Tate Names Brad Naggatz As New Head Coach

February 21, 2012

The Tate High School Aggies have named Brad Naggatz at the their new football head coach, Principal Rick Shackle announced Tuesday afternoon.

Naggatz has been at Tate since 2006 where he has served as both offensive and defensive coordinator. He previously worked as offensive coordinator for Pensacola High School, and head coach at Catholic High School for about a decade.

Naggatz replaces Ed Rigby who had been at Tate for six seasons before resigning in January.

Rigby and Naggatz joined the Tate coaching staff at the same time, leading the  the Aggies 22-39 overall performance with a playoff appearance in 2008.

The Aggies were winless during the 2011 season.


42 Responses to “Tate Names Brad Naggatz As New Head Coach”

  1. Mike Phllips on April 19th, 2012 5:28 pm

    Brad Naggatz was a hard nose football player ever since he played for Dennis Adair in Fairmont N.Dak. Brad was always a student of the game I am sure he will do excellent where ever he goes.

    Mike Phillips

  2. Crazy Eyes on March 4th, 2012 9:09 pm

    They should have hire tha guy who use to coach at Cantonment and new what was going own and won I think his last name was Griffin .See him Around up there all the time . The hire now is a job that they win no more games again If only the people whi hired were held responsible for action maybe by there pay your guy looses you loose 1000.00 game that get them working.

  3. Hahaha on February 28th, 2012 9:27 pm

    @theduuuuuude… You have got to be kidding. Sound like you have a little hater in you. I have played for Bennett and been to many of his practices after I was finish. He is at every practice and involved. You have not clue what you are talking about. This article is not about bennett or taking shots at him. This article is about the terrible program we call Tate and their new hire. You clearly have no idea what a head coach does. No, a head coach does not do everything as you expect but does put together a great coaching staff which PHS does have. I’m sure if you actually attend a PHS practice you could see for yourself. Why do you think so many wanted Bennett at Tate? Hummm guess he is not so good of a coach after all, I guess he just didn’t win a state championship, I guess he is not the most winningest coach ever at PHS, I guess he had all those same coaches the whole time he was winning, I guess he didn’t make PHS what they are today. Get your Truth correct….

    @cbow if your happy with 8-3 you need to find a new sport. You can’t even win district with an 8-3 record now in 6a. You are crazy to take him over Bennett. You are probably on Tate’s staff now. How many championships of any kind does each coach have? Im certain bennett has more, so I guess you do not take into account winning as a better coach. How many players have both coaches put in the next level? I guess player development has not to do with a better coach… Who has more overall success? I really hope you are not coaching man, you do not have a clue about success and who is a better coach, oh that’s right your Tate coach. That explains it. 3 years we will all be having this same conversation so I look forward to viewing you all’s comments then.

  4. south alabama jaguar on February 26th, 2012 7:40 pm

    As someone who played under naggatz for 4 years as an offensive and defensive lineman and is now playing division football, I’ve met alot of coaches during my career and coach naggatz is in my top three as far as football knowledge, determination, and ability to make the best decision in any situation. Any person who would judge naggatz’s coaching ability before ever meeting him much less just hearing he is head coach, is simply doing the man an injustice. I have nothing bad to say about anyone on here, but what I will let naggatz’s upcoming coaching records do all the talking for me because I know his ability to win.

  5. The Duuuude!!! on February 26th, 2012 4:29 pm

    If Bennett had got the job at Tate you had better hope his staff at PHS had come with him. Because Bennett doesn’t even coach. He doesn’t even know half the names of the kids he is coaching now. He sits in his office on the phone while his assistance run practice. When he does get out there he disrupts the flow of practice and it is usually when the PNJ is there with a camera!
    The Truth Hurts!!!

  6. hmmm on February 26th, 2012 12:13 pm

    In 2009 that 8-3 team should have had a much better record with all the athletes they had. They had more athletes that year than they have in years. They didn’t even make the playoffs. And saying you would take Naggatz ovwe Bennett is very idiotic to say the least.

  7. cbow on February 25th, 2012 11:53 pm

    Naggatz is a great coach! I’ve played for him, and I’ve coached with him. Having coached on the high school and college level I must say Naggatz is one the most knowledgeable coaches I’ve ever worked with. Until you have sat down and talked football with him or stood beside him while he coaches, don’t judge his ability. Knowing Naggatz and Bennett, I would choose Naggatz any day over Mike, he’s simply a better coach. Its funny how nobody was so judgemental of the coaching staff when Tate went 8-3 back in 2009….

  8. Tate on February 25th, 2012 7:13 am

    Shackle did not go to Tate as a student and Bennett did not apply. You folks have such inaccurate information.

