Fire Dept Rescues Swimmers Trapped On Sandbar

March 27, 2012

Two swimmers that were reported to be trapped on a sandbar near Molino Tuesday afternoon are fine.

The Molino and Cantonment stations of Escambia Fire Rescue were dispatched after two female swimmers reported that they were trapped on a sandbar on the west side of the Perdido River. They reported that they were unable to swim back to the shore due to increasing currents in the river.

Firefighters located the women at on a sandbar across from Fillingim Landing off Jack’s Branch Road near Molino. They were able to get the women back to shore without incident. There were no injuries reported.

Pictured: A sandbar at Fillingim Landing near Molino. file photo, click to enlarge.


14 Responses to “Fire Dept Rescues Swimmers Trapped On Sandbar”

  1. Kc on March 29th, 2012 9:02 pm

    I grew up on this river, I’ve seen it over the muscogee bridge, and I’ve seen like it was last yr. Unfortunately most people are just now discovering Northside of Escambia county. When they open Filigims not a lot of people knew about it till last summer, during a very unusual dry season every1 that found it thinks that is is safe swimming spot. So not true!!! That river like most are a lot more unpredictable then most see and or think!!! I couldn’t tell u how many teens I have plucked out of the whole off to the left of the dock. USE UR Sences, and when in doubt on the creek float!!!!

  2. Michelle on March 29th, 2012 4:16 pm

    Wow, I’m surprised. Since we had a mild winter and hardly any rain fall. That this happened weird. Just saying.

  3. flguy on March 28th, 2012 6:02 pm

    I was out there Saturday, these girls are idiots for going out on the water, I went kayaking on the river monday, it was way up, if I didn’t know the river as well as i do, I wouldn’t of gone. and I know I’m lucky, because it rose rapidly from the time I launched till the time I got back. I couldn’t see the sandbar where I launched when I got back

  4. Riversunshine on March 28th, 2012 3:14 pm

    Scott, I believe it is one of the creeks listed by Mr. Green. I know we passed through Bogia to get there and it was off of the side of Hwy 29. Nice shallow water and big sand bar for the kids. I did notice a little glass, but I had river shoes for the kids and I didn’t let them dig in the sand with their hands. I’ve heard that it can get a little rowdy there in the summer time but it wasn’t bad the other day.

  5. David Huie Green on March 28th, 2012 12:49 pm

    “but where is the creek in McDavid?”

    It isn’t quite McDavid, but Canoe Creek just south of Whirlpool Road is wide, cool and accessible.

    Mitchell Creek is just north of McDavid Mini Mart on US 29

    Cotton Creek is just north of Cotton Creek Road, above Bogia on US 29

    Pine Barren Creek a little south of McDavid Sawmill pretty much puts you out of McDavid, about six miles south of McDavid Mini Mart (It also crosses 164 about six miles up from HWY 164 and US 29

    David for roadside parks

  6. mary on March 28th, 2012 10:57 am

    I have gotten stuck in that situation @ Adventures Unlimited on Perdido river. I called my husband @ work & had him call Dave the owner & he came & got me w/a canoe.THKX DAVE! I do however know that if you just float w/the current ..eventually you will be able to touch ground & get out….I am glad they are ok..It is funny!!!!

  7. Scott on March 28th, 2012 10:56 am


    I’ve heard people talk about it before, but where is the creek in McDavid?

  8. Jimbo on March 28th, 2012 8:30 am

    @ Clay… I’m glad they called for help. What if they attemped to swim back and drowned… the headline would be very different, don’t you think? As for paying, we all pay for emergency services, these ladies or their parents are no different.
    They made a sound decision and I don’t discredit them for knowing that they may have been putting themselves in a dangerous situation.

  9. Kristy on March 28th, 2012 7:45 am

    As much as I want to laugh. I am thankful for they made it safely. The closet I ever came to dieing was swimming across that same river when it was high, and swift. I’ve seen people try it to many times.

  10. Angie on March 28th, 2012 6:31 am

    I’m with you Clay. No one should swim anywhere if they’re not familar with the water whether its the river or the beach. If they knew where they were swimming they would have known that they could have floated down and across at 2 different spots, and walked a path up to the parking lot.

  11. well on March 28th, 2012 5:11 am

    Let them pay for there “rescue”.

  12. clay on March 27th, 2012 10:32 pm

    if u cant handle perdido u just dont need to swim i live on the river and theres never been a bad current there. if they swim there then they could have swim back.

  13. Blues on March 27th, 2012 8:52 pm

    Happy ending, Thank God

  14. riversunshine on March 27th, 2012 8:40 pm

    Glad they made it out of there ok. I went to the same spot on Sunday and I turnedd around and left. The water was way too high an swift for me and my children. We went to a little creek in Mcdavid instead.