Gulf Tropical System In February? Seriously.

February 6, 2012

The National Hurricane Center is monitoring an area of disturbed weather in the southern Gulf Of  Mexico.  That’s not a typo — despite the early February date on the calendar.

The system is located off the coast of Cuba, and the chances of development are marginal, according to forecasters.  But, “this area is being closely monitored for possible further development,” according to the Hurricane Center.

It’s not likely the area will become a depression or tropical storm, unless the area finds a little window with decreased wind sheer.

There has only every been one tropical storm recorded in February. It formed in the same spot in the Gulf and tracked into southeastern Florida on Groundhog Day, February 1952 with sustained winds of 50 mph.


11 Responses to “Gulf Tropical System In February? Seriously.”

  1. J W on February 6th, 2012 10:16 pm

    Well a couple of years ago we had one in December, so what is the big deal about one now? We live in the south. It is to be expected. The north has been slammed with snow storms all winter, so we might has well have a tropical storm in Feburary. Globel warming/Gods plans which ever what are we going to do about it? Nothing just take what is handed to us by the weather. God has his own plans and we know NOT what they are!!

  2. we(a)ther or not on February 6th, 2012 12:40 pm

    Golbal warming is a natural occurence( not man-made). It’s been going on for millions of years. UP and DOWN. Its all in GODS hands……………

  3. Sheila Rodges on February 6th, 2012 12:25 pm

    In my opinion the weather patterns are the same as thousands of years ago. The difference is that now scientist have the technology to observe it .
    Dont blame the weather man or woman, all they have are machines to predict what will happen.
    Yes, the earths weather has changed, but its not the first time and I doubt it will be the last.

  4. Mike on February 6th, 2012 11:40 am

    Thats why they are called weather men, They don’t know weather they are wrong or weather they are right. lol But hey, someone’s got to do it…

  5. Friction Rides Again on February 6th, 2012 11:30 am

    The weather man can’t accurately predict the weather 10 days from now. Do you honestly they can predict weather cycles ten years from now?

  6. mike on February 6th, 2012 11:17 am

    Oh no, everyone hide. The movie 2012 is for real. As Bill Engvall would say, I urge you to steal food, hord gas, if your an elderly American, you will not make it through this storm. Come on folks, the weather has been drastically changing over the past decade and even before. Call it Global Warming or whatever you want. All I got to say is you better be ready when the maker of it all calls your number.

  7. James Broel on February 6th, 2012 10:08 am

    For those that don’t follow the beliefs of global warming can we agree on unusual weather events and climate change like this event?

  8. David Huie Green on February 6th, 2012 9:41 am

    “melting glaciers in many parts of the world, some of which are important source of fresh drinking water”

    You DO realize for a glacier to be an important source of fresh drinking water, that it would have to be experiencing some melting, don’t you?

    David contemplating
    creation of liquid water from solid water

  9. darryl on February 6th, 2012 8:52 am

    You may debate the cause, but the fact is global warming is happening. Some current evidence; melting polar ice caps, melting glaciers in many parts of the world, some of which are important source of fresh drinking water, an increase in the tropical zone, thus pushing up the arid subtropic zones (and thus drier conditions to occur in the SW USA causing more wild fires), more severe weather patterns, etc.

  10. nene on February 6th, 2012 8:10 am


  11. Friction against the machine on February 6th, 2012 6:01 am

    Get ready folks…obamas crew will be blaming this on global warming and the speculators in the market will spike your gas prices.