State Attorney: Flomaton Chief Target Of Florida Investigation; Council To Consider Job Status

February 24, 2012

The State Attorney’s Office confirmed late Thursday that Chief Geoff McGraw is the target of their investigation into the Flomaton Police Department over an incident that occurred in Escambia County, Florida. The announcement came just days before the Flomaton Town Council is set to consider the chief’s job.

Prior to Thursday, the State Attorney’s Office had only said the department was the subject of the investigation by the State Attorney’s Office and the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE).

Assistant (Fla.) State Attorney Greg Marcille said Thursday that his office and FDLE met this week concerning the status of the case involving McGraw. “All I can say right now is that the investigation is still ongoing” he said. has confirmed through multiple independent sources outside the State Attorney’s Office that the investigation centers around a suspect that claims he was wrongfully detained or arrested in Century by a member or members of the Flomaton Police Department without following proper arrest and extradition procedures.

McGraw’s employment status as police chief has become the focus of multiple rumors this week in Flomaton and on internet sites like Facebook, but Mayor Dewey Bondurant told that McGraw remains Flomaton’s police chief.

“Chief McGraw is still chief of the Flomaton Police Department,” Bondurant said. The mayor said that McGraw is out of work this week on medical leave due to a sick relative. Bondurant had no further comment concerning McGraw or the investigation.

The police chief’s position is on the agenda for discussion at next Monday night’s meeting of the Flomaton Town Council at 6:30.

“I do not have any comment at this time due to this being an ongoing investigation,” McGraw said January 26, the day before broke the story about the State Attorney and FDLE investigation into the Flomaton Police Department.


43 Responses to “State Attorney: Flomaton Chief Target Of Florida Investigation; Council To Consider Job Status”

  1. 429SCJ on February 27th, 2012 12:36 pm

    Hello @429CJ, I never go to Flomaton unless it is to the auction house, most of the people I meet there are from out of town, I sometimes grab a hair cut across the street. I will casually steer the conversation to the subject though and feel the waters. Im not going to be worried, if they spot me, they will just think Im an old man walking down the street, completely harmless as I am.

  2. TO:429CJ on February 27th, 2012 7:19 am

    I think you will find more of a 80%dislike and 20% like!!!!!Take your own door to door sevrvey!!!!you will be surprised at some of the buissness owners etc who want him out!!

  3. tammy r on February 26th, 2012 1:04 pm

    my question is does a law officer have to have running lights on at night? i see them here in flomaton all of the time without them on. i also had one follow me 2 miles onenight before he decided to pull me over in my own yard, due to a tag light out ! they do nothing but horrass people here and i am sick of all of them. they act like they are above the law ! !

  4. FED UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! on February 26th, 2012 10:52 am

    Im Glad there is a person on here who said they could call and get a officer pretty qiuck!!i called them 3 times never got to speak to an officer ,just a dispatcher who seem to me not to give a hoot anyway like she was fed up!I called because people where shooting fire works (dont seem like much huh! but when they are landing on ur roof and one hit my bedroom window it needed to stop,so i called they county(guess what ?they where there in about 20-25 minutes!!!REMEBER PEOPLE OUR TAXES PAY THESE OFFICERS AND THEY MAYER AND COUNCIL AS WELL(FED UP)ELECTION TIME IS COMING!!(forgot to tell the dispatcher told me the have until 10;30 to shoot fire works!!that was not even the point!!I NEEDED A OFFICER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!FED UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. concerned citizen on February 26th, 2012 10:08 am

    You are right about nobody said you had to live in Flomaton but the Town of Flomaton did say that the police chief does have to live in the town limits but guess what……………he don’t. The SOP is not even being used, it is what the mayor and council wants, no matter what rules there are. It has been reported several times about the traffic on Poplar and Titi streets in the mornings during school of people exceeding the speed limit but there has still not been an officer out there checking on it. The chief said all we had do was call and let them know, well, we have called but they still have not done anything about it.

  6. 429SCJ on February 26th, 2012 5:34 am

    It seems that half the town of Flomaton likes this guy and the other half hates him. I would suggest if you like him great, if not, stay out of his way and give him a wide berth. There is no law that says you have to reside in Flomaton. I would think with all the roadways we have in the area, avoiding this joker should be no big deal.. Contingency planning never hurt anybody. Be courteous and clean.

  7. Flomaton Business Owner on February 26th, 2012 1:49 am

    Well first of all everyone needs to think verry carefully before yelling that the county should take over…..If I need the police I don’t want to have to wait no telling how long for an officer to respond due to them having another call on the other side of the county……We do need OUR local Police in our area.
    We have had some good officers and some bad officers, but the bad ones are all many people remember….I do agree that some of them need to learn how to act like a professional Police Officer instead of kid with a new toy.