  9. frustrated aggie parent on February 24th, 2012 11:22 am

    ok…i agree everyone needs to atleast give the new coach a chance but TATE really needed something to get pumped and excited about. Surely you people can understand the frustration of players, parents, alumni & students that they hired within Rigbys staff, someone Rigby brought in, ran the type of off & def that rigby wanted…HEEELLLOOO…


    i wish the aggies the best of luck. i will be at the games HOPING for the best

  10. tate football player on February 24th, 2012 6:45 am

    We were in spread and he threw 20 plus interceptions when we ran double wing he threw none what does that prove of your knowledge if you know what to run for us to be good go out in practice and coach if not silence yourself

  11. Art on February 24th, 2012 1:47 am

    @ Tate player. I wish yall the best of luck,and its great to have an optimisitc attitude, but 10-0? lol Lets be realistic.

  12. @ Tate Football on February 23rd, 2012 4:32 pm

    @Tate player,
    10-0? I hope you are kidding. Naggatz is already making a mistake by running an offense that doesnt utilize a good passing QB. Moorhead is the best QB in the county and he won’t even be able to use his arm. This is an absolute ridiculous move on Shackle’s part. How do you even consider hiring a head coach that was a big part of the previous team going 0-10? Shackle, as a former Tate student, you never cease to amaze me with the stupid things you do.

  13. To Tate player on February 23rd, 2012 7:28 am

    @tate player
    I wish y’all the best of luck but sorry to burst your bubble don’t forget you all have to play phs and pine forest! Both teams are going to be very good.

  14. Tate football player on February 23rd, 2012 6:45 am

    you people act like youre bennett he didn’t even apply so it shows how much you know of the situation.And your a joke criticising a man who hasnt even been given a chance to coach at his full potential watch us go from 0-10 to 10-0 and when it happens you will fell a little stupid

  15. aggie c/o 2002 North region champion on February 22nd, 2012 1:11 pm

    There is a reason why all of Tate’s talent is going to other schools. And this is a very clear cut one. Check the actual living addresses of the guys at Pine Forrest and a few from PHS. I wouldnt want to play at Tate either.

  16. 429SCJ on February 22nd, 2012 12:34 pm

    This is not a game of tlachtli and this is not ancient Mesoamerica, its not life or death, only a sport. I think Coach Naggatz should be given a chance. The only request I have is to give your players water, their cells cannot function properly without it, life is not possible without water, period. I regret letting that adulterous dwarf deny me that simple necessity, running in the hot sun, parched. Give them water sir, or they will despise you to the grave.

  17. highly upset ex-player(2000 north region champs) on February 22nd, 2012 10:03 am

    a chance? the guy has been the o coordinator and d coordinator the past 6 years at Tate. You tell me what chance he deserves? He had his chance, it is time for Tate to move on from the pathetic display of football they have put on the past 3 years. I played college football, and i know what i see when i watch a practice at Tate or a game. I hear players complain about the weight lifting program and the stuff these coaches are teaching the kids from technique, blocking, taking on blocks and double teams, getting off blocks, tackling, route running, reading a qb, reading defenses, knowing what defense the oppossing team is in. This guy does not know how to coach. I may be a mean person for what i am saying but its the truth. Its just awful. Naggatz is not a good coach, he may be a great guy, but he is not a good coach. Now that he is coach, Tate will win 1-2 games a year now. Congrats Shackle on yet another great hire. You should go be a GM for a professional sports team with the list of coaches you hire! Also some of the assistants need to go, but apparently they are all staying which is also pathetic. I dont understand what has changed since Rigby left? NOTHING! and the simple fact that this guy says he has the best assistants around and that rigby left the program in great shape just futher proves my point that this hire is a bad one.

  18. 0-10 Once again on February 22nd, 2012 9:53 am

    Shackle is a joke. Why would you hire within this horrible coaching staff? Do you not understand yall just went 0-10? I mean if you were going to hire within you should have just kept Rigsby. Looks like Tate’s program will never be turned around. Now you have a coach that is going to run the wing T with a QB that has a cannon for a arm this makes no since. How about spread the field out. Shackle is liked by very few and hated by many. I think downtown needs to realize this and needs to step in and get rid of Shackle and the rest of the coahing staff. Maybe then the program will turn around. Tate has went from a very dominate team to a easy W.

    I can see why Bennett didnt apply for the job he’s not the kind of guy that lets other people run his program. Shackle and the boosters run tate high school football and they will continue to be unsuccesful. Good luck aggies I’ll pray for yall. And also if they wanted Bennett bad enough they would have called and told him that he had the job if he wanted it. He’s by far the best coach around.

