Senate Takes Up Prison Privatization

February 13, 2012

Today, the Florida Senate will take up or down votes on pending amendments, and try to get a bill on privatizing prisons in most of South of Florida ready for a floor vote.

The privatization bill, a top priority of Senate leadership, was brought to the floor earlier this session, but pulled from consideration when it began to appear that leadership couldn’t get the measure passed.

An amendment that remains pending would shelve the issue for a year in favor of a study. That amendment will be up for consideration on Monday – which would put the bill in place for a vote on Tuesday.

Senate President Mike Haridopolos has said the vote count on the issue is “very close.”

The proposal calls for private prison operators to save 7 percent by running prisons in 18 South Florida counties, about 30 facilities in all. Opponents have said that the plan won’t save that much money.


2 Responses to “Senate Takes Up Prison Privatization”

  1. Kenny Ozanich on February 13th, 2012 6:48 pm

    Do not do this. It will not save money.

  2. Scott on February 13th, 2012 3:43 pm

    Senate President Mike Haridopolos has received over $35, 000 in campaign contributions from private prison vendors to support this cause. Florida Governor, Rick Scott received at least $25,000 in contributions from private prison vendors to help pay for his inaugural ball in 2010. This is money we, as taxpayers, know about and can account for through public records. I wonder what the REAL reason is that these two want this to pass this bill so badly. It surely couldn’t be motivated by money, now could it ? NO !!! Not a politician taking money at the expense of public safety !!!! That would be a first.