  8. concerned citizen on February 26th, 2012 1:40 am

    Let’s look at that salary issue. He is paid (according to Chris) $41,000.00 a year, plus he got a brand new vehicle to drive. The past chiefs made way way way less than him and they had more experience, so what does he have that they didn’t? It was said he was out for a sick relative,but his wife just had a baby and he was out for a week for that and now he is out again for a sick relative (just saying). Funny how he is out when things hit the paper. If that had been a regular officer that had done what he did, that officer would have been fired on the spot, so why is he different.Plus, how can they fire him and turn around and hire him back all in the same breath, he must really have something on the mayor or council. It looks as though if he don’t like you working for him then he will find a reason to get rid of you.

  9. hawghead on February 25th, 2012 10:00 pm

    Thanks Chris, I will never forget the way you handled my problem…..I forgot to mention you and I’m sorry…..Keep up the good work…..

  10. kevin sullivan on February 25th, 2012 9:08 pm

    well ,,well ..lets see .. put an old disabled barber out of business and now this ..the lord works in mysterious ways now doesn’t he … i cant believe that this man is even a law enforcement officer … let alone in charge of a dept … im retired from law enforcement and i have no respect for such an unqualified leader ..residents need to open there eyes and get back to 100 percent honesty and put some one who is not a child but a qualified man or women for this position …excuse me while i go throw up

  11. SNIPPER 2 on February 25th, 2012 6:01 pm

    To the person who said he cleaned house 4 u!!! I work for a large company in the human resource department! and I can tell you if one of my stores had that kind of turn over by one mananger in a years time.
    There better be 3 whrite ups and a final corrective signed and the person getting terminated (would be able to give me his or hers version on each and every complaint by the manager(in writting also.
    I have found over my 15 years in this possion 8 out of 10 times the manager
    is always the problem,and they find themselves terminated!!!!!!!!!!!every person has a legal right to file a complaint if he or she was terminated without due cause and two years to file that complaint.
    so if you feel you have been terminated without duecause!call the (state of ala)human resource department..

  12. Chris on February 25th, 2012 8:54 am

    The chiefs salary varies with every chief of police but Geoff mcgraws current salary is $41,600.00

  13. e.c.r.a on February 25th, 2012 7:39 am

    Thank You! Chris you are correct about officer McGraw!!if is does not involve drugs of any kind!!He could care less about anything else.ive heard from some people in brewton (officers who quit because of they way things where handled!not pay but the ones who try to do things RIGHT!Dont brake the law in one hand and use a badge to do it!

  14. oak grove on February 25th, 2012 7:02 am

    David Huie Green I agree with you. I support law inforcement and they should be held to the same laws they enforce. Sometimes this is not the case. Flomaton needs a Police Dept. that will up hold laws. If they follow in persuit of someone in Florida they sould be calling Florida for back up…….

    Just because a law inforcement officer makes a mistake does not men he is all bad. I feel it depends on what extent he is going to and if he is breaking the law himself or herself. Some of Florida’s deputies are from South Florida and come in the country area with attitudes and are not happy to be here. Sometimes our law inforcement becomes discontented with their jobs and are unsensitive to people. Not everyone is a bad person.
    Some of our Law Officers have becaome very good lier’s and could not tell the truth if it hit them in the face.
    Some of the Law Officer’s are just doing their job and are there to serve and protect law abiding citizens.
    So remember no matter where you are you will always have the good and the bad.

    I fully support our State Trooper’s and other law infocement in cluding my family memebers that have chose to protect and serve with honor.

  15. charles allen on February 25th, 2012 5:48 am

    It’s the management that is responcible for the employees. I was told to me that the Flomaton Barber sting was to get the Baptist vote due to the upcoming election for the mayor. Still don’t know what the chief was doing while he was waiting for channel 3 to make the 1.5 hour dr. from Pensacola to bust Gene live on tv.

    Mayor and chief , Gene pays your wages!! You guys work for us and can and should be replaced. Gene has mooved outside of the city limints onto Hwy 113. Just another empty building downtown. Turn the empty auction building into a gentelmans club and that will bring business. Just quoting a active sitting council member.

    Yes, the town will be sued for the actions of the employees going into Florida and not using the corect SOP.

    I am ashamed of the actions of a few bad people. Just like a friend of mine said when she came to Flomaton for the 1st time and we were harrassed by a Flomaton officer. She says “Just let go back to my car, I will never come to this town again”.

