4-H Kids Vote Delayed On Sale Of Langley Bell To Navy Federal

March 26, 2012

It will now likely be April or even later before the youth of Escambia County 4-H vote on a multimillion dollar offer from Navy Federal Credit Union for the Langley Bell 4-H Center in Beulah.

A definite date for the vote has not yet been set as the 4-H group works to get more answers to their questions about the land sale to Navy Federal and land swap with the county.

Under the Langley Bell 4-H Center property deed,  the children that make up the 4-H County Council must approve any sale of the 240 acres.

Navy Federal has offered $4.5 million for the property, plus Escambia County is willing to spend $1.5  from local option sales tax monies to build the 4-H’ers a new facility at the Escambia County Extension Office on Stefani Road in Cantonment. The facility would include a new building and pond on the 23-acre parcel.

Navy Federal has said that if the sale is rejected, new jobs for the company in Escambia County would be difficult. The company is adding about 400 jobs per year, soon reaching capacity at their current 65-acre campus.

At a late February meeting, many 4-H members made it clear they were not immediately sold on the ideal of selling the property.

Escambia County Commissioners are trustees of the land, according to the deed. Commissioners could possible overrule the 4-H Council should they vote against the land sale, but that’s not totally clear.

4-H supporter Dr. M. Langley Bell, Jr. donated 400 acres to Escambia County for the Langley Bell 4-H Center. The center, which is now 240 of the original 400 acres, is used for events such as 4-H camps, retreats, timber projects, livestock projects, and as a meeting site for extension agents. The Langley Bell 4-H Center comprises about 240 acres of the original 400 acres. Four cabins, a kitchen, meeting hall, nature trails, forestry and livestock educational areas, barns, pastures, a 5-acre lake, and a campfire circle are part of the 4-H center’s learning environment.

Pictured top: Navy Federal wants to purchase the  The Langley Bell 4-H Center and their 240 acres in Beulah. NorthEscambia.com file photo, click to enlarge.


37 Responses to “4-H Kids Vote Delayed On Sale Of Langley Bell To Navy Federal”

  1. Jamie on April 1st, 2012 7:44 am

    face it folks, this stopped being about the kids a long time ago. This bus is being driven by the GCA NRA who are doing their level best to exert undue influence over the children and manipulate the process.

  2. Greg on March 29th, 2012 4:00 pm

    Don’t sell. This is a trick to get your land. Let capitalism work. Offer a price comenserate with the value of the land, and you won’t have to beg them to sell. Otherwise, look somewhere else.

  3. David lamb on March 27th, 2012 9:54 pm

    Bubba: NFCU is not cgoing anywhere, dont use that scare tactic. It goes nowhere. All that is preventing this sale is the 23 acre site is not to the kids or their parents liking. Should be an easy problem to solve, bu some are stuck so deep in the mud that they dont want to budge.! Need to get thosein Extension Office, Chamber of Commerce and some County cOMMISSIONERS OUT OF THE mud!

  4. Bubba on March 27th, 2012 9:01 pm

    So if NFCU decides to put those jobs somewhere else you all will be able to say what to those little 4Hers. Momma can’t find a job but at the dollar store so as soon as you can leave Escambia County and go where the jobs are. No wonder we are a disaster when it comes to economic development. NFCU could sell that building they just built and relocate all those jobs before you know what hit you.

  5. Carl on March 27th, 2012 8:03 pm

    Thanks Me for the explanation…Ok all past 4-H members, it is time to rally behind our future leaders on this. Let’s get the fox out of the hen house like jeeperman suggested. Our kids deserve better than this. Who knows my grand daughters might be 4-Hers one day.

  6. Native 1950 on March 27th, 2012 7:22 pm

    Seriously??? Yessss! A 5-story parking garage DOES exceed the limitations! Duh! Can you not count??? Not a ‘hostage’ at all…just have to provide for my family. “Thousands” of people??? Nah…those are the ones who cannot even pass the test to get in! You have no idea what it takes to work there!!

  7. me on March 27th, 2012 5:53 pm

    For David Lamb:
    Thanks for your support of 4-H & contacting government officials on their behalf. Just to bring to light the following – The decision/vote by the CC will be interesting to say the least……You have already mentioned CC Grover Robinson & where he stands; CC Marie Young is retiring and not running for re-election; CC Kevin White qualified to run back in July, but has recently pulled his name & is not running for re-election either (hummm-the 4-H Center is in his District); CC Gene Valentino does not have to run this year; CC Wilson Robertson is running for re-election this year, is for the sale of the 4-Center, but cannot vote on the sale of the 4-H Center to Navy Federal due to a conflict of interest. Could be that the big rush to push the kids into making a decision has something to do with the election being in November.

