Panhandle Lawmaker Blasted For Rope Hanging Comment

February 13, 2012

Senate Reapportionment Chairman Don Gaetz, R-Niceville, apologized Friday for using hanging imagery in reference to lawsuits challenging new maps for legislative and congressional districts approved Thursday by the Senate.

“My father used to say, ‘Some people would complain if you hung them with a new rope,’” Gaetz said Thursday, referring to his belief that some groups planned to sue no matter what maps the Legislature drew.

On Friday, Gaetz apologized after three black lawmakers angrily said the remarks were insensitive.

“I’m sorry if any offense was taken,” Gaetz said. “Those who know me and those who work with me are well aware that no offense was meant.”

Among those calling for Gaetz to apologize was Sen. Arthenia Joyner, D-Tampa. “The use of his analogy reflects back on an extremely violent period in our country’s and our state’s history,” Joyner said Friday. “And it shows an insensitivity on the part of the Senator about the hard-fought passage of Blacks from slaves to citizens.”

The remark also brought a sharp response from two high-ranking black House Democrats.

“The senator’s comment is especially appalling given that it is made in connection to the issue of redistricting, in which there is considerable history of racial minorities being deprived of adequate representation,” said Rep. Perry Thurston, D-Plantation, slated to become the House’s top Democrat later this year.

Rep. Mia Jones, a Jacksonville Democrat who chairs the Florida Legislative Black Caucus, also slammed Gaetz. “Senator Gaetz’ use of such highly charged and disturbing language has absolutely no place in this important discussion about the future of Florida,” she said.

By The News Service Florida


17 Responses to “Panhandle Lawmaker Blasted For Rope Hanging Comment”

  1. angela on February 16th, 2012 5:50 am

    Thanks for the support, I just wish folks would get over it. Crap happened to every single race at some point in history……’s time to quit bringing it up. The ones that do are just out for attention and it is holding us back as country. Get over it, move on. I just hope it doesn’t affect my kids, as I am raising mine to not be so sensitive and we use things LIKE THIS as an example of ignorance and how I want better for them. Love to everyone!!

  2. noescdotcomfan on February 15th, 2012 1:00 am

    @ Angela,

    Likely the most refreshing thing ive had the pleasure of reading this year!

    God Bless you!

  3. o on February 14th, 2012 10:43 am

    Just a FYI no race has the full claim to rope hanging, slavery or anything else. Hebrews, Irish, Chinese, Spanish, English, Whites, Blacks, Indians, were all slaves at some point in history. As a add FYI slavery still exisist today its now called human trafficing and mainly deals in woman. So lets get in an uproar about this instead of what some person said. And hangings were happening way before this great country of ours was founded.

  4. David Huie Green on February 14th, 2012 10:36 am

    Actually, if a man is quoting another, he gets to use whatever word the person being quoted used — otherwise he isn’t quoting, he’s paraphrasing.

    Further, from :

    “For centuries, hanged and hung were used interchangeably as the past participle of hang. Most contemporary usage guides insist that hanged, not hung, should be used when referring to executions: convicted killers are hanged; posters are hung. “

    Please note that contemporary usage guides don’t rule over us, as evidenced by the way we commonly write here. Also note the interchangeable nature of the words, as in “it don‘t matter no how, whether you‘re hanged or hung, you‘re still short of breath and got a crick in your neck.”

    David for freedom to hang a hunger

  5. Henry on February 14th, 2012 10:16 am

    I was shocked and appalled at Sen. Gaetz statement.

    “Hung?” The word is HANGED.

    And Sen. Gaetz was an educator.

    Shame, shame.

  6. Jane on February 14th, 2012 7:01 am

    I have heard this comment used by African americans many times, so here’s the question; Is a comment like this only allowed to be used by a certain racial group?

  7. David Huie Green on February 14th, 2012 5:26 am

    “For that matter neither does “Some people wouldn’t be happy counting money on halves!!!””

    It’s really quite simple. Counting money on halves means you get to keep half of ALL you count. That would be extremely good pay. The idea is that some would still gripe.

    As to being hanged with a new rope, if you’re going to gripe, let it be about being hanged, not about the age of the device. At one point hanging was the standard method of killing other people but some thought only their particular group ever suffered the indignity. Some folks were proud to get electric chairs for executions because they were the latest thing. I would rather nobody do what would justify use of them.

    David for simple explanations
    and updated methods

  8. Bama Lama Ding Dong on February 13th, 2012 3:02 pm

    It isn’t so much that it’s insensitive as it’s just a stupid saying. Doesn’t even really make any sense.

    For that matter neither does “Some people wouldn’t be happy counting money on halves!!!”

  9. Southernlady on February 13th, 2012 12:35 pm

    Strange, but I’ve heard this phrase all my life and always thought it referred to hangings in the old west (cattle rustlers, etc).

  10. jcellops on February 13th, 2012 11:07 am

    years ago, back in the early 90s, my non-white chlidren attended our predominantly white, affluent Christian school (elementary/high school) in south florida……once a year, they had a “slave day”……students would buy another student to do whatever (within reason) that the student wanted them to do…like carry books..get the lunch tray, open doors, ect… was intended to help the kids raise money for projects….on the surface, im sure most viewed it as a fun day for the kids to do something different while they raised funds….but, subconsciously, i believe that it projected a lighthearted indifference to a tragically unjust time in our American history…. well, i protested/objected to this event and told the president that i thought it was racially incensitive….would they even think of encouraging this event if it was a predominantly black school?…would the public schools endorse a “slave day” nowadays?……what do some of you think?…..based on some of your posts, im wondering if i was making much ado about nothing.

  11. Char on February 13th, 2012 10:14 am

    @Angela Koodos to you girl.

    MORE people could move on if we just let sleeping dogs lay…..
    It is horrible that it is so hard for so many people to just MOVE ON.
    It is a shame they throw OLD DIRT out there for every one
    to start nursing hatred all over again.

    EVERYONE hold your head HIGH, DO what is RIGHT, forget bad

  12. oakgrove on February 13th, 2012 8:34 am

    I have heard the same comment made many times and it was never being used in any racial comment in any way, form or fashion. People that are so sensitive to comments need to grow up. People are always going to make comments in our lives that have a sensitivity to someone. Not because the are picking on a certain race, religion, sex or etc. It’s just a SAYING. Goverment and people makes to big of what others say. Just like sticks and stones will hurt my bones, but words can never harm me……

  13. safebear on February 13th, 2012 7:49 am

    AMEN – thanks Angela.

  14. Escambia Reader on February 13th, 2012 7:04 am

    Thank you for your comment and your common sense view. If many of us said the same thing, we would be labeled as racest.

  15. angela on February 13th, 2012 6:49 am

    Its a shame when we can’t even make a remark that has NOTHING to do with race and the first thing racially charged people do is star screaming. I am a black woman and I am sick and tired of people always screaming racism, it is embarasing to me and my kids. Just because you interpret thing as hatred doesn’t meant it was said that way. Quit complaining and sending us back……its time to MOVE ON. Good grief!

  16. David Huie Green on February 13th, 2012 5:25 am


  17. well on February 13th, 2012 5:05 am

    Not that i really care for Mr. Gaetz but this is just an old saying.

    You know, Some people wouldn’t be happy counting money on halves!!!