Boy, 13, Charged With Attacking Girl, 12, In Her Apartment

March 23, 2012

A 13-year old Century boy is facing charges after allegedly entering an apartment and assaulting a 12-year old girl.

He was arrested for felony lewd and lascivious behavior by a person less than 18 and misdemeanor battery. He was released into the custody of his mother.

The boy, who is not being identified due to his age, allegedly entered a neighbor’s apartment at Century Woods without knocking.  He walked to the kitchen table where the victim was playing a board game with her mother and friend. The suspect allegedly hugged the mom and friend, but the victim did not allow him to hug her.

When the mother left the room to do laundry, the victim said the suspect picked her up, slammed her into the couch and punched her in the chest. He then allegedly followed the victim to her bedroom where he allegedly touched her in an inappropriate manner for about 20 seconds, according to an Escambia County Sheriff’s Office Report. The victim them allegedly fled to the living room where the suspect punched her again.

The victim claimed the boy had also been continuously bothering her at school.

The mother told deputies that when she exited the bathroom, she observed the suspect and victim grabbing at each other, and she told them to stop because she thought they were just playing. The mother called deputies after the daughter told her the complete story.

The suspect denied the allegations, claiming that he had not inappropriately touch the girl.


13 Responses to “Boy, 13, Charged With Attacking Girl, 12, In Her Apartment”

  1. Sunshine Lady on March 29th, 2012 9:29 am

    No one wants to say that if this was true nothing should be done but, somethings about this story don’t seem to fit in place. If there was a “friend” there, what happened to the friend when this all happened. How would you be able to time touching as “20 sec”. The mother said that she went to do the laundry. The laundry room at Century Woods is on the front of the complex. The mother said “when she came out of the bathroom” she saw them grabbing at each other. How is she in the bathroom and not have heard anything. If the child was thrown down, hit in the chest, TWICE, how did the mother not hear anything if she was in the bathroom doing laundry. If this happened i am sure that the child would have been crying from being punched in the chest TWICE, and the mother, who is in the bathroom doing “laundry”, didn’t hear or see her. And once again where is the friend? After she saw thme grabbing at each other when they stopped she had to have seen a tear or something showing pain. At the end of the day the child had walked in the house before without knocking and nothing has been said. He walked to the mother and the “friend” and gave them a hug and she was mad and would not let him. At the end of the day it sounds the kids were already mad at each other. It may have been a boyfriend-girlfriend dispute. What did the “friend” say? Did the “friend” make a statement? WHAT IS THE REAL DEAL?????!!!!!!!!

  2. A concerned Mom on March 27th, 2012 10:04 am

    Really? Blame the victim for not screaming ? Whatever. Were you there? How do you know she didn’t try to? The thing is this….the boy entered the apartment WITHOUT being invited in. I have three children and all three of them know they better not enter someone’s home without knocking and being invited in. Why was he allowed to stay in the home if he wasn’t invited, especially after having bothered the victim at school? Going to do laundry or the bathroom and leaving them alone? What about “the friend?” Where was that person during all of this? My heart goes out to the victim. I hope she is okay after going through this, but IMO this sounds like bad parenting from the parents. Regarding hating on Century I didn’t see anyone doing that, but if I was the mother of this girl, I believe I would be looking for another place to live asap. JMO.

  3. you no it on March 27th, 2012 7:04 am

    come on …….get real……as close as those appartments are perhaps she should have screamed some one would of deff….heard her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Story just doesn’t sound right….

  4. Jack on March 25th, 2012 12:39 pm

    “put up some good news “
    As David points out, there is plenty of good news reported. From the comments it doesn’t get read.

  5. Sunshine on March 25th, 2012 9:29 am

    this sounds fishy…..

  6. David Huie Green on March 24th, 2012 4:16 pm

    “put up some good news “

    Seek and ye shall find, there’s plenty of good news on here:

    “Perfect Weekend Weather”
    We can’t control the weather any more than we can stop most crimes before they happen, but when it’s good, it’s very good.

