarian, Christian (Baptist, Southern Baptist, Presbyterian, Methodist, Charismatics, Pentecostal, Catholic, Episcopal, Lutherans, Eastern Orthodox, Amish, Mennonite, Kimbanguism)…The list can continue. It’s ignorant to believe that only Christians will lead prayers at school events. This will cause such a distraction and a legal nightmare for the schools.

  2. southern.voice on March 27th, 2012 8:30 am

    Barack—looks like the name is universal stupidity.
    Let me get this right…..once the government gets my money ….I should not care how it is spent? Not have any say in where my money goes? Well , the history books used to teach about how this country was founded. Our early leaders build a government for the people by the people. This country was founded by people who were tired of being oved taxed and not being represented….. whats that…..oh my…. kind of aounding familar again, huh. Listen up buddy… long as we are funding this government, you had better hope we have a say in how it is run and where our funds go. Once this stops…we become a communist nation. But then again, there is another Barack who shares your ideas.

  3. 429SCJ on March 26th, 2012 11:49 pm

    The Muslims invaded Europe around 711AD . Ferdinand and Isabella finished them off about the time Columbus left. The Muslim population is growing here in the U.S. and in the comming years will gain political power through numbers. When you combine that with the Hispanic movement to reclaim land won from Mexico in the war of 1846-1848 and the ever weakening condition of the Federal Government, one cannot help but wonder, how long before America, just as the former Soviet Union, becomes several Nation States of different religions? I think things would be less stressful for everyone, living with others of the same religion, in their own land.

  4. Barack Reagan on March 26th, 2012 2:17 pm

    “Ok, well when your tax money goes to support an Islamic school or a public school pushing Islam, or Islamic prayers. Or when you are at a football game and you are told to all rise for the Prayer to Allah.

    I guess you guys have no problem with that? You will stand and pray to Allah, or a Hindu god during a football game? ”

    Wow you really are scared of the big bad brother aren’t you?
    And by the way, you don’t seem to be able to comprehend anything I’ve told you so talking to you is a waste of anybody’s time.

  5. bob hudson on March 26th, 2012 8:27 am

    Great call , if you are offended by this grow up.About time we started standing up to the ACLU and the atheist. It might not be to late for this country after all.

  6. 429SCJ on March 26th, 2012 7:53 am

    People who want to pray to the devil, should be allowed to do it face to face. Nations should be allowed to work out, their religous differences. The U.N. should not stick their nose into these internal matters, as Mr Clinton did in the Balkans.

  7. antirelig on March 25th, 2012 10:37 pm

    See! These comments are exactly why religion is bad. We NEED seperation of church and state. This is NOT seperation of church and state. The government should in no way be even voting on such a thing! We’ve been over this already, that’s why we have, SEPERATION OF CHURCH AND STATE! No one wants anybody talking bad about their “religion” and sometimes the religious ignore their religious practice altogether, and start bashing others because they believe differently than them. All I can say is, “poor poor kids!” Sad, that they have to get caught up in such a tremendous mess! Yes, you are free to practice any religion you’d like, but for humanity’s sake, KEEP IT TO YOURSELVES!!
    And with “huh” saying all of that about standing to hear prayers of the Islam….well, I want to hear ZERO prayers, but, yes, you are right. They WILL complain(we all know who “they” are) because they are doing no less now on this blog! Though they deny doing such a thing. Ironic, really.
    I fear not the prayer of Islam, but prayer in general. Can you imagine how long you will have to stand now? Waiting for everyone to say their prayers before and/or after an activity and such? Exhausting and unnecessary!

  8. huh on March 25th, 2012 6:22 pm

    @Baarack Reagan

    Ok, well when your tax money goes to support an Islamic school or a public school pushing Islam, or Islamic prayers. Or when you are at a football game and you are told to all rise for the Prayer to Allah.

    I guess you guys have no problem with that? You will stand and pray to Allah, or a Hindu god during a football game?

    I know better, the conservatives would be up in arms about it because they only want their specific religion in schools. They aren’t going to be able to have their cake and eat it too on this one.

