Nokomis Man Pleads Guilty To 2001 Murder

March 14, 2012

A Nokomis, Ala., man has plead guilty to the 2001 murder of 25-year old Woodrow “Token” Allen.

Bruce Edward Day was sentenced this week to a 20 year split sentence. He will serve three years in state prison to be followed by seven years on probation.

In October 2009, Escambia County, Ala., authorities obtained a murder warrant for Day in connection with the death of Allen.

Day was reportedly working for a contractor at the Gulf Power Crist Plant in Pensacola. Day was summoned to an office at the plant where U.S. Marshals were waiting to serve the warrant, but Day fled somewhere on the complex that includes 40 buildings on 750 acres.

The University of West Florida campus was later locked down after a man that fit Day’s description was spotted. Authorities also located a pickup truck at UWF that was believed to belong to Day.

A massive manhunt followed, involving U.S. Marshals, Escambia County deputies, helicopters from Escambia and Walton counties, several tracking dog units including one from Century Correctional Institution, and other law enforcement agencies. Authorities from Escambia County, Ala. were also on the scene.

The followed day, Day’s father called Escambia County (Ala.) Sheriff Grover Smith and told the sheriff that he wanted to talk to him “now” at his Atmore residence. When the sheriff arrived, Day surrendered without incident.

Day, now 44, was arrested previously on attempted murder charged in January 2002 for shooting three times into a vehicle on James Road in Nokomis on October 28, 2001. The vehicle was occupied at the time by Allen, 25, and his juvenile niece.

Allen’s mother reported him missing on December 17, 2001, claiming that she has last seen her son on December 13, 2001.

Allen was last  seen walking away from the residence of  his friend, Donald David Clemmons on Nathan Road in Nokomis. When Day was arrested by Escambia County (Ala.) deputies in January 2002, he was in a vehicle on Highway 31 in Nokomis with Clemmons, according to reports. Methamphetamines and drug paraphernalia were found in the vehicle with the two men, deputies said.

Day was charged with shooting into an occupied vehicle, two counts of attempted murder, possession of a controlled substance and possession of drug paraphernalia. Authorities said Allen was scheduled to testify against Day over the shooting. Day was found not guilty on the attempted murder charges, and he was sentenced to a year in jail for reckless endangerment.


24 Responses to “Nokomis Man Pleads Guilty To 2001 Murder”

  1. Heather on February 20th, 2013 11:41 pm

    I have read everything that has been said and obviously you would take up for a murder because he is your family. I do not agree with him being a good person etc etc blah blah guesz what he shot at my uncle and my moms sisters kid when she was a teenager. For of you who think 3yrs is justice and talking a good about him getting 3yrs can rot i am his neice and i watched my mom cry everyday for the loss of her brother while bruce day was sleeping at home all cozy with his living it up Nd yea i hope got gets him when he gets out god will take evedything into his hands and i seen his other sister and brothers cry also and not to mention my grandparents who never got closure just because bruce hid the body does not mea. He should het away with cold murder he deserves to the same thing he dished out and for days sister just because you never knew him to do something like that doesnt mean he didnt our family lost a peice of themselves that cam never be replaced and they will never get closure if you dont know the storie dont post taking up for scum.thankyou for all the condolences .

  2. Sherry on October 8th, 2012 4:25 pm

    Bruce what went so wrong in your life? We use to be family, you are still the uncle to my children. Your Mom Sue and Bobby I know your mom has passed. Both of them were good people. Your sisters , all of you were so good to me and my family. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Bruce you have always been a good person, caring about others and trying to make the best of life. I wish you well. I know this is not going to be easy on your family and your children. Bruce is a good person he is my ex husbands brother, Not knowing the story from start to finish, its not my place or your to judge. Will is answering for his roll. Bobby hang in there I know how this is on you and the girls.

    Mr Allens family, I am sorry for your loss.

  3. if shoe tits on March 18th, 2012 9:35 am

    If you folks don’t know the facts and the strengh of the evidence then you should not comment. The age of the case is a factor and the fact that no weapon or body was fount. It is good to ge something out the case. Most prosecutors would not have charged him at all. We can’t really prove his is dead….he is only missing. Think before you start putting your ignorance in print.

  4. Neighbor on March 16th, 2012 5:40 pm

    Exactly Eve. Just imagine how much different these comments would be if the backstory were known. There are VERY FEW things that could cause an otherwise gentle, hardworking man to do something like this…I am truly sorry for Token’s family’s loss, but there are several victims here.

  5. Eve Pearson on March 16th, 2012 3:06 pm

    Let me start by saying No I dont agree withh murder but neither do I agree with the hell “The Victim” put Bruce and his family thru !! I have known Bruce for many years he is always polite will give you the shirt off his back to help you !!When it comes to kids he is even more polite ! I truly think he has remorse and has paid his debt to society I’m sorry many of you think different guess the reason I do is I no Bruce and as Paul Harvey Says THE REST OF THE STORY !! Something it would be great if everyone learned before bashing Bruce !!!

