Man Indicted For New Year’s Day Abortion Clinic Bombing

February 27, 2012

A  man accused of firebombing an abortion clinic in Escambia County has been indicted.

The two-count indictment charges Bobby Joe Rogers, 41, with arson and damaging a reproductive health facility in connection with the fire that destroyed the American Family Planning Clinic on January 1. Rogers has remained in federal custody since his arrest on January 5.

If convicted, Rogers faces 5 to 20 years in prison for the arson count and up to one year in prison for damaging a reproductive health clinic.


8 Responses to “Man Indicted For New Year’s Day Abortion Clinic Bombing”

  1. What? on February 28th, 2012 12:24 pm

    From the looks of this guy what has he got to worry about? In jail he has 3 meals a day, a bed to sleep in, free healthcare…..he probably will have more than a lot of hard working people in our community…and guess who foots the bill? The tax payers…what is wrong with this picture?

  2. Amy352 on February 27th, 2012 9:55 pm

    Nice to see charges filed. Where are the murder charges fo the abortion clinic staff and their doctors?! God grants life in a womb. This man could hang…. If god destroyed Sodom and Gomorah, I wonder what he will do to us for abortion?! Just saying. I am personally not sorry that there is one less murder factory in the world. Even though he commited a “crime”. Maybe one day it will be illegal to commit murder… Wait as long as they are in the womb murder is okay.

  3. Patricia on February 27th, 2012 12:14 pm

    I think people have a right to their own body…….. He need to b hung ,he has no God given right to do what he did.

  4. JW on February 27th, 2012 10:14 am

    Not all conservative, pro-lifers are for the death penalty. Don’t lump all of us together please.

  5. AC on February 27th, 2012 9:22 am


    In this country, everyone basically has a RIGHT to do anything they want, so long as it does not intrude upon the rights or safety of others. That is the basis of our Constitution, or at least, is supposed to be. However, once you do cross the line and impede upon the rights, or safety of another, your rights or freedom may be taken away from you in like manner. Some rights are greater in hierarchy than others but there is no RIGHT more sacred than the right to live. But even that right, sacred as it is, may be given up if you impede upon someone else’s right to live. Get it? An unborn child has not impeded upon anyone’s rights or safety. They are the epitome of innocense! Now once they are born, and given their sacred right to life, grow to the age of legal accountability, and they give up that right by taking someone else’s life, then the right to life can and should be stripped from them. BUT NOT UNTILTHEN!

    On the other hand, a fetus, even at the time of conception, by every viable scientific definition, is a living organism. They manifest such phenomena as metabolism, growth, reproduction, and response to stimuli or adaptation to the environment originating from within the organism in which the scientific community has defined as the quality or principle by which living things are distinguished from inorganic matter. It is also genetically human. So by scientific definition, a fetus, even at the moment of conception is a LIVING HUMAN BEING. And , we have already established that it is an INNOCENT LIVING HUMAN BEING. It should be afforded all rights as such, chief among them is the right to live, until by their own action they give up that right.

  6. JM on February 27th, 2012 8:25 am

    All I know is this is their chance to get this menace off the street. He is a
    transient who has been here a few months and has been in trouble with the law
    in at least 7 other states. This is why we should hall them in or run them
    out when they are bums. This guy said he has a strong anger for abortion, but he doesn’t seem to have much anger for being a criminal himself and making
    a mockery of our laws.

  7. huh on February 27th, 2012 7:54 am

    They should charge him with terrorism. What if the baby a women is preg with might kill her and the child both for some medical reason? Should we not be pro life in that situation?

    Its funny how conservatives are pro life for unborn children, but once born they are pro death penalty. Where is the pro life stance for all life, including criminals?

  8. HHHHMMMMMMM on February 27th, 2012 7:06 am

    Love the name “reproduction health facility” there is not much reproduction or healthy going on for the fetus