Mobile Officer Fatally Stabbed; Suspect Killed, Second Officer Wounded

February 4, 2012

A Mobile police officer was fatally wounded and another officer was shot Friday afternoon in an incident that began at the Mobile Metro Jail. The suspect was later shot and killed by police after a standoff.

Officer Steven Green, 36, was stabbed by 24-year old robbery suspect Lawrence Wallace, Jr. in the sally port of the Mobile Metro Jail. Wallace then took Green’s patrol car and crashed through a sally port door before abandoning the car on Dauphin Island Parkway and hiding under a house.

Green, a husband and father of three small children, was transported to the USA Medical Center where he later died. He had been an officer with the Mobile Police Department since May 2010.

“It is a sad day for the Mobile Police Force and for law enforcement. Our sympathy certainly goes to Officer Green’s wife and family,” Mobile Police Chief Michael Williams said Friday night.

A second officer was wounded in the standoff with Wallace on Daytona Drive. He was treated and released from the hospital Friday.

Wallace was shot and killed Friday evening on Daytona Drive after refusing to surrender to police. He had been arrested earlier in the day after attempting to rob a Dollar General store. He approached the store’s checkout counter, demanded money and cigarettes, then lit the counter on fire after spraying it with lighter fluid. He was tackled by an off duty officer shopping in the store.


24 Responses to “Mobile Officer Fatally Stabbed; Suspect Killed, Second Officer Wounded”

  1. Sara F on February 6th, 2012 6:46 pm

    I would rather be heartless than closed minded.

  2. David Huie Green on February 6th, 2012 10:00 am

    “I can feel sorry for this guys family just as I do the officers family that does not make me a bad person.”

    No, it doesn’t. In fact I imagine you’re a very good person despite the fact that you blamed HIS actions on unnamed others when you said people just passed him through the system.

    You appear to be referring to the educational system, the one which spends thousands of dollars per student per year extra on children with learning disabilities or other problems. If an extra six thousand dollars per year isn’t enough, then it’s another place where we cheapskate taxpayers aren’t giving enough money and need to cough up more for his benefit so he won’t murder us.

    If we’re paying enough to deal with him, then it’s those heartless teachers who are stealing our money and not trying to reach him. In that case, I guess they should all be jailed for fraud. After all, that’s around $78,000 extra wasted just on him.

    Of course, this is based on the assumption he even had a learning disability to start with, that he wasn’t just evil.

    David for real solutions
    and personal responsibility at some point

  3. David Huie Green on February 6th, 2012 5:12 am

    “This stuff will continue to happen because no one cares about children with learning disabilities or other mental problems just pass them through the system and hope for the best. ”

    So you’ve determined this 24 year old child had learning disabilities or other mental problems and was just passed through?How do you know what was tried? What would you have done differently and at what point could this child be an adult, responsible for his own actions?

    David for distant diagnoses
    and final judgment

  4. retired deputy sheriff on February 5th, 2012 6:34 pm

    David Green…I couldn’t said it better, THIS DIRTBAG GOT HIS JUST REWARD HERE ON EARTH. His future looks very HOT……….. My prayers go out to this BRAVE officer’s family and the MPD as a whole…. NO GREATER LOVE THAT A MAN HAS THAT HE LAYS DOWN HIS LIFE FOR HIS FRIEND. This is what this officer did…….GOD BLESS

  5. Stacy D on February 5th, 2012 5:05 pm

    Yes I saw the on the news when they arrested him and he clearly was holding his necklace and said he would be right out.. This stuff will continue to happen because no one cares about children with learning disabilities or other mental problems just pass them through the system and hope for the best. I feel for everyone involved but at the end of the day I don”t know them and its just another day. I can feel sorry for this guys family just as I do the officers family that does not make me a bad person.

  6. David Huie Green on February 5th, 2012 1:27 pm

    “It seems the system failed this young man as a child. ”

    Please share with us the system you would like put in place which would have avoided this grown man from murdering people for the fun of it. I assume it would also have prevented him pouring lighter fluid on the counter at Dollar General and setting it ablaze for the fun of it during the commission of a robbery.

    I saw the gentleman on Channel 5 News laughing about what he planned to do. It was all a big joke for him. I suspect things are much hotter for him right now.

    Who should have done what differently?

    How would you have forced or convinced those who should have done something differently to do so?

    What proof do you provide that your proposed modified system would have saved Officer Green’s life? or even the sorry son of strangers who killed him?

    David for improvements

  7. charlie w. on February 5th, 2012 9:35 am

    Stacy D on February 4th, 2012 7:48 pm This is a sad loss for both families to say killing this young man makes everything alright it does not. It seems the system failed this young man as a child. We do not know what was wrong with him but somthing was off. If he was killed without a chance of a trial then that makes who ever killed him guilty also.

    Just how did the “system” fail this killer? Its not the “systems” job to raise a kid to be a man. Wallace asked for what he got, the “system” did not.

  8. molino jim on February 4th, 2012 8:24 pm

    STACY-D How can you sound as if you feel sorry for this fellow? This fellow killed one officer and tried to kill another by shooting him with the first officers gun. Exchanged gun fire with the officers who were trying to get him to give up. Has arrest records for violent crimes in his pass. Tried to rob the store where he was arrested and transported to the Mobile jail. He has had a lot of chances to not kill and rob, but wanted the easy money. He paid for his crimes pure and simple.

