Little Named New Escambia (Ala.) School Boss

March 23, 2012

The Escambia County (Ala.) School System named Randall Little as their new superintendent Thursday.

Little’s appointment was approved by the school board 6-1, with Chairman William Grissett voting no.

Little has serve as interim superintendent since former Superintendent Billy Hines retired late last year. He previously served the school system as an assistant superintendent.

There was only one other applicant for the position — Zickeyous Byrd, principal at Escambia County High School in Atmore.


11 Responses to “Little Named New Escambia (Ala.) School Boss”

  1. Dan on March 24th, 2012 7:42 am

    Yes, ExBlueDevilFan, the whole Kappa thing is an embarrassment to the community. The band and the cheerleaders are an embarrassment. I feel so sorry for the students that have to be a part of that because they have no other choice. I know many fine students that have gone through ECHS and had to endure being ashamed of their respective groups. It is pitiful. Why doesn’t Zickeyous Byrd spend as much time fixing his school as he does promoting himself? Then we might see some changes.

  2. ExBluedevilFan on March 23rd, 2012 11:50 pm

    I think everyone wanted Byrd to be successful. Some of us financially tried to help. Not any more. How could he be promoted when he can’t achieve AYP at ECHS? Others might know better but I think the State can step after this year when they report they didn’y achieve AYP. You don’t hear much about that.
    I took my young children to 1 football game last year and left when we saw the halftime cheerleaders show and the crude things that his Kappas were doing.
    Last thing: How can anybody respect him when all the male students have a rule they cant wear ear rings. but Kappas can put theirs in backwards and thats OK. But only Kappas can do that. As well as have their own days when they don’t have to wear school uniforms.
    Seems to me he is over his head.

  3. Dan on March 23rd, 2012 9:35 pm

    Mr. Byrd has achieved some great things up to this point. He does, however, need to focus on getting his school in order before blazing new trails. It takes more than degrees to be successful. I have been very close to the county system, and I know firsthand that Mr. Byrd loves to make things seem much better than they actually are. You can put lipstick on a pig, but it is still a pig.

  4. Good News on March 23rd, 2012 6:15 pm

    Nope, wrong again. I am simply stating my opinion. I have seen the mess he has made with his students. That Kappa League is a disgrace. Boys acting like pimps and girls acting like prostitutes. I have seen this firsthand. So, once again, I am so happy he lost.

  5. a.b. on March 23rd, 2012 5:11 pm

    I think ‘Good News’ is just trying to keep this blog going because everyone that knows Mr. Bryd and who has heard of Mr. Byrd knows that he has done nothing but positive things and made excellent progressive changes in the schools….not to mention that years ago he was honored by the State of Alabama Legislature as Alabama’s youngest principal..I think to have gained so much education beyond the Bachelor’s level at such a young age is exceptional and it takes a devoted and intelligent person to do so……I think we need more intelligent and astounding educational leaders like Mr. Byrd.

  6. Lisa on March 23rd, 2012 2:30 pm

    @ Good News:
    Mr. Byrd was an outstanding choice, but I am pretty sure his expertise and outstanding leadership is needed more hands in the school system.

  7. Good News on March 23rd, 2012 2:19 pm

    I’m not sorry at all I made the comment. Last time I checked, this is America and I can state an opinion if I choose to. Mr. Byrd is an embarrassment to this county and I am still so grateful he lost!

  8. K Byrd on March 23rd, 2012 1:20 pm

    There are some mean people

  9. Ignorance Is Not Bliss on March 23rd, 2012 9:34 am

    @ Good News:

    I’m so sorry that we have people like you in society who don’t know how to get their point across without belittling others. You gave your congratulations, now let it go.

  10. Kimberly b on March 23rd, 2012 8:33 am

    Whoever wrote the first comment , that was mean. But I’m so sorry

  11. Good News on March 23rd, 2012 5:30 am

    Congratulations, Mr. Little! I am so happy Byrd didn’t win!