Flomaton, Century Making Plans For 4th Of July Fireworks

March 14, 2012

Fourth of July fireworks could  light up the summer sky again this year in a joint Flomaton-Century show.

Last year, the Town of Flomaton, the Town of Century, the Flomaton Chamber of Commerce and the Century Chamber of Commerce contributed $625 each for a fireworks show that was held at Hurricane Park in Flomaton.

The town of Century helped fund the show last year with the stipulation that the 2012 show be held in Century. This year’s fireworks show will cost $5,000, according to Flomaton Mayor Dewey Bondurant.

The Flomaton Town Council has already voted to contribute $1,500 to the show at Century’s Showalter Park, while the Town of Century will consider a $1,500 contribution at a future council meeting. The remaining $2,000 will come from chambers of commerce and other sponsors.

“It will be a good show,” Bondurant said.

Pictured: The 2011 Fourth of July Fireworks Show at Hurricane Park in Flomaton. NorthEscambia.com file photos, click to enlarge.


19 Responses to “Flomaton, Century Making Plans For 4th Of July Fireworks”

  1. hmmm on March 15th, 2012 8:53 am

    RE: Flomaton mom comment on “packing” to come to Century to see fireworks; That’s the problem with this country, too many people are gun happy, and ready to shoot someone over the slightest things.

  2. 429SCJ on March 15th, 2012 4:25 am

    I would think with former Chief McGraw now restrained and with Chief Thompson at the helm, people’s fears would start to subside and they would start to come out, move about more. Flomaton/Century is not Washington D.C., or the Happy Hills bourough of Mobile Alabam, I would try to relax and enjoy the show.

  3. Jessica on March 15th, 2012 1:15 am

    You seriously think one town is unsafe, yet feel perfectly at ease in a town spitting distance away? If you need to “pack” in Century, you might as well keep your gun on you in Flomaton. They are too close in proximity not to share troubles.

  4. well on March 14th, 2012 7:40 pm

    This should be a nice event, twice the show as last year. Thanks to all involved for their efforts.

    Those that are scared of the dark should stay home where they might be safe.

    Oh yeah, when you want to knock an area you might think whats across from Flomaton Park. Just like you you said, everyone might not feel safe around there?

  5. Redneckerson on March 14th, 2012 6:01 pm

    I’m thinking there should be some additional parking at the Anthony Pleasant football field off Highway 4. That way you wouldn’t even have to come into “downtown Century.”

  6. ? on March 14th, 2012 3:05 pm

    Flomatom mom…its clear you havent lived anywhere else but flomaton try living in the city if lil ol century scares you please stay home there is nothing wrong with century or flomaton!!

  7. poohbear on March 14th, 2012 2:41 pm

    I knew what she was referring to, and I was being sarcastic. I also think Flomaton Mom knew that I was. She should hope that no one actually got shot at the fireworks because she has made the remark that her husband would be “packing”. I do agree with you “thinkg cap on” that both little towns are mild even compared to Pensacola or Mobile.

  8. thinkg cap on??? on March 14th, 2012 2:13 pm

    In reference to Flomaton Mom’s comment “my husbamnd will be packing.” I don’t think she literally meant pack his bags, i think she meant packing a gun????? But Everyone needs to realize that Flomaton and Century are really not that bad of places, they are about the same, no matter what side of the line you are on. If you guys think that it is scary around here, try Chicago first then you will relax your mind a little. There is going to be crime everywhere you go, FACE IT!

  9. poohbear on March 14th, 2012 12:54 pm

    “Flomaton Mom” When you try to cut down a town by your comment, expect to get replys that disagree with you and too some times it’s best not to give your opinion.

    You have “lots of friends in Century” ….hahahahahahahahahahahahaha that is hard to believe. Oh!!!! and now you are putting a certain area down. that is not going to go over very well either. I don’t live in that area but if I did I would resent your comment.

    You are the one saying your husband would be packing, not me……..LOL

  10. Flomaton Mom on March 14th, 2012 12:40 pm

    We have lots of friends who live in Century, and I’m not trying to say the whole town is bad. But more than likely the fireworks would be downtown near the baseball fields and that’s not the best area to be in, not the worst but certainly not the best! We’ve played games down there before and it’s scary at night. “Poobear” I am a wonderful wife and mother, my husband would never leave me! I’m sorry I have offended some people about this, but I was only giving my opinion.

  11. Elizabeth on March 14th, 2012 11:51 am

    @Flomaton Mom

    Your comment literally made me laugh. It’s not like Flomaton is Mayberry. I mean, your chief of police just got arrested!!!

    :-) I needed that laugh today.

  12. mee-mee on March 14th, 2012 11:04 am

    to flomaton mom if u think everytime u come to century your vehicle my be vandalized you need to stay in flomaton not to mention the problem flomaton had with law enforcement just saying are you safe there???????

  13. ? on March 14th, 2012 11:03 am

    @flomaton mom you will be safe in century we dnt want you or your vehicle. That was a silly comment to make about it being safe. Lil ol Century isnt a rough as ppl think.

  14. poohbear on March 14th, 2012 9:43 am

    “If the fireworks are in Century and we do attend (which I doubt), we will not leave our vehicle and my husband will be packing!”

    Whew!!!! that will be one loudmouth we won’t have to listen too…….. and if your husband is packing pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeee don’t let him move to Century. If you were nicer to him maybe he wouldn’t be packing and leaving you!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. Flomaton Mom on March 14th, 2012 8:49 am

    I think the fireworks should always be at hurricane park. There’s more space for people and vehicles, plus with the new playground equipment I think the kids would have a lot more fun. Last year the whole parking lot was full, the sides of the road were full and the high school parking lot was full as well. There’s no way Century could handle that many people. I also think it would be safer in Flomaton. If the fireworks are in Century and we do attend (which I doubt), we will not leave our vehicle and my husband will be packing!

  16. thompson on March 14th, 2012 8:36 am

    I would much rather go to century/flomaton fireworks than downtown Pensacola. We would of went last year had we known. Looking forward to them this year!

  17. Elizabeth on March 14th, 2012 7:56 am

    Quoted article:
    “…with the stipulation that the 2012 show be held in Century.”

    Just wondering where. Is there a space in Century comparable to Hurricane Park?

  18. From Century on March 14th, 2012 6:36 am

    Flomaton and Century should of been combinding with thing along time agao….Years ago Flomaton and Century always had a Christmas Parade together…..it was very nice they started at the Century dollar store it would be nice to have both towns togetther with one big nice Christams Parade and take it from Century to Flomaton! just saying !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. well on March 14th, 2012 5:26 am

    Times are tough, but these events always draw large crowds showing our intrest.

    I believe it is money well spent.