Gas Prices Rising And It’s Not Over Yet

February 26, 2012

Gas prices continue to increase across the Gulf Coast, up 20 cents in the past month.

The average price Saturday for a gallon of regular unleaded was $3.63, up from $3.43 just a month ago. One year ago, that gallon of gas was $3.25. Industry analysts are expecting prices to rise about a dime during the coming week thanks to tensions in the Middle East.

The area record was $4.03 in July 2008, leading many motorists to change their driving to save money.

With gas prices hitting an all time February high and the current national retail average price for a gallon of self-serve regular gasoline hanging at $3.65, many drivers are anxious about what to expect in the coming months.

“Every driver is impacted by the increased cost of fuel,” said Marshall L. Doney, AAA National vice president. “There are several easy things drivers can do to stretch each tank of gas and find the lowest fuel prices when it is time to fill up.”

The cheapest gas price in the Pensacola area Saturday was $3.53 at a handful of stations on Mobile Highway. Across the state line in Alabama, a Flomaton Shell station was at $3.51.

Pictured top: A gallon of regular unleaded gas was $3.61 Saturday night at this station on Highway 29 in Cantonment. photo, click to enlarge.


25 Responses to “Gas Prices Rising And It’s Not Over Yet”

  1. SHO-NUFF on February 27th, 2012 11:58 pm

    Get to a half of tank, go ahead and fill up.
    Fuel prices are going up a few cents every day. A 20 cents increase for 20 gallons equals 4 bucks.
    A good habit to keep the tank topped off any way because Hurricane season will soon be on us.

    We might also want to go buy some Beef and put in the freezer. Beef prices have went way up recently and it looks to be a continuing trend.
    Might be time to find some good creeks to fish in or kill a few squirrels before it gets too hot. I might look around in the chicken coop in the next few days for an extra Rooster to make some dumplings out of.

    Our favorite table food in the South, chicken, AKA” Yard Bird”, is getting to pricey for me!

  2. David Huie Green on February 27th, 2012 5:31 pm

    “It’s NOT Obama’s fault, but he does have the power to fix it.”

    I’m also not faulting our president for the situation but if some situation is unacceptable and he has the power to make it acceptable, wouldn’t it be his fault if he chose not to do so?

    David just wondering,
    not griping (never griping)

  3. Atmore G on February 27th, 2012 4:49 pm

    According to many financial websites, demand for crude oil is down due to a mild winter.. Commodities traders however, claim that demand for gasoline is higher due to the inability of the oil companies to get the crude to the refineries in sufficient quantities.. The Canadian-Texas pipeline has not yet been approved, so the Canadians are probably selling a lot of their oil overseas.. The Trans-Alaska pipeline is producing around 1/2 of what it did years ago, and a lot of that also goes overseas.. I think the blame for this should be shared by the government and the oil companies..

  4. Jane on February 27th, 2012 4:49 pm

    Get emails going to your representatives and Congressmen! Ask them to pass an export tax on all oil leaving the country, and make it a high tax! Maybe the gas companies will pay attention then!

  5. CE Waite on February 27th, 2012 10:37 am

    How is it that no one is aware of Legislation in Congress designed to limit Wall Street Speculators. It is Titled: Anti-Excessive Speculation Act of 2011. The Senate Version of the Bill is : S.1598 and the similar House Bill is: H.R. 3006.

  6. JW on February 27th, 2012 10:34 am

    Get real folks, put your prejudice aside. It’s NOT Obama’s fault, but he does have the power to fix it.

  7. David Huie Green on February 27th, 2012 5:08 am

    “Its all greed people…all greed…the whole world is greedy”

    said the person who didn’t want to part with money, at least admitting being greedy as well since we are all part of the world.

    David contemplating pots and kettles
    calling each other names

  8. red on February 26th, 2012 8:17 pm

    drill baby drill. bury pipelines from canada to texas. use more natural gas(which we got a bunch of) and fire obama. problem solved

  9. Martha W on February 26th, 2012 7:07 pm

    We the people have to stick together on this and just stop going as much make fewer trips. If we all stood together we could make a impact….But we as people will never do that so maybe plant food for this summer to help make sure you can eat healthy.

  10. wow on February 26th, 2012 5:06 pm

    DON’T THINK ITS OBAMA’S FAULT AT ALL! The problem is Iran and Wall Street driving the cost up, when its not totally justifed.

    Congress should and could stop Wall Street from BETTING on the price of oil.

  11. baebae on February 26th, 2012 4:16 pm

    Its all greed people…all greed…the whole world is greedy…trying to get all they can get before its over….I overheard a conversation at a funeral ” I wonder how much money he left ? ” and the other man answered ” He left it all ” And so will we…why have people and large corporations gotton so greedy ? Greed is at the root…we can not serve GOD and money…its one or the other…..what we are seeing is a result of worshipping money and power

  12. nudo on February 26th, 2012 4:09 pm

    I dislike Obummer as much as anyone….get a clue people its not exactly his fault.