    For jeeperman – ref your latest comment:
    I have heard that the state has offered to help with another attorney to help the
    4-H youth reach a decision – but also heard that the Extension Director (who is all for selling the 240 acres and replacing it with the 23 acres located next to the Extension office on Stefani) helped select/or recommended this attorney. If true, sounds like more smoke and mirrors.

  8. What? on March 27th, 2012 11:26 am

    To Native 1950:

    Seriously, a parking garage. I’m pretty sure that’s not what was meant when it was requested no buildings be over 3 stories. Who’s holding you hostage? There are thousands of people in Pensacola alone who would crawl through glass for your job. Do Navy Fed, and everyone else begging for a job, a favor and leave.

  9. Robert on March 27th, 2012 10:30 am

    This deal is DIRTY and getting dirtier by the minute

  10. jeeperman on March 27th, 2012 9:57 am

    It baffles me that the local 4H Clubs have not called upon the state or national 4H leaders to get their own lawyers to represent their interests.
    Perhaps a former 4H member would do it pro-bono.
    Instead they are represented by a fox placed in the hen house by the local good old boys club of local business leaders.
    A.K.A. the Chamber of Commerce.

    If the 4H Clubs continue with the fox in the hen house lawyer, they deserve what they get or don’t get out of this deal.

  11. David Lamb on March 27th, 2012 9:49 am

    Wow! My fingers are bumping wrong keys, missing comas, typing wrong letters. I did graduate Tate High, 66. Sorry.

  12. David Lamb on March 27th, 2012 9:46 am

    Grover Robinson, CC, district 4, Sent me an Email. Obviously he is for the sale. Hope he is reading these posts.
    Response from Gov Scott is: ,not my concern. CONTACT YOUR COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. So, if you are a concerned 4Her or parwent, contact county commissioners, let them know that they best honor the 4H vote and not try to override their decision. Find a better spot with am ore equitable forest and wildlife habitat with lake and stream and maybe a deal can be made.
    Note to CC some of you are real estate oriented. You know that the development across from LBC sold for more than what is being offered. If NFCU wants the LBC then pay for it honorably!

  13. Native 1950 on March 27th, 2012 8:30 am

    To “Concerned Citizen”: Honey, exactly WHERE do you park at work? Perhaps, in the 5 story parking garage??? Which would be over the 3 story height NF promised not to exceed! I work there too, and NF is full of spoiled, greedy leadership! I look forward to the day that I’m no longer associated with that place!

  14. 429SCJ on March 27th, 2012 7:58 am

    I wish they would take their credit union to Annapolis or South East D.C.. If only Dr Bell could have forseen this. Never give anything to any government entity.

  15. me on March 27th, 2012 6:54 am

    To Carl:
    That is one solution they have been working on and trying to convince the powers that be that they would like to buy a piece of equitable land. But, they are not getting any support from the current director of Extension on this because she wants the money for a new building to be built next to the current Extension Office on Stefani Rd. And the attorney that is supposed to be representing the children was hired & is being paid by the Pensacola Chamber of Commerce, (And it was recently mentioned in another article in the Independent News that 4-H has to pay the Chamber back for the attorney’s fees out of the profits of the land sale.)

  16. Kc on March 26th, 2012 10:06 pm

    Lol, if Navy Fed. Don’t get that exact land Escambia county will lose jobs!!!! Really, all the acreage around there, and they HAVE TO HAVE THAT LAND!!! They want to take the kids wide open wildlife land, and large lake, give them some undivided lots with a mud hole. Huh, cuz they HaVE TO HAVE THAT LAND!!!!! jerks

  17. Ben Thar on March 26th, 2012 9:29 pm

    I’ve never liked it that these kids have been put into this position. The Navy has refused to sell its little-used helicopter field to NFCU. And yet, nobody is blaming the Navy for hurting job growth. We’d rather put it all on the kids.

  18. Carl on March 26th, 2012 8:53 pm

    Why cant the 4H group take the 4.5 million and buy more land some place else in Escambia County that would get them truly in the woods? Or is the County trying to take the money also…just wondering out loud.

  19. David Huie Green on March 26th, 2012 4:50 pm

    “NF is actually the largest credit union in the world and they have bookoos (beaucoup) of money to spend, they are greedy and very spoiled. What they want, they get!! ”

    Since a credit union is owned by its members and the members of a credit union are also it’s depositors and borrowers, are you saying the Navy personnel are greedy and spoiled?

