Northview, W.S. Neal Split Double Header

February 22, 2012

Northview’s JV baseball team split a double header with W. S. Neal Tuesday in Brewton. W. S. Neal won the first game 5-3, with the Chiefs taking the second game 5-3.

Destin Pizzolato led the Chiefs at the plate in the first game with two singles and a run scored. Chason Freeman and Jody Bonner also scored a run for the Chiefs. Daulton Tullis pitched 5 innings for Northview.

In the second game, the Chiefs’s Destin Pizzolato got the win on the mound, with strong relief from freshman Aaron McDonald. Leading hitters for Northview were Dalton Daniel and Daulton Tullis, each with a hit.

Northview’s JV will be back in action Thursday as they host Central at 4:00.


11 Responses to “Northview, W.S. Neal Split Double Header”

  1. Salvatore Dezenzo on February 23rd, 2012 4:00 pm

    Fan – that is how score reporting is done. The players that do the best are reported in the article. It would best proposterous to report every player in the game. That is the problem with this generation, everybody gets a ribbon, everybody gets their kudo’s, which is nothing like real life. These kids arent getting any favors when real life kicks in because they expect all the acclaim just for participating. I have reported scores before and they ask for the the standout players from the game.

  2. Ashley@thegamealso!!!! on February 23rd, 2012 3:47 pm

    First off, Im going to congratulate the Northview JV BASEBALL Team on their win & hard work during both games… which that is what should be said in a comment on this article, not any negative comments which brings them down!For your first two games as a team, yall showed Team WORK & Support for each other! Im very proud of what yall brought to the game!

    Secondly, William, you do a EXCELLENT JOB of covering each sport at Northview, as well as all the other news around the North Escambia area!

    Third, Fan@Game, if you think you can do a better job at running a website, that covers more than just baseball since you’ve “coached so many years,” Id love to be a daily reader of it! I also was at the game, & yes there were more boys that did contribute to both the games, but if you go back to every sports article on this website, you will see that not all the players are listed that contributed to the win or lose! But if you look at it in a positive way, It says “Northview JV Baseball,” not Destin, Jody, Chasen, Daulton, Dalton & Aaron JV Baseball! Its a simple coverage of what happened in both games! If people want to know every single play that happened, who struck out or who got a hit needs to come to the game! So if you have nothing nice to say about North Escambia and what the TEAM sends in for William to put on here, then don’t say anything at all, or maybe start your own website! Yes everyone is entitled to their on opinion, but Im pretty sure that people who read this know that 6 boys can’t play a baseball game by themselves!

    I agree, its not just about winning, it is a life lesson that the boys are being taught! & I think along with alot of other people that Coach Wheatley and the other Coaches are doing a hell of a GREAT Job! These boys practice as a team, come as a team, play as a team, leave as a team, & back each other up as a team…. win or lose… or with your negative comments they are still a TEAM!!!!!!!!

    GO CHIEFS!!! Continue the hard work!!!!!!

  3. Team Mom on February 23rd, 2012 11:15 am


  4. just saying on February 23rd, 2012 9:30 am

    Sounds like someone didn’t get to play much. I guess they should all get a M.V.P. trophy after the season so nobody’s feelings are hurt. Myself, I think the best 9 should play all the time, once you get to high school you should play to win or do something else!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. fan@game on February 23rd, 2012 8:32 am

    Again, bebd……….your comments are just plan SILLY and just narrow minded!!! as for “people like me”; well lets just say………”people like me” are the ones who remind PEOPLE LIKE YOU…….its more than a game; its a LIFE LESSON that can be used as a teaching tool to teach these young men, how to work together as a TEAM and be recongize as a team! There was absoultely NOTHING wrong in mentioning these young men mention above but there WERE more boys that contributed to both games, that did not get recongized!!! As for your comment on how to handle 15 players on a team, REALLY?????? Have you not seen the talent on the team this year!!! Nobody said the coach did not do a good job subbing each one BUTTTTT when you have back to back games; its a golden opportunity to set each down and give your bench warmers more time to play! How else are you gonna know what the new players can do and how they wil handle a live game situation. My comment was not negative…its call having an OPINION!!!!

  6. bebd on February 22nd, 2012 7:39 pm

    to fan@game, Did you leave this ridiculous statement towards the softball article above not all players were mentioned there either. Since you have coached all of your life how many times have you had 15 players on a team and tried to play them all? I think Coach Wheatley did a great job rotating the boys in and out. It’s people like you that feels the need to leave negative comments no matter what to take the joy out of the players seeing there win on northescambia. I understand it’s a team effort but is it necessary to mention names every time a player catches a ball and throws it.
    Way to go Chiefs!!! Committing only 1 error in your first two games of the season was AWESOME.

  7. Team Mom on February 22nd, 2012 4:45 pm

    FYI: This is just a basic over view of the games. Calm down! There will be plenty more games to come!

  8. fan@game on February 22nd, 2012 3:39 pm

    Well, I guess you told me……((YES)) your right “bebd”…..this is not teeball and as far as “only the ones that did something” …What a sad comment… yes I was at the game last night and more than the “BOY’S NAMES” that got mention, there were other boys that “DID SOMETHING” and I coached baseball for years and I think I know what a hit means and what doesnt!! I do not have a child that plays for Northview but have supported all Chiefs Functions for many years and I am a BIG FAN OF THE CHIEFS but narrowed minded comments like yours is what throws out SPORTSMANSHIP!!!!!

    As for Mr. William, I meant NO harm what-so-ever…….towards this web page, you do such a wonderful job in keeping the community updated on EVERYTHING!!! I may should have chosen my words better but I was simply trying to state that…….I could have sworn I seen that more boys contribute to the game than what was mention. It just seems some players get over look and some always get mention and NO its NOT BECAUSE…….”ONLY THE ONES THAT DID SOMETHING”!!! I understand you got your information from the team and I am SURE you stated what was given to you, that was never a question! Its just that…Cheifs mean (((ALL))) not just a select few!!!! Forgive me,,,I’m just an old man that retired from coaching High School Baseball for YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!! So I guess I wouldnt know anything!!!

  9. bebd on February 22nd, 2012 2:51 pm

    Okay Fan@game they are not playing teeball anymore. Just because some of the boys made contact with the ball doesn’t mean it was a hit. The information is accurate. Look at all of the other stats put on this web site, it doesn’t mention every players name…only the ones that did something.

  10. William on February 22nd, 2012 2:27 pm

    Seriously, “fan@game”?

    First, pretty much every student at Northview reads We try very hard to cover the school as best we can, but can’t live up to everyone’s standards, I suppose.

    Second, the info above was provided by the team.

    Third, Go Chiefs!

  11. fan@game on February 22nd, 2012 1:50 pm

    If you cant mention all the players who had a part in the games, then NOBODY’S name should be mention. As I recall, there were SEVERAL players that knocked in runs and got a couple RBI’S with single hits!!! It takes ALL NINE PLAYERS to WIN the game not just a couple!!! More Northview students read this web site than you know and REMEMBER its a TEAM EFFORT ((((NOT)))) just a COUPLE,,,just saying Mr. William!!!!!!!!!!!!