    “Many North Escambia residents were at the midnight premiere of the movie “The Hunger Games” last night.”
    Children going to the movies, not committing crimes, not getting shot, surely this is good news.

    “An Escambia County man was arrested after a copper-cutting crime spree early Friday morning.”
    Thieves from places other than Century are being stopped and the world is better for it. Of course, I think it’s good news whenever a criminal activity is stopped — unless it’s my relatives, of course.

    “The Poarch Band of Creek Indians announced Friday that it is donating more than $1.9 million .”
    Giving back to the community is good news.

    “Tate High School recently won the Florida High School Mock Trial Championship in Orlando.”
    Doing well in school is good news

    “Residents at the Century Care Center took advantage of great weather on Tuesday and spent their first day of spring fishing at the facility’s Ole Mill Pond.”
    The elderly having a good time is good news.

    “The U.S. Marshals Florida Regional Fugitive Task Force arrested a Maryland man wanted for armed bank robbery and a number of other violent felonies Tuesday afternoon in Escambia County.”
    Or at least I think it’s good news when bank robbers are caught.

    “The Town of Century will settle a lawsuit over excessive water usage with the Florida Department of Corrections for just under $200 thousand.”
    It’s good news when Century gets some of the money owed to them.

    “Ernest Ward Middle School has named Students of the Month for March. They are: – - – .”
    Telling about students being honored is good news.

    “The Town of Century has been awarded $202,704 in grant-funded contracts to rehabilitate four private homes in the town — including a 1907 home located in a floodplain.”
    Century housing getting even better than it already is should be good news.

    David looking at much good news

  7. Person on March 24th, 2012 2:49 pm

    centurys realy not a bad place at all…..everytime i get on here also, thiers always something bad happining in centry….put up some good news perhaps insted of always bad news …. we whould all like that :D

  8. J W on March 24th, 2012 2:13 am

    @ TW, LOL I know what you mean about spell check.

    @ Concerned, What happened to the little girl has nothing to do with Century fixing up homes. I agree that there are good and bad people in every town. Century is NOT a breeding ground for pervs.

    I sincerely hate what happened to the little girl. I only hope she was just making it up. They are both to young to have to go through what is ahead of them. I pray that everyone comes out of it ok.

  9. wakeupPPL on March 23rd, 2012 3:34 pm

    @ concerned…….what does home repairs have 2 do with a safe place 4 kids 2 play? One has absolutely nothing 2 do with the other. Nobody knows the whole story yet. We’re jus going by what has been reported. Century has the same issues as any other city; its jus smaller so therefore ppl pay closer attention. Many citizens who grew up in Century went on 2 live very successful lives. We have ppl who live n the community who are hard workers, great parents & excellant students/children. Dont blame all 4 some mistakes. How 1 person chooses 2 raise their child/children doesnot reflect the parents who are doing a great job raising their child/children. If ur so concerned, come up with a way 2 build that safe place. Be productive in the community not tear it down.

  10. TW on March 23rd, 2012 3:27 pm

    I read everday about bad things going on in all the surrounding towns and community but it’s always someone on here hating on Century. For future reference there are good and bad people in every town and in every community in the United States. So get over always trying to bash Century. Another thing people spell check please.

  11. Century on March 23rd, 2012 2:32 pm

    Stop hating on Century. Every time I get on here and read comments. People always talk down bout my Home town. Century isn’t a bad place. They making it seem like it. Y’all took the schools away from us. Y’all should try to help us not talk down about us.

  12. whatthehay on March 23rd, 2012 11:58 am

    He entered without permission so the mother gets up to go and do laundry? There is also another person in the room” a friend?” something is missing here.

  13. cocerned on March 23rd, 2012 8:45 am

    This is some proof that Century don’t really need house repairs it needs safe places for the young kids to hang out. Every time I hear of stuff like this it makes me think that century is just a breading town for pervs. I am so sorry that this happened to the girl. I hope every thing gets better.