On The Hill: Molino Teen Serves As House Page

March 11, 2012

A young man from Molino recently spent a week serving as a page in the Florida House of Representatives.

Mitchell Singleton, a seventh grader at Ernest Ward Middle School, served as a page for Rep. Doug Broxson.

Pages and messengers are students who work one week at the Capitol during the 60-day Regular Session. Each of Florida’s 120 representatives may sponsor one page (ages 12-14) and one messenger (ages 15-18).

Being selected to serve is considered an honor and privilege. Pages and messengers assist the representatives and their staff during the Capitol’s busiest time of year while observing state government in action.

The page and messenger program is a long-standing tradition in the Florida House, with journals making mention of them as far back as 1865.

Singleton and each page and messenger will have their name appear in the official Journal of the House as an official record of their time spent serving in state government.

Pictured top: Mitchell Singleton (foreground) of Molino recently served as a page in the Florida House. Pictured inset: Mitchell in the House Chambers. Submitted photos for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.


11 Responses to “On The Hill: Molino Teen Serves As House Page”

  1. Had on March 14th, 2012 5:24 pm

    Congrats mitchell!! I know this was a BIG opratunity for you, and I know that you have all ways wanted to do something in the government ever since we were little! Don’t let any one stop you on your road to the top! You have already accomplished alot don’t stop now! And always have funn!!!

  2. Angela on March 14th, 2012 11:00 am

    Great job, Mitchell. We are proud of you and the young man that you are becoming.

  3. Mrs. Ellis on March 13th, 2012 8:17 pm

    One more step towards reaching your goal of being a Fl.State Representative! Go for it Mitchell!

  4. Brianna Hual on March 12th, 2012 11:17 pm

    way to go Mitchell!!! yay :)

  5. Spmommy on March 12th, 2012 7:11 pm

    Way to go Mitchell:) So proud of you:) Mrs. Prince

  6. Dedra Singleton on March 11th, 2012 5:57 pm

    This program is amazing!! As I spent the week watching Mitchell serve, I truly realized that our young people have so many opportunities to learn about our government and how it works. This was a dream of his, and with the help of Rep.Broxson and our loving community it became a reality! Thanks again to all of you that supported Mitchell, whether through financial donation or through prayer…he could not have done it without you. For more information on this
    program, please visit http://www.myfloridahouse.gov

  7. Jane on March 11th, 2012 4:04 pm

    i don’t know you Mitchell, but I am so glad you have had this incredible experience and I wish you well in life!

  8. Vicki Baggett on March 11th, 2012 2:45 pm

    That is great, Mitchell.

  9. DawnZ on March 11th, 2012 7:49 am

    WOW! What a wonderful experience. Great job Mitchell.

  10. mitches" friend on March 11th, 2012 7:06 am

    Mitchell,I am so proud of you . Your favorite person at EW .

  11. Jennifer on March 11th, 2012 6:32 am

    Trevor I am so proud of you!!! I know you have been wanting to do this for some time now. I pray you continue to chase your dreams.