Poarch Man Sentenced To Federal Prison For Touching Young Boy

March 17, 2012

A federal judge sentenced a Poarch man to 18 months in federal prison for sexually molesting a young boy on the Poarch Creek Indian Reservation.

Dustin O. Raybon, 26, will also be required to register as a sex offender and will be supervised by the U.S. Probation office for the rest of his life. He is also forbidden to have unsupervised contact with children.

Raybon went to trial in November 2011 on charges of aggravated sexual abuse against three young relatives on the reservation. But during the trial, two of the young boys provided inconsistant testimony or had trouble remembering alleged events. The trial abruptly ended with a plea agreement between Raybon and the U.S. Attorney’s Office on a lesser charge.

Under that plea agreement, Raybon admitted to touching a 3-year old boy in 2003. During the trial a 13-year old also testified that Raybon touched him when he was 5 or 6 and an 8-year old claimed Raybon performed a sex act on him in April 2011.

The prosecution and the defense had both recommended that Raybon receive one year in prison for touching the 3-year old. Instead, U.S. District Judge Kristi DuBose sentenced him to 18 months, citing the seriousness of the crime. He will receive credit for nine months previous spent in the Mobile Metro Jail.

If he had not taken the plea agreement and had been convicted on all charges, Raybon could have received 30 years in prison.


23 Responses to “Poarch Man Sentenced To Federal Prison For Touching Young Boy”

  1. Lee Bolden on March 21st, 2012 12:29 pm

    Well David thanks for views you ALWAYS have something to say. Believe it or not, NOT every sex offender, perpetrator, were victims at one time. However some can and do what they do become what they are by choice. They chose to expose themself to the evils of this world with pron and every other form of trash that is out in the world today. As a rape victim myself 20 years later I am still terrorized by memories but I depend on Christ my savior to get me through it when i have flash backs, so as for the victims yes I pray they get help the need. Also I do pray that MONSTER will expose him self to Christ. As far as a plea a victim is not victim just once they are not victimized just once but over and over. When having to reveal what happened to them. The police medical personel but by lawyers and prosectors, and anyone else envolved. Why do you dont most rapes are never reported. I hope this person dose find Christ. I also hope the victims and families do as well. LOVE IN CHRIST

  2. 429SCJ on March 19th, 2012 5:25 pm

    I have always wondered why the Creek People as a sovereign nation, do not have their own judical and penal system? It is not like they do not have the funds.

  3. David Huie Green on March 19th, 2012 4:46 pm

    “I never understand why some people post that persons who have sexual contact with others and found guilty will be taken care of sexually by others in prison. Can’t we just wish and pray for the best for the – - perpetrator?”

    It’s not as bad as it sounds.

    Consider the Golden Rule: Treat others as you would like to be treated yourself.
    Assume this gentleman was following the Golden Rule.
    Therefore, he must want to be treated the way he did the child.
    Those who hope he will find that fulfillment while in prison are wishing for him his heart’s desire.

    They are THAT good-hearted.

    David for treating others right

  4. William on March 19th, 2012 11:24 am

    To those asking about the height chart in the booking photo — it’s the way the picture is cropped. The numbers to side are inches — 63-66-69-72 — the last digit is just cut from the photo.

  5. Kimberly on March 19th, 2012 11:18 am

    @NO SYMPATHY – I agree w/ everything you said, but the Bible tells me that I should pray for my enemies and so I do. It isn’t easy, but neither is paying taxes or getting a colonoscopy.. The 1st is God’s Law.. 2nd is the Gov’s Law and the 3rd is just common sense.

    Unfortunately you could be right, the next time he may very well find a way to keep his next victim/victims quite. I get nauseous when I think of what could be in his mind for next time. This is just one example of why I am happy we have a NorthEscambia.com
    It serves as a reminder to talk to our children, keep them close and be aware of our surroundings as much as possible.
    Thank you NE

  6. 429SCJ on March 19th, 2012 10:02 am

    Hello Ben Thar, I was wondering about that height chart myself. Maybe that is how he survived 9 months in the Mobile Metro Jail? Any LE out there that has worked booking, that could explain that chart? I guess I could just google it.

  7. oh my on March 18th, 2012 10:03 pm

    I for one believe in an eye for an eye. He looks sick minded I feel sorry for the victims and this mans parents. I could not imagine how I would feel if this were my son. So many emotions. People like him should be sent straight to hell. No excuses period. No matter if he one day wakes up and has remorse he can NEVER take back wat he has done

  8. Kimberly on March 18th, 2012 7:30 pm

    James, first of all it is wonderful that you are “happy and well adjusted” after your childhood experiences, but I assure you that “most” children (and I speak from personal experience) do not grow up feeling “happy and well adjusted” Most victims of sexual abuse suffer life long emotional scars and for my very life I can’t understand how anyone would steal a child’s innocence and treat them as if they are worth nothing!

    Secondly, I never said that I approve of “anyone” being physically or sexually attacked in prison. As a matter of fact, I don’t believe there should be “ANY” form of sexual contact in prison. When you break the law, certain freedoms are or should be taken away. But, I know that sexual attacks happen in prison every day. It’s been that way for a very long time. And so far, no one has been able to stop it!

