Escambia Woman Charged With Weekend Murder

March 20, 2012

An Escambia County woman has been arrested for a weekend murder.

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office believes 18-year old Keia Alexis Clausell stabbed Shernique Kemp during a fight at Oakwood Terrace early Sunday morning.

Investigators said there has been an ongoing dispute between a group of females that culminated when a fight broke out at the apartment complex resulting in Clausell fatally stabbing Kemp in the torso.

Investigators were able to obtain a warrant Clausell after interviewing her and other witnesses.

Clausell is being held without bond. She was arrested about an hour after the Sheriff’s Office publicly named her as a suspect.


12 Responses to “Escambia Woman Charged With Weekend Murder”

  1. Broken soul on November 18th, 2019 11:04 am

    I grew up without my T.T. nikki… you deserve whats comiing to you NO MERCY.

  2. David Huie Green on March 24th, 2012 10:01 am

    “Who was the Judge????????????????”

    Understand I’m not faulting her for giving a seventeen year old another chance, but Linda Nobles was the judge of record back then.

    If we could look into a person’s heart and soul and know what they would do in the future, we could release all those who would never do it again and jail those who would commit crimes ere they did the very first one. We can’t — so judges have to do the best they can for us. It would be hard, knowing some relatively innocent people may spend years in jail or some apparently good people may go on to kill others — some even do it while in prison, though.

    To read this lady’s public record, go to:

    In fact, you can go to:

    for any Escambia County, Florida records even if the folks weren’t convicted but were charged. ACLU hates that. (I would too, I imagine, if someone made up things on me and they were proven false but the record would still say I was charged.) Just fill in the last name and first name and then figure out which records apply. (Several people can have the same first and last name.)

    David for flawless judges
    and perfect records

  3. Everett on March 24th, 2012 6:01 am

    pled nolo to felony battery with great bodily harm two years ago this coming May, on probation 24 months

    Who was the Judge????????????????

  4. Keista on March 22nd, 2012 9:33 am

    She just didnt learn her lesson this is not the first time she stabbed someone but this time they died. The justice system needs to lock her up and throw away the key.Shernique will never walk, talk, or wake up to see another day but Keia will and its just not right.

  5. Jonathan Querisma on March 21st, 2012 12:18 pm

    All i want to know is why did you hae to take her life? You will wake up tommorrow, and you will breath again, our nikki,will not. Why…all I wanna know is why?

  6. vicious cycle on March 21st, 2012 11:07 am

    This is yet another curve along this vicious circle cycle…….. somehow this cycle needs to be stopped, and it starts with the mothers teaching their children that this is no way to live life, Our Gov’t is to blame they need to forcefully educate (classes or no monthly check) these mothers to not depend on welfare to take care of them permanently, it is supposed to be a helping hand up, not a way of life…….. MOTHERS YOU NEED TO TEACH YOUR CHILDREN that this isn’t a way to live, that there is more to life, that they can be successful at something …… ANYTHING!!!!!!!!

  7. sad on March 21st, 2012 9:22 am

    Truman Arms, alive and well…..unfortunately.

  8. JW on March 21st, 2012 9:19 am

    Break the cycle people! Is your “reputation” or your status really worth killing someone? When will this mentality and way of life stop? You have got to WANT better for yourself.

  9. carl & Sylvia on March 20th, 2012 9:51 pm

    So Young and life is over as she knew it. What a waste…..Was it worth it? I seriously doubt that!

  10. beathomas on March 20th, 2012 8:07 pm

    This is real life drama now she can think was it worth the while of taking another life!!! That will never go away she. may not think when all that group of women. played a part in this all of them need to be jailed because it is a crime!!! She on her own wondering what

  11. WORRIED RESIDENT on March 20th, 2012 6:30 pm

    Children WAKE UP!!!! You need to find something else to do, besides this senseless violence! Encourage yourself, if there’s nobody else doing it! Think of ALL of your young adult life that will be lost! JUST LIKE HERS!!!! I’m sure whatever they were fighting about will be so STUPID after sitting in that jail cell for a few years. If it’s about a guy, he won’t wait six months, far be it years!! He’s probably already moved on!! You have a choice to make, and if you can’t make the right one, the STATE has severe consequences for you!!!!! WAKE UP!!!!!

  12. David Huie Green on March 20th, 2012 4:33 pm

    pled nolo to felony battery with great bodily harm two years ago this coming May, on probation 24 months

    Murder probably violates her probation.

    It’s a shame people decide to walk down that path, both for her and for the one she is charged with having killed

    David for better people