Multiple North Escambia Railroad Crossings Closed This Week

March 12, 2012

Several North Escambia railroad crossings are scheduled to be closed this week for maintenance.

The crossings are:

  • Barth Road
  • Brickyard Road
  • Daffin Road
  • Private road just north of Williams Ditch
  • Williams Ditch Road

The crossings will be closed some or all of the period between Monday and Friday as work is performed.


11 Responses to “Multiple North Escambia Railroad Crossings Closed This Week”

  1. Kathy on March 14th, 2012 9:57 am

    My house is directly at the closed crossing on north barth rd. I as well had to take my son to school this morning. the past 2 days the crossing has been closed and the bus comes from the north and then turns around in my field. there has never been an issue with this!!!! why would the bus NOT SHOW? there wasnt a problem before!!! I will be calling the school and discussing this matter with them now that i know this information.

  2. DAGB on March 13th, 2012 7:34 am

    I find it hard to believe that bus transportation was not notified prior to. Any road work that would change normal traffic or in this case close access would have been sent to local department heads. Sounds like the brain of the bus operation forgot to get the message out.

  3. whatthehay on March 12th, 2012 8:44 pm

    Jennifer, The bus does not “choose” to not use private property to turn around, if the turn around is done without permission they can be dicsiplined for the action. This SUE country has made things that way.

  4. jennifer on March 12th, 2012 12:33 pm

    another thought, for arguments sake, what are the buses going to do this afternoon when it’s time to drop off the children at these closed roads?

  5. always bizzie on March 12th, 2012 12:30 pm

    Common sense, the children are not close to the work, and their parents had no knowledge of the work going on. Nor did the bus transportation department. No one was informed until this morning after the fact. I don’t have a problem with making arrangement for my child when I am informed and I promptly took him to school when the bus did not come. At best the public should be informed ahead of time when the roads will be closed. Not on the morning of. Bus transportation did not know they needed to reroute and parents did not know that students would not be picked up.

  6. jennifer on March 12th, 2012 12:26 pm

    The construction was at the opposite end of the road, there are two access roads to get to the stop, the bus should have come in from Hwy 29 and bypassed the construction all together. I agree there should have been a plan in place or at least notify the route parents if they were not going to be picked up. Remember those card we fill out every year with contact information.

  7. Common Sense on March 12th, 2012 11:57 am

    Maybe the children should have been on the outside of the construction or work going on so they could catch the bus. They are on such a tight schedule and they can’t make a whole bus load of students late.

  8. always bizzie on March 12th, 2012 11:26 am

    My son is another child that is on this route and was not picked up either. There needs to be a plan in place when the bus can’t get down the road. Students should not miss instruction time just because of transportation problems. What if the parents had not been home to handle the situation? Is the solution to just let them miss school? Ridiculous!

  9. Jennifer on March 12th, 2012 9:56 am

    The bus choose not to pick up two children on North Barth Rd because they “did not have permission” to turn around in a field or driveway. So they choose to leave the children waiting for over 2 hours until I called transportation to have the bus go back and pick them up. A little common sense goes a long way!

  10. always bizzie on March 12th, 2012 9:36 am

    How will this effect the school bus routes? My son’s bus either ran early this morning or did not come at all. Sure would have been better if this could have been planned for next week or during the summer when the kids are out of school.

  11. 429SCJ on March 12th, 2012 7:06 am

    The one on 99A, at the split, is a nightmare, Muskogee Rd too.