Caylee’s Law Goes To Gov.

March 9, 2012

Prompted by the 2008 death of two-year-old Caylee Anthony, the Senate on Thursday sent to the governor a bill that would increase penalties for lying to police when a child goes missing.

The measure would make it a third degree felony to give false information to a law enforcement officer in the event of missing child.

The bill was introduced following the highly publicized trial of Caylee’s mother, Casey Anthony, who was acquitted of murder but charged with lying to police. She was sentenced to four years in prison for lying to police, but was released last summer after time served.


2 Responses to “Caylee’s Law Goes To Gov.”

  1. oakgrove on March 9th, 2012 11:31 am

    I agree she should have gotten worse than she did. She lied about her own dead child and no one can do anything to her now but she will still have to answer to God one day………….

  2. In Remembrance of Caylee on March 9th, 2012 3:15 am

    Should be a 1st degree felony!