Pro Ball’s Travis Fryman: Putting Away The Childish Things

February 3, 2012

Travis Fyman appeared to be sitting on top of the world. He has just played in his first American League All-Star Game. He had just met and had his picture taken with the president of the United States. The big money was rolling in for the small town boy in the big leagues with the Detroit Tigers.

“If you met me in 1994, you’d say that this guy is living his dreams,” Fryman told a meeting of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes Thursday morning before class at Northview High School. “My life and career at that point in my life were better than my dreams as a kid.”

But appearances can be deceiving and it took Fryman a little more to realize what was wrong amidst all that seemed so right.

As for the picture of him with President George H.W. Bush, that problem was pretty obvious when the glossy photo arrived in the mail.  After the All-Star Game, the Secret Service had swept the locker room quickly before President Bush visited and posed for a photo with each player.

“I was in my underwear shaking hands with the president of the United States,” Fryman said, evoking a chuckle from the Northview students. “In all of the excitement, I had forgotten to get dressed.”

What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Matthew 16:26

But there was something much more wrong than the President Bush photo with Fryman’s life.

“I was completely miserable and lost in my life,” he said. “I didn’t enjoy playing baseball; I was never satisfied.”

After watching his parents divorce as a teen, one of Fryman’s top goals in life was a happy marriage. That too was falling apart.

Fryman knew his wife was attending a Bible study group with other baseball wives. What he did not know right away was that she gave her life to Jesus in the parking lot of the Detroit Tigers stadium in 1994, right before major league baseball went on strike and ended the season without a World Series.

“…When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me.” 1 Cor 13:11

Fryman, who now lives in Molino, knew something was just not right in his life. He and wife Kathleen began going to his childhood church, Olive Baptist in Pensacola. On February 25, 1995, he knew what was missing.

“I took my wife by her hand, and we walked down to the front of the church,” he said. “Boy that was a long walk.”

When asked by the pastor why he had come forward, Fryman said, “I’m ready to put away childish things and become the man God wants me to be.”

It turned out, however, that there were still realizations to come for Fryman.

The first game of the 1995 season was against the Seattle Mariners in the King Dome. The normally strong hitter had struck out three times. He was up to bat a fourth time. “The drunks over third base were taunting me, pushing for a fourth strike out.” A bad hit and the old Travis Fryman reared its ugly head and he cursed and threw his helmet with enough force to shatter it.

Back at the hotel after perhaps his worst-ever pro game, Fryman unlocked the door with his key card and slipped inside. It was about to be that real life changing moment.

“I fell on my face, and I cried like a baby,” he said. “God, I don’t want to live my life this way.”

“Jesus requires everything from us because he gave everything,” Fryman, who is now the defensive coordinator for the Cleveland Indians, told the Northview FCA members. “You can have a lot of fun in this life but you never know joy until you know God.”

Pictured: Travis Fryman addresses the Northview High School Fellowship of Christian Athletes before school began Thursday morning. photos, click to enlarge.


12 Responses to “Pro Ball’s Travis Fryman: Putting Away The Childish Things”

  1. Matthew White on May 26th, 2021 10:59 am

    I found a baseball card in an old collection passed down to me that says on the back “This card was printed by Travis Fryman and is not for sale.” The card has his testimony on the back. I was wondering if there was any way to find Mr. Fryman and see if he wants this amazing card back. If there is any possible connections to go through please let me know.

  2. Heather on December 6th, 2018 10:32 am

    I have always been a Travis Fryman fan ever since I was a kid. As I have read more about him, I am an even bigger fan. Besides being an outstanding baseball player (the best 3rd baseman I have ever seen) he seems to be a very kind and all around decent man. I am proud of him that even after playing ball for years with a lot of dirty, trash talking immoral men, he has held strong to holding onto his morals and his dedication to God. Good for you Travis! Your a wonderful role model.

  3. carolyn gnath on September 25th, 2016 3:15 am

    I have always wondered what had happened to Mr Fryman but now I know. It’s a pleasure to know that you have the Lord in your life. He will never desert you ever. All you need to do is reach out to him. I hope others see your story and accept the Lord as their savior.

  4. Harlan Parr on February 4th, 2012 6:27 am

    I had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Fryman. He had picked my beagle up in the middle of the road and took her to his home. He called me and I picked her up the next day. She was in his home and well taken care of.It takes a special person to do things like this. Thanks again

  5. Dawn on February 3rd, 2012 2:35 pm

    This story was refreshing. Its wonderful to have people like Mr. Fryman to take out time in his busy schedule to talk to our teens. It’s not a easy world out there and without the Lord Jesus Christ in our lives it hopeless. I hope something that was said will bring someone to Christ. May God bless him and his family!!

  6. nene on February 3rd, 2012 1:03 pm

    What a wonderful story! I’m proud that you made that change in your life. May God continue to bless you and your family.

  7. Fan of the game. on February 3rd, 2012 9:39 am

    Sounds like your average baseball player. Maybe that is what it takes to make it to the majors or maybe not. A good lesson for future and present ball players. Always good to see a happy ending and someone coming home to our Lord.

  8. JSCS on February 3rd, 2012 9:34 am

    Thank you Travis, for sharing your story with others. We serve an awesome God and your testimony will give people a real “wake-up” call. God uses us in ways we could never imagine. Your life changes and sharing with others is a real blessing. Very glad William ran this article. We need to hear and see more of the differences God can make in our lives if we will just believe and obey.

  9. James on February 3rd, 2012 8:57 am

    Was privileged to participate in two six-week Bible study courses for men led by Travis Fryman. I was also fortunate to have his dad as a coach in my public school days. Travis is as genuine a man as you’d ever want, and for those poor folks who see Christian men as weak and needy, you need to meet this man. I’m thanjful that I got the opportunity. Praying for blessings, Travis, in your position with Detroit, and for you and your family!

  10. Gene Hudson on February 3rd, 2012 8:06 am

    Awsome story William, good to hear some possitive reinforcement!

  11. Molino resident on February 3rd, 2012 7:43 am

    You cannot be found until you know you are lost. Thank God Travis listened to God calling him.

  12. Darla on February 3rd, 2012 6:33 am

    Awesome. Thank you FCA. I pray that the students listening to Mr Fryman’s story will decide, make the choice, to live a life not according to what society deems successful but what the Bible teaches.