Drug Felon Assistance Restrictions Set For Final Votes

March 1, 2012

A measure preventing convicted drug felons from collecting Temporary Assistance to Needy Family help and food stamps unless they complete drug treatment was given preliminary approval late Wednesday.

Sponsored by Rep. Jimmie Smith, R-Inverness, the bill allows applicants to designate someone else to collect the assistance. The House then gave preliminary approval to another measure that would prevent the out-of-state use of debit cards for TANF and food stamps.


One Response to “Drug Felon Assistance Restrictions Set For Final Votes”

  1. paceguy on March 3rd, 2012 12:26 am

    Yeah, that’ll work. I fell a drug test and call up grandma that raised me and knows what kind of crap I’ve been in my whole life and let me by with it to come sign and pick up my FREE MONEY that I can’t get being dirty. That really fixed the problem.