  6. sweetT on March 16th, 2012 11:05 am

    Well, It looks like you are better off killing somebody than doing drugs. 3 years for murder? If he had a meth lab, he would be in there for 10.!!!! Go figure~~~

  7. WTH? on March 16th, 2012 8:59 am

    I don’t understand the justice system. Three years for murder?????? This is just nuts! I know of people that have done things that are no where close to murdering someone but have had to spend 2-3 years in prison! Somethings just not right here!

  8. JUS SAYIN on March 15th, 2012 5:40 pm





  9. Angi B. on March 15th, 2012 12:51 pm

    You’re telling me that taking someones life, is a lesser sentence; than someone doing drugs??? WOW!!!

  10. 429SCJ on March 15th, 2012 9:42 am

    A sad affair. If I had been Mr Day, when approached by LE, I would have said gentlemen I am lost, could you please direct me to Ford’s Theater. They would have given him directions and sent him on his way.

  11. srodgers on March 15th, 2012 9:05 am

    Thankfully the law is designed so that each individual case is judged on the events and truths of that case, not streamlined like the fines for traffic tickets.
    Nine years ago my brother was the victim of a senseless murder, but im sure that a victims family always feel that way.
    Its extremely difficult to imagine that others dont cherish our loved ones the way we do, or that someone would dislike them so much that they would want them dead, but those are facts of life, in this world from the beginning of time people have chosen, with and without reason to kill others.
    Ive known Bruce about 25 years and never would have guessed that murder would be brought up with his name. He has always been polite, courteous, fun loving and worked hard.
    I know people that abuse there wives, there children and never have a kind word toward anyone that seem to get away with some of the meanest things imaginable. They usually get abuse classes and sent home to do it again,
    To Bruce and his family, I hope that soon you can put this whole thing behind you, and to the victims family, so sorry for your loss, and pray that one day you are able to forgive, Its the only way to lay your family member to rest and find some peace in your lives again. I know this, because the young man that murdered my brother was a family member and forgiveness has been the only way for me to continue on without the bitterness and pain that one senseless act created for an entire family.

  12. Bobby on March 15th, 2012 8:04 am

    Welcome to Escambia County, Alabama. Where justice is actually an injustice that slaps the victims and their families in the face.

  13. Sydney on March 14th, 2012 7:01 pm

    3 years in prison for MURDER??????? God have mercy on the judicial system!!!!!!

  14. April on March 14th, 2012 6:54 pm

    What is this world coming to??? IT IS NOT OKAY TO TAKE A LIFE!!! This was not self defense….it was evil!! The only thing that can possibly make us feel any better is the fact that God will definetely issue a more fitting punishment! This situation is just totally unfair to Token’s family……… prayers are with them.

  15. David Huie Green on March 14th, 2012 6:33 pm

    “He will serve three years in state prison to be followed by seven years on probation.”

    Serve 3 years??? Doesn’t put much value on the life of the one he killed, does it?

    David thinking more
    might have been justified for murder
    (also confused by 3 + 7 = 20, but it’s Alabama)

  16. so on March 14th, 2012 6:25 pm

    A TOTAL TRAVESTY! Murder someone and get 3 years???? You are kidding me?!?! For SHAME! If he had killed a dog, he would have gotten more time. Mr. Day better hope that the family of the man he murdered isnt willing to do the same to him and the price only be 3 years of their freedom. Wow. Thats just unbelievable.

  17. one more time! on March 14th, 2012 2:35 pm

    did something change? last time i checked 7 plus 3 added up to ten.
    maybe i missed something.

  18. Janice on March 14th, 2012 1:44 pm

    What I would like to know is , Did he tell the police where the body is ? I would truely hope ! It is so sad that the judical system is letting him WALK for FREE !!!! I guess now days It’s ok to murder someone , You’ll get a lighter sentence . I truely feel sorry for the family of Token Allen . This is un – real !!!!

  19. JM on March 14th, 2012 9:50 am

    No wonder they couldn’t find him….just look how many individuals defend
    a murderer. People are willing to hide and defend people no matter what they do as long as it did nothing to their family.

  20. Neighbor on March 14th, 2012 9:01 am

    The entire story will probably never see the light of day in order to protect the innocent. However many of us, if placed in Bruce’s shoes, would at the very least want to do severe harm to the offending individual. I would much rather see him out working hard to support his family than sitting behind bars while child abusers walk away with a slap on the wrist. I hope the three years includes time served and he’s home with his kids soon.

  21. kiki on March 14th, 2012 7:26 am

    3 years and probation?! WOW!! My brother got a VOP for a technicality and he is serving 10 years of jail time, and he NEVER touched or harmed anyone! And people wonder why I have NO faith in the system!!!

  22. Beth on March 14th, 2012 6:35 am

    Wow, you admitt to murdering someone and you only get 3 years and some probation?? What is wiring with our judicial system?

  23. bigR on March 14th, 2012 6:18 am

    although i feel sorry for this guys mother i am glad Bruce is getting this behind him as for what i understand that guy kept provoking him and several others in the area for some time before he disappeared bruce is a good hard working person and am glad he will be allowed to return to society in the near future. i know him personally as do a lot of others in the atmore area and he is well liked and respected by many.

  24. Tracy on March 14th, 2012 5:49 am

    Three years in prison and seven on probation…?
    The deals being cut are good one…for the felon!
    Folks will be saying to themselves ..”is it worth three years to rid the world of so-and-so”… just saying!