  16. flomaton tax payer on February 25th, 2012 3:21 am

    To stand for anything:

    Maybe he did see something going on in Century, that does not give him the right to cross over and make an arrest, and violate extradition laws. If he was aware of some sort of criminal activity, then he had an obligation to notify FLORIDA law enforcement. McGraw is certified to enforce the laws of the State of Alabama, not Florida, and that is what he was paid to do. If he wants to enforce the laws of other states then let him get certified in those states and got work for them, or better yet become a U.S. Marshall then he would have National jurisdiction; but until then there is a document, (i’m sure you’ve heard of it, …the Constitution), that prevents law enforcement from doing precisely what he was alleged to have done, and violating people’s civil rights.

  17. Just wondering on February 25th, 2012 2:32 am

    Does anyone know what the Chief’s annual salary is?

  18. Stand for something or fall for anything! on February 24th, 2012 11:01 pm

    Maybe you think he’s picking on someone from Century because he’s got his eyes open. He might be the only law officer that actually sees what is going on over their. Maybe he should be the chief in Century and clean up the streets.

  19. Just Think Again on February 24th, 2012 10:23 pm

    Oh and we can’t judge a whole department on this man’s actions. Can we condemn the whole Catholic religion over what some of their priests did? Can we condemn all doctors cause some have drug or alcohol problems and screw up. There are people who have positions that screw up in all walks of life. If he made a mistake on his own he should answer on his own.

  20. Just Think Again on February 24th, 2012 10:17 pm


    For starters please refrain from yelling in caps. If it makes you get that angry or emotional you should voice yourself at the next town council meeting. As for letting the Police Department go, do you think that the county would do it for free? I don’t think so probably would want half of what they allow for the departments budget now. So there you would have half of that money gone. Then if you follow closely and remember correctly The Sheriff stated that he would have no choice but to take Flomaton but he would change nothing . He is stretched thin now Flomaton would be.on the back burner. People have this idea that the Sheriff’s office can work miracles and.we should close the Department but I for one see that as a big mistake. Escambia county Florida has ten times the amount of Deputies as Escambia county Alabama. So JUST THINKING OUT LOUD would you just think again?

  21. mickey godwin on February 24th, 2012 8:33 pm

    Way to go cousin make the family proud …lol

  22. JUST THINKING OUT LOUD on February 24th, 2012 8:19 pm







  23. Thom on February 24th, 2012 7:54 pm

    Upholding the law is never popular. Especially in a small community. Yeah, you have some that have the Barney Fife syndrome. I really want to believe of them as Barney Fife…Overly zealous, but honest in their efforts to do their job. But sometimes they make serious mistakes that put citizens civil liberties in jeopardy and that’s what FDLE wants to look into. I know Chief McGraw and how professional he can be. I also know how professional his staff can be. Let’s not put the cart ahead of the horse and let the folks that do the ethics investigation do their job. Chief, for whatever it’s worth, I support you. Please continue to do your best.

  24. morgan on February 24th, 2012 6:17 pm

    Flomaton Resident ; it’s not only flomaton tht does this FLorida cops do it as well me and my husband and kids got pulled over for an out tail light and waited on the side of the road with screaming kids for 35mins again they think they on the town just cause they got a gun and badge it dont matter what town it is i cant stand when cops let there job goto there head !!

  25. Chris on February 24th, 2012 5:29 pm

    Hawghead that was me that came to the store that day and solved your theft. I can assure you that geoff McGraw had nothing to do with that case. He simply showed up for public relations. Myself along with the rest I the department at Flomaton cared about what happened to the citizens but if you don’t have crack or cocaine then Geoff McGraw has nothing for you. Other problems don’t exist. I agree to work drugs but understand people have other problems that require police attention.

  26. Flomaton Resident on February 24th, 2012 5:06 pm

    This is just another example of the constant harassment that the Flomaton Police Department is guilty of time and time again. You cannot drive through Flomaton after 8pm without a cop running up behind you and trying to find something VERY minute to pull you over for so that they can search for drugs. Not every person on the road is in possession of illegal narcotics. Strangely enough, however, everyone that the FPD pulls over seems to be. Coincidence? I doubt it. That place is full of crooked cops that couldn’t get a law enforcement job at any real and law abiding law enforcement agency.

  27. Old LEO on February 24th, 2012 4:58 pm

    Way back in the day this received a wink and a nod. The skeeter flats extraditions were cooperative efforts thus never happened. The lack of stability in the department is a self perpetuating and long standing problem due to low pay and poor management. Until the pay matches the responsibility there will be no applicants capable of doing much better. Until more trained, educated and capable officers are hired the SNAFU will continue. Of course this is normal for small town Alabama.

  28. mervin! on February 24th, 2012 2:22 pm

    let the county police our town!!!!!!!!!!!!