    Its just going to cause a lot of problems. And consider kids could pray to themselves quietly already (no one was stopping that) This is just grandstanding at most

  9. NHSstudent on March 25th, 2012 4:15 pm

    Yes! God is finally being let back into schools! :)

  10. Dr. Kevin R. Linam on March 25th, 2012 1:18 pm

    I don’t need your approval Barrack Reagan- Thank you for your comment!
    Matthew 28:16-20

    The Great Commission
    16 Then the eleven disciples went away into Galilee, to the mountain which Jesus had appointed for them. 17 When they saw Him, they worshiped Him; but some doubted.

    18 And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen

    I answer to Jesus Christ!!! Not Barrack Reagan!!!

  11. Baarack Reagan on March 25th, 2012 12:46 pm


    Your argument is “THe government can’t give tax money to any institution pushing a religion.

    Its the same as the government sponsoring a specific religion. Do you not understand? ”

    I understand you don’t know what you’re talking about. Allowing kids to pray if THEY WANT TO is nowhere near “government sponsoring a specific religion”. You’re so off base you’re not even in the ball park.

    As for “Dr. Linam”, you’re exactly the reason why so many people are against the idea of prayer in school. As I stated before Christianity is fine as long as you don’t make bellicose pronouncements about the USA being “a Christian nation-The Holy Bible, The Ten Commandments, and prayer-the reason we have been blessed”.

    You don”t know any more about what you’re balbbing than huh does.

  12. Jane on March 25th, 2012 8:19 am

    Thank you Gov. Scott and Thank you Mr. Greg Evers!!!!!!

  13. huh on March 25th, 2012 5:49 am

    @Barack Reagan

    Its easy to understand, its called separation of church and state. THe government can’t give tax money to any institution pushing a religion.

    Its the same as the government sponsoring a specific religion. Do you not understand?

    The ACLU will help Mr Scott understand

  14. Dr. Kevin R. Linam on March 24th, 2012 11:13 pm

    Praise God, everyone must take a stand and I stand for Jesus!!! We are still a Christian nation-The Holy Bible, The Ten Commandments, and prayer-the reason we have been blessed- I am a Science teacher who proudly takes His faith in (Jesus Christ and him crucified on the cross for all I need), with me, wherever I go and don’t care what you think or the government thinks- I will one day stand before a Holy God and give account! Thanks Rick!!!

  15. Barack Reagan on March 24th, 2012 7:12 pm


    They aren’t YOUR TAX DOLLARS! It is THE GOVERNMENT’S MONEY. Why can’t you people get that simple idea through your heads?

    When the government takes money from you in the form of taxes it is
    a. no longer your money so you have no claim to it
    b. not required to account for the way it spends that money to YOU or anyone else!

    It’s so simple my 8 year old understands it. Why do grown men and women seem to not be able to grasp such a simple concept? Stop referring to YOUR TAX DOLLARS! It isn’t your money anymore!

  16. huh on March 24th, 2012 6:07 pm

    Before this was passed, nothing was stopping a child from being quiet to pray to themselves. Of course, they shouldnt do this in class they are in school to learn. If they want to pray, go to a church.

    Should we bring science classes to your local church and teach it there on Sunday?

    My tax dollars should not go to support ANY public funded institution that is going to peddle and push religion.

    So i feel if they want prayer in school, then please stop my tax dollars from funding that school. Then you can pray all you want there

  17. Barack Reagan on March 24th, 2012 5:37 pm

    “I have to wonder what the reaction will be if some kid stands up and says “HAIL SATAN– PRINCE OF DARKNESS” and starts praying.”

    I would say that’s an excellent rhetorical question with practically no chance of happening in real life.

    The first documented case of any kid doing that I will pay you $500.00 out of my own pocket.

  18. molino jim on March 24th, 2012 5:03 pm

    I have to wonder what the reaction will be if some kid stands up and says “HAIL SATAN– PRINCE OF DARKNESS” and starts praying. The Church of Satan is a recognized church and to make things even more interesting the chaplains manual for the military has a section on how and what to say at at a funeral for someone who follows that “religion”. There are so many religions beyond the “main ones” and some are very odd to me— but to a believer they are the right path. Some may wish to look to see why people were fleeing England before making statements about why. Many of our founding fathers made it very clear that there should not be a church and government mixing.

