Jay Nurse Named A ‘Legend’

March 8, 2012

A Jay Hospital employee has been recognized as a Baptist Health Care Legend — a team member who goes above and beyond to improve the quality of life for people in the communities served by the organization.

A nurse is a caregiver 24 hours a day, seven days a week and 365 days a year. Why? Someone who cares about helping others can’t just turn off feelings of compassion. Patsy Jackson is a prime example.

While on a leisurely motorcycle ride one Saturday, Patsy, an R.N. administrator at Jay Hospital, and her husband stopped to eat at a seaside restaurant. Patsy noticed a woman sitting nearby who did not look well. She kept her eye on the woman who eventually slumped over in her chair. Immediately to the rescue, Patsy ran to the table and helped lower the woman to the floor where she did compressions and the family member did mouth-to-mouth. Restaurant staff retrieved a defibrillator and Patsy hooked up the device and continued CPR until an ambulance arrived and took the woman to be treated.

On another occasion, a patient arrived by EMS to the emergency department in full code. The patient’s elderly wife was very distraught, helpless and traumatized by the situation. She was terrified of riding in a helicopter, but her husband needed to be quickly transported for care. Patsy drove the woman to the hospital, sat with her for five hours and interpreted information so that she could understand and be comforted by the care her husband was receiving.

Patsy’s presence was a blessing for two people who will never forget her expert care even off the clock.


10 Responses to “Jay Nurse Named A ‘Legend’”

  1. Connie Turner on March 10th, 2012 8:28 am

    I Lost My Mother At Jay’s Hospital March 2010. At That Time I Give Everyone Of The Nurses That Were There At That Time Was A Legend To Me. They were all Wonderful People Inside and Out. They Were All Angel’s. Thank You All You Know Who You Were And God Knows You. Thanks To All The Staff LOL.

  2. oakgrove on March 9th, 2012 11:36 am

    Here’s to another great R.N. Their are more like her and she is a wonderful and special person!!!!!!!!! Congradulation Patsy Jackson !!!!! Keep up your wonderful care and personality………

  3. kathybrady on March 8th, 2012 6:02 pm

    MRSpatsy IS THE MOST LOVING AND Caring nurse, she goes above her dutys at work, i must say shes the best, congrads to patsy

  4. Soon to be RN on March 8th, 2012 2:43 pm

    I graduate from nursing school in May. I hope to be THAT kind of nurse. God Bless!

  5. JM on March 8th, 2012 2:10 pm

    Sounds like one in a million. It’s nice to hear such nice stories about someone
    in the news these days. It reminds us there are still good people out there.

  6. Paula Thomas on March 8th, 2012 9:56 am

    Patsy Jackson is one of the most caring people I know. Patsy has seen me and my family thru the hardest and darkest times in our lives. She has instilled her compassionate ways into the staff at Jay Hospital. I love to call her “my friend and neighbor”.

  7. Jeremy Nolan on March 8th, 2012 9:10 am

    Yes , she is an awesome person , like a second mom to me

  8. Elizabeth Stephens on March 8th, 2012 8:51 am

    Patsy gives 200% of herself, if not more, to Jay Hospital and our patients. She’s a calming presence in the midst of many storms we endure on a daily basis. Congratulations, Patsy!!!

  9. Atmore G on March 8th, 2012 8:41 am

    I have heard of Ms Jackson from a co-worker.. This lady is not only an great RN, but a compassionate caring human being.. Her mere presence at work and outside of work is truly a blessing to all who come in contact with her.. If everyone were like her, this world would be a far better place.. THANKS FOR ALL YOU DO PATSY JACKSON!

  10. bratt res on March 8th, 2012 5:15 am

    Yesterday, I had to visit a doctors office and wondered after leaving, what happened to old fashion family care. Where the staff really cared about you. Its nice to hear that a few still exist.