Five Arrested In Joint Undercover Drug Operation

February 4, 2012

The results of a joint drug operation that ended with the arrest of five people were announced Friday afternoon.

The arrests were made Thursday by the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office, Pensacola Police Department and other agencies. The arrests were the result of a joint drug operation conducted throughout Escambia County, according to the Sheriff’s Office.

Additional arrests were made on federal charges; a complete list of those arrested on federal charges has not yet been made available.

The following Escambia County residents were arrested on state drug charges:

  • Darryl McCall, 32, was charged with one count of possession of marijuana with intent to sell.
  • Shaun Hartsfield, 28, was charged with 2 counts possession of marijuana with intent to sell within 1000 feet of school, worship, or business, two counts of possession of marijuana over 20 grams, one count marijuana trafficking/conspiracy.
  • Demarcus Kyles, 23, was charged with one count of cocaine possession with intent to sell within a 1000 feet of school, worship, or business, one count cocaine possession, three counts marijuana possession with intent to sell within 1000 feet of school, worship, or business, four counts possession of marijuana over 20 grams, one count marijuana trafficking/conspiracy.
  • David Pickett, 27, was charged with one count possession of marijuana with intent to sell within 1000 feetof school, worship, or business, one count marijuana trafficking/conspiracy, one count possession of marijuana over 20 grams.
  • Olabisi Allen, 27, was charged with one count marijuana possession with intent to sell within 1000 feet of school, worship, or business, one count possession of marijuana over 20 grams, one count marijuana trafficking/conspiracy.


17 Responses to “Five Arrested In Joint Undercover Drug Operation”

  1. dad on February 5th, 2012 1:57 am

    Just curious as to what countries are going to volunteer to take our criminals so we can deport them?

  2. Jimbo on February 4th, 2012 9:19 pm

    Deportation is cheaper than incarceration. Embrace deportation. Citizenship is a privilidge, not a right. Remove the scum.

  3. billy nowling on February 4th, 2012 3:18 pm

    as long as you have buyers there will always be sellers !!!! users have no respect for anyone or any laws they always try to justify using by saying its just weed , whats the big deal well its illegal thats the big deal

  4. anon on February 4th, 2012 10:59 am

    Ed Barry;

    I agree it is over marijuana, but didn’t the same thing happen right here in America during Alcohol Prohibition? Compare the cartels to the Mafia, same exact thing just this time it is coming from Mexicans south of the border instead of Italians in New York. It’s not the plant itself causing all the murders and human trafficking and this and that; it’s the fact that it’s illegal here and there is big big money in smuggling it across the border. Do some research on Prohibition and see how that parallels to the modern drug war and the problems caused by it before you go spouting what you watch on Faux News or CNN. Do your own research and draw your own conclusions, it doesn’t take a Doctorate degree to be able to do that!

  5. Ed Berry on February 4th, 2012 10:28 am
  6. Char on February 4th, 2012 8:36 am

    I am happy about EVERY single drug bust they do. That is one less drug
    out there to start another child on the progression what ever that might be.
    I don’t believe it is a progression of drugs, I believe it is a progression of
    going to the wrong places, and seeing the wrong things on the pursuit of
    those less offensive drugs. YOU are who you hang with and what you
    are exposed to in other words.

    I think this bust was necessary IF IN THE PURSUIT OF WORSE DRUGS

    What this Woman does not understand is we all know that DRUGS go
    hand in hand with guys who work on CONTRUCTION AND the PLANTS.

    I have worked both in MY LIFE and so has one of my SON-IN-LAWS,
    the whole field is riddled with drugs and for the most part in every state
    in the nation.

    NOW that is not to say THAT EVERYONE who works construction or in
    the plants are on drugs, BUT YOU know it EXISTS and it is time to
    stop looking the other way. WE ALL know where that has led us, our
    children, our grandchildren, our nieces and nephews ETC,ETC, and
    their futures are at stake.


  7. billy nowling on February 4th, 2012 8:14 am

    so now weed has moved from main street to back street

  8. jobe on February 4th, 2012 7:50 am

    Actually the gateway drug theory doesn’t explicitly state that people move from pot to harder drugs to increase a high. It more so talks about the social pressures and new availability of harder substances in the search for marijuana. So in that way making pot harder to find sends people into shadier places where thier weed can be found, but so can meth, cocaine and perscription pills.

