Romney Makes Last Minute Whistle Stop (With Gallery)

March 13, 2012

Alabama voters headed to the polls Tuesday for the state’s primary elections. On Monday, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney began his late push for voters with a breakfast appearance on the Fox News Channel’s Fox & Friends talk show from the Whistle Stop Cafe in Mobile.

For more photos from the event, click here.

Alabama has 50 delegates on the line in Tuesday’s primary. According to a poll released Monday by North Carolina-based Public Policy Polling, Romney held a small margin among potential Republican voters at 31 percent, while Newt Gingrich had 30 percent, Rick Santorium polled at 29 percent and 8 percent were in favor of Ron Paul.

“If you think that Washington is a mess I hope you will send me there so I can fix it,” Romney told the Mobile audience, according to the Mobile Press-Register. “If you think this country needs to be taken on a different direction than it’s been going under the last three years, then I want your vote here in Alabama.”

Comedian Jeff Foxworthy joined Romney on the campaign trail, joining the small crowd inside the Whistle Stop Cafe in singing “Happy Birthday” to Romney, who turned 65 on Monday.

Along with choosing their Republican presidential favorite, Alabama voters will also choose delegates for the Republican National Convention. Among those in the running is Jeff Peacock of Atmore. Peacock and a small number of Atmore residents joined Romney for his breakfast visit in Mobile on Monday.

For more photos from the event, click here.

Pictured top: Comedian Jeff Foxworthy (left) and Robert Maxwell of Atmore (center) listen as Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney campaigns Monday in Mobile. Pictured inset: Mitt Romney turned 65 on Monday, with supporters in Mobile singing “Happy Birthday” to the candidate. photos by Jodi Peacock, click to enlarge.


18 Responses to “Romney Makes Last Minute Whistle Stop (With Gallery)”

  1. Duke of Wawbeek on March 15th, 2012 4:16 pm

    We must maintain and expand our presence in the middle east. America must protect Israel and Newt Gingrich is the man to ensure Israel’s safety. Mr Gingrich will untie Israel’s hands and allow her to destroy her enemies. People want to complain about the Federal Reserve and AIPAC, you understand nothing. God sends his chosen people to guide and watch over you and all you do is complain. Soon the Mashiach will come and God will call to his people all over the world to return to Israel. Newt Gingrich is my candidate and Israel’s candidate. Newt will see her through.

  2. JimD on March 14th, 2012 7:29 am

    I guess 5% of Alabama voters agree with you on Ron Paul.

  3. Turn off your Tee Vee! on March 13th, 2012 10:27 pm

    What is so scary about Ron Paul? He is the only candidate that understands that the biggest threat to our nation is not terrorism, but our huge debt! He is the only one who really understands how the Federal Reserve constantly devalues our currency by printing money. Sure, there has been talk about the Fed from other candidates in the past several debates, but Ron Paul has been talking about this for years! There are YouTube videos out there that shows him predicting the “Great Recession” and attacks like 9/11 years before the events took place. He’s the only candidate that understands why other countries really don’t like us, because we’ve been occupying their land for years. How would you feel if Iranians, Russians, or Chinese set up bases all over this country because they feel the need to have a “presence” here? That’s exactly what we do all over the world, and spend large sums of money to do it. Ron Paul is the only one that is serious about cutting our defecit. The plans you hear from other candidates only make cuts in future spending. There is no real difference between Obama, Romney, Santorum, or Gingrich. They all will make government larger and increase our debt. The TV tells everyone that Ron Paul is crazy. The TV also tells everyone that people really do find true love on the next episode of the Bachelor. If you want facts and truth, turn off CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News because they’re not going to give it to you.

  4. HOPE on March 13th, 2012 7:25 pm

    GO RON PAUL!!!!

  5. my 2 cents on March 13th, 2012 5:03 pm

    Ron Paul is a JOKE……………

  6. Shamed on March 13th, 2012 4:17 pm

    It is hard to believe that Mitt Romney has a good chance of being the Republican party’s choice for the the office of the presidency. Its sad to me that he is even in the running. I hope everyone really does their research on the candidates before voting this year.

  7. 429SCJ on March 13th, 2012 3:41 pm

    I think we need to go back to the Marian Reform style of military, where we in peacetime maintain our forces in garrison stateside, training and maintaining equipment and readiness levels. We don’t have to throw our Soilders away. The main problem we have with our military is our government getting bogged down in these police actions with open ends. When the Roman Legions left Carthage at the end of the third punic war, they did not need to return. That is how America should fight and only when it’s in her best Interest. We have supported this entourage of client states, with the blood of our sons and daughters, our tax dollars, allowed them to dictate our policies. Where does it end? When is enough, enough. I want to know the name of the candidate who will say. I would love to meet with you Mr Prime Minister, but my calendars all full up. I will call you.