  19. Horrible Admin on February 22nd, 2012 9:38 am

    As long as Shackle is there they will never be succesful. I would think by now down town would get the hint that Shackle is no good to the program. He is liked by very few and hated by many. Untill the head coach stops letting the boosters and Shackle run his program they will never be succesful. What i think is really funny about this is Brad is running the wing T with one of the best QB’s in the area how about spread them out and let David show off his arm a little.

    And if they wanted Bennett bad enough they should have called him and asked him if he wanted the job. Bennett is still the best coach in the area!

  20. Fairlane63 on February 22nd, 2012 9:25 am

    Looks like there are some real football know-it-alls responding to this news. If only Tate could get the North Escambia commenters on its football coaching staff, it would probably win the state championship…

    Why don’t y’all show a little class and give Coach Naggatz a chance? That’s asking too much apparently…

  21. Chris B on February 22nd, 2012 8:44 am

    @player, please explain to me in detail how Naggatz is exactly what yall need to get back to the top? ha. I seen that guy in action last fall at a few practices and he has NO CLUE what he is doing. The stuff he was teaching his defense to do, its no surprise they got blown off the feild every game. If i were a parent and my kid had a chance at playing college football, i would send him to Pace, PF, or Catholic. I hate to say it but Shackle and i attended the same university, not together, but he is a complete idiot for this hire. @player again, i did go to Tate and do attend games and i must say the past 3 years probably have been the worse football teams in the history of Tate football. So your probably right, i shouldnt blame it on the coaches, just the terrible talent level at Tate instead. Its crazy to see that Tate has no size at all, no speed, no strength on both fronts. I also know for a fact that the weight lifting coach is a joke as well and i hope he is replaced. If he is not then Tate for sure is going nowhere because he is the one spending the most time with the players in the off season. The best thing Naggatz can do is hire a decent weight lifting coach and a D coordinator and O coordinator who has a clue about play calling and schemes to run. From what i hear Lorenzo Long will be back at running back and The qb is back… two solid players on offense to build on. And the offensive line coach from last year is a jok as well. His lineman blocked with their forarms and not once did he correct them…. i witnessed it at practice, i wanted to pull them kids aside and tell them but it was not place to. I hope this guy proves me wrong but i highly doubt it and in two years when Tate is 0-30 in 3 years, they will be looking yet again for a new football coach.

  22. bds on February 22nd, 2012 7:50 am

    How can you find out who all applied for the job?

  23. ME on February 22nd, 2012 7:32 am

    Good hire Tate and Mr. Shackle!! Naggatz is/was the BEST for the job!! I agree with parent, some of these folks that applied for the job is NOT ethical and our kids need a good role model. As for Mike Bennett, he DID NOT apply. So if you do not apply then you can’t even begin to be in the running for the job!

  24. bud on February 22nd, 2012 1:30 am

    How can you find out who actually applied for the Head Coaching position?

  25. The truth on February 22nd, 2012 12:40 am

    I love how all of these internet geniuses are automatically assuming what is going to happen. Sounds like the same stuff people around PHS were saying in the mid 90’s when they hired this unknown guy from Northview named Mike Bennett. I know its hard to believe to all of the old school Taters but Tate isnt a job that people are beating the doors down trying to get, thats the truth they arent. Matt Adams never applied, Mike Bennett never applied, why would Bennett leave the gold mine he is at right now ? For all of the old school Aggies, it doesnt work like it did in the 80s where the QB club would buy cars and houses to lure in this great coach from out of town. And the cold hard truth is this, even if Tate would have gone with an outside guy the most coaches he could of brought would have been 1 or 2 assistants, so your going to end up with the same core coaching staff anyways. What Tate needs is a stable identity. What do all the good programs in pensacola have ? a stability and an identity. Pace is going to run the I formation and an odd man defensive front. PHS is going to run the spread and run their four man front. Pine Forest is going to run the split back veer. Tate hasnt had an identity since the days of Coach Leonard.

    How about give Naggatz a chance and if he gets the job done then he gets the job done, if he doesnt then he doesnt. Bottom line is since 1980 Tate has made the playoffs 3 times and had many many coaches come in, its not like this has ever been a powerhouse program that all of sudden just fell off the map. you had some great years with Coach Madison but he was only there for 7-8 years out of the 60 years they have played football.

  26. EX-PLAYER on February 21st, 2012 11:07 pm


  27. Laughing on February 21st, 2012 10:27 pm

    @Parent who is this unethical coach you are talking about. I do believe coach Naggatz is a good coach but you want to bring in something new especially how bad it’s been at Tate. It’s going to be exciting to see how well another one of shackles hire will fair. The past one’s didnt seem to pan out. I wonder what offense they will run, I heard it was not too QB friendly.

    I am glad they teach you proper grammar and spelling at Tate!

