Wash Your Hands: Health Dept. Records Increase In Stomach Bugs

February 29, 2012

Wash your hands — that’s the word from the Escambia County Health Department. They are seeing an increase in the number of contagious gastrointestinal infections in the county.

The health department says gastrointestinal infections can be highly contagious and are usually spread through contaminated food or drinking water, person to person contact with an infected person, or contact with contaminated surfaces. Symptoms can include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, low to high grade fever and headache.

Frequent handwashing and proper food preparation safety are the key to preventing infections.


3 Responses to “Wash Your Hands: Health Dept. Records Increase In Stomach Bugs”

  1. Jane on March 1st, 2012 4:53 am

    Always wash your hands and wash fresh veggies, chicken, etc. before eating. It won’t stop everything but it will help!

  2. Mattw on February 29th, 2012 6:53 am

    I thought I had the worst case of food poisoning ever… but it lasted a week! I got so tired of going back in forth from my room to the bathroom I just laid on the floor by the sink… it was horrible!

  3. felicia mccaw jones on February 29th, 2012 4:30 am

    Here in Arab AL, it has hit hundreds of people. It is a bad virus that also has constant coughing added to it. I’ve had it 3 days now and my youngest has been up with it tonight. I have coughed so much I have pulled muscles all over. Nothing! the Dr can do, apparently —-and he gave me some pretty strong stuff. Wash and take vitamin C is my advice