  19. bigR on March 24th, 2012 4:11 pm

    i am glad for governer scotts brazeness i do not go to church regularly no more but do believe in the lord i was raised in church but got away from it as i got older because mainly i didn’t agree with the way the televangelists robbed people and the way some people of the cloth used it as a place for abusing children and preying on people wives and widows and so on . but i agree i that there should be prayer in schools especially at games and other gatherings i knew when they took it out that it would change the way our youth would act and change their values i am certainly glad they are putting it back now lets hope the rest of the country will follow

  20. Barack Reagan on March 24th, 2012 2:45 pm

    “They said the country was in danger of becoming unmoored from the religious traditions that guide the nation.”

    As a non-christian who believes in God, I personally think Christianity should NOT be a factor in any government policy or action.

    I DO think however that children should be allowed to pray in school if they so desire. Prayer is always a good thing, and doesn’t lead to any negative outcomes (unless you pray for the strength to kill the infidels, but I don’t think that’s an issue in this country). I encourage people of all faiths to pray away to their little hearts content! If an atheist thinks someone praying is offensive, then they are not only an atheist but an idiot as well.

    There’s nothing wrong with being a Christian or any other faith. When Christianity is understood to be about a loving and merciful God, and the teachings of Jesus, it is exemplary. It’s only when you get into some protestant sects who believe in hellfire and damnation, a wrathful God who will punish, that Christianity stops being a good religion and becomes in fact harmful and detrimental to growth of the human spirit. Someone once said that “God can be no less compassionate and loving than the most compassionate and loving man”. You can believe that’s the truth.

    I understand that in this world we live in it’s VERY HARD not to belong to some organized faith because we are what our parents molded us to be for the majority of us. So instead of letting the minority few atheists have their way, let’s just tell them:”If you don’t want to pray, go do something else. We won’t be offended,”

  21. casey wooten on March 24th, 2012 11:46 am

    i am glad to hear that good news keep the good news coming

  22. Tex on March 24th, 2012 11:08 am

    Our schools does not care if the stundents curse, but they do not want them to pray. Oh how far our world as gone away from the Bible. Lost people are just scared of the name of Jesus!

  23. a concerned mother on March 24th, 2012 10:46 am

    Good Job Gov. Scott!! I am not religious, but I do believe in the Bible and am a Christian. When I was in school, we had prayer every morning after the pledge. If there were those who did not believe in Christianity, they were excused or we had a moment of silence so they could participate too. The Christians are the ones who tried to make it fair for everyone of every religion to prey or observe the traditions of their religion, yet in the end, the Christians were the ones who were denied their rights!! When there are school functions, no other religion than Christianity stepped forward for prayers. If they believe that much in their religion, they by all means ask if it can be incorporated, there’s nothing wrong with that, but don’t you dare jump down the necks of Christians for standing up for what they believe. When Christians stand up for their beliefs, it’s considered forcing others to believe the way they do, but if an Islamic person stands up for their rights, then it is considered acceptable. Since America is the “melting pot” of the world, then all religions are acceptable, but doesn’t mean I have to believe what they do, but that I am to accept and respect their choice, just as they are to accept and respect my choices. Even if someone is Atheist, they still believe in a greater good for man kind, which is what we all should believe in, a greater good. Isn’t that a concept these days? There are few people left in this world that believe in a greater good for everyone, but everyday we all see how the selfishness of a person not only destroys his/her life, but the lives around them. It’s about time someone stood up for what they believe

  24. Just sayin' on March 24th, 2012 9:42 am

    @ Huh,

    ” nothing stops anyone from bowing their head and praying to themselves quietly all day.”

    Actually, you’re wrong. There IS plenty that stops our children from bowing their head and praying to themselves quietly. Teachers will send them to the office with a referral for “disrupting classes” if they do so or if they have a Bible in their possession. Don’t try to tell me they don’t because Escambia County schools did this to MY kids. Their excuse? That it disturbs and offends other students and that their religion is for the hours outside of school. My response? That it disturbs and offends my students NOT to be allowed to worship the way the US Constitution guarantees them that they can and that our religion is for 24 hours a day, not to be brought only when convenient, and that it doesn’t disturb anyone for my child to close his/her eyes at her desk or the lunch table and pray silently. BTW, I won the argument.

    And I don’t have ANY problem with my kids or me standing for an Islamic, Hindu, Buddhist, Wiccan or whatever prayer. WE have the decency to respect other religions the same way that we expect them to respect OURS!!!