  28. JJ on February 21st, 2012 9:19 pm

    When was Naggatz a winning coach @ Catholic…for about two seasons??? they only made the playoffs like once or twice with him,..Mike Smith from Washington turned Catholic around & Seibert kept it going strong…if Tate was smart they wouldve tried to hire Matt Adams, O-coordinator from Catholic who wouldve utulized that QB well in his high-powered attack

  29. same ole same on February 21st, 2012 9:19 pm

    The same problem will still exist, TATE FOOTBALL CANNOT KEEP PLAYERS!! With a head coach from last years coaching staff, I see why a kid wouldn’t want to go to Tate to play football. Tate will be a below average football program until a coach can come in and keep players in district.

  30. Parent on February 21st, 2012 9:11 pm

    I will take a hard working ethical coach anyway over an unethical and one that has no morals!! Naggatz was a winning Coach at Catholic. If you folks think you can do better by all means go back to school get your degree and apply. This is not little league!! Coach Naggatz and Tate High School I stand behind you 100% as a oats graduate. Mr. Shackle, thsnk you for hiring a respectful coach and man!!

  31. the vapor on February 21st, 2012 8:49 pm

    Brad is a better coach than you think. The winning at Catholic was started by him.

  32. Everett on February 21st, 2012 8:46 pm

    Why didn’t Forrest Gibbs apply for this job. He played for Madison at Tate. He’s qualified.

  33. Fred Flintstone on February 21st, 2012 8:24 pm

    Bennett didn’t apply for the job because he will be the coach at UWF when they get their program going. Now as far as hiring Naggatz we’ll just have to wait and see. I know it looks like the wrong hire but that was the same response that hiring Carl Madison was and we all know how that turned out! Wait until week 5 of the season before you make your judgement on this man. Shackle probably didn’t make the hire anyway. I’m sure downtown had a hand in it.

  34. tate aggie on February 21st, 2012 7:56 pm

    Chris Bingle,
    Bennett did not put in for the job. I wish he did but he didn’t. This is all a complete joke. Shackle is the on ewho wanted to keep Rigby until downtown intervened. Now he just hires the defensive coordinator that was also 0-10 last year??? This nonsense won’t stop until Shackle is no longer pricipal.

  35. Horrible admin on February 21st, 2012 6:07 pm

    Coach Bennett didn’t apply for the job because he was told by many people he wasn’t going to get the job because of Shackle. Great job Shackle ! You ran off the man that could have turned the program around. Sorry Aggies but it looks like another 0-10! You have one of the best qb’s in the area and not one of your coaches know how to use him ! Smh

  36. WOW on February 21st, 2012 5:29 pm

    @Chris Bingle. Coach Bennett didn’t apply for the job. I know that for a fact. However, some other good coaches did apply and Coach Naggetz did get the job over them. I agree with all who commented thus far about the bad hire by Shackle not that Naggetz is not a good coach but if you are coming off a 0-10 season and other terrible season before than you should want to start from new and build. Hiring within does nothing. I’m sure Tate’s alum and current athletes would rather have just kept Rigby. You will never see a program at any level do something like this if they are trying to build their back. Shackle is the biggest JOKE there is. I am sure many, many, many coaches around pensacola are happy about this one. And the people of THS wonder why they lose players to other schools then claim coaches are recruiting. I would like to be the first to thank Shackle for helping out other schools for disbursement of athletes that live in Tates district. You sir are doing a fine job at building other schools programs and allowing them to have a successful homecoming game each and every year.

  37. Applicant on February 21st, 2012 5:07 pm

    This is a joke. However, Mike Bennett did not apply. He contemplated and contacted the school several times, but chose to not apply.

  38. player on February 21st, 2012 5:04 pm

    Obviously you people do not go to tate. So before you go running your mouths get your crap strait. Coach Naggatz is exactly what we as players need to get our program straight. Everybody has bad seasons from high school to college even the pro’s. Whatch us make our way back up to the top!

  39. Chris Bingle on February 21st, 2012 4:55 pm

    This is a joke. Coach Bennett applied for the job and didn’t get it over this clown?! Terrible.

  40. Are you kidding me? on February 21st, 2012 4:01 pm

    I thought the Tate football program was ready to take a step forward. This is obviously the complete wrong direction. Shackle doesn’t have a clue. The program needs a complete house cleaning. Ridiculous.

  41. bm on February 21st, 2012 3:37 pm

    Makes no sense…. Shackle is a embarrassment…

  42. john doe on February 21st, 2012 3:30 pm

    Sure am glad they hired him , we will continue to beat that tail everytime, now for sure. Sounds like they have some serious administration problems at THS. but keeps the pressure off us across the river.