  9. NO-LODD on February 4th, 2012 8:15 pm

    R.I.P. Brother Green, may the lord be with you and yours. Thank you for your service.

  10. Stacy D on February 4th, 2012 7:48 pm

    This is a sad loss for both families to say killing this young man makes everything alright it does not. It seems the system failed this young man as a child. We do not know what was wrong with him but somthing was off. If he was killed without a chance of a trial then that makes who ever killed him guilty also.

  11. Thom on February 4th, 2012 7:28 pm

    As a Correctional Sergeant at Century Correctional Institution, I wish to express my deep sorrow for Ofc. Green’s death. My thoughts and prayers go to his family. As shallow as this may sound to them, I would like for them to know that as far as I’m concerned, his death was ABSOLUTELY not in vain. I hold such courage and dedication in high regard. I will be wearing the black band on my badge in his memory and certainly for his total devotion to duty. Thank You, Ofc. Green, for setting the bar high and showing us the way.

  12. molino jim on February 4th, 2012 7:17 pm

    BOB- I said about the same thing in a comment about the S.O. here going to jail. There is a very thin line of blue and or green uniforms protecting the public. There are people the public don’t want to think about and LEO protect us from such animals. Let us all say thank you to LEO and say a prayer for the family and friends of this young man.

  13. JimD on February 4th, 2012 7:11 pm

    Sad to hear about the Mobile Police Officer. At least his brothers in the police department finished hte job and took care of the animal that was Lawrence Wallace, Jr. . The city and county of Mobile do not have to go through the expense of keeping him in jail or the cost of a trial.

  14. Family K, five of us on February 4th, 2012 4:42 pm

    We honor your loved one, Steven Green. as a true servant and honorable policeman who gave his all for you and for us –the citizens of Mobile. May you, his family, experience the comfort that only comes from Jesus…We pray His comfort comes soon.

  15. jw on February 4th, 2012 4:29 pm

    My prayers are with the Green family. This is such an example of the contrast between those who choose the right path and those who don’t. Two young men – one who chose to live honorably and serve his community, the other…well…he probably started taking the easy way out when he was very young. Young people, think about which kind of man you want to be! It all starts with the choices you make right now! God be with Officer Green’s wife and children.

  16. Lynette Alleman on February 4th, 2012 1:13 pm

    Our prayers where with you the moment we heard about this on the news; our continued prayers for the Green family, the 2 officers wounded and the entire MPD force. We know it is a difficult time for you all, thank you for all you do to protect us!

  17. TW on February 4th, 2012 12:02 pm

    My prayers to out to the Green family.

  18. me on February 4th, 2012 11:37 am

    praying for the Green family

  19. David Huie Green on February 4th, 2012 11:16 am

    my sympathy to the children and other loved ones left behind.

    David, another Green

  20. nene on February 4th, 2012 8:35 am

    My deepest sympathy to both families. Just because this young man made a horrible decision,does not mean that he does not have family that love him. It does not mean that his parent didn’t bring him up right. He had a mind of his own and what drove him to do the things that he did …only he and God know. This is a sad time for 2 families. The suspect family is not responsible for his actions. To all that have kids. We raise our kids to the best of our knowledge. We pray that when they become adults that they will live a productive life and remember what they were taught. It doesn’t always work that way. My condolences goes to both families and the MPD.

  21. Bob on February 4th, 2012 8:31 am

    Ref; Deputy Sentenced to Jail Time Feb 3 2012
    I hope all you folks that found solace in belittling the deputy in this article feel better this morning. When laws are broken someone has to intervene this particular time it cost an officer his life. Folks realize the only ones that continually badger our law enforcement are the ones that have had close encounters or have been incarcerated for some kind of wrongdoing.

    Bob for supporting our law enforcement. Come on David Help me.

  22. Well on February 4th, 2012 7:15 am

    Deepest sympathy to the Green family.

  23. Serina Johnson on February 4th, 2012 5:47 am

    May you rest in peace Officer Green. Working in law enforcement for three years as a dispatcher this really hits home for me, everyday I watched my fellow co – workers go out and protect the city without any heistation or thought, no matter what the public thought or said about them, and honor the vow to serve and protect at any cost. Unfortunately, Officer Green paid the ultimate price when his life was taken in the line of duty. You never know what type of dangerous situation you may be faced with as an officer and i pray his life will be remembered for the great hero he was. And to the man who tried to play god i seriously hope you are getting your judgement as i am writing this. To the family of the suspect i am sorry for the choices he made and i hope you somehow find comfort and to the family of the officer especially his wife and children i pray the lord holds your hand and helps you through this horrible time, comforts you, and allows you to find some type of peace but please do know your husband is a hero and is appreciated by so many fellow law enforcement agencies and officers and the public. Thank you for your service Officer Green, rest well fallen hero

  24. c.w. on February 4th, 2012 4:39 am

    To Mobile police officer Greens family my sincere sympathy.

    To the police in Mobile, job well done.

    Wallace asked and recieved his just due. But why did it take so long to get this jerk?