  25. Shiley White on March 24th, 2012 9:31 am

    To Huh?…..That is exactly what I said when I read your post. Huh? Our problems now are attributed to ACLU stepping in and letting us be bullied into quiet submission too many times. Our country was founded on the right to be able to openly serve our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. These last four hundred years our country has accepted immigrants from all countries of the world with the same desire to worship in their on beliefs. We have been pushed back and let our freedom of worshipping God be slowly taken away from us until it’s frightening! Yes, I CAN stand quietly and let someone else pray to their god as long as they afford me the same courtesy. We should never put a price on this precious freedom by worrying about a lawsuit or what “might could happen”. We have been too passive long enough!

  26. BarrineauParkDad on March 24th, 2012 8:27 am

    Man is a Religious Animal. He is the only Religious Animal. He is the only animal that has the True Religion–several of them. He is the only animal that loves his neighbor as himself and cuts his throat if his theology isn’t straight. He has made a graveyard of the globe in trying his honest best to smooth his brother’s path to happiness and heaven….The higher animals have no religion. And we are told that they are going to be left out in the Hereafter. I wonder why? It seems questionable taste.
    - “Mark Twain”

  27. bob hill on March 24th, 2012 7:49 am

    Thank you Gov Scott for signing this law…..Remember Huh, peeps like me pay a lot of school tax too!!!!!!!

  28. huh on March 24th, 2012 7:47 am

    @Michelle D.

    Just wait until your tax dollars go to fund a school that starts praying to a religion you dont like or agree with. What will you say then?

    Free speech exists , nothing stops anyone from bowing their head and praying to themselves quietly all day.

    No reason for them to express their religion or views over everyone else. You might not want your children being forced to stand or bow to an Islamic prayer, or a Hindu prayer.

  29. TIFFANY on March 24th, 2012 7:24 am


  30. neighbor on March 24th, 2012 6:59 am

    I appreciate Gov. Scott not allowing the bullies of government to intimidate him.
    We need to be able to pray to our Lord God for our schools more than ever before, just ask a teacher or serious student.

  31. 429SCJ on March 24th, 2012 6:52 am

    Everytime I see Muslim or Jewish students, in the news, they appear to be attending Mosque and Temple sponsered schools. Me being the Infidel Goyim Baptist that I am, what do I know? Maybe an announcement should be given before the prayer. This would allow anyone who might be offended, an opportunity to leave the room or area.

  32. Jane on March 24th, 2012 6:39 am

    I think Mr. Evers has done something here that we really needed to do. What happened to freedom of religion in this nation? That doesn’t mean the school has to implement prayer but it should mean that our students are allowed to pray, each in their own religion and in their own way. It should not mean no prayer in schools. Our nation was founded by people who came here to escape religious persecutuion, and with “no prayer in school” we were headed back to that. The ACLU will go after anything to get it’s name in the paper, but not necessarily the freedoms we need in this country. Thank you Mr. Evers! Let us fight this issue in the courts AGAIN for our country’s religious freedom!

  33. Duke of Wawbeek on March 24th, 2012 6:22 am

    God’s chosen people should not have to endure exposure to these cultic rituals.

  34. Michelle D. on March 24th, 2012 2:40 am

    This should the best news any christian, whether it be jewish, buddism, muslim or others. Our children should have the right to pray when they want to.

    In my opinion, ACLU should stay out of this! Maybe we all need to pray for the ACLU.

  35. huh on March 24th, 2012 1:36 am

    Hopefully the ALCU will step in , schools receive public funding and can’t endorse a specific religion. This is not a problem for private christian schools.

    The issue is what happens when someone tries to lead a prayer to Islam? You will all scream and cry about how terrible it is, when its your own states fault for passing the law.

    So i guess its best to sit back and watch the sparks fly. People dont seem to understand that this means all religions. Are you ok standing for a hindu prayer? Or Islamic prayer at a football game at school? Guess you will all find out soon enough

  36. Great News on March 24th, 2012 1:08 am

    We need this to become the trend and move north! Let’s pray it will!

  37. RD on March 24th, 2012 12:56 am

    I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, as long as there are tests in school there will always be prayer.

  38. K80 on March 24th, 2012 12:33 am

    Praise the Lord!!

  39. Brittany on March 24th, 2012 12:19 am

    thank you God for bringing the right back for students to have prayer! If non-Christians have the right to voice their beliefs, why not allow Christians to voice their beliefs?