  9. Jane on February 4th, 2012 7:46 am

    I appreciate that they got these guys off the street. Please understand that if they are selling pot they are probably doing meth and crank and whatever else they can find. The ESCO is going to bust them for whatever they can catch them with at the time of arrest. That doesn’t mean the people selling pot aren’t selling other harder stuff too.

  10. billy nowling on February 4th, 2012 6:19 am

    to all who posted about the other drugs , get real and realize that weed is the stepping stone too those other drugs . i dont think any meth head just woke up one day and said im gonna try meth today , they got there trying too get to the next level of HIGH

  11. bratt res on February 4th, 2012 5:57 am

    I have to say ECSO does a heck of a job. These guys just busted a meth lab a little while back. There out there on the streets putting their life at stake for our freedom. Wonder how the family feels right now in Mibile knowing their loved one died in line of duty at such a young age. By a thug I may add. It really dont matter if it is pot or any other drug. The law is the law. I understand the feeling about pot, it is pretty harmless but it is known that most that fool with pot will eventually do other drugs.
    These guys are way under paid. Our country has it backwards. The gov should be taking care of any person in uniform financially. It is really a shame that we bash the duties of officers, but if you were in trouble and needed one, you would call, he would react and be willing to die for your protection.

  12. anon on February 3rd, 2012 9:57 pm

    I agree with you Wharf that those more than likely aren’t the greatest of people in the world, I’m just pointing out that we should be spending our tax money eradicating more serious things than a little POT. Spending all that time and effort in a multi-agency drug operation, one would think they would clean the streets of all the meth, illegally obtained and sold prescription pills, etc. But who did they seem to focus on? The ones selling a (mostly) harmless plant that grows out of the ground. A plant that has been used for thousands of years by cultures all over the world with little to no ill effects!

    Granted, a little weed most likely isn’t the only thing these guys were involved in and I am in no way, shape, or form saying these guys are angels… just that if you’re gonna go after dangerous mind altering substances, try getting the drunks off the road first. Try stopping the demon called methamphetamine. Get all the opiates and benzodiazapines and barbituates and other legal drugs used and sold illegally that actually KILL people off the streets before you worry about a drug that just makes someone raid their refrigerator.

    Try raiding these gas stations and head shops around here that still sell all that synthetic marijuana or bath salts even though Florida law has made all of that stuff schedule I. I’m just tired of hearing all about the “War on Drugs” when all it really and truely is, and will ever be is a War on Pot!

  13. Wharf Rat on February 3rd, 2012 8:04 pm

    @ anon: Rape, murder, child molestation, battery, theft, fatal auto collisions, and any number of other affronts have been the result of any mind altering substance. However, the defense team at the Federal Court are awaiting your expertise. Help the thugs walk….man, get involved. The world awaits you!

  14. Stacy D on February 3rd, 2012 7:40 pm

    Yeah I feel real safe now that all that weed is off the street. Seems to me they dont want to bust the meth houses right in there own neighborhoods. I would rather live next to a pothead then a methhead.

  15. anon on February 3rd, 2012 4:43 pm

    Thank Christ they got all that horrible marijuana off the streets! Maybe now that all of those hippie stoner pot-heads (and the ONE with cocaine) are off the street, they can focus on real crime; like rape… or murder… or child molestation… or battery

    Oh yeah, there’s no money in that.

  16. anon on February 3rd, 2012 4:33 pm

    Thank Christ they got all that horrible marijuana off the streets! Maybe now that all of those hippie stoner pot-heads (and the ONE with cocaine) are off the street, they can focus on real crime; like rape… or murder… or child molestation… or battery *wink wink*

    Oh yeah, there’s no money in that.

  17. baebae on February 3rd, 2012 4:18 pm

    I dont see any smiles ……just one question…where are they putting them all… the jails MUST BE full by now…Whats wrong with our country…LOOK AT THE PICS AND READ THE ARTICLE…the youth of our times are ruined…