  29. mervin! on February 24th, 2012 2:20 pm

    mr truth !im all 4 that so is most of the town>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

  30. Truth on February 24th, 2012 2:11 pm

    Opinions are a dime a dozen,lets just get another chief……ohhh is this number 10, 11, 12 , 13….where does it stop.let the man do his job,if he didn’t then let the law do it for him.

  31. David Huie Green on February 24th, 2012 11:40 am

    “Maybe he is trying to solve crime. Maybe he has good reason. If people are
    not doing anything wrong and have nothing to hide why complain.”

    If the charges are true, I believe he was committing a crime. The idea is that the people who enforce the laws should obey the laws. If they don’t know the laws, they should learn the laws.

    Anyway, that would be why the state’s law enforcement folks would be looking into the incident and why they would complain if true. You don’t do away with crime by becoming a criminal.

    David for lawful law enforcement

  32. melvin smith! on February 24th, 2012 10:13 am

    well all I can seem to say!!!hes on his way out!!state county emloyess are concederd employed until they draw there last check!!!I could be wrong but just looks that way!! mervin ray smith!!!know ur rights and if u get pulled over,as i agree with a few people in here over getting harrased!just know ur right!!!!!

  33. charlie w. on February 24th, 2012 8:58 am


    the last time I checked, Flomaton was in al., Odams bar is in Fl. so you must have incountered the Florida cops but you never can tell. lol

  34. 429SCJ on February 24th, 2012 8:25 am

    I cannot say the Flomaton PD is bad, back in 90 I was driving down from D.C. on leave. I dozed off at the wheel and jumped the center divider into the northbound lane, running down the safety wall, comming to stop in all places, the parking lot of Odom’s Bar. It was about 2AM and It only took a few minutes for 2 crusiers to arrive. The male and female officers were polite, I showed them my ID and travel orders, and everything was cool. I had guns and ammo of which I informed them, and they were cool. I contacted my family and the male officer remained at the scene and we conversed about the goings on in the area. He was a good officer, and I gave him a handfull of .223 red tracer rounds for his rifle, before departing. Nice people they were.

  35. JM on February 24th, 2012 8:14 am

    Maybe he is trying to solve crime. Maybe he has good reason. If people are
    not doing anything wrong and have nothing to hide why complain. If they
    pull me over, I’m not going to complain as long as they are polite and doing
    their job. We may find he was letting people go who were not going to do
    their job, due to so many friends, family or school connections being a problem
    for them. This is one I would like to hear his reasoning. Maybe he is just
    not a good ole boy. That suits me just fine.,…

  36. hawghead on February 24th, 2012 7:36 am

    My only dealings with the Flomaton Police Dept. came last year when someone stole my credit card info….I found out through my own investigation that some used in Flomaton to buy gas…I went to the store and called the police..A detective arrived within a few short minutes. I told him what was going on and showed him the paperwork I had concerning the credit card usage..Within 1 hour they arrested two individuals and charged them with the crime….I was very pleased with the Flomaton Police Dept.. Chief McGraw was very cooperative and professional concerning my incident…So based on my personal experience I can only say that for a small town department I was very impressed with the professionalism of the department…

  37. LAWLESSNO2 on February 24th, 2012 7:34 am


  38. lawless on February 24th, 2012 6:07 am

    i recently moved back to this area after being gone for several years. in the first 6 months of being back i was pulled over five times by this Man for NO apparent reason. i never once recieved a ticket for anything. when i asked why i was being stopped it would be i was going 2mph over the speed limit or a tag light out,which was a lie cause after the stop i got out to look and it was not out. some people are not cut out for law enforcement.

  39. sniper on February 24th, 2012 6:04 am

    Well put ‘huh’
    He will more than likely get a paid vacation….oooops…I mean admin leave.

  40. just my words on February 24th, 2012 5:57 am

    he needs to go, look at the number of people he has fired {13} so far and the reason he states to them it just isn’t going to work out…yes he needs to be fired,for the reason it just isn’t going to work out.

  41. 429SCJ on February 24th, 2012 5:39 am

    He’s just a good old boy, never doin no harm.This is not just Flomaton. This is why you don’t get off the Interstate highway to refuel, in small towns and why you leave 29 and detour around the tri city metroplex. Happy motoring.

  42. huh on February 24th, 2012 4:55 am

    I predict he will be suspended for a short time with pay, you know like a vacation

  43. Liana L. on February 24th, 2012 1:45 am

    I’ve been trying to keep up with this story and it’s very unsettling. I’m all for FL’s State Atty. to investigate him. I myself know of incidents that have happened that were unlawful. The Mayor may want to pay attention to what’s going on with the Chief, because what mayor wants someone like this protecting his citizens. From what I know personnally he and some his people doing more intimidating and harrasing than protecting.