    I stand by what I said, “if” this man were “taken care of sexually” even though that wouldn’t be right, I still won’t be crying for him.. I’ll save my tears for the children’s lives that he has already ruined and for the ones that will more than likely be ruined after he is released.
    Maybe I’m wrong, but I’ll let my Lord and Savior be the judge of that. I have no hate in my heart for anyone, so while I pray for this predator my main concern is for the children.

  9. NO SYMPATHY on March 18th, 2012 7:11 pm

    i dont agree with this at all he only got 18 mths federal prison really thats a castle compared to a state prison no fair for these children and for all of u praying for him he not only molested 1 but 3 very sick young man i dont understand the system at all you could molest a child or kill someone and get less time than someone with a drug charge and yes he’ll probably do it again this is a slap on the wrist he’ll probably figure out another way to keep his victims more quite im praying for these CHILDREN!!!this is why there is so many accidental perverts now that strike again 2nd chances!!

  10. Ben Thar on March 18th, 2012 5:56 pm

    I’m not understanding the numbering system in his booking photo.

    Does that mean he’s 7 foot tall?

  11. James Broel on March 18th, 2012 3:31 pm

    Kimberly while I appreciate your opinion I just can’t understand why you think or believe someone who has committed a sexual crime has no need for any empathy in prison. Would you believe anyone in prison regardless of tge crime is due sexual attacks in prison because those people are all bad and worthy of it? I feel for the victim of this event but I don’t believe or accept any kind of sexual acts of violence in prison at all
    I was molested myself at age 12 repeatedly over the course of a year. While I felt shame and animosity toward the much of the older people that did this terrible thing to me, I never once felt any urge for them to be physically hurt or attacked like they did to me. I am happy and well adjusted and don’t see the classic “eye for an eye” as a healthy way to feel toward others in the same circumstances.

  12. DW on March 18th, 2012 1:14 pm

    Congrats bro!! The only thing is you only got 18 months! SICKO!!

  13. Kimberly on March 18th, 2012 7:29 am

    I never understand why some people post that persons who have sexual contact with others and found guilty will be taken care of sexually by others in prison. Can’t we just wish and pray for the best for the victim and perpetrator?

    @James Broel – I absolutely pray for the victims as well as the perpetrator. However, if he is “taken care of sexually” by others in prison, I’m Not going to shed any tears over it. For the children’s lives that have been destroyed by him, I do cry. And I think the Lord will forgive me if I pray more for victims than I do for the predator.

    This man never should have been given a plea deal! I guarantee when he gets out, being registered as a sex offender will not stop him from re-offending and that makes me Angry! (anger by the way is not a sin, it’s what you do w/ it) I have grandchildren, nieces and nephews and the very thought of our Judicial System allowing a predator to make a plea deal makes me ill!

    God Bless the children.. they are the innocent ones.. Lord help us all :-/

  14. Concerned citizen on March 18th, 2012 6:49 am

    Sometimes plea agreements are reached in these type cases simply because
    It is much better for the child victim than to testify and then be crossed
    Examined. Many children try and block out bad things
    That happen at a very young age such as 4 or 5 years old.
    I do not blame the justice system because, unlike other systems, the
    Federal probation office will do their job and the mandatory registration
    Will require notification to residences that he will be living
    In their area. The agreement was probably best for the child victims
    To keep from reliving this event.

  15. James Broel on March 17th, 2012 1:27 pm

    I never understand why some people post that persons who have sexual contact with others and found guilty will be taken care of sexually by others in prison. Can’t we just wish and pray for the best for the victim and perpetrator?

  16. clay on March 17th, 2012 10:39 am

    I agree whats wrong with our justice system he should get life they will take real good care of him were hes going he messes with a child and get 18 mounts what the hell smoke a lil pot and c what youll get

  17. Blondie on March 17th, 2012 9:08 am

    What is wrong with these men?!?!?? Its getting ridiculous how people
    are acting. Everyone just remember, we will all have to answer to God one day for everything we’ve done!!!

  18. 429SCJ on March 17th, 2012 7:51 am

    9 Months in Mobile Metro, he should write a book.

  19. huh on March 17th, 2012 7:21 am

    The guy is really sick and hopefully he gets the mental help he needs. He is lucky he didnt go to prison for this. They would not have been very kind.

  20. ellenb on March 17th, 2012 6:41 am

    Castrate him! At times our justice system is a joke! Probation, time served is a crock. People who are convicted of these types of crimes need stiffer penalties, like a lifetime in the hell he forced these children into. Please don’t misunderstand me, I am all for animal neglecters & abusers convictions as well, I love animals, but somtimes they get worse penalties than the animal that neglects or abuses a child! There is something terribly wrong with that picture!

  21. Jane on March 17th, 2012 5:15 am

    So after he has done this 3 times he is released under a technocallity so he can do it again?

  22. ashley on March 17th, 2012 12:57 am

    How sick …..He should never see the light of day …..perhaps some one will touch him when he gets to prison……..very sick person….

  23. Shondra on March 17th, 2012 12:53 am

    It’s a shame that the prosecution would even offer a plea on such a horrible crime. This low life will be out of prison in 9 short months to go out and harm more children. Drug dealers get more time then this!!!