    Just wondering.

    David remembering fields of small orchids there

  20. jeeperman on March 26th, 2012 4:42 pm

    The beginning of the end of this 4H land began when the 4H Clubs gave up stewardship to the county.

    And why did they do that ?

    And why have the 4H Clubs allowed the county to basically suspend all activities there?

    Because the parents of the 4H Clubs have remained silent ?

    Sell it all for what they can get.

  21. Concerned Citizen on March 26th, 2012 2:54 pm

    I would just like to correct you Elizabeth.
    There are no NFCU buildings located in Beulah that are more than 3 stories. I work there, so I do know this for a fact. NFCU has been great to their employees as well as this community. If they get the land, then so be it…if they do not, I’m sure they will make due and buy land elsewhere.

  22. Elizabeth Morin on March 26th, 2012 1:31 pm

    It is true: There have been abitrary restrictions set on this property in the last couple of years to show less usage. I have personally listened to the complaints of groups that once were able to use the auditorium. I’ve heard the excuses.
    The original building was financed by local women who held bake sales, yard sales, etc. and cajoled their husbands into supplying labor. When Ivan damanged it, it was build back bigger and better, but we can not forget the sweat equity these local women put into the original building for the use of the 4-H and themselves.
    The original board of Trustees to the 4-H was composed of parents and community members many of whom were 4-Hers in their youth. They were concerned with the future of the children. They did not have finanicial interest contrary to the benefit of the children. How can the County Commissions be inpartial?
    Navy Federal can find other land. Navy Federal, I have heard, promised not to build more that three stories high when they bought the first parcel. They did. We can not rely on promises from people who break their promises.
    Dispite the loss of the buffer zone, this is still a wonderful, useful camp. That is if we could use it. And Yes, The Stafani property will be owned by the county. The UF will control the profits fom the sale. The children will lose.
    a former 4-Her.

  23. PSU1Earl on March 26th, 2012 1:30 pm

    How many kids actually get to vote? If I sign up my kids today… do they get a vote? Are we talking 25, 50, 100 kids?

  24. YELLARHAMMER on March 26th, 2012 1:04 pm

    I wonder what Mr Bell who gave this land up for the kids would say about this land theft. It’s all about the almighty dollar and the kids will lose. This county won’t trade land for land they will trade for some second rate land and will charge to up grade the land. “SHAME” on the commisioners for even discussing this sale.

  25. c.w. on March 26th, 2012 10:27 am

    The credit union needs to leave the kids alone. If the credit union needs more room, build up. How high can they go? Build 10, 20 floors if needed.
    And for the I know better than the tax payers CC, don,t screw the 4-H club. The land was donated to them, only. Bet the CC has already been bought and paid for. The good ole boys rock on!

  26. mick on March 26th, 2012 9:55 am

    Bottom Line is Money for the already largest credit union. Threatening to leave Florida is not going to happen. County Commisioners be very careful with your decision to force the sale of this property if it comes to that . The amount offered is way to low. This land is worth at least 10 times what is being offered. This property needs to be left for its intended purpose for generations to come.

    In these economic times, the promise of more jobs is giving everyone involved tunnel vision,,, the big picture is about what this property was donated for in the first… the children… dont let a few greedy individuals push the sale of this land…

    probably wasting my breath because everything always boils down to greed and money… they can sugar coat it all they want…

  27. AL on March 26th, 2012 9:51 am

    according to the 4Her I talked to, the issue is not so much selling to Navy Federal (who is not pressuring them at all) but more the issue of the land the county is trying to pass off on them. Even kids know Escambia County would be ripping them off with 120 less acres… but they also know we need the good paying jobs. Give ‘em a break, they’re trying to find a happy medium.

  28. David Lamb on March 26th, 2012 9:17 am

    Too many people , “who know best for the kids are involved with this sale”. Pensacola Chamber of Commerce pushing “jobs” and economic development, utilizing theri lawyer and staff to RAM it through, with the blessings of Univ. of Florida Cooperative Extension heads pushing for the sale, Pam Allen, NFCU and others are pushing hard for the demise of the LBC.
    I have Emailed Gov Rick Scott, and the State Extension Office. No response from any of them. If you care about this facility, better start calling, writing Govt officials and let cyour feelings be known.
    State 4H Extension Office has put an order to Pam Allen to stop all meetings/discussions on this sale until further notice. They want to quelch the opposition.