  8. JimD on March 13th, 2012 2:04 pm

    I agree lets bring all of the troops home, then when the major cuts in defense spending happen, the Commander in Chief can release them from their contacts and the un-employment rate will go up again. I hope that no one thinks that in bringing the troops home, they (troops) are going to just sit around the base/post/camp or station waiting for he next inspection. When the government doesn’t need you any longer, they will let you go, with a thankyou and a negative paycheck for future payment for that months base pay.

    Ron Paul is an idiot; some of the stuff I hear him say scares me worst than keeping Obama in power. Perhaps we can get Rob Paul to sit down with Iran and discuss things, or asking for our UAV back nicely like Obama did.

  9. friction against the machine on March 13th, 2012 1:59 pm

    If the only reason people are voting for Romney is b/c he has the best chance of winning, what does that say about your candidate? That means you can’t stand with him on any issues because you don’t know what he supports.

    Some say he was the darling of the Republican establishment b/c of the bad state of the economy and they thought they could get anyone elected. Unless gas prices hover at $5 a gallon from now til close to the election, Romney doesn’t stand a chance.

    There’s not a dime’s difference between Romney and Obama…put the two in a paper sack, shake em up, dump em out and you got the same thing, a liberal!

    Newt will shake things up if he gets elected!That’s who I’m voting for.

  10. 429SCJ on March 13th, 2012 10:11 am

    Just out of curiosty, I googled Lobbies that influence U.S. elections and foriegn policy. I was really surprised at some of the things that came up. It is amazing how foriegn entities have such direct bearing on the oval office and its policies. I think Ron Paul is the only person, in the process, that would stand up against these foriegn influences, and put America First.

  11. CW on March 13th, 2012 10:03 am

    I will be voting for Romney because I think he has the best chance at beating Obama.

    And I’m sorry, but Santorum seems like a homophobic religious fanatic. No way I would vote for him.

  12. NWFLA LINDA on March 13th, 2012 9:44 am

    There are definitely good and bad factors about each of our candidates. All worth considering in the process. My early choice of the contenders dropped out. A couple from here in Florida who I would like to see in the race, are not . This election cycle is one of the most unique I’ve seen. But, WHOEVER we ultimately select – even if it’s at a brokered convention – will be better, MUST be better than the current inhabitant of the Oval Office. Hopefully, everyone who is currently for or against, happy with or disappointed in, what is happening with the election process or the candidates, will get 100% behind our nominee in November. To stay home and witthold a vote from one of them – for whatever the reason – is the same as casting a vote for the incumbent.

  13. dgh on March 13th, 2012 9:20 am

    I wouldn’t want Santorum cleaning the toilets in the White House, must less President. He actually has stated he is against the First Amendment’s clause on separation of church and state and would try to force his particular religious views and theology in to public policy. Considering his views don’t even align completely with his own religions stances (Catholic) on some issues, it is something to give one pause. He also several policy issues, railing against several things while actually voting for them (typical politics) so he is nothing special.

    As to Ron Paul, I could go for several of his positions, but his not too distant past with racist groups or individuals is enough to toss him out of contention.

  14. JW on March 13th, 2012 4:55 am

    Still upset Jeff Miller supports this guy….and now Jeff Foxworthy.
    You might be a Redneck………if you support Mitt Romney :(

    Santorum for President!!!

  15. JW on March 13th, 2012 4:53 am

    Please Lord NO!!! Don’t need Romney, and especially not Ron Paul!
    Rick Santorum for President!!!!

  16. 429SCJ on March 13th, 2012 4:11 am

    I have to say, for a Mormon Mr Romney has had fewer wives than Mr Gingrich. DWG I agree we do need Ron Paul. I would love to see the Federal Reserve done away with and our troops brought home. Ron Paul will never be allowed to sit in the oval office, as the devil has a powerful lobby and does not go quitely into the night.

  17. huh on March 13th, 2012 2:07 am

    All the choices are terrible, except Ron Paul, so this year i bet it will be the worst voter turn out ever. Because most of these guys are exactly the same.

  18. DWG on March 13th, 2012 12:27 am

    We don’t need Romney. We need Ron Paul!