  13. James Broel on February 26th, 2012 11:20 am

    I believe it is good to know one of the real reasons for higher gas prices as shown in the link. Facts are good things to know. Emerging countries are increasing demand for oil supllies. We are no longer the only country that needs so much oil. Time to get a more efficient gas burning automobile. Mine gets 36 on the open road.

  14. why on February 26th, 2012 10:37 am

    Wow…like always everything is President Obama’s fault..right? We all know the game of rising gas prices…it is what it is.

  15. jodie on February 26th, 2012 9:52 am

    Otto….just read the article on And the only question I know have for our congreesmen and women is “WHY ARE WE EXPORTING ALL OUR GAS?” We need it to keep prices down. I for one am going to write our congressmen/women and state my “two cents”. Which is usually all I have left after filling up.
    Everyone should read this article and do the same!

  16. David Huie Green on February 26th, 2012 9:45 am

    “we need to put an export tax (per gallon) on our gas”

    That might work.

    Let’s see, say we add a dollar per gallon cost to export gasoline. Unless the people buying it are willing to pay the dollar more, they will have to buy their gasoline elsewhere so overseas refineries will begin to provide their fuel needs. That will be good for THEIR economies.

    Meanwhile, the money they WERE paying for the fuel will go to some third country rather than the USA so they may stop trading in dollars but go to the currency of the other country and stop propping up our economy.

    Further, the folks who sell us petroleum for refining into gasoline would have other markets closer to home and stop filling in the gaps in our production and domestic demand so that part of our economy cuts back. If they do bother to sell to us, they’ll feel justified in tacking on a dollar a gallon export tax on us since turnabout‘s fair play. That would force the price of domestic gasoline up to pay for the higher expenses. So possibly our final result would be higher fuel prices and a collapsed economy.

    But maybe not. We should probably chance it and see.

    David considering likely results

  17. wow on February 26th, 2012 8:43 am

    Iran—- Wall Street—- What can we do about it?????

  18. Jane on February 26th, 2012 8:31 am

    Here’s a thought; maybe we need to put an export tax (per gallon) on our gas for the gas companies. They might start keeping it here instead of shipping it overseas! And we could put all that money toward reducing our deficit! Email your congressman if you like this idea! Of course it won’t get done, but I like the idea!

  19. Mic Hall on February 26th, 2012 8:20 am

    No matter what you pay for gas. When Diesel goes up EVERYTHING gets more expensive. Food especially.

    The best thing we can do for everyone and certainly the poor is to take the extra taxes off Diesel so that the price of food can be reduced. Everything in your grocery store, and almost everywhere else, comes by big truck. Every time fuel goes up the prices go up. Want to help people get all the extra taxes off Diesel. Not only are there the regular taxes gas has but extra ones JUST for Diesel and ALL of that is passed on to those buying what is delivered by those trucks.

    The other problem is why the prices are up. Not because of supply/demand but for every different reasons. Someone needs to look very closely at this and bring the power of the government to bare on those who are manipulating prices outside of real competition in prices which would be at least a $ lower.

  20. Otto on February 26th, 2012 7:41 am

    “Wow Obama is doing one thing the is fulfilling his campaign promise…Change…..thats all we have left in our pocket after we get a paycheck….”

    Oil is priced a world market. It doesn’t matter how much is found if the overall demand goes up globally, the price is going up. Especially now, with new markets developing such as China and India , demand is going to increase. Add to these factors the unrest in the Persian Gulf and the Iranians threatening to close the Straits of Hormuz. The oil companies and speculators are smiling all the way to the bank.

    Here is one for you the U.S. is a gasoline exporter:

  21. Friction against the machine on February 26th, 2012 6:51 am

    For all you that voted for Obama……was this what u had in mind?

  22. Jane on February 26th, 2012 5:20 am

    Yes, “Thankful”, you are right! But the one good thing is that as gas prices go up, Obama’s ratings go down! All we need to do is put a tax on the gas we send overseas so the gas companies have to pay a high tax on anything going overseas. We have enough gas here if they would find a way to keep it here! Email your congressman with that idea…let’s see how much control the gas companies have on Washington!

  23. chris1 on February 26th, 2012 4:38 am

    Its b/c all the money printing (more dollars chasing the same barrel of oil), we are 200 trillion in debt.(Prof. Kotlikoff), make enemies all over the world by invading their countries and telling them what to do.
    Peak oil is real too.

  24. Flguy on February 26th, 2012 2:57 am

    Let’s not forget us diesel drivers, I paid 4 bucks a gallon tonight

  25. Thankful on February 26th, 2012 1:06 am

    Wow Obama is doing one thing the is fulfilling his campaign promise…Change…..thats all we have left in our pocket after we get a paycheck….