  29. me too on March 26th, 2012 9:11 am

    The even sadder part is the 23 acres that they are wanting to replace the 240 acres with will not belong to the 4-Hers – it is just another piece of property the county already owns that the 4-Hers can have access to. I am sure, as time marches on, ”usage” restrictions will be placed on this 23 acres. After all, within the past several years, more and more ” supposedly justified” restrictions have been placed on the “usage” of the 240 acres (and it’s facilities) by the current director so that the statistics would “show” that the Langley Bell Center is not utilized as much as it used to be. Don’t believe every thing you read! And, there is a great possibility the chunk of change “paid” by Navy Federal for the land will not stay locally. It will be sent to the state as part of an endowment which includes a lot of red tape to get access to it. That is where the money is located that the county paid the Extension Office in 2000 when they purchased the original 60 acres that Navy Federal currently sits on. So for the general public who think “wow, that is a lot of money – look at what they could do with that much money” – once the deal is done, access & usage of this money is easier “said than done”.
    The kids might be more willing to say “yes” if they were being offered something equitable, and not just a newer office type building (which includes offices for staff) located in a residential area where the neighbors have already spoken out against the location as well. This “newer” building will not just be for 4-H – it will also be utilized by all branches of the Extension staff – the architectural plans have been drawn up for several years. Side note: The main building located at the Langley Bell Camp is a modern auditorium and large kitchen, completely renovated after Ivan caused extensive damage. It’s not just some old camp that no one uses anymore, like some would like to portray it.

  30. Native 1950 on March 26th, 2012 8:57 am

    Very well stated Jane, and I so-o agree with you!! However, NF is actually the largest credit union in the world and they have bookoos of money to spend, they are greedy and very spoiled. What they want, they get!! I dare say in the end, NF will get the property. If the kids vote against the sale, I too would like to know the names of the commissioners who end up pushing this through so I don’t ever vote for them as well.

  31. Me on March 26th, 2012 8:20 am

    To Walnut Hill Roy: Because Navy Federal Is land greedy – they want ALL or nothing. At one of the 1st meetings I attended (over a year ago) when the representative from there spoke, in a very “threatening sounding” statement said that if this sale did not go through, she would HATE for Navy Federal to have to “leave the state”…..too bad I didn’t have that one recorded! I guess since they boast that they are the largest credit union in the United States they are used to getting their way.

  32. Walnut Hill Roy on March 26th, 2012 7:37 am

    If the original 400 acres is now 240 acres then they can sell part of the property. If Navy Federal is currently on 65 acres, a large parcel by anyone’s standards, why not sell them another 40 or 50 acres and retain the rest. I have yet to hear anyone explain why the sale must be all or nothing.

  33. just wonderin'? on March 26th, 2012 7:28 am

    It appears prior to 1990, the 4-H Club owned the land now occupied by the Florida Welcome Center. Was this property sold to the State?

  34. just wonderin'? on March 26th, 2012 7:15 am

    I used to live in Beulah and drove by the 4-H Site at least twice a day…and attended several events held there through the years. The 4-H property USED to have the feeling of a remote camp in the woods as there was a thick forest completely surrounding the facility. You could not even see the Camp facilities from 9 Mile Road. There were thick woods from the Camp Entrance all the way to the helicopter field along 9 Mile Road.

    The development of this land is what has led to the downfall of the 4-H property. The camp no longer is a camp in the woods…but is a collection of old buildings on a lake between two major highways. Who owned this land? Who allowed it to be developed into a commerce park back in 2003? According to the public records I found on-line, the County was the owner of this land this land…but I’m not sure when they acquired it.

    The camp also lost “buffer” forest on the north when the new Florida Welcome Station was built on I-10. Who owned this land?

    Just trying to make the point that the “camp” is no longer a camp out in the country…as the land around it has been slowly developed as the county has grown. The Camp is fronted by two major highways, with a commerce park in it’s front yard. The price offered is fair…they should take the money and run.

  35. Jane on March 26th, 2012 4:38 am

    As the TV commercial says “even children know some things are just wrong”! So the County Commissioners and Navy Federal want to take advantage of our children!!!

  36. Jane on March 26th, 2012 4:35 am

    Oh yes, by the way, as the TV commercial says “even children know some things are just wrong”!!!!

  37. Jane on March 26th, 2012 4:33 am

    If they take 240 acres away and give them only 23 acres they are ripping off the 4-H groups and giving away the land to a private company which is NOT what the donated land was intended for! This is so wrong! The person who set this up did not intend it to be over-ruled by the County Commissioners for private use by a company. There is plenty of land in the north end of Escambia County for Navy Federal to buy. If the County Commissioners want to over-rule the wishes of the 4-H group then they need to be voted out of office so they can go work for Navy Federal!