Improvements For Raines Road, Stout Road

February 20, 2012

The Escambia County Road Department is making improvements on two North Escambia area roads — Raines Road near Century and Stout Road in Molino.

Raines Road, Century

The road department is removing excess material along the shoulders of Raines Road to allow proper drainage of water off the roadway. The project is 80 percent complete.

Stout Road, Molino

The asphalt crew has completed an asphalt overlay on the road that was necessary due to the deterioration of the previous open grade cold mix material.


3 Responses to “Improvements For Raines Road, Stout Road”

  1. interesting on February 20th, 2012 9:58 am

    I live off of Stout rd. and I am very grateful for the “improvements” that have been done here. I even stopped and told them so, as I drove by. Our road was a mess, and I want to thank those responsible for fixing it!!

    GRATEFUL….(to the county commissioner)….etc…. maybe I need to put in a call to the one we have now….and say thanks.

  2. Char on February 20th, 2012 9:09 am

    They won’t pave roads that aren’t paved now, and when they re-pave roads….

    Somebody isn’t minding the store….it’s your money make the call to the
    county commissioner when we get a new one.

  3. lives on raines on February 20th, 2012 8:19 am

    I live on Raines Rd and all they have done is made my front yard a mud hole!! They didn’t help they just made it worse!!