Lady Chiefs Beat Catholic: McCall Homers (With Video)

February 18, 2012

The Northview Lady Chiefs opened their regular season Friday afternoon with a 6-1 win over the Catholic Crusaders.

Senior Lauren McCall hit her first-ever home run for the Lady Chiefs (video below), while junior Misty Doran recorded 15 strikeouts for the win.

The Lady Chiefs will be action again next Tuesday as they play host to the Cougars of Escambia Academy. The junior varsity begins at 3:30, while the varsity is slated for 5:30. The Lady Chiefs  will round out next week on the road Thursday against the Baker Gators.

Pictured above: Senior Lauren McCall with her first ever homer against Catholic Friday night in Bratt. Submitted by Zach Barrow for, click to enlarge.

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6 Responses to “Lady Chiefs Beat Catholic: McCall Homers (With Video)”

  1. Joey McCall on February 18th, 2012 9:04 pm

    I just love going back and reading my post. People like me shouldn’t type fast and not proof read. When my wife reads my post below, she is going to have a fit at my spelling and grammer. (i.e. tried to remained calm, everyone here’s, no place timidness). I’ll try to do better next time for all the english and grammer teachers out there!!!

  2. Joey McCall on February 18th, 2012 11:10 am

    I was proud of her but I tried to remained calm. I am pretty sure that is Zac (her boyfriend)everyone here’s in the background.
    I hope her homerun sparks not only her confidence but the confidence of the whole team! We have got to hit the ball and score runs if we want a successful season. That little white box you step into when you go up to bat is no place timidness. You have to own the plate!!!!!!

  3. BrattMom on February 18th, 2012 10:13 am

    Congratulations to all the girls!! that was a great ballgame, awsome pitching Misty, beautiful hit lauren.

  4. Aaron on February 18th, 2012 8:53 am

    Great job Lauren!!!

    Sounds like Daddy was a little happy for his girl.

    Way to go CHIEFS, keep it up!

  5. David & Ramona Bell on February 18th, 2012 8:12 am

    Congrats Lauren! What a bomb, and I hear a proud dad in the background!!

  6. SFC Ewing on February 18th, 2012 6:00 am

    Congratulations Lady Chiefs on your impressive victory and a special congratulations to Ms. Lauren McCall on your homerun.